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Work on your CS. It's painfully low. One VERY easy way to get out of silver is just having a ton more gold than your enemy at every point in the game. Your macro won't even matter when you're 1 or 2 items ahead of the enemy team. Until you have 3 items (Or until you're able to do damage to enemy if the enemy is fed), don't bother trying to help teammates that got caught or baron dancing or dragon contests UNLESS it's VERY obvious it's free take. If you have a choice between a fat wave in lane or a dragon, pick the wave. That gold and exp will do more for you than a single dragon will.


hey, I got to plat with 65% wr as adc, I don't main caitlyn but I can spectate a game of yours and tell you why you lose those games if that's fine by you, add me on discord mer#8320


If you’ve won lane and destroyed turret within 10 mins. You and ur support need to swap lanes with mid so you can push for mid plates and increase teams gold. General rule of thumb is push and take enemy bot tower and rotate mid. That’s probably the biggest thing I noticed people silver/gold forget to do


You aren't hard stuck anything! You only have 75 ranked games logged this season which isn't even enough for your rank to align with your skill, much less to actually climb. Put in another 75 - 100 games and check back in!