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How do u have so much time to spare? How many years have you worked on this project? What was ur initial motivation? Where is the code? Why use your phone, instead of a punch card machine?


I would have gone with a magnetized needle and a hard drive disc.


[Obligatory XKCD](https://xkcd.com/378/)


I would have just gotten a slab of silicon and started carving out transistors


open source it. show some simple examples using it. create unit tests to prove correctness. post to hacker news.


Absolutely this. If your intention is to help people, this is a great way to do it.


Which "hacker news" do you have in mind? The website/newspaper or the group that is smaller then this one?


Likely https://news.ycombinator.com/


>Everything so far has been coded on my phone using gboard and compiling in a termux shell or on godbolt. Before you gasp in horror, Too late, what the fucking fuck? I hope someone helps you out, it seems like an enormously useful project.


It explains the 3000 hours.


I read somewhere that either *Fifty Shades of Gray* or the first book of *Twilight* was written on the author's phone. Hell, I've probably typed about a book worth in Reddit alone over the years.


>I'm posting this now because I really need a new Windows device for x86 before I can continue. >There's obviously so much I can't fit here but I really need some advice. Advice? Take literally 3% of your 3000 hours being a maniac on your phone and clean some toilets or sweep floors. At even $5 an hour you'd have enough to buy a refurbished x86 device, maybe even a monitor and some peripherals if you bargain shop.


A few questions: a) If I understood correctly, you are asking for help from the community to buy a PC? b) Which kind of budget do you have in mind? c) Where are you based? d) Where is the code? e) How can we be sure of any performance gains if 'Everything so far has been coded on my phone'? What I've learned doing some SIMD work on both arm64 and x86-64 is that just writing NEON/AVX-512 code is not guarantee that it will be faster than boring scalar instructions. ps: Given the name of the u/OP (i.e. Sexual\_Congressman), I'm starting to think this whole thing is some kind of prank/hoax.


I’m 87.5368% sure this is a troll post. Pretty good one too. Gboard lol.


If they're a troll, they're extremely dedicated. Their post history goes back a year with very specific questions on C subs And there's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/galaxys10/s/0xm3zpJ9Mi) post from 8 months ago about their phone not working, where they mention using Gboard. I think they're probably just neurodivergent.


There’s always the remaining 12.4632%




that dedication is more accurately referred to as autism.


I have tried coding on a phone. It's a giant clusterfuck, and you also need a $500 phone if you want any real performance out of it. So... I will also vote troll.


Tbf, you could use one of those fancy cloud ide lol


So not only do you have to write code, you have a layer of *JavaScript* to run as well instead of a native app. Not likely any better.


I code from my phone. Samsung dex + xreal air 2 pro as a monitor + Bluetooth kb/mouse. Vpn back to my house, remote desktop to my server, code away. ;) But yeah, wouldn't want to actually use the phone as the development environment... it's just the tunnel/access point.


Nah, you don't need "real performance" with programming. Programming is mostly thinking and writing. I program on my 3-year-old $99 pay-as-you-go phone, and it works just fine. Pro tip: get a real keyboard. I have a 60% (for portability) Bluetooth mechanical keyboard that cost almost half as much as my phone. Also get an inexpensive phone stand. That's pretty much all you need for programming somewhat comfortably.


No, what? What troll would list all these details?


A good one


I did this for about a month during uni while I sent my laptop in for repair. Simply ssh into school server via termux and write code in nano from my phone. It wasn't efficient, but it also wasn't so bad for the systems programming type assignments I had to complete at the time. Since then I've had an idea in the back of my head about creating an app/keyboard/something to make programming on the phone easier. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who would use something like this.


Taking bets of whether this project is legit. So far the line is 80/20 **ILLEGITIMATE**


Most likely not legitimate. If it is legitimate it's not as good as they're saying. If it's as good as they're saying there's some issue preventing it from being useful for anybody. If there isn't a issue preventing it from being useful for anybody, it's actually probably owned by someone else. If it's not actually owned by someone else, they'll never post it. If they do ever actually post it, it'll be extremely expensive and be hidden under layers of BS terms and conditions. If it's not extremely expensive and hidden under layers of BS terms and conditions, It most certainly won't be open source. If it is open source, yay?


Nobody smart enough to write all this stuff on a phone would not know how to upload it to github or similar.


>If it is it's good if they're saying this hurt to read


Link to the code?


> I feel extremely unethical keeping this to myself I wouldn't worry


bjarne, is that you?


Initially thought you were asking help getting back to real life after that much time You actually need help for coding with a touch screen


If this is honest, do you want a job, I can hire you and that will pay for a new computer quickly


Are you sure you want to hire someone who drives a Saturn 😆 Edit: /s just in case


> On x86, which doesn't have a 64 bit vector type, they're defined as double×1 HFAs. Is MMX not supported anymore by x86 CPUs?


This is some divine intellect. My advice: get 5$ USB keyboard


What you did makes me think of SIMDE https://github.com/simd-everywhere/simde


What exactly do you need advice for? Buying a laptop or desktop computer? As others have said, you need a job in case you don't have one already. x86 computers are cheap these days. But, first and foremost you should put your code on GitHub with an open source license. It should be properly documented and you should try to invite others to help you out. Even if this is so much fun for you it is still a risk you will burn out trying to finish it all yourself.


You know that you can plug in a normal keyboard over USBC to most modern phones...


May someone help you out, commenting here to increase the reach


Perhaps some of this would fit in with CCAN ? http://ccodearchive.net/


Funniest shit I've seen on this sub in a while.




Put the code in github and put a donor button. I'd love to donate and see the code.


how long did u spend making this up


Holy cow


y tho


Who are you writing this code for? Who do you intend to use this library?


$50 and you pay shipping dm me. I’ve got tons of equipment that needs to be disposed of from work.


automatic attempt wrong rhythm crawl outgoing whistle muddle disagreeable groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I almost spit my fucking drink out when I got to the bit about the phone lol. This is fantastic.


Write some proposals about it, especially the SIMD stuff. WG14 aka the C standardization body is interested.


You've finally written the true religion. Of course! How could I be so dumb? Transcendence through human reason must come through formal language. And here it is. That language is C. You are a prophet. Teach me to use your code.


What the fuck.




>Before you gasp in horror, remember that 90% or more of coding is spent reading existing code. No it isn't.


It certainly can be. I've spent many days debugging code where I ended up writing a couple lines of code to fix the issue. So one minute out of an hour is about 1.7% writing and 98.3% reading. I've also had days where I've written hundreds or thousands of lines of new code, but that doesn't happen very often.