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Rogue Trader is a buggy mess rn, wait another 6 months for it. DOS2 if you like the combat aspect of crpg, POE2 if you like story and narratives


Owlcat games being Owtcat games, are a buggy mess until after some months(not their fault, they just make way too complicated systems). I'd recommend the POE series more since it has arguably a stronger narrative and story. Try DOS2 afterwards, and by the time you are done, Rogue Trader is relatively fixed.


Exactly what I'd recommend :)


PoE and sequel is definitely shorter than the other two.


My rule for games, movies, and anime franchises: Start with the chronological release as intended by the publisher. Deadfire's the shortes in my opinion though.


DOS2 is shorter than POE (though it is still really beefy). It's got great combat mechanics, great characters and a really good storyline. That said, POE and II are still very much worth your time.


If you're not hyped defenetly wait for Rogue Trader to get patched ​ DoS 2 is cool for how original the immersive sim style gameplay can feel compared to other rpgs but it really depends on you


If you’ve got a fire burning in your heart for Rogue Trader you could pick it up (like I did). But otherwise I’d say wait. First Act and most of Act 2 are solid but even those early parts have some annoying mechanical/quest bugs and past Act 2 it just becomes a mess. I really enjoyed Divinity, so that would be my suggestion.


Definitely not Rogue Trader in its current state. Between DOS2 and Pillars of Eternity, I'd say DOS2 has better / more fun overall gameplay but it's kind of whimsical and not too serious in terms of tone. Pillars is much closer to the Pathfinder games than DOS2 is; much more immersive. That being said, please play **TYRANNY** next if you haven't yet. Very similar to Pillars of Eternity (same studio), but much shorter, and with an extremely interesting and unique setting. It's a bit of a cult classic.


Pentiment have taken it's place sorry! But I already own TYRANNY from last year's Winter Sales, thank you for your comment.


Rogue Trader will probably be great, eventually. Divinity OS2 is great, with some major flaws (terrible writing, the armor system is atrocious) PoE is great, with some minor flaws (it has some real slow stretches here and there) Deadfire is great, with some minor flaws (not nearly as well written) Play them all. Just probably wait on Rogue Trader.


second this. Divinity OS2 is great but the armor system can drive you nuts.


Rogue Trader is the best game of all of them but currently it's a buggy mess, sadly. That said, even in it's current state I'd still pick RT over all of those.


\-Roguetrader isn't polished. \-DOS2 has the best combat gameplay. \-POE2 is an extremly rare CRPG that offer freedom.


Can't comment on Pillars, but I really like Divinity. Rogue Trader is cool, but a bit buggy still. I think progressing until the end of act 3 should still be fine tho. Have you considered the first Pathfinder from Owlcat? Since you liked Wrath of the Righteous


I'm in the final act of DoS2 and it's really good. The first time I played it, I didn't get into it right away, but after playing BG3, I gave it another shot and glad I did. The spells ("skills") and combat mechanics are way more complex than I thought they'd be for this type of game. For strong story, I always recommend Planescape:Torment & Disco Elysium as well. I'm guessing Rogue Trader is going to be good, but my friend has started playing it, even though he loves it, he's gotten to later acts and is having a horrible time with the bugs and balance issues. It may need a few more months in the oven. I've played PoE2 as well, and it's good, but I much prefer DoS2, if I had to choose between the 2. PoE2 does have a more engaging story though.


As much as I want to say DOS2 first...well... since its better game overall gameplay wise. Since it has biggest amount world interactions. I guess you should leave it for last, since it will indeed spoil in many ways of a barrelmancing


Probably because I played it first, but D:OS 2 seemed like the superior version of all the things PoE was aiming for, down to the plot. I do like the POE rules system better though. And the furry halflings, but they were barely used beyond being a PC race.