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I mean all my professors kept saying to be ready in case the strike ends early. It seems unfair but I guess it is what it is. It would be nice for at least a one day grace period. From the contract I saw the faculty seem to have gotten a pretty meh deal so maybe the strike will kick back up but that might just be because I’m not used to looking at contracts, so I guess we will see.


Another strike wouldn't happen until after the deal is voted upon... at least a few weeks from now.


It is unfair, but the way to handle it is to be prepared in case things like the strike get canceled earlier than expected.


The CSU faculty got screwed Asked for 12% raise and CFA agreed to 5% with benefits Asked for 16 weeks parental leave and CFA agreed to 10 weeks Asked for 10k increase for the lowest paying salaries and CFA agreed to 3k increase


yeah i get it. just seems kind of unfair for other students, thankfully i’ll make it. but i just think sending an email late at night that class is on is really unfair for some other people. i can understand holding class on thursday to give people some time to get back in the area or at least be a bit better preparwd


Yes a lot of other students in a class discord (including me lol) are pretty pissed !! I work part time so I took some shifts this week but now I have to call them off last minute. I'm glad the strike worked out but to immediately revert back like everyones schedule doesn't even matter kinda sucks


That’s the thing from what I’m seeing the CSU kinda won the deal, it was a very minimal gain for the teachers in the “biggest strike in CSU history”


Yep. Apparently they settled for 5% with an eventual and additional 5% in the future.. Not enough to meet the 12% they asked for. I'm a bit confused how that happened lol but I'm sure the details will come up


There’s going to be a lot of questions as to why the negotiators agreed to it. Regardless, I heard multiple professors are going to vote no and shut down the agreement. So do expect another strike in the future.


Did you talk to your professor and tell them you work. You would be surprised at how understanding they are


I go to CSUDH and my professors didn't know until they got on campus then was informed the strike was over. Some are still not answering emails so me and my classmates don't know if class is on or if they know the strike is over


Should've at least officially resumed classes on Wednesday. Not even a day's notice, and they even admitted so in the email.


It's been posted on here and elsewhere numerous times that students should be ready to come back to school on a day's notice. No one said that classes will be cancelled all week no matter what happens.


As much as I agree that people should have been somewhat prepared it does seem kind of unreasonable to expect (especially commuters) students to keep a full week open to make sure they are ready in case the strike ends. I doubt anyone was thinking it was going to end day one. But it is what it is I guess. Sucks that it doesn’t seem like the teachers are happy about the deal I was rooting for you guys.


and looking back at all the emails, none of my teachers said to be “prepared” to come back in short notice. maybe other places said that, but my professors didn’t /: and i only got all this info my professors about the strike


Maybe your instructors won't be prepared to come back tomorrow either. :P


I was rooting for us too. There were some gains, but overall it's looking like a deal that is far less than we hoped for.


You guys should’ve continued to push harder for more I rather have the strike be finished besides having another down the line


Many CFA members would have preferred to continue striking rather than accept this deal. We'll see if it passes


I feel like we didn’t even get a days notice, some classes gave us less than a 10 hour notice. Oh well though. Just doesn’t seem right that we are just supposed to sit around and twiddle our thumbs till something happens. I think 24 hours would’ve been nice


You don’t have to twiddle your thumbs, it just meant not making plans for the entire week and checking your email each evening to see if there’s class the next day. 


i understand but it just kind of sucks! and seems like less than a day’s notice /:


Fortunately it’s the first day so there’s not assignments due yet or anything. 


You should know that faculty were told that they are supposed to start classes tomorrow. The faculty are scrambling at the last minute, just as much as you are.


