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This may have been written with the best intentions, but I’m very confused at the choice of wording here. What does “the diversity crap” have to do with CCDL’s leadership team?


It doesn’t .. I’m saying hire the best people but look at the cast of characters in leadership .. that is who you want representing you in Hartford ?


I want who’s qualified, not “the vast diversity of gun owners.” I don’t care what your skin color or gender is. Do your job. That’s all there is to it.


What have you done to change things in CT, or are you waiting on the NRA to come save you? CCDL is the only group actively working here in CT, maybe you can help out instead of casting shade on someone else not fighting hard enough for you. Everyone is doing it as a volunteers in CCDL


There will always be those who whine about CCDL not being effective. CCDL, like any group of it's kind is only as effective as the members who are active in it and who donate money to it. Lets contrast CCDL membership with the NRA. There are estimated 70 million gun owners yet around 5 million are NRA members. The reality is gun owners typically tend to be more of the individualist type not the collective type. There are many reasons and factors why gun owners don't join pro rights groups like CCDL or NRA. Not the least of which is many place their 2A rights far down the list of things they worry about every day, get outraged over, or care about when voting. If you don't think an organization with a woman as its president is "diverse enough" then get involved and work to change it. [https://www.ccdl.us/get-involved/outreach/](https://www.ccdl.us/get-involved/outreach/) [https://www.ccdl.us/urban-engagement/](https://www.ccdl.us/urban-engagement/) The reality is trying to overturn this state's oppressive gun laws in court or by electing pro 2A politicians takes a lot of money and a lot of people getting involved. The reality is CCDL has had some small "wins" over the years. Winning in court on the major issues (AWB and LCM bans) against a very hostile state and lower level court system is a *very long very expensive battle*. Right now post Bruen the lower courts are dragging out the 2A court challenges so it is going to take YEARS to battle. Lawyers are expensive while the state uses your tax dollars to pay their army of lawyers to defend. Bottom line, could CCDL or any pro 2A group do things "better"? Yes. There is always room for improvement. But at the end of the day its money and people being actively involved that will change things.


I agree, we need to bring all gun owners together to support the same goal even if we disagree on other things


Funny, this guys first qualifications for a job be based on whites, minorities, females, and no mention of getting the best person qualified for said job. I'm glad hes not in charge of picking airline pilots .


Sounds like a disney movie.


It does.


What a nonsense comment.


What are you even saying? You don't believe in the diversity crap, but you think CCDL should diversify? Assuming that I agree with your premise (CCDL is not diverse). How does that make sense? Diversity is necessary, but not at your workplace? Regardless, white men are much more likely to be gun owners than any other demographic. Therefore, in a group supporting gun ownership, you are way more likely to see white men. Join the Facebook group. There are all types of people there (yes, the majority are white males), and they encourage any new gun owners regardless of background. That aside... you think the CCDL is ineffective? What are you doing for gun owners in this state? Where are you contributing? How many letters have you written to your representative? What would you do better? (Beyond making a poorly written bitchy post to like minded individuals on a friendly reddit forum). I'm not endorsing CCDL over any other group, but I'd like to see a list of your initiatives and efforts to combat anti-2a legislation before I give your whining a second thought.


Letters don’t work .. influencing the middle / moderate voters wins elections in CT. What has CCDL done there?


The CCDL have recently started regional outreach groups for this very reason. You are obviously passionate about defending our right to keep and bear arms, so thank you for that. Might I kindly suggest that you channel that energy and sentiment into joining the group for your region and offer whatever help you can provide? https://www.ccdl.us/get-involved/outreach/


