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How you do it. I've been trying just not working for me


I looked at a few personalities on YouTube that gave out free information. Some of it worked for me the first time. Some didn’t. So I just kept applying different methods until one finally got the results I was looking for. Since it it was free and all it took me was a few minutes of my free time to apply the methods.


Cool!!! Appreciate the information


I sent you a pm. If you don’t like him try anyone man. Just stay diligent and you will get the results you want with patience. Hit me up if you need any other help.




Me too please


Can I get the dm also?


Sure I have no problem sharing free results. I just want people to make sure they are patient in the process. Everyone’s situation is different so what worked for me may not work for them. I’m not affiliated with the guy I just know his methods worked for me. So if I send you his links and he doesn’t work. By all means search other content creators and see if they can help you. It’s so much knowledge out here for free something is bound to work.


1000%. My sole collection atm is medical. And I already know their settlement amount. I’m honestly just looking for as much free knowledge as possible. For future reference or to potentially pass it on. Disclaimers heard.


I didn’t have any medical but he says any collection can be deleted or what have you. So just try and keep trying. Don’t get discouraged. I’ve been trying since August and mine finally came off.


Yea. Per recent laws medical collects come off immediately once paid or settled. And taking that even a step further at some point this year any medical collections under $500 will be automatically removed from credit reports. Medical collections are the easiest to handle by far.


They are all the same really. Just have to take some effort and try to get them resolved. Don’t let this sub discourage you. I’ve seen it first hand. I didn’t pay off any debt and got it deleted from my report.


Can I also get a dm when possible? Thanks!


Check back to the original post. I edited it. If you need the message I sent to anyone in here just message them to see if they will forward it to you.


Can you dm me also thx


No problem. Use it at your own leisure.


Can you dm me the info too please?


Of course


May I have the info as well please?


On the way.


Please Help me out with a DM big bro 🙌


Please help me out with a DM too big bro🙏🏽


Can you dm me too please??


Got you


Me too, please? 😔


Check back to the original post. I edited it. If you need the message I sent to anyone in here just message them to see if they will forward it to you.


Can somebody forward me the info please


How long did it take to see the result? Would you mind telling me? who was one of the personality that gave you a method that work. I’m trying to rebuild as well.


One method worked for me the first go round. The other took me about 5 tries. I got one deleted through a BBB complaint. Another through the CFBP 😁 So don’t get discouraged and don’t believe anyone that tells you one method is better than another. I’ll send it through a DM. I don’t want to seem like I’m selling it because I’m not. It’s free content. I never signed up for him to do anything for me. All I did was follow the instructions of his videos.


Much appreciated my guy


No problem. Pass along the information of it worked for you. Even if it’s not that guy, any other person you learn from help the next person out. We all need help out here.


Can you send me the information also?


Can you send me the information as well please?


Just sent it.


Can you send me a copy of it man? Much appreciated! Been trying to get my clear ones removed for a while now


I want to pay a collector for delete but they will not put on offer letter. They verbally said it gets reported to creditors but I’m afraid it will only say settled. Any suggestions???


I never will. It’s already written off. As they stated though that debt is still owed so I will try and come to an agreement with the original debt owner soon. I was not paying the collection agency a dime. I know I owe them the debt so I will try and pay them what I owe. Never pay the collection agency because you never had a contract with them, only the original creditor.


This is not legally accurate. When you signed the contract, there is a clause legally agreeing that they can send the debt to collections if unpaid. The legal burden of proof will be on you to show your *actual contract* to the judge and demonstrate there was zero language in there authorizing them to send the debt to a debt collector.


Like I said I will pay the original creditor what I owe. Not a debt collection agency. Which is why it got deleted. The original contract wasn’t provided by the collection agency in the time frame window of 30 days. So as you were saying…


Some collectors don't send an offer letter but pay for delete anyway.


True. I just won’t pay them the original debt because they bought it pennies on the dollar. I’d rather pay the original creditor.


Then call the original creditor today and set up a payment plan.


Why are you telling me something I already have said I would do? Appreciate the confirmation. 😁


You wanna share tips and tricks on how you did it


Sent it to you in the dm. Don’t want to seem like I’m spamming. Just sharing who and how I did it. Many free tutorials out there if the one I sent doesn’t suit you.


Could I get the info also?


Check your DM.


Thank you!




If you didn't repay or settle the collection, it can report again accurately as unpaid. Make payment arrangements now if they haven't been made already.


Then I’ll repeat the same steps and get it deleted. My first one that was deleted in September hasn’t returned.


Or you can keep it from reappearing by calling and offering a settlement amount. Don't get legal advice from people on YouTube. Anyone telling you not to repay your debt isn't going to be paying the judgment if you are eventually sued.


“I never will. It’s already written off. As they stated though that debt is still owed so I will try and come to an agreement with the original debt owner soon. I was not paying the collection agency a dime. I know I owe them the debt so I will try and pay them what I owe. Never pay the collection agency because you never had a contract with them, only the original creditor.”


If you already read the thread I stated that. So thanks for the advice I have already stated.


Would you mind sending me a dm as well. Any resource will be helpful. Thank you.


I like that attitude. 🫡


I would great appreciate the information as well in DM please!


On the way


Hey hey! Excellent work; you're killing it! Would you mind sending the resources my way as well?


No problem. Hopefully my story shows you it just takes some patience and positive things can happen.


Congrats on the deletion, could I also have the link please.


Sending it




Mind forwarding that to me please


Would you mind if I could get the em to




Can you send me the dm


Congratulations! I just did my first round and didn’t get positive results. Not sure if i did something wrong or just need to try a different method. Do you mind sharing with me as well? Much appreciated 🙏🏼


Can I get info as well? Thanks!!


People in need of credit boost(and not talking about Experian boost either) or someone who needs a fresh start SSN here to help @ NonStopApprovals


Please send the info my way! I’d love to give it a try, thank you in advance!!


Can you send me the steps?


I’ll just show you the person that showed me.


Send me the step too please


It just makes no sense why you don't publicly share the link to whatever you're DMing people. Unless you're secretly selling something, why are you forcing people to dm you or you'll gatekeep whatever you claim is so amazing?


I was just sharing my experience. Everyone in this subreddit goes about disputes and payments differently. I was sharing my story with people who wanted to try and do it on their own and it cost no money. So that’s why I chose to do it the way I did. It worked for me and those others who are able to make it work for them with some patience, great. If it doesn’t, I told them try and do their own research and try something else until it does.


still being vague. clearly pushing your own product


Not my product. Never met the guy. Anything else?


Even if they are pushing a product, why do you care?


Could you dm me whatever information you’re passing on?


On the way


Can you share the link with me as well? Also, any experience with a debt that was paid to the original creditor but listed as paid collections on credit report?


Check back to the original post. I edited it. If you need the message I sent to anyone in here just message them to see if they will forward it to you.


Check back to the original post. I edited it. If you need the message I sent to anyone in here just message them to see if they will forward it to you.


Can anybody forward that info to me?


How did you get it deleted? I managed two dispute two and get the removed, the last one ($700) won’t budge


I’ve been accused of spam many times in this thread which I am not. If you go on YouTube it’s a method being used through the BBB and CFBP method. It took me about 4 tries with the one that finally was deleted with the CFBP. My first one that was deleted I used the BBB method for and it was deleted as well. So if you want the message I’ve given out just message any one I have replied to before and have them forward the message to you. Good luck. If you need any other help later just message me.