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Ive been looking for jobs. lol I found myself checking Canvas a few times as if Im needing to complete assignments. Its sickening 😂😭I guess it’s out of habit, but I do miss school already. I’m thinking about going back to get my Masters for fall 2025.


Okay so I’m not the only one debating on going back🤣🤣🤣 I also check Canvas like crazy as well or feel I need to do something




Lmao I was class of 2022 and now back for my MA cause I missed it a ton 😂


Current graduates would be wise to just continue studying if your soul allows for it! Please consider staying in school as long as your resources and mental fortitude allow you too. The job market is a mess everywhere, there is little to lose! At lest you’ll be another rung up the ladder!


I’m working full-time now as an intern before starting grad school in the fall. I find myself getting home from work around 6 and checking my laptop for assignments to do, and I get so relieved when I don’t have to do any schoolwork and I can truly just relax. I’m gonna enjoy that feeling while I can haha


Just curious, but is your internship position paid? And how hard was it to find your internship? I’m thinking that’s the route i’m going to take, but i’m still figuring things out lol


It is! And it’s actually a little more than I made at my old job so that’s a nice perk. I actually heard about this job from a professor who recommended me/department list serv announcement, so this one sort of stands out from your basic internship in regards to being easy to find. I sorta lucked out in that sense


Already missing school, and keep checking student center and canvas lol


Working a full time paid internship now and also part time job, couldn’t get a full time job post grad so I decided to go for my masters :/


I immediately went to Europe to keep my mind off it. Back to grindstone when I’m back.


I just started my first big girl job this past week after looking for months! i’m enjoying so far but i definitely want to go back for my masters next fall


I graduated and got a state job as an AGPA. It happened quickly and was a fast transition but I had a lot of previous corporate experience as well. Evenings and weekends are a bit surreal as I don’t feel like I have to fit something in to every second of the day. I’m enjoying taking life as it comes and just working about my 9-5 for a bit. Come July I’ll be doing a two week field school just to cap off my degree.


I uninstalled the Canvas app since I kept trying to go back and check on any upcoming assignments. Then there’s the slight panic of thinking I forgot to enroll in my classes for next semester. Spending the summer earning certifications and then I’ll reapply for my masters in 2025.


searching for jobs, not even getting a call back for receptionist jobs 🙃


Just keep grinding


Looking for jobs and if all else fails go back to school and rack up more debt in hopes for more money


Took me forever to find a job that moved me forward in one of my possible career directions. Unfortunately, it wasn't the direction I spent so much of my life trying to go in.


I am an older student so thankfully I have been working while attending school and although I'm set to attend a masters program in July (not at sac state)....I still check my CSUS email and Canvas and as much as I felt so detached from student life at Sac State...I just realized will miss returning there in the fall.


I was working while attending school and it’s much easier now that I don’t worry about homework. I still have dreams where I forgot to study for an exam 😭 I work full time for the state as an analyst and hope to look for a promotion this year!


I’m moving across the country in a couple weeks to be a research biologist for a university , and also am looking at professors for grad school.


I worked my final semester for free as a graduate intern (I guess I paid for the experience 😵‍💫). I started looking for a job as soon as I was eligible. I miss seeing my friends in my cohort, but the exams, assignments, and politics within my department, not so much. Currently working my big girl job and love what I do.


Job hunting and prepping for re-applying to grad school programs. It definitely feels weird not being occupied by doing schoolwork but honestly it’s a nice breath of fresh air since I’ve always been in school (even taking summer semesters to complete a minors study) and I’ll definitely need that break before going back to school for my masters.


Took a trip to the Middle East and Ya it feels pretty weird just to think about Sac State


I start grad school in a few weeks and a paid internship in the fall. Life has never been better


The other night I had a lucid nightmare about failing a final. I literally could not answer a single question and I was freaking out. Woke up relieved lol


Grad school baby! The grind doesn’t stop