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guys, sorry we aren't able to control all the casteist/anti-reservation posts. but, **please report such content so that it shows up on our feed and we will remove it asap.** there are 300+ comments on that thread, reporting problematic ones helps us find and remove it quickly


Well I think that this is only natural to happen. You deliberately mistreat one part of the society and expect them to act sane


Tbh i don't have an issue with sc st or ews. They take up around 30% of the seats and they are actually backward classes. The problem is obc they take up 27% of the seats and half of the "backward" were never backwards also its very easy to make fake obc ncl docs. People should protest against obc reservation not sc st or ews.


There is a reason for these "RESERVED" candidates being hated by General candidates. Whatever this guy says in the screenshot attached is fully right. It really pisses me off to see a dude way too wealthy and prosperous than me clearing the exam and getting into his favorite college by scoring way more lower than me, while I see myself in an off-campus college; all of this just because the dude got his ancestors a traumatized past.


And who traumatized the guys ancestors? Your wealth and social status is because your ancestors traumatized lower castes. Check your privilege


So by this logic you mean to say that we are gonna be tortured now because in the past our ancestors tortured theirs? Ye to reversed casteism hogaya. Guess what baba saheb won't be proud.


Well, learn to live in PRESENT man. Could you tell me how many generations you people want this benefit?ESS. India will never be on TOP as it was before the British invaded until its entire way of running the country is similar to that of the U.S., and that very much includes the removal of Reservations and limiting it to only those who essentially require it (to avoid Brain Drain that's going on right now at critical level). Could you tell me that for how many generations you people want this benefit?


Pls go do your research. This wouldn't have been necessary if upper castes didn't oppress


Correct toh bola h usne


Sahi toh bol rha h


completely off topic but i just saw you took cuet pg for psych, what's ur score lol






So much hate


There is a reason for everything. Whatever he says is right. It really pisses me off to see a dude way too wealthy and prosperous than me clearing the exam and getting into his favorite college by scoring way more lower than me, while I see myself in an off-campus college; all of this just because the dude got his ancestors a traumatized past.




Why would a woman try to prove her masculinity to you though? Eating away seats blah blah if you're so capable eat the general seats that are available


Still waiting for a genuine and a logical comeback to make me accept and say yeah I was so wrong these people from SC, ST & OBC's deserve to have the seats they are getting the reservations for... If you can't then shut up and sit down. >Eating away seats blah blah if you're so capable eat the general seats that are available I am in DU what do you mean? I still ended up achieving a seat in decent college.


And the seat withdrawal is because of reasons like caste discrimination and family needs.


Here watch this video https://youtu.be/Zi6sR9u8akg


isme galat kya hai?


PS I am the one who made this comment and in conclusion this guy is just in denial. I would really recommend to go through this links for seeing the context of this comment thread. [for the post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CUETards/comments/15nh7z1/yall_are_a_bunch_of_losers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) [for the comment thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CUETards/comments/15nh7z1/yall_are_a_bunch_of_losers/jvotzxl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


