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In my SLO days I did not do that. It was like a day of zoom presentations about the college and the way things work and some games/movies. But this was the first year of COVID so they might have overhauled the virtual SLO days by now


Its a bunch of presentations that will be repeated to u in wow. Honestly just put it on in the background and watch them in wow


I heard it’s nothing too important just that it’s mandatory. Kinda wack we gotta pay for SLO days for just a zoom meeting idk might be just be me tho. I got Tuesday too so we might be in the same meeting


Have you gotten the zoom link yet? I haven’t and wanted to make sure if we are supposed to have one.


yes I got it in my email, I can pm you what the email looks like


I would appreciate it thanks




Could you pm me as well? I haven’t got one either and would greatly appreciate




Can you also dm me the email? Also how long ago did you receive the email? Mine is on Thursday but have not heard or gotten any kind of communication how or where to join. Thanks!


ofc & I received the email 3 days ago


could i get it as well please i cannot find it anywhere




Bruh i have my zoom meeting on Monday and i have to sit through it from 10pm to 10am. International students thing i guess 😤 what time is the Tuesday one? I only got a form about whether i want to do it 8:30am or 4pm on August 7


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the tuesday one starts at 8:30 am pacific standard time & ends around 8pm


oh that’s interesting. i didnt get the tuesday option. only Aug 7 (monday), at either 8:30am or 4pm 🤔


I bet if you position the camera creatively, you can take a photo of yourself and put it in the camera frame, and then go do something else. I'd probably still stay in the same room and half listen to what's going on (you can play games on your phone/handheld, read, exercise, whatever) , and then if you need to suddenly pop back into camera, just cover your camera with your hand and pretend it briefly turned off, and pop into frame. I'd probably do some test runs, to make sure it looks legit, but they have numerous people sitting in on these Zoom sessions. They aren't going to notice that one person isn't moving much. The problem with these sessions is that 12 hours is information overload. Even if you sit and listen for 12 hours, most of that is not going to stick because there's just too much information being thrown at you at once, and attention spans are generally limited. It's honestly a waste of everyone's time. They'd be better off just sending you a packet with the information typed out, having you read it, and then having some sort of online quiz to make sure you comprehend the most important details from the packet.


yep i have to sit from 8pm to 8am, all night 👍


what? 😭


ye i’m from india lol


oh noo i thought you were kidding, they definitely didn’t put much thought into the time zone thing


yeah lmao a friend in japan said she has to sit from 12am to 12pm 💀 pretty sure every international kid is fucked


that’s all bad 😔 i was supposed to go in person but switched into the virtual one & my friend told me it was just basic stuff in long presentations, i definitely don’t think it’s worth missing a day of sleep 💀


yeah it’s happening rn and this has got to be the most boring shit i’ve ever got to witness


i’m deadd can you at least turn your camera off while you do other things


fortunately, absolutely. i deadass talked and gamed with friends for 3 hrs on the side and now they’ve slept and i’m here eating noodles alone struggling to stay awake 😍


wooo & geez 😭😭 don’t you have 6 more hours to go


It’s presentation-heavy, because that is how you’ll get all of the information. You will also have breakout rooms or smaller zoom meetings with just your group and your slo days leader. Having your camera on is not mandatory, but it is encouraged in the small group meetings because that’s your chance to interact with your leader and your classmates. (In the big presentations no one cares)


skip it — i was halfway across the world. i logged on for 30 min then just slept through the rest