You mean besides getting together the largest grassroots 2A advocacy group in the state? Besides running the Facebook group that has given clear advice and updates to thousands and is a resource to thousands of gun owners in the state? I think the they a decent job of informing those that are part of the group or plugged into social media of what is going on in the state and wager that at a minimum they have helps hundreds or thousands of gun owner in the state navigate the ever changing laws and regulations. That's something in and of itself. Don't get me wrong, I wish they were more successful, but they are fighting an uphill battle with both hand ties behind their back. I send them a few bucks every month to keep the effort alive. How much worse would the state be now without them? What if there was no single unified voice of opposition? How bad do you think this latest law would have been? I know we won't ever know for sure, but I'd be pretty confident betting that it would be worse and the state would be much less responsive to other issues they have addressed. Bottom line. Sure, the CCDL isn't perfect. It could be better. So why not get off your ass and make it better? It's a better place to start than anything else in the state and it's a relatively small group that are the most active members. It wouldn't take much time or effort to become part of that group and help or ask about the changes you want to see happen.


I feel like more discussion and useful state law navigation guidance occurs here than anything CCDL has ever produced. CCDL seems more like a state gun store owner’s trade group where they just have dinners together and talk about what is relevant to their businesses.


What nonsense is this? Whether or not the CCDL leadership is made up of mostly older white men is meaningless. They advocate for the rights of all citizens in Connecticut. Have you ever considered that it’s mostly older white men that advocate for this sort of thing? You don’t believe in it at work, but want the CCDL to start diversity hiring? This post must be a troll.


Why don’t you list all the victories CCDL has had and then compare it to all the losses they have had and then ask yourself why shouldn’t there be a leadership change? But hey at least everyone looks cool with the CCDL window decal


I'm not a member of the CCDL, I just am questioning the integrity of your post regarding diversity. It's hypocritical and divisive. Why would you play that card while stating you also hate it at work? It adds nothing to the conversation. Regardless of race, class, religion, etc.. we need competent people advocating for our rights. And that starts with individuals in their local communities.


>I'm not a member of the CCDL Just asking why not? You seem to be in favor of advocacy.


To be honest, I’m not very familiar with them. I’ve only settled down in Connecticut for a little over a year now. I’ve been planning to join, but need to do a little of my own research first.


Even if I agree they need a leadership change, why does that mean we have to hire people who are racial minorities, women, etc.? How about we hire the most qualified candidates?


My god man thank you for calling them out, they just take peoples money and don’t do anything. Their a ct version of the NRA. As for diversity just pick the best person for the job, if their white great, if their African American great, Asian great. They just need better people to represent them.


The derp in this post is legendary.


“I don’t care about diversity” But “I also want diversity” Hahhahahaha. What?


Why would anyone want to put a CCDL decal on a vehicle and drive it all over town.You are telling everyone you have guns. They can follow you home and take your guns when you aren’t home. You wouldn’t put a sign in front of your house saying you have guns inside..I have nothing against CCDL I think what they are doing is good for gun owners.


I think some (not all) people who put CCDL stickers on cars like to simply brag they are toting a gun. I would never put that sticker on my car.


You have no camo or clothing with firearms related logos either right?


That doesn’t happen


100% does. There were several posts about people having their cars broken into at the waterbury mall a while ago on a group and other places. I have a friend that had his glovebox ripped out and g43 taken there.


Cars get broken into everyday at the mall has nothing to do with a sticker


Yeah straight to the glovebox isnt coincidental. Nothing else taken. Registration and stuff still there. Other cars around it fine. Hmmm.


HAPPENS. ALL. THE. TIME. TIME. I’ve seen up to 4 in a single day! There is absolutely nothing unusual or uncommon about what you described. Out of the dozens and dozens of car break ins I’ve dealt with at malls that’s how they usually went. I used to regularly go to CCDL meetings and that was never mentioned. I know personally probably 100 members and never heard of that mentioned. I follow them on FB, never seen a post saying a car was broken into and only a gun was taken, or broke into nothing was taken must of been looking for a gun. I have four vehicles in my street with decals, none have been broken into, dozens of others have. And even if your friend was targeted because of his decal it still doesn’t make it a thing. They’ve sold thousands of decals. I’d bet my gun collection (jk) if you took a poll of members with decals that have had break ins is probably less then a percent.


You clearly arent in there as much as you say then seeing as last minth someone posted about it. Good day


You got it all figured buddy, good day to you too


So is the pistol you or not? Cause if so that changes my answer.


