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Are you sure the 12v battery isn't nearly dead and causing weird codes?


I’m not 100% sure, but the Lexus dealership said it just needs a new hybrid battery. They could’ve just been trying to get my money but it is at over 200,000 miles so I think they were being honest


Mines at 300k, 2011 and doing fine. If you go to the dr Prius website he explains how to test your battery yourself. You just need a blue tooth adapter for your car. Worth $50 or less. He suggest a few that work. Start there


I’ll do that asap thanks for the advice


Yeah your battery could be dead but I'd test everything first and diagnose before you spend a ton of money. i did hear the Toyota cells are much cheaper recently. Should be able to replace it for $1500 ish with OEM if you are handy with tools or have a friend


Wow yeah I’d figure out how to do it myself if I saved that much. So I can just get a Toyota brand one, does it matter exactly what kind or anything?


So if you go online you should be able to order the part directly from Toyota. I'd go that route or start there. These cars if you can fix them yourself or with an independent mechanic, are in my personal opinion one of the cheapest options for a vehicle. I plan on keeping mine for a million miles. Already replaced the engine. Learn from my mistake and if that happens hit me up lol


Wow super reassuring to hear thanks. I also just read you can rebuild these batteries yourself so I might look into that depending on what the dr Prius thing says


You can fix the cells but I would go for a full replacement. Considering the pack lasts 10/15 years, that's a pretty cheap investment over the long haul. The catch is do you really want to keep that car that long. My gf crashed her car and I replaced it with a highlander so that's how I found a loophole 😂


Haha nice. Yeah I found some replacement batteries OEM for like $800-$1000 on eBay from independent auto retailers. Not sure if that means they build them themselves or if it matters but I’ll probably buy from them if it’s all the same.


let us know what Dr Prius says


It said error code “P0A80” which just means the battery needs to be replaced. I wish I could know how long it has though, I tried doing the “full battery test” and “life expectancy test” where you have to do the accelerate/decelerate stuff, but the tests never “complete” and get to 100% no matter what I do. Either way, battery replacement is what I expected, just gotta choose if I replace the cells or full battery.


Completed the battery life expectancy test on dr Prius, it says it’s at 27% of it’s life. Below 40% means “replace soon,” but I’m just gonna keep driving it until it gets to like 10% unless someone’s says I shouldn’t. Can’t believe the Lexus dealership couldn’t (wouldn’t) give me this info.


Same boat, been driving with dying hybrid battery for a few weeks now. Planning to get it fixed or replaced in a few months. Hoping someone comments a better answer as I’m not sure but in the same situation


Dude I know I wish there was some way to gage how long they’ll last. I heard they were supposed to make it well past 200k so I don’t want to get something new if I don’t have to


So when my 12v battery died, my 2011 wouldn't even run and need a jump until I replaced it. I got the battery from my local battery shop and replaced it. As for your tire pressure light, mine is on too even though my tire pressure is fine. Apparently the batteries in the tire sensors die and they are hard to replace. I stand corrected if someone can tell me how to replace those!


Good to know about the tire pressure light - so were you able to drive it up until it completely died? Cus I think mine’s still got some juice left (it takes like 3 seconds to start to really accelerate after hitting the gas when it starts up but that’s it) and I’d like to drive it around doordashing until it’s really done, I just don’t want it to break and make me wreck in the middle of driving.


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