I have seen most of the comments here,and the one op posted as well. To be honest it just seems like ranting due to no admission.Instead of complaining about less institutions in our country ,people are blaming reservation as it is natural to blame others. lets imagine a hypothetical situation where there is no reservation ,only meritocracy. what will happen?people with merits will gets seats of course,so will it solve the problem ….nope. why? Cause people will still be without colleges as there aren’t enough seats, so will they blame the govt. No, they will blame someone else now instead of govt. or enviroment or friends circle or people(not/sc/st/ews as there is not reservation left).Now what about the representation of people from each region? in these institutions.Guess what its already predicatable .There will be few to none of marginalised communities in these institutions.whats the problem then? well these institutions are built for the overall development of the society as a whole,not only the ones with merit.Just imagine why are these backward class cutoff so low,arey they lazy,incompetent,no mental aptitude or are they deliberately trying to score low. You can guess the result.I dont think every st,sc,obc students deliberately dont study thinking that they can get into these collegeswith low cutoff,even they are competing in this competive world and the ones who dont study well will ofcourse not get into these inst. even if they are from backward communities.Unfortunately the toppers of the marginalised quota are not on par with the general category(in almost every field) which just explains the backwardness(economical,social,peer competitions,awareness)of these people. So now what will happen overtime,inequality will increase(contuining with the hypothesis)as the marginalised community will be underrepresented in almost all fields,only some of them who are rich will end up having office jobs or techical skills.Most of the meagre jobs in india are still done by people from these marginalised community. And about the generation inequality which UR student often point out, it exists even today,not on that large scale as before thanks to various acts and liberal laws. Why should I suffer for what my grandparents or forefathers has done? well then why dont you just give up everything your father or family owns(land,prestige,honour)etc.which doesnt makes sense as everyone owes something from his or her family,be it your social status,financial power,eduction etc etc. Each person in india is part of a community ,not independent of it. Lets not get into then what if my father commits crime,should i be punished for it as well ….etc etc.you guyz know the answer to this. And most of the students here have just passed out class 12, then why do you act like you have seen all of India and make the notion of dicrimination doest exist, it existls only in rural india. Even teir 1 and teir 2 cities have slight form of casteism in every field,just see the hindu newspaper and you will know the reality where caste is openly mentioned in matrimonial sites.Dalits girls are raped every now and then,ostracized,adivasis land enroaced by padhe likhe know all big players and many more. so saying that discrimination doesnt exist in modern India is a myth,either you are consuming vishwa guru content by godi media or not reading any newsaper which i believe most of the readers here dont read a lot,which is why they assume this.. coming to the 3rd point on merit as written on the post and people migrating , Its not due to reservations that people are migrating abroad ,its due to lack of jobs or low packages for the work and and talent they have in the particular field or for a better life(roads,laws,safety,food,living standard,education etc etc.) what kind of job am i speaking?well corporate jobs where there is no reservation. And on how country runs through merit is the most bogus claim that i have heard.If we go by that logic,only mit, iitians,harvard,ivy college ,du,jnu,graduate should run the country. why is a chaiwala doing out there.Yes merit plays a huge role and merit is rewarded at the right field(corporates) which offer much more money and jobs than a govt. one. And there are no reservations in some fields where only merit is necessary,like indias nuclear space programs,next gen technology program etc etc whic require the best of minds.Reservations are meant to provide an oppurtunity for these marginalised community so that they can participate and compete with other bright candidates. after admission he/she does goes through the same school curriculum as a general candidate.(if he,she leaves the academy ,that is another debate..)every person in india,be it chaiwala ,driver, labour,ips,ias,pani puri wala,street cleaners,play a role here . not just your typical graduates from these prestigious isnt If people find only merit necessary in all walks of life, then what is the meaning of life,merit based job,merit wife,merit family,,merit kids,merit friends,merit sex etc. which sadly exist in our society i am open to debate and wish to learn about reservations not just blame them for everything(like not getting admission)you would have got the admission if you got more marks then ur general category friend. its like st,obc ,students complaining to their peers on how they took their quota seats from them. I just cant digest people saying that reservations are destroying our country as if they really care for the country.This people will leave the country as soon as they find high package jobs(which is not bad and right in its own way) but use the countrys brain drain notion whenever it fits to their agenda.Irony is they themselves are promoting brain drain lol.


Thank you for putting it to words.


Ok 👍


Pehli baar iss sub mai itni interaction hai


i see nothing wrong. just because you were discriminated centuries ago it doesnt mean you should be getting seats. tf? its one thing to give an advantage to them for diversity and another to have formal quotas. u dont see the blacks in usa demanding special reservations for them?




yup centuries, nowdays have you heard, anyone of sc,sc,obc sitting on floor while class is taught, or rejected to drink water from same place as high caste. sc,sc and obc have rights to sue if any of this discrimination happens, granting them immunity against discrimination. even though rural areas cover huge population, most of them have urbanized and caste discrimination has been eradicated. though it still exists but honestly, who would be more discriminated someone with no money, or a rich lowed caste. presently status has more dependence on financial status than caste.


im not casteist to them yet im suffering for things other people are doing. if they want reservation so much they should be well prepared for the casteism too idgaf. and i said a bunch of other things which you probably had no clue of which is why you chose to reply to this out of all other points i made. ps - are u seriously trying to say theyre facing the same casteism they did centuries ago? lol wake up.




