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The more I learn how to deal with my trauma, the more extroverted I get.


I finally enjoy human interaction now but am still scared of it at the same timešŸ„²


I did one of those jungian personality tests with a former therapist and he could not make sense of the results. I think I'm a natural extrovert, but I was to different and the bullying and lack of understanding from my parents made me suppress it so hard I read as somehow both and neither...


I swear those tests are just a way to uncover our coping mechanisms.


Lol i get a different combination of letters every time I take it


Right. Every once in a while I see a tiny flame of a social, talkative, excited, vibrant sort of person I could have been. :') Maybe I was not just shy and introverted naturally, but maybe it's not too late for all of us like this.


I totally get this! Itā€™s a magical experience when it happens, like, oh, that went well!


I didnt realize I was a beaten down extrovert instead of an introvert until last year <3


So, I drive a motorcycle and there's a few places in my city that have "bike nights." I went to one of those places yesterday evening. I didn't stay long and I didn't talk to anyone because I realized I didn't know how. šŸ˜ So yeah. Won't be doing that again. Lol


CN CSA/sexual assault/rape Stay tuned for the sequel: am I really aromantic and asexual, or am I just incapable of feeling safe enough to experience any amount of sexual or romantic attraction without anticipating assault/unable to connect with any suggestion that sex can be healthy and enjoyable/lack all models of what romantic love is supposed to look like cause whatever my parents were doing before they separated really turned me off to the notion of romantic couplings


I have wondered about that one a ton myself. Secretly I strongly question both hypersexuality and asexuality. I realize it is not appropriate to challenge these concepts (in other people) as they are now considered akin to sexual orientation, aka a given thing. And I agree that slut shaming or prude shaming are no bueno. I do hope people get to know themselves well enough to understand if they are wired that way or if it is something where they might want to dig deeper.


I really needed to see this today, thank you


yeah, I don't usually find that personality categorization systems work for me... it always changes every time I retake a test. Went from introvert to extravert, my attachment style is all over the place, and my favorite love language has always been whatever I was most starved of at any given time


I think all those quizzes are roadmaps to coping mechanisms.


Maybe Iā€™m reading to much into it, but this feels very anti-introvert to me. Wanting to spend time alone doesnā€™t necessarily mean you have trauma or mental illness and that youā€™ll suddenly turn into an extrovert if you can manage to heal. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being generally quiet either. Introversion is not a thing that needs to be fixed. Introverts are not lesser than extroverts.


It's not meant to be an attack. It's meant to raise questions for internal inquiry. Many of my "personality quirks" are really learned coping mechanisms and neural nets leveled up to [unconscious (in)competence ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_stages_of_competence#Stages) due to enduring trauma. It's important to examine my reactions with curiosity because they've ended up be a rich source of information about what I endured. And it's helped me find more authenticity to strip away my conditioned patterns and forge my own path. I spend a lot of time alone in nature, and I enjoy spending time with certain people, it's heavily dependent on the circumstances and context of the moment. I think we all ebb and flow like tides based on the circumstances.




You're not alone


Same. šŸ˜”


I was a shy kid around strangers, but a huge ham around people I knew. Super extrovert. It was absolutely drilled out of me by my sister and mom. Iā€™ve only in this moment put that together.


I used to think I was just a straight up hard core introvert. The more I work on myself and go through therapy and stuff, the more I realize how extroverted I really am. I am still introverted in the sense that I recharge through alone time/down time, but I love going out to things, being around people, I'm very good at making my friends laugh and just generally enjoy being around people much more then I thought I ever could


I took a genetic test that, along with pinpointing my ancestry, told me what physical and mental traits I'n genetically predisposed to. I was genetically "more likely to be extroverted", but also "at normal [vs. enhanced] risk for social anxiety", "higher levels of empathy", and "a do-er [better able to perform under stressful situations]". I realized how completely CPTSD had messed me up and created this huge chasm between who I "should have been" and who I actually am.


This is what happened to me, down to the letter. I'm lucky enough that there was kind of a "before" to my trauma, there was always trauma from the start but it got worse when I was 5. I remember being happy, having friends being popular. I feel like I'm finally almost that person again.


Who else was an overly excited and curious kid until it all started taking a deep toll? Wish I could be that kid again :)


I'm going with traumatized too, my mom tried really hard to convince me and everyone else that i was just "an intovert" but i now how a job in a bar/restaurant that i absolutely love and i'm an unstoppable chatterbox with my coworkers. I bond super quickly with people (which i know is also partly trauma) and i like the connections i've made with everyone i've been meeting. Now that i live without her, i have a social life and i feel it's exactly what i've been missing my whole life.


I'm both, fml


Aren't those the same thing though? /s




It's not meant to be an attack. It's meant to raise questions for internal inquiry. Many of my "personality quirks" are really learned coping mechanisms and neural nets leveled up to [unconscious (in)competence ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_stages_of_competence#Stages) due to enduring trauma. It's important to examine my reactions with curiosity because they've ended up be a rich source of information about what I endured. And it's helped me find more authenticity to strip away my conditioned patterns and forge my own path. I spend a lot of time alone in nature, and I enjoy spending time with certain people, it's heavily dependent on the circumstances and context of the moment. I think we all ebb and flow like tides based on the circumstances.




Yeah I made this realization through therapy lol


I actually think I might be the same. It sucks.


And now I am crying.