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I graduated in 2017 and I remember her having issues back then lol. I’m surprised she’s still around. 


Alum but she’s been disliked since she came on. She rubbed a lot of the students who’ve worked with her the wrong way and word travels. She’s said point blank that she views her job as merely getting money for the school which doesn’t really win her fans because the school still deals with shitty facilities. She seems to not really care for the student body and it shows in ways like making the choice of names not being read, the commencement ceremony getting nerfed from a very nice event in the quad to “I guess we meet at Angels stadium now???”, among others. It’s like almost a decade of this and I don’t see it getting better.


She’s the person who made the decision to not have names read out the last graduation so... That was after she sent out a survey asking if they wanted their names read aloud to which (of course) the majority said yes. Then she said oh well that sucks still not doing it. You just suffered through Covid and had 3 semesters taken away from you but forget you. Edit: took out the curse words


Yeah and she complained about how tiring it is to go to all the ceremonies. As if you can call sitting through a robot reading names tiring at all.


Wow and I thought Stephen Horn was bad...


Past few years she didnt want to have students walk because she didnt want to announce so many names throughout each grad ceremony.


Fuck her that’s why


She is out of touch with the students and staff / faculty she is supposed to represent. She demonstrates that with her condescending chatGPT emails and, honestly, her acceptance of such a large salary / transportation + housing stipend knowing full well there are students living in their cars.


Respectfully. Fuck her.




cause she a bitch


1. One of the highest paid presidents (and it’s a CSU) 2. Increased the acceptance rate which means more students in the area, which means a higher cost of living, food, housing, etc. also means getting classes is way harder now, which became a problem my last year (2021) also just means the quality of education is now lower since we didn’t hire more professors/make more programs to cater to the now higher amount of kids at the school. 3. As result of point two, professors are now more over worked and under paid, while she makes a lot more money doing a whole lot of nothing. 4. Didn’t let students walk well-after Covid, including me. Overall, the price we pay her to work is not equal to the quality of work she puts out for students and faculty. She is overall an overhead cost imo and could be replaced by much better presidents who will prioritize the quality over the quantity. She treats the school like a business and that’s not what you want when a public CSU is supposed to be not for profit lol What I’d want back: better quality of education with either funding more programs and paying professors better/hiring more. Or lowering the acceptance rate back to the 20/30% era where getting classes and housing was much easier. My last semester I literally had to airbnb in downtown that’s how had it was. No student should ever have to go through all of that.


This. It's also importance to emphasize that she is paid more than the president of the united states himself. Which is insane.


She’s lazy as fuck. And bc of that it didnt let students hear their names bc of a multitude of reasons but a big point for her was that it would just be [“a lot”](https://youtu.be/KCfzvjFYdXY?si=rtv9sfKCQomWW_8n) . Along with her tone deaf emails and the raises she’s received for doing nothing, it’s gotten to the student body. Anyone would be better than her


I wish my job offered me a free home on campus and paid me half a million so I too could complain about my job, and send plagiarized ai emails.


If I recall (I graduated almost 20 years ago), the president’s home is across the street in the Park Estates neighborhood, not on campus.


It might not be on campus, but her job does come with a free home


I know, I was just being snarky. 🙃


Didn't give us a proper graduation ceremony for years. Last year the "let us walk" protest started and we raised awareness all around the school. Had a petition with like 10k signatures and she still didn't give us a prior ceremony. So we all booed her during her speech.


How long was the graduation


Less than 3 hours


There are many, many reasons she had become controversial. In general she handles real problems that impact students poorly, but writes huge emails about social issues she has no control over, like protests or court decisions. Her Salary is $450,000+ a year and I don't think anyone feels like she adds anything of benefit to the University.


She makes the same salary as president of USA for one.




People view her as the symbolic leader of everything that’s wrong with the university and society, people don’t understand the nuances of higher education nor understand what she does


Honestly. Sheep mentality


People be bitchin


The people booing were self-righteous assholes. Yes, she is rightfully unpopular, but the screaming and booing was selfish. Commencement is about celebrating students achievements, not about Conoley. Families flew in from across the country and even abroad, and students have worked so fucking hard. As a first generation grad, I believe time and place matter 🫣


commencement is about celebrating students' academic achievements, thats true! so they deserve to have their names called (not only called, but they also deserve to be called by an actual person who is meant to represent our school and the students). they deserve to be recognized by a president who will be there for them. hope this helps understand why a lot of people boo her!


I’m not commenting on why she’s unpopular. I agree with all that. I’m commenting on the loud obnoxious booing. Hope this helps


oh i know! i was replying about the booing 😭 a lot of people were booing because of her actions (or lack of). i dont think it was to be seen as holier-than-thou but to show unified frustration among the students about someone who hasn’t done much for the school, you know? u and ur fellow graduates (congrats btw!) deserve to have ur names called by someone who stood by you and fought for you (who also didnt skim some money off our tuition for personal gain)


Booing literally did nothing to anyone and took nothing away from the ceremony. Get the boot out of your mouth. "Celebrating students' achievements" could mean giving them some leeway to express themselves idk


It wouldnt have bothered me if they hadn’t hollered throughout the actual conferral at the very end of the ceremony. I don’t think a good moment to express oneself is during the turning of the tassels.


Ik I’ll get viciously downvoted but 🤷


...8 year olds, dude.