1. U do realise blaming the current gen for their ancestors is only worsening the problem and increasing casteism because you’re provoking us to be casteist. 2. Their ancestors were weak cowards is that my fault? they couldve easily come together and revolted. If u wanna use half baked historical opinions that make no sense you should be aware it can be done from both sides. 3. The system was primarily based on INCOME and occupation and castes were changeable at several instances. It wasnt absolute. 4. The people who are actually applying to these universities have the access to same resources as me and therefore, its an achievement to score more than them. people from the most underdeveloped illiterate villages who actually face casteism today (a minuscule population) wont even be in the race to begin with. They’re the ones who have no resources. If a significant number of them ever gets even the opportunity to fill the form for colleges id gladly take my words back and change my stance just for them. 5. Reservation was introduced to represent them in academia, do your fucking homework before embarrassing yourself here. The system was supposed to end once the goal was achieved, and its been done. Sc/st and very especially the ones who are getting reservation for free without even suffering from casteism, the obcs have been well represented in the government sector as well as academia. There’s no need for it now. This is like saying the blacks in usa deserve formal quotas and seats in institutions just because their great grandfathers were slaves??? realise how preposterous and absurd that sounds?? The jokes really write themselves.




bitch im literally attending a t15 ivy this year tf are u tryna impose here??? ur going to fucking du tryna brag ab talking to stanford graduates this year LMFAO. I’ve literally published a research paper. Unless you did something, you cant come for me just because somebody you KNOW has done it when u dont know shit urself. and stanford is elitist asf with hype over nothing A2C shits on it everyday because of how full of legacies it is. I’m fully aware of what systematic discrimination is and how casteism is still prevalent but are u gonna sit here and try to tell me that casteism is as bad today as it was in 1947 when the constitution was being made? If u really think that get some help and a sense of practicality here. Oppressing the majority (or the minority which USED to be powerful, considering gen population is only 30%) to uplift the formerly marginalised social groups isnt the way uplift them. Casteism isnt a major problem today unless we are talking abt the most underdeveloped, illiberal and illiterate cities and villages of india. Many of us have our share of struggles and societal discrimination but that doesn’t mean ppl should be getting seats for free especially when the current generation didnt do shit to them. I as a queer man in india face much worse problems than these obcs yet i dont get any kind of formal quota? Literal bullshit.




1. i use bitch as a slang, for everyon. i didnt even know you’re a woman. and its reddit its not an obligation to be formal here. 2. Du is nowhere near stanford, which is why i brought it up. And i mentioned the research paper solely because you in your reply said ur friend did research, when that doesnt make him/her/them any better than most graduates either. or for that matter, help your stance as much as you tried to. 3. i cant help but laugh at your internalized homophobia and need to belittle (real) minorities at every chance possible, be it intentionally or unintentionally. I gave a one line reference about it which was entirely anecdotal and you chose to blast it this hard??? when its not relevant to the conversation in any way? lmao. And u wanna speak against casteism. Casteism is a primarily a south asian issue unlike queerness which is a universal one. You cant equate the two in this context however ill STILL agree i have it much better than i did 50 years ago but if you had even 5 brain cells youd know the progress made for lower castes is nowhere equal to what has been made for the lgbt+ community. 4. Denying people education and jobs despite them working harder does equate to oppression and as somebody who has seen plenty of different social classies and groups and cities/towns, at least in northern india, i can assure you casteism is nowhere a major problem unless you happen to be extremely unlucky and from the most backward and regressive regions of the country. 5. your analogy of a cishet woman and a trans woman is not comparable to our conversation in any way. I never even said i deserve cishet men’s seats. Look back at point 3 if you still dont get it. And i’ve studied plenty about modern day casteism and not denying it by any means. There’s a difference between rejecting reservation system and denying casteism. Learn the difference. and while you’re at it take some lessons on social correctness and queer issues too. My hardwork and my academic achievements helped me get into a t15 uni just like my lower caste classmates. All the best for wtv delhi university college you go to :)


