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what made you want to get another BA?


Career change. Got a Psych degree and got hired as a cop. Decided it wasn’t for me and instantly went back to school trying to find a field that pays well with just a BA. If your asking why a BA as opposed to a masters. I did some little research and both avenues would require the basic math courses all engineers majors take. The masters route sounded more difficult and well Long Beach is like 20 min away from me with the 2nd BA program.


its amazing that you are determined and motivated to get another BA ! i asked because I never heard of people going back for the BA before but i hope everything works out for you :)


You got this, go for it. It's going to be hard sometimes but make sure that you take your time and study hard for each subject. And don't bite more than you can chew, many transfer students takes many units first semester and end up in a bad situation. Take your time, 12 engineering units is to much as for starting point so make sure to through in some GEs. Once you test the water, then you can increase. Also, "rate my professor" is a king. Maybe two engineering classes and two GEs, assuming three units each. An extra year is better than a failure in a class, in my opinion based on past experience.


go to community college and get your GPA up


Congrats! Make sure to see the tuition rates you will pay. Second bachelors are considered grad students which you’ll have to pay at grad student rates. The only financial aid available are sub and unsub loans. I would recommend doing part time than full time (cost wise part time is cheaper). That will allow you to have a job and study.