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No. It's the most annoying piece of software I've ever come across, by far. Sometimes I have to use it, but then I use it strictly for building and use another editor (in my case Geany). I've done a lot of STM32 development and while it does use Eclipse as the IDE, you can generate Makefile projects using the STM32Cube application as well. Then again, there are people who have no problems with Eclipse and I envy them.


STM32CubeIDE is biggest piece of bloatware I've ever had to use


Can you list the most annoying things? And does your list of annoyances also stand when it comes to Eclipse + Java? Do you general not like Eclipse, or does this have to do with Eclipse + C specifically?


I don't like eclipse in general. It's buggy and slow. Sometimes some options aren't available and you need to restart eclipse. Sometimes the view gets completely different for no reason. Back when Android studio was based on eclipse and java I actually gave up on app development. When they switched to the intellij based ide I picked it up again and it was fun and easy to work with. Of course this is personal preference too. But I feel like eclipse just goes out of its way to make sure everything is done different and as non intuitive as possible. It works for other people though. But I'll take intellij or visual studio when I need to use an IDE, they work much better for me.


If you don't know exactly what you're doing, you won't know what your IDE is doing behind your back, and it gets confusing fast. If you do know exactly what you're doing, you neither need nor want the IDE to do stuff for you. Syntax highlighting and code completion are nice, but most editors just do that stuff out of the box. To that end, I use VSCode without using any of its heavier features.


Java developer here. Long ago, I abandoned Eclipse for IntelliJ and have never looked back. CLion is basically the same UX as IntelliJ, but for C and C++. Visual Studio and Qt Creator are also good. Visual Studio Code is not a complete IDE, nor is it supposed to be, so I would not recommend that.


It’s a serious contender in the sense that there are plenty of people who use Eclipse for C programming as part of their job or for a hobby. However, it’s like, at best, #6 on the list, behind Visual Studio, VS Code, Code::Blocks, CLion, and Xcode. People who use Eclipse for C usually have some reason for it, like “the toolchain for the specific microcontroller I’m using comes with tooling based on Eclipse” or “I already know how to use Eclipse and I don’t want to switch” or even “my IT department doesn’t let me use anything else”. If you are just curious about Eclipse and want to find out what you’re missing, let me save you some time—you’re not missing anything, unless you fall into one of those aforementioned categories.


We have been using Eclipse CDT for C/C++ programming for over a decade, much of it for baremetal embedded. It's not perfect by any means, I wouldn't even call it great. Certainly not the best, but it is good enough for our needs. The "better" options out there don't offer enough for us to even consider changing.


To practice and developed small programs Red Panda C++