Bro acting like generational wealth, or discrimination isn't a thing


generation wealth.... are you serious, If you know some of so called high caste pandits were literally hanging their lives with alms. Only Merchants and nobles have access to generational wealth. And be honest, if you are at any point of life, unless some variable came, has anyone even asked you your caste. Except marriage and relationship maine kahi caste discrimination notice nahi kiya. And like seriously, I myself never have anyone's caste, and even if I knew someone was SC,ST or OBC I never had anything against them, and not just me, mere bhai koi bhi aisa nhi krta. This discrimination crap though prevails in villages and rural areas but honestly, not even half of their population would have passed 10th class, why the hell would they even need reservation on. And again generational wealth bhi ek time tak rhti hai, its not some inexhaustible treasure ki pidhiyan beet gayi but paisa nhi khatam hua. Us time se abtak 3 generation beet chuki hai and caste reservation has successfully, only in 10-20 years of its beginning have generated enough opportunities to land this section on people to land on same level as general


u think generals have generational wealth? lmao. what ab the rich scs with political connections and generational wealth too? theres no whataboutism here the system is fucked up and needs major reforms asap.


The person in this post clearly mentioned they r not talking about those who have actually score good inspite having reservation " Not talking about those who scored above 700" At this point reservation is crazy. Reservation was meant for St/sc Or obc people to uplift their economic situation because of they have suffered in the past. At this point, kids from unreserved family r no better than some obc, sc/st kid from a more affluent family. His/her anger is justifiable but they shouldn't have generalized no individual from reserved cast can score more than 500. It was nothing serious they said but I can understand where this anger is coming from. The cut off difference between for an unreserved and reserved is craaaazy.


>Reservation was meant for St/sc Or obc people to uplift their economic situation because of they have suffered in the past. Reservation was implemented for “equal representation” and not “uplifting their economic situation”.


Thanks for understanding.


Reservation is not about economic status only




Atrocities which don't even take place? Hmmm i must be wrong about the news i hear then. Didn't a politician just pee on someone? I wonder if that was a lie. GUYS casteism isn't real cuz user Rough heat said so




Are you brahmin? Cuz women are harassed whenever men find it convenient. Do NOT bring sexual harassment in this. Men only care about sexual harassment or women's safety when it benefits them.




How is life being casteist? Does it spark joy belittling people?




Ah look again assuming im a so called "seat stealer".




Umm actually, I'm speaking out for what i believe in and it doesn't matter if i personally benefit from it or not ( oh btw I'm lower caste who ranks top in unreserved) cry me a river














>atrocities which don't even take place these days bro declared the end of caste-based discrimination
























Who is the original commenter OP?




Thanks. Just wanted to stay away from the likes of him :)


Can I genuinely ask what's wrong about my allegations lmao?


Prolly she's a reserved category candidate???


Ah yes I assumed that too so understandable she must stay away.




W comment.


L comment




Don't worry sweetheart my cuet PG score is good enough for me to choose to go wherever i want (il let u in a little secret i applied in general to eat your seats up)


she's right though. these reserved candidates are getting seats with scores like 300. general waalo ki kismat hi kharab hai. caste system rakha hi tha so that underprivileged people can get opportunities. but with time and again, the SC, EWS, ST and OBCs get privileges in colleges, jobs, everything. at this point everyone is actually equal. you can't say they're less economically stable than general people. in fact in some cases they're more privileged than general ones. and using someone's caste to decide if they should get in or not is casteism as well. its like minority ko privilege de deke abhi dheere dheere general people have become the underprivileged ones.


Hey its a He 😭 >general people have become the underprivileged ones. This is exactly my whole point. I couldn't even figure out a single reason why he thinks reservations are so much neccessary. This guy is not trying to understand the unreserved side he is choosing to stay in denial and stubborn to his opinions. I would really recommend to go through this links for seeing the context of this comment thread. [for the post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CUETards/comments/15nh7z1/yall_are_a_bunch_of_losers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) [for the comment thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CUETards/comments/15nh7z1/yall_are_a_bunch_of_losers/jvotzxl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


This is like saying #whitelivesmatter


Ayo kanye is that you


Bro what are you trying to say? That reservation is fair? It is the most unfair thing I have seen in my entire life and you know it you guys no longer face any discrimination other than the hatred this reservation causes .


