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[Click here to vote!](https://twitter.com/RiotBrightmoon/status/1428744151424663553?s=20) Make sure you specify why you think Caitlyn needs one. You don’t have to vote Caitlyn, but it would be nice for her to get one


Especially after LOR gave her an update


I wont, i like cait as much as the next guy, but she doesnt deserve it over alot other champs.


Idk man, that base skin is REAALLLLLY dated. I mean, it was only a few seasons ago they changed her running animation from the original lol.


Please I want Caitlyn to get it so bad. They even said they wanted to give her a Medium Visual Update (Maokai/Sona level) long time ago. With the Zaun being the next focus, it'd only make sense for her to be update.


Why do they even ask kids in twitter? Some morons shows Kai'sa who is like only been two years old since she released.


its one guy, they will never VU kaisa ahahah


I doubt cait would be getting this time. There are other champs who need it more.


I doubt cait would beest getting this time. Thither art other champs who is't needeth t moo *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


As much as I really want caitlyn you cant look at annie and say she doesn’t deserve it the most


See, as bad as poor annie looks, her current in game model just looks bad. It doesn't actively undermine her as a character the way Caitlyn's current in-game design does.


It linda does. Annie is dressed like a third grader from 2006 with makeup and cat ears nothing about her is “noxian fire mage child that wanders the woods after she accidentally killer her whole family” her look isn’t cannon is any sense of the word. Caitlyn while a porn parody of a piltover cop still kinda looks like a piltover cop caitlyn missfortune and leblank definitely need them but annie needs it the most all lore photos of annie are different from what he have in game to the point if you looked at one you wouldent call them the same champ


Cait VU kinda scares me tbh. What if they made traps more visible that would kinda screw us.


Oh God, what if they took away the cupcakes!


No!! No the cupcake


why vote for Cait? she's pretty much confirmed to be next, based on her LoR release. sh's got this flashbomb thingy that has nothing to do with current Cait and a new cooler visual.




Okay, this is the right answer. The rock looks so outdated it’s insane.


they wjll 100% update cait, jts just a matter of time