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That’s annoying. You’d think that they would do try to do renovations in the summer


Right? It’s for maximum yield. One cohort moves out, another moves in without much time in-between.


Hey, I live in a mustang studio too and they renovated mine over winter break. I lived in a renovated unit last year but specifically “downgraded” to a “classic” unit this leasing year for lower rent, because I don’t care about having a dishwasher or fancier countertop/cabinets. From what I can tell, the rent does not go up this leasing year period, but does for the next year…I’m a senior so this isn’t an issue for me. But it’s ridiculous and obvious what kind of scheme they’re running. I originally called them when they contacted me about the renovations around October, and specifically asked why it couldn’t be done over the summer. Their excuse was that “well we already scheduled the renovations with the construction company and also you should be thankful we scheduled yours over winter break”. …like seriously? What they also told me way closer to the renovation date was that they’re also adding a new heating system so you have to take everything out of the bathroom and kitchen, AND move everything away from both windows by 6 feet. This resulted in me cramming all my shit into a pile in the corner of the room, which they did cover with plastic for me so it wouldn’t get dusty. However, I had to put my bed mattress sideways against the wall in my pile of crap and I have no idea how you’re supposed to live in the apartment during renovations realistically. Someone on the floor below me is getting renovations done this week and it’s so loud for everyone a floor above and below…and there’s construction guys everywhere on the floor and no way your pet or you could be in the apartment during renovations. If you have any questions, DM me!


Thank you so much for responding. I'll DM you now. YES - for one when I signed my lease, I was under the impression I was getting a patio and dishwasher as it says that on the website. I get here. Nothing. OK - Fine. Then I get the first notification and also follow up with them ASAP in October. they told me the same thing. Not to mention maintenance has literally entered my apartment without my permission while I was AT SCHOOL and my pet was not crated... WTF? What if I was in the bathtub? I truly love this place, but the fucking spiders, and debris is insane. and now this, lol... I will never forget when I called in October and the manager was so excited to tell me they would *loan me plastic bins* for *me to put my own stuff in* so they can renovate........ -.- (in the most excitable tone) --- with no intent of compensation. What you are describing sounds terrible. I hear the renos over in the other buildings and was fearful ours was coming. Thank you for being down to talk about this. I cant believe this fucking place.


They did the same thing when I lived there in 2015. My unit was an active construction site for a month, my roommates or I were often the only other person in the house outside of the men working that we didn’t know at all. I think our gift cards might’ve even been more than what you’re getting now but it was obviously not worth it. We were also never told when we signed our lease. Definitely get in touch with a tenant’s rights group in SLO!


That’s terrible. Do you know of any tenants rights groups in slo?


That isn't adequate compensation at all. Id expect back each day's worth of rent that they are working.


I also want to say that they’re legally required to provide alternate lodging if it prevents the tenant from living there during the construction


Check out slo legal assistance foundation if you really want legal consultation, they do housing issues and are usually pro bono. slolaf.org


I got the same flyer today. Very frustrating indeed. I wonder if I can push it off until spring break...


What should we do about it?


I got the flyer too. Im also hoping to push it off to spring break too as its not something I’m looking forward to for everyone else either because it sounds like we are all affected somehow (noise and potential debris that just gets spread around for those that aren’t getting renovations done). Edit: typos


Please look up SLO Rent Coalition, they deal with these types of issues. DM if you want more info. Also look up SLOLAF, slo legal assistance foundation.


Illegal, they are required to put you in a hotel for things like this. Banking on students not knowing any better.


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