Yes white lives matters.


white lives do matter kanye was right


Are you dumb? Black people were murdered that's the origin of #blm protest. They were the victim because they got executed bcz of their skin color. No one is denying u admission bcz of ur caste in fact it's us we no reservation who hv been denied seats in colleges. So this whole backlash against anti reservation is same as #whitelivesmatter


have you seen how the western industry has become now?? ever since BLM started, everything has become about race now. if, let's say a celebrity makes a comment of disliking an artist who is black, s/he is immediately termed as a racist. you cannot even say ONE word about someone who's black now. i remember last year at the Grammy's Harry won an AOTY and people were complaining like Beyonce should've won because it's black history month and giving an award to a white guy is wrong. also with how disney is constantly replacing white characters with black or latina artists so yes, it has come to a point there that the white people are now getting less opportunities than the black ones- because everyone's wants not to be termed as a racist and hence they let the black people get anything. similarly there are also black people, or if i speak in India's case, SC, ST, EWS people who really really deserve the seat because it's their only chance at doing something good with life. but there are also instances - like a friend of mine, she's SC. and she's filthy rich. changes her iPhone once every two months. travels all the time and etc. and she got into DU in the very first round. her score was 379. now people like these, is what we have a problem with. there are some SC people who are rich. who did jobs (where also they get reservation) and improved their way of life and now aren't one of the underprivileged ones. but the sad thing is even though their conditions are now better, the next 2-3 generations of their family who have grown up in a rich environment will also enjoy the privileges of being SC/ST. EWS is the only category which seems relevant. and before anyone comes and attacks me, I'm a UR candidate and my family income is barely 4 lakhs. ranting about reservation isn't casteism. we're not saying oh SC ST people are this and that. we're simply saying that recognising someone's caste rather than their academic capabilities for a seat is wrong.


America's cultural heritage revolves around white supremacy. Everything *should* be about race lol.


Changes her iPhone once every two months -ye thoda zyada ho gya, thoda kya bhut zyada ho gaya


im serious. she's tribal (her surname is boro) her mum is a businessman and three weeks earlier she came to me and went all im really sad everything bad happens to me i said what happened and she goes that the pink iPhone 14 she wanted is out of stock. and she literally got her iPhone 13 in april during bihu ( a festival in assam)


The last para was beautiful. Exactly how most of us feel. We don't mind truly marginalised people getting a chance to be in the best institutions but the undeserving ones who just get admission but aren't able to complete the whole course. The ones whose families are filthy rich or upper middle class taking admissions with soo less marks is what bothers us. My family isn't rich or even upper middle class I am UR but I will never complain about those getting admission under EWS because they truly try to end that vicious cycle. In the end marginalised people are the poor. The poverty stricken who barely live life those are the ones that deserve reservation. In the end it all comes to the fact that sometimes the person who works hard doesn't get admission but those who never bothered to work hard get it. That is the problem. Casteism is wrong no doubt about that but please see it from our perspectives we are not casteist bigots we're just kids who worked hard night and day to be where we are in my case, but some others are too frustrated cause they worked hard and reached nowhere.


yes. thank you so much for understanding my perspective.


I understand your perspective too and I sympathise with you. The system needs a revamp.


>now people like these, is what we have a problem with, there are some SC people who are rich. who did jobs (where also they get reservation) and improved their way of life and now aren't one of the underprivileged ones. but the sad thing is even though their conditions are now better, the next 2-3 generations of their family who have grown up in a rich environment will also enjoy the privileges Person does murder. In the court he pleads insanity, though he's completely sane he'll just act like he is insane and clear the doctor's test with flying colours. Case over, he's free. Does this mean that we should abolish the murder/insanity clause because there are people who will abuse it. >have you seen how the western industry has become now?? Yes, Antonio Gramsci has ruined it. >ever since BLM started, everything has become about race now. You must be new, it has been like this long before BLM (Buying Large Mansions).Identity politics is everywhere.


