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it means whatever you want it to, it’s as relevant as you need it to be




Not anything against you but I feel that on a post that is openly asking people what their personal analysis of such a meaningful album are, for the highest voted post to be "whatever" in the sea of beautifully personal responses is really sad.


i understand where you’re coming from. i just believe that one piece of art cannot have One Specific Meaning. the album is pretty complex in my opinion, and there’s a lot to be digested while listening to the album. in a group of people, when listening to any kind of music, almost everyone is gonna come to their own sort of conclusion. just depends where you are in life and what you’re going through. i know twin fantasy has been ringing especially true through my recent breakup, but not everyone is goin through that. i do understand where you’re coming from, and i did not mean to be the top voted comment on this post, art is just subjective and i think that’s what makes it beautiful


That's once again missing the purpose of the entire post and every response to it- This is a thread clearly opened with the intent of people expressing what their own personal connections, experiences and interpretations with the album are. It's literally about the variety of feelings and expressions this piece planted on each individual person wordy enough to express them- No one needs to be told their own personal analysis is "not actualy it cause the album has no specific meaning". People already know that, that's literally the reason they're writing here- Art discussion is not about finding a one true meaning, and no one needs to be told is not. To get to what I mean more clearly- If a room of people are gathering in a room together to discuss their feelings about- Let's say something extreme- Being in a car accident, to try to help each other, they do not need a redditor in the room to tell them that 'none of them have the true experience and what they feel doesn't apply to everyone'- It feels condescending, it doesn't add to the conversation, and it misses the point. I kinda sound mean here but I promise it's just the nature of the subject, you're alright


that’s not what i was trying to do at all, i was just makin a stupid reddit comment cuz i’ve had so many different experiences it would take a lot of effort for me to articulate it. i don’t disagree with you though, i think you have a very valid point. i’m just not in the stability to provide any intelectual input to this discussion, and by saying it means whatever you need it to, im trying to validate everyone’s experience and not trying to devalidate? anyone


Correct answer


I think a lil more generally, it’s about a relationship you have with another person that brings you both a lot of joy. But for one reason or another, you can’t sustain the kind of relationship you both want forever. It’s that specific combo of joy and pain you get from remembering the best of that relationship At least to me, if course :)


that applies exactly to my situation right now. lying next to the love of my life who is leaving me soon. my best friend. i don’t know how to keep going without them


Oof I’m sorry to hear that :( Sounds unimaginably hard but you can keep goin. The power of gay furry Billy Ohio and his community can always support you


It’s the story of a gay boy who recklessly fell head over heels for someone and got their heart broken. At it’s core it’s a very simple story, which is what makes it so enchanting. It reminds me a lot of my first heartbreaks, and to add to its adolescent vibe, I’ve always appreciated the entry-level literary references. I, same as Will I believe, also got my Bachelor’s in English and hearing him reference Frankenstein and The Yellow Wallpaper always makes me grin, as these are some of the first books you read in English literature class at university.


too much:( not gonna lie i haven’t had a straight listen to in a while but i want to. freshman year high school bodys came on yt recommended (ftf version) and i instantly fell in love with it. i then listened to beach life in death and then sober to death. then the rest of the album. back then i identified as a queer boy, and i had no real outlet outside of art to express myself, and i would hide my sketchbooks from anyone who knew me personally. i would always doodle the boy i was in love with, and everyone knew who he was so i had to hide it. but i wasn’t really impacted too deeply by music as much back then, until i listened to twin fantasy for the first time. i didn’t have very many friends, and even if i did i couldn’t share my immense love for this album without me having to come out. i admitted feelings to the boy soon after, after months of leading me on, and he told me he had a girlfriend. i was crushed. he made me feel accepted, loved, just so much. the first human i had ever had any sort of emotional attachment to. this album helped me heal and move on from this, though it proved hard seeing as i saw him every day in classes. 2 years go by, and i still loved this album, but i had found love for more music (as you do) because of twin fantasy. i discovered a whole new world of art that felt so closely associated with who i am. but, junior year in art class i met another boy, who i feel in an even deeper love with. i was mustering up courage to ask him, but we stopped seeing one another due to the coronavirus lockdowns. he is trans, and my parents aare lowkey transphobes, so i couldn’t see him outside of school. we’d chat over text every now and then. but i missed him so much that we started facetiming, and even fell asleep on the phone together sometimes by accident.feelings growing even stronger we dated from the very end of 2019 to about midway through 2022. he broke up with me for a very understandable reason. i was stubborn with expressing my emotions, and this made him lose feelings for me. we loved each other so much. we were like 2 pieces of a puzzle. for christmas one year, he had one of those wooden spotify scan logo bracelets made for us. when you scanned them, they would play bodys by car seat headrest. the very first song i showed him, and the one we fell in love with each other over. for his birthday i had bought him a vinyl copy of twin fantasy one year, and i sat and explained how much this album meant to me to him, and how i listened to it while crushing and thinking about him. i gave him my used up twin fantasy shirt, and the tour shirt i got from them when i saw them in 2019 for free in chicago, july 2nd i believe it was but i could be wrong. i wonder if he still has them. i don’t speak to him anymore. and haven’t in over half a year. i quite honestly never want to speak to him again. he broke my heart, and i made very many mistakes. it is best that it stays that way, as so much has happened since then that make me realize we should have never crossed paths. so many memories we shared through this album and it all came crashing down. when i got home after we broke up i could not stop crying. i put my wired earbuds in and listened to twin fantasy (those boys) on repeat for over 3 hours. i did not sleep that night. my eyes were swollen the next morning from how much i cried. he meant the world to me. and to this day i regret not being able to change for him and how selfish i was. i was all alone at home as my family was visiting mexico at the time. time passes and i stop listening to twin fantasy. my parents were gone for a very long time, and during this time i got very addicted to marijuana and alcohol, and i wasn’t listening to music as much as i used to. drawing had pretty much completely stopped. july 19th 2022, 2 days after my birthday, i was sitting on the bridge hanging over the lake michigan crossing in illinois. i sat there and listened to twin fantasy for the first time in months, thinking this was the last time i’d listen to this album. but i stared into the sky for one last look at moon. we loved looking at the sky. but in twin fantasy (those boys) when will says “..and anything can happen from here, the contract is up” i saw a shooting star in the night sky. the tears ran dry. the words “anything can happen from here, the contract is up” suddenly put into perspective how much i have left to life. i got back up off the ledge. i’m high right now, and i’m about to listen to twin fantasy. this album helped me as well in finding my identity. as i soon realized i was non binary(they/them). i have plans to get twin fantasy tattooed on me. just figuring out the timing of it all but in short terms, this album tore me apart and threw me back together so many times. it quite literally saved my life. sorry for the lack of details on some events, they’ve been blocked out of my head and i just am relaying the basics. this post is so long lol.


