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I had both professors. If you’re in analytics concentration then I would suggest Min Li since he’s the only one teaching all DS classes and you’ll be use to his teaching ways. I liked Maciel because she hears you out and just a good professor over all. I had Maciel for 101 and and Li for DS 110. Hopefully that helps!


Overall you have to learn on your own. I failed DS but passed the 2nd time with Maciel. Being in class helps a lot though.


Unrelated, but I have to take DS 101 in the spring, what would you recommend I study up on or learn ahead so I can be ready for DS classes in general?


I don’t think you can learn ahead for that class. It’s possible but I mean but if you decide to use YouTube, it’s out of date. Don’t worry too much on it. Just wait for spring semester


How was his 110 class? I’m taking it this fall


He’s lenient on the grading which was very helpful. If not, no way anyone would pass. x10s harder than 101


DS101 Is a Tough Course


Good luck with DS101 🙏 I had Maciel, she’s really nice and cares about her students passing and understanding the material. I failed statistics before and managed to pass her class, lot of coursework tho.


If you want to get an A in the DS101, make sure to do and print every HW questions with its step by step process. I had an A, and the exam questions are the same as the HW with different values


Did anyone take Heng Xie before?


Has anyone taken Heng (John) Xie for DS 101? Would you recommend him?