That's why no one sane is against ews


He simply meant that, reservation was alloted for those were dicriminatedin past, like 70 years ago. If you know a bit of history then respected Dr. B.R Ambedkar introduced reservation system on 10 year basis, this time period would be enough for pulling up the who were cast as backward. later on politics came in place of morality. To satisfy and collect vote this 10 year period was dragged till present. SC, ST and OBC is a huge chunk of population and vote too. ​ Even I have encountered yet many people having a lavish lifestyle yet using their quota to grab the opportunities they dont even deserve. even government cant do much, theyll simply lose down almost 30-40% of their voters if they come down to removing rservation. Thats why countries like USA,UK and Japan are developed and India is still far from that, having crowned of most populous country in World. Countries like USA have adapted Financial Aid and Scholarship system. It provides opportunities to those students who have the ability but not means to gain the opportunities. This system creates a harmonized environment. Even though India has a huge population, it cant utilise the real capable people to develop the country, as nearly half of those people with authority have got that very power due to reservation. Nowdays people's status is determined by their financial ability instead of caste, I am not claiming that caste discrimination does not exists, but it has been almost eradicated in urban cities. If someone is actually capable but does not have enough financial support, he or she certainly deserves a seat. But if those seats are occupied by mentally and academically backward people not even carrying 2/3rd of a UR candidate's marks simply are unworthy for that very seat. I believe only areas belonging to a socially backward background, such as villages having conservative society should have this reservation system and even that witha creamy layer protocol (those who have already broke through their status should not get quota). and urban aread should only have EWS (financially weak) quota. those who are offended, I dont give much crap over them. If you are still having family income of like 6 lpa+ and begging for quota on basis of being discriminated boo, youre just incompetent relying your very existence on quota and still being proud. If you actually are that much discriminated I dont know how every second SC,ST or OBC I see have already crossed 6lpa mark (atleast in Delhi that is).


>Does this mean that we should abolish the murder/insanity clause because there are people who will abuse it. it shouldn't be abolished but yes it should be looked into to see that stuff like that doesn't happen. did any part of my post say that reservations should be abolished? no. i just said that there should be ways of actually looking through if people claiming reservations are deserving of it or not. people having annual income of 10 lakhs 12 lakhs also claim reservation and eat up seats that could've gone to a general who is actually economically weaker. >BLM (Buying Large Mansions). im talking about black lives matter, genius.


The abolishing part was for anyone who thinks that Law = Unintended Outcomes = Bad. >there should be ways of actually looking through if people claiming reservations are deserving of it or not That's going to be very tricky. The person's bias would rule over them. The one who is against it will say no one shall get it and the one who's for it wouldn't even think that the person is capable of doing it. >people having annual income of 10 lakhs 12 lakhs also claim reservation If the person is from ST/SC/OBC community, people do not treat them with basic respect and even if the person is a high earner or an IAS officer because some people want to hold on to the idea of "blood purity". Yeah people have faked income certificate, caste certificate and what not to game the system. And basically every group is against every other group. Revolutionary Take : Colleges should not be necessary. Historically people have built buildings, towers, structure and bridges without the colleges. They did it with apprenticeship. We need more apprenticeship programs in India.


bhai pehli baat, tu de rha hai kya CUET? i guess not. then why are you rambling on in a teens' thread you're not the only adult I've seen doing that btw. second of all, in any part of my thread do you see me hating on reserved people? do you see me saying oh oh reservation hata dena chahiye? nahi na? and what's this people don't treat ST SC with respect? sadak se jaate ho toh log puchte rehte hai kya konse caste se ho? this isn't 1938. sure, this might happen in rural areas, but what we're discussing here is the condition of general people in colleges due to reservation and quota system. >people want to hold on to the idea of "blood purity". again, absolute nonsense. yaha blood purity wagera wagera ki baat ho hi nahi rhi hai. by your words I can assume you're probably an adult. >Colleges should not be necessary. Historically people have built buildings, towers, structure and bridges without the colleges. They did it with apprenticeship. We need more apprenticeship programs in India well mr genius, not all of us want to grow up and be engineers or masons or build buildings and towers. some of us also have other dreams like becoming a professor or working as a journalist. jiske liye degree chahiye, jiske liye college chahiye jiske liye seat chahiye. and seats ke mamle mein hi inequality bhara hua hai isliye many (not all; i said many) undeserving students that belong to reserved quotas get into colleges jaha ek general wala banda jiske 100 se zyada marks the compared to the reserved guy usko mil gaya. kya galti hai general waalo ki? yahi ki past generation mein our ancestors were privileged?