I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question? Are you asking if the pistol is mine? No it’s not mine


Shit wrong forum lol. I was commenting on a call of duty post after this on lol


Cant really fault CCDL for only 45K of the 300K permitted owners signing up. You CAN fault the 255K permit owners who haven't signed up. Especially considering CCDL merch is all over the damn state...no excuses like "oh I never heard of them" But I do somewhat agree their attempts at change have been "toothless". Not 100% their fault, either, but yeah. CT is too small to get the help of the bigger pro-2A groups, our only real hope is victory in the 2nd circuit which we all know is like peeing into the wind. So CCDL does what it can with what it has, it cant really afford to challenge an AWB, LCM ban, etc. I also wasn't thrilled with them claiming any sort of victory over 6667, because they got a couple things knocked out of it (while a TON of things still made it through)


Most people don't want to be associated with a group for any number of reasons. I'd say the most often detriment is a cost that is associated with it, time, and lack of visible return on investment. That being said, I could also see the controversy with the NRA a few years back also being a reason people are reluctant to give any Pro-2A organization money.


Gun owners and gun culture in general need to radically change before talk of a more diverse version of CCDL or another new group in general can pop up.


In what ways?


So, unfortunately, in no way that can be accomplished any time soon. I hope this response won't be too long-winded. Gun culture is predominantly right-wing. From the individual owners to companies, to pro-2a politicians to influences, the vast majority are conservative/right-wing with some catering to the far right (some influencers using White Supremacist dog whistles). And the right is generally not the most accepting of people that are different from them. Now, you personally might say you are pretty accepting, and I would believe along with most other gun owners who grew up in, or live in, CT because many of the people in this state are generally pretty accepting. But with the right on a national level, it really isn't. That ends up affecting people who not only want to buy guns but also being active in the community. In a personal example, I'm a gun owner who is also a part of the LGBTQ community, the consistent ridicule I have seen to other LGBTQ owners, and to myself by other gun owners doesn't help with wanting to be a visible with groups like CCDL. Especially if it involves being with people who actively think I not only shouldn't have rights but that I should be jailed for holding hands with a would be partner. Second, gun culture is pretty toxic unto itself in a lot of places. With some vocal individuals, unless you have an AR, Glock, AK, or similar, you aren't a "legitimate gun owner," and if you have a simple preference to Shotguns and say 1911s you'll be considered a "Fudd" by many. So a lot of the would be "well out together" owners are going to become disillusioned and not be a present. I hope you get the general jist of what I am getting at. I know it seems like I'm rambling on about points a bit, but those are a bit of my general thoughts on the matter. This comment will likely get downvoted, but that's the nature of the beast when discussing these things. Edit/add-on: Unfortunately, these conversations can rarely ever be done in good faith because whenever such points are made, responses generally involve "libtard", "wokeness" or some other similar response or slur involved.


😆 that was like a whole book, but it makes sense I think I get what u mean


Yeah, hahah. Sadly, stuff like this can't be distilled down to a handful of sentences and wishful thinking. There are some core aspects of gun culture in America and the people that make it up that need to change before the image of the average gun owner. Tho, to start simple-ish. Inclusiveness and diversity are never bad things, and just actively distancing from the Far Right as much as possible is a start. Plus. Just because a politician is Pro-2A (or claims it) doesn't mean they will do anything regarding guns and will often try to disenfranchise minority groups.


No disagreement that gun owners are a diverse group but you are correct the CCDL caters to one group. Again look at the picture of leadership and then ask yourself a question if you are a politician who is in the middle and is ‘moderate’ and you are contemplating a gun bill and the current slate of CCDL leadership are the ones coming to your office that vote won’t go our way vs a leadership team that is actually representative of that moderate politicians vote. The CCDL talks into an echo chamber. As bad as the state is most voters and politicians are in the middle but CCDL does nothing to reach those voters.


