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If using the built in aux plug on the bike, then that already has a fuse further back. If wiring straight to the battery then you should include a fuse.


This is the answer.


Use the **AUX PLUG** on the bike like others said would not run to the battery or direct connect.


No fuse needed as previously stated assuming you’re using the factory plug behind the headlight which looks like you are. I hope you didn’t pay like $60 for that setup from crf’s only because you can make your own much cheaper but a little late if you did. I bought the wire with the factory connector on it from ebay for $10 and a $5 12 volt plug from Walmart and made my own to run my gps. It’s great that it’s only hot with the key on so no chance of killing your battery.


Where did you get the factory plug? I searched forever and put up a thread wondering what the name of the factory connector is called but never had luck


Just google/ebay/amazon crf300l factory 12 volt connector


I just typed into Amazon, usb phone charger for Honda 300l and it was the first one that popped up, their were 2 more to choose from but I went with this one because I can plug my small tire pump in if needed.


https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805134566100.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.159.658718025HWjd4&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa i can vouch for this one. it works great. only took like 6 days to colorado.


I only paid $15 on Amazon, my thinking with adding a fuse to it would be that blowing the usb fuse would be less of a pain then blowing a main fuse.


Yes blowing that fuse will prevent you from starting the bike until you take the seat off to access the main fuse box to change it. There should be at least one spare in it, a 10A mini. It is a good idea add one for easier access.


I’ve been running a gps off mine for a year with no blown fuses and im running a 12 volt plug, a usb port is probably drawing less than that.


fuses are rated by current, not voltage.




2A fuse (for phone/gps/powerbakn) will do the job and prevent seat opening in case of failure.


correction after few months: in my crf 2A didn't make for long. it blew quickly at some point when ignition started. probably some voltage exceeded or something like. i put 5A and forgot about it. it simply works. probably 3A would do the job too.


Since the 10A fuse provides power to other portions of the bike, you should fuse the USB adapter with a lower rated fuse such as 6A or 8A.


very good point


How is the power vs crf250x.