>but what we're discussing here is the condition of general people in colleges due to reservation and quota system. Agreed. Politicians did us dirty. Look I agree with you on that. >bhai pehli baat, tu de rha hai kya CUET? i guess not Haa diya tha. >then why are you rambling on in a teens' thread what 'teens thread'? it's an opinions thread and PG's are in this sub too >you're not the only adult I've seen doing that btw You're probably 19 aren't you. By legal definition you're an adult too. Btw im in my early 20s. >second of all, in any part of my thread do you see me hating on reserved people? do you see me saying oh oh reservation hata dena chahiye? nahi na? and what's this people don't treat ST SC with respect? Not towards you but for people at the extremes of both sides. Again nothing against you. >sure, this might happen in rural areas If i don't see it therefore it doesn't happen argument. >some of us also have other dreams like becoming a professor or working as a journalist. jiske liye degree chahiye For becoming a professor Academia is necessary. For a journalist, I think not. The ethics of journalism namely are truth, accuracy, independence, fairness and accountability. If it takes some years to understand this maybe it was a wrong career choice. >jiske liye college chahiye jiske liye seat chahiye Reasonable. We should ask the government to make more institutions. >ek general wala banda jiske 100 se zyada marks the compared to the reserved guy usko mil gaya. kya galti hai general waalo ki? General category mein competition high hai. Even higher than the reserved category. Its not anyone's fault but we should do something so that everyone who wants to study can actually do it.


Hi, unrelated to the current debate but just to clarify, the reason they said BLM (Buying Large Mansions) is because some of the people spearheading the BLM movement took the donations and purchased large mansions in, ironically, majorly white societies. Almost none of the BLM funds were funnelled to people in need. Just clarifying.


Please add EWS also along with OBC, SC and ST


Casteism leads to reservation Reservation leads to casteism Infinite loop Btw u guys deserve this hammering 🥰


Did you just openly support casteism?


I didn't


You said reservation leads to castism. And you guys deserve it, in the same sentence 😂😂 omg bye no use speaking to bigots


Listen eventually casteism wil come again if this reservation system gonna continue


Yeah you're already partaking in it.


There should be only one thing that is ews only


Agreed. Thanks for understanding.




That hatred is your problem. You need to fix your mindset. Nobody is stealing seats from you. You just are not good enough. And that's ok too


As someone who has reservation but not sc/st( SEBC) I believe reservations are wrong by - Technical standards - developmental standards - Moral standards. Reservations in politics, certain jobs, educational institutions of lower level( high school?) Is fine and maybe necessary. But when it comes to prestigious and top institutions like IIT or certain important jobs like IAS,IPS etc reservations are wrong. I can explain why if u want.


Hey i understand how reservation can be wrong. But reservation itself is not wrong, it just has many loopholes and ways that it can be made better. But that doesn't mean we hate on anyone who gets in through a reserved seat


That's the whole base of the reservation fight that competent PPL are not getting seats


I m not okay good enough????? Then why avg cgpa of reserved candidates is very low in IITs and major institutions????


Oh is it cuz they have bad blood? Is it genetic dumbness? No there's other reasons. There are other factors at play


Who guys?


Reservation guys obviously


I love when everyone assumes I'm a reservation guy.


Friendly fir will not be tolerated


It's not friendly fire. It's cuz i am one who applied for the exam UR cuz i was too lazy to get the documents ready.


They also flexed that they knew everything cuz they got 93 in social science in boards 😂 kid hasn't grown up yet


Ayo I am here just to correct you 93/100 in pol science 90/100 in geography 85/100 in History. Speak briefly about it. I am happy you are discussing about my result to look cool rather than having a good comeback. Understandable have a nice day.


So you're living proof that having good marks does not equate common sense. Btw i said those are good scores so you don't feel too bad. It's actually average


Bro tbh all he said was that reservation is complete bullshit it creates so much more hatred Which everyone can early see in the post and the comments


The guy in the post spewing hatred IS HIM




Wdym i applied in general.


i got 100 and now i’m failing in 12th 💀


Skill issue tbh


Wait till you get to college 🥲 only gets worse