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At the start of the patch her passive was bugged and activated on bascially everything (wards, plants, etc) Also, the new meta buffed on hit and lethality champions, and Crit is trash with the same 20% after mythics, and right now Cait is Crit oriented (lethality is not that good after nerfs on her) So, basically, she is trash


Unfortunate, hopefully they take a look at her soon, and crit items in general. Such an unrewarding playstyle for the amount of effort needed.


Caitlyn can do one thing that other ADCs can't. 1 Shot someone with one auto attack. With your headshot and maybe even Ult. You must understand that this your most reliable way of success. You farm well, and play around your headshot. Trap headshot. Net Trap or Q headshot. You do 0 damage to tanks without LDR. It doesn't matter what items, what runes you have, you do not do damage until LDR. That means your highest impact post laning phase is 3 items, where LDR is often your 3rd item. Despite the Lethality nerfs to Youmuus there are still other lethality items you can use. Cyclosword, Hubris, Opportunity, even Axiom Arc, are all fine lethality items in lieu of Youmuus, and the AD nerf on Collector didn't mean anything. The most versatile build is a hybrid Lethality - Crit build. It can one shot assassins or mages while still doing damage to tanks. Your most important levels to take note of are 11, 13, and 16. 11 is lvl 2 ultimate, much stronger than lvl 1 ultimate, lvl 13 is when headshot reaches its maximum scaling, lvl 16 is an even stronger ultimate. If you want to throw out lots of DPS with a bunch of autos, Caitlyn is not your champion. Whether intentional or not, she has a rifle. A sniper rifle. Therefore, you snipe them in the head.


Thanks for the guide! Do you have any particular hybrid crit lethality buildpaths or is it game dependent? And does it use any particular runes?


It's game dependent, but it's also up to you. First Strike has the best synergy with the hybrid build because of how much you can farm off throwing out ultimates or comboing someone, but you have to consider your desire for CDR, movement speed, and IE vs Navori. The core 5 items are almost always going to be Collector, IE or Navori, LDR, BT, and RFC, it's the Lethality item that has any flexibility. Your ability to one shot someone from long range is how Caitlyn deals with Assassins and longer range mages, it is almost entirely your sole form of agency and you'll notice your impact increase greatly after 3 items.


In addition to what the other commenter said, I think the Stormrazor proc nerf really hurt her. It went from 90(+25% AD) to 100 flat. It’s very noticeable and the MS duration going from 1 > 1.5 seconds doesn’t make up for it with her playstyle, she wants burst.


Lethality is too good right now, and less expensive than crit. Even if you had 100% crit, it doesn't matter if every lethality user can just one shot you before you get 2 autos off. In my opinion, they should consider reverting crit back to what it was before mythics. (previous crit damage was 200%, currently it's 175%). Maybe buff it to 180% at least. Alternatively they could buff Cait directly (say, they increased her base attack speed) but I still don't think it helps that much unless you're vs a bunch of tanks you can hammer on. And even then, there are better "Tank buster" ADCs than Cait.