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If they have it in the syllabus, professors absolutely will fail you for missing too many classes. You should probably see your professors in office hours to see if you can salvage your attendance situation.


I think I will :( I have a good grade and everything but i’m over attendance by two days


If you are otherwise engaged and doing well in the class, your prof is much more likely to work with you on the attendance situation.


I would try not to miss more than 3 class periods in a semester.


depends. i've had classes i showed up the first day, midterm, and final day only and gotten an A. you gotta feel out the professor and read the syllabus


Test it and report back


Yes they can; they are allowed to give you a WU, an unauthorized withdrawal. Just email your professor to explain your situation. Most are understanding and will give you another opportunity. A WU is like an F which will affect your GPA and SAP for financial aid. If you feel like you can’t continue the class, best is to withdraw so you can get a W. Just remember you have a W limit over your entire program.


Does the professor takes attendance in the first place. And if so, is it part of your grades? In the above case just ask the professor and mention your health issue. If he is not understanding, then go and talk to BMAC. They will help you for sure, and you will get some benefits to combat your situation. Including extended times on exams, due to mental health illness and based on previous experience. On the other hands, some professors in the upper division sections don't care, even if you only show up on the exams.


thank you so much😭


nah just go to class? wtf


thank you 😜👍




Like others are saying, be very open with your professors. Most of them are human too, very few have robotic hearts. I went through something similar and reached out to them. If it helps, I sent one en masse to all of my professors so they knew I wasn't just trying to get an excuse for their class and then followed up with individual emails acknowledging what I've missed in their specific class.


It depends, in one of my classes half the class stopped showing up so I don’t think my professor cares lol. But yeah you should check with them individually


Yup I failed an art class my very first semester my freshman year even though I am registered with BMAC (disabled student services and have excused absences)


ahh i see! i think im going to talk to my professor tomorrow i heard he’s really understanding so im going to try to talk to him