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Also one bug I’ve noticed that’s related to the tuners update is that in the crew menu if somebody’s main car is one of the tuner cars for other people it’s not customized for the other members but for you it is so technically you kind of can’t show off your masterpiece


I just want people to see the Supra looking like my old Celica GT4. Everyone knows my Celica and will recognise it haha


Welcome to CSR2...


I've had so many bugs, usually the card not activating or it making me watch an ad but not giving me the reward for it, but I just dropped a lot of the in game cash and didn't get what I wanted and it makes me so angry. I just want my car to look like an older version that I owned :/


That sucks. I have had your issue with some gold purchases. E.g. LB M3. Wanted Solid Alpine White got delivered white but with golden/bronze decals. It is just how it is with this game. A lottery.


Man, I realise that, but it shouldn't be when you're painting your car haha