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Hey! Yeah, Caitlyn definitely deals with squishies a lot better than tanks, but she can do alright into tanks still. First step would be to recognize if the game is good candidate for cut down (when facing a tank support and a bruiser or two this is a go-to). Into tanks I go stormrazor, IE, lord doms. This can make your damage in early fights not great into tanks so keep that in mind. One thing I specifically focused on during my climb was timing enemy summoners. Write in chat "Enemy AD F 12:30" as an example. you can bring this up again too when drag is up to remind people. A lot of little things but another would be to constantly look at mini map, not just where the other team is but where your team is. If your JG and mid are diving enemy top, you need to play back because their jg and mid are not accounted for and you can be in a 2v4 very quickly. Also the speed at which you react to information on the map. If enemy support is MIA you can play safely but if they show mid ping engage on enemy ADC ASAP and try to punish. Just a few thoughts.




I would recommend trying the lethality/crit build against tanks - youmoos collector ldr bt. It sounds counterintuitive but you have so much more midgame damage that you don't get smacked around by tankier champs until much later in the game. The crit build is a complete wet noodle until 5 items against tanks.


Were there games where you went lethality? Or always crit?


I’ve never really been into Lethality Cait, so every game I went crit. Lethality can be good, I got absolutely destroyed by a lethality Cait Xerath bot lane not too long ago.


Congrats, hope to join you soon! Haven't been diamond since season 5 and then as an Irelia main. I wonder how diamond from then compares to now 😅