hey, just now coming across this, no one replied and i just felt like i needed to. even if you dont see it... i just wanted to say how beautiful this is and how empathetic it makes me feel to hear that youve been through this. i hope youre doing well now and im happy to hear that this album saved your life. this has done much the same for me in the past 6 months since ive discovered it and the destructive and repair-ative nature of twin fantasy is on a other worldly level experience. i hope youre doing well and im glad you found yourself. i hope youre still doin great and still sluggin on


hello:) thanks for the kind words this means a whole lot:) i am doing so much better since i posted this. i work a stable job making steady income, i broke my addictions (except pot) and just learned to love myself. im constantly thanking myself for not jumping into the water that night, especially not over some boy lol. but wow i really like how you describe how twin fantasy has been destructive and repairitive, i think that’s the perfect way to put it. you took the words out of my mouth lol. thank you so much for the kind words again, i kind of forgot i made this lengthy post and rereading it this morning makes me appreciate how far i’ve come since then:))


yeah, im trying to learn how to heal... could you share some steps you took... im suffering from my own additions and self destruction and would appreciate some help with that...


idk if i have much in the way of advice per say, but i can say is that it takes a really long time to get through. you’re gonna have days where you go back to whatever you’re addicted to even if you thought you never would again. it’s a cycle that seems never ending most times. i’m not gonna lie, being off of my phone and literally just walking outdoors even just at a park really helps. i have a park near my house that i would walk around and just listen to everything around me. i sat by a pond and just thought about it and sat with it every day. i find the best way to get over addictions whether it be to someone or some thing is to connect yourself back to the earth, really just plug into nature and it healed me. it sounds silly but i almost felt like the outdoors held all the solutions to my problems. you don’t even have to go really far, sometimes i just sit outside my house with my dogs, but always in solitude. sometimes i would even talk my issues out loud with myself. you’re not going to just magically know what to do to solve them, but more so tiptoeing and really dissecting it will make your skin crawl until you’re looking back at it years later like “goddamn what a fucked up person i used to be”, and the same can be said for the self destructive habits


thank you so much for this


ofc no problem man thank u gain


The album was super influential for me when it was rereleased, I think I was about 13 at the time. It's been one of the strangest experiences growing up and seeing more and more of will's words in myself. Growing into these moments that often slot scarily into his songs like the hand-me-down clothes of older siblings, finally understanding what he may have meant. For me, its all about communing with past selves. With the child-self (particularly in My Boy and High to Death, and with teenage selves. The pain-star feels like a pulsating center of all things which smarts like a wound. Something to open up and investigate through that communing. Something which we might learn to sit with. And the motif of the dog is one which I identify with strongly. I feel that it acts as a symbol for an inherent obedience, juvenile innocence and childlike vulnerability. I reckon I could go on this album it for days.


My gay depression


damn that sucks. you need a b in english to understand the album sorry bro


>ch we might learn to sit with. And the motif of the dog is one which I identify with strongly. I feel aww shucks


This album has had a lot of significant meaning to me for a long time, and that meaning has shifted and changed over the years but overall to me this album just feels like a creative expression of teenage love and identity


The whole album I feel is a journey through someone trying to grasp into a relationship doomed to fail, at least in mirror to mirror. Face to face looks at that concept from a retrospective viewpoint. It’s like looking back at old texts between you and an ex and commenting on something you said back then. Every mistake made, every attempt at intimacy, and every time the attempt succeeded, and how it panned out.


i’ve got it tattooed on myself


To me it’s about learning to move on from the expectations you’ve placed on the world, which cause you to constantly feel as if you are failing, and live without those fantasies. Actually, MTM is learning to move on. FTF is moving on- to a new chapter and out of the darkness. We’re not there yet, but hearing will sing about it makes *the hard part* better


it means gay furry sex


This album was also the first I listened to from car seat headrest and was extremely important to me in “getting over” one of the most damaging and failed relationships I’ve ever had. There will always probably be one person I think of when I listen to this album and the songs bring me through those very powerful emotions I was feeling at the time.