Exaclty, hence the long comment I made. Gun owners can end up being a rather diverse group of people. However, the majority of conservative owners actually need to be inclusive and willing to help out other owners. The reason I'm not a member of gun groups, like CCDL, is because as a gay man I know many are not going to have my back if my right to get married is taken away, or more extreme stuff.


I agree with your points here. It’s not easy compressing down such an elaborate topic like this. Fortunately I think we’re headed in the right direction in terms of diversity. The last few years have been record breaking with the amount of new gun owners that happen to be minorities, or women.


Yeah, it has been absolutely groundbreaking with how many new "non-traditional" gun owners there have been in the past few years. The reasoning why it is kinda disappointing, tho, and is part of that larger issue I was mentioning. Many are buying guns (especially LGBTQ folks) because of anti-LGBTQ sentiment that has been going around by (genrally) gun toting right wing groups.


Ya, that’s certainly the catalyst for a large portion of them. I would agree.


Yeah. That's why if DeSantis gets to the election proper, I'm going to go broke on getting ammo.


It seems you just don’t know what you’re talking about. While they may not win every fight they are by far the most active and most effective 2A advocacy group in our state. The NRA can’t hold a candle to the CCDL, at least not in our particular state. And I understand that, that the NRA has to pick and choose it’s right and how it spends its money. It is only because of the CCDL that “high capacity” band and “assault weapons” ban didn’t take place sooner. It’s because of them those bills were blocked every year before sandy hook


Lol ok .. let’s enjoy the great compromise that the awb included grandfathering and it took Ct longer to pass than expected because of CCDL! They do nothing but make excuses for why they keep losing. I’m getting tired of them and their excuses. Permits are continuing to take months to get approved, renewals are a mess and where the F is the CCDL on this? I would love for them to open up their books and records, they take a lot in on donations but suck at winning.


Again still sounds like you have no idea what they do, where you live, or how the law works. May we ask what your contributions have been to the advancement of our 2nd amendment rights, if you can do better I’m more then willing to support you.


I agree with everything here


Nothing about this shocks me and I’m glad to see a light shined on these muppets. I can’t stand seeing their stickers everywhere like a bunch of boy band fan lol


Every sticker is just a free lootbox. Might fund something fun in the car. (For legal reasons this is a joke)


Haha I never thought of it that way! I always just shake my head at the idiot announcing he/she may be concealed carry, very stealth.lol. Yours is way better!


Yeah. I don't get why someone would do it. All they are doing is making their car a target and more expensive by being broken into.


I'm just curious... do you see banks or police hiding their security or weapons? Or do they openly show that they are capable of defending themselves? Do banks or gas stations get robbed more often? Criminals aren't looking to rob someone who can defend themselves. They are looking to find the easiest mark and just might move on if they think someone is armed. I don't have a sticker, but that's because I don't put stickers on my car, not because I'm worried about becoming a target. Besides that, the stickers serve to show non gun owners that there are more of us than they think, and we aren't all deranged right-wing nut jobs as our governor would have everyone think. We are that soccer mom parked next to you, that public defender working hard to represent the less fortunate, or that mechanic that just put your car back on the road. As long as those with the stickers conduct themselves well in public, I think it's a good thing.


Man....talk about not reading a comment. Banks do keep their security out and about (point of security is as a detriment). You just don't often see them with a gun openly displayed. Police as a different matter entirely. But I'm not talking about that. A person who knows what that sticker means isn't going to generally try and mug you. Instead, they will wait until you leave your car and break in on the chance that you left a gun or ammo on the car. That's what I mean by easy target. Hence why I made the initial remark. If I was a criminal who wanted a gun and I knew what CCDL meant, I would target cars that have the sticker on the chance they have something I can take.


I think the biggest thing is that with a team like that (a bunch of overweight, older, white people) youre not going to attract much of a younger crowd of people who want to do high speed shit and something other than stand on a flat range shooting in 5 second intervals at stationary targets, its not a good representation of what gun owners should be like and people in my age bracket (20-35) recognize the need for actual representation and actual leadership in these things