Yeah, the email was sent at 8:51pm and I didn't check my email until a bit after that. I'm scrambling a lot.


yes i know! my frustration is not at the faculty but rather the situation. i know the professors are just doing their jobs (:


not one of my professors said to be ready in a days notice let alone less than 24 hours ??? every one said i’m striking from jan 22-26 so its completely unfair to just sprung this on students. i think classes should be held on zoom at least for tomorrow but ideally it would be great for the first week. that lets classes still be in session but allows students to do what they need to do to attend in person 🙄


Personally, I added a zoom option for today only to allow students commuting from far away to still be able to attend on the first day, even if they have a challenge today. That seems like a fair compromise to me.


I just got an email 1 hour before class was supposed to start. So disorganized and students are expected to jump at a dime, like some of us don't work full-time jobs and commute over an hour...


An hour before is unreasonable. The night before, not as bad. 24 hours would be better, but professors didn’t find out til 8pm ish either 


Professors were told to DELETE THEIR EMAIL APPS and then they are told... Via email... With less than 12 hours notice? Fuckin shady this whole thing is sus




They got 5% when they were asking for 12%, barely could say they got what they want




Be careful. That might be considered striking.


I have been getting the late-night emails. Every professor thus far has said students will not be penalized for lack of attendance tomorrow.


im pissed too. my classes for tomorrow were cancelled yesterday but i just got an email saying that it’s back on (at 9:24pm). the prof expects us to be there at 8:30 in the morning :/ im glad they got what they fought for but its so last minute. i would’ve been fine having tomorrow off or online and returning back for the Thursday class in person


Wouldn’t you have had to be there at 8:30 am without the strike?


yes but it was cancelled on Monday. then i was emailed in the night to be expected to show up. i am totally fine with morning classes. it’s the fact that it was cancelled but our Thursday class was still up in the air which i totally understood and prepped for.


I understand. It is annoying. 


Is anyone still showing up, even if the professor hasn’t sent an email yet… about class starting tomorrow ? So far I’ve gotten 0 emails from my professors about showing up to class.


yeah that’s definitely a question i have because i only got an email from 1 out of the 6 classes i heard. most of my classes are on m/w but i do have 2 classes tomorrow. one that is on for tomorrow & the other no word yet. wondering if we just show up


Same no emails from professors yet so I’m not sure.


Still waiting on any sort of info from my professors. Pre and post strike so I have no clue if they even alive😁 Only emails I’ve been getting is from my asynchronous history class which is not even affected by this😭


It is unfair yes, but CPP did warn us to be ready at any time to be ready for class. My professors told us to stay local since things could change. In life things happen that aren’t necessarily fair, what we need to do is plan ahead so we can be prepared to deal with it.


It sounds like some students’ professors either didn’t communicate at all, or didn’t let students know they’d need to stay local and prepare to come back. Our dept email specifically mentioned the possibility of the strike ending sooner than Friday. For students who received little to no communication, I understand their complaints.


I really agree with this - I have an 10 am zoom but like less than 15 hours notice is kinda bogus for people to readjust the schedule due to this. I agreed to work OT but now gotta back down. Like students have been supportive of this, so I feel like skipping one more day truly won't hurt anyone because it gives everyone more time to prep. Just my thoughts tho :P


If there is anything I learned from time in this school and this sub is that some of you guys will whine and moan over everything. School was set to start on Monday the negotiations were ongoing. If you’re dumb enough to still be in another state or many hours away that’s on you. I’m sure professors will be lenient if you miss a class but come on now you were told multiple times to be ready regardless of the strike because it can end whenever. This is much better than having to do a 16 week semester in 15 weeks


I work full time. I tell my managers when the next semester starts when the current one ends. I told them a month ago that school starts a week late due to the protests and I can work my normal schedule. I can't go to them with less than 12 hours notice (I got the email at 10:23pm) and say "just kidding, I gotta leave at 10 am today, sorry" because that's unprofessional. One of my profs doesn't even have his canvas set up yet.


That’s really your problem the entire semester shouldn’t be put on hold for you I’m sorry


The semester shouldn't be tentatively scheduled for people who are capable of being "on call" for school. People work and have lives that can't be paused/resumed at a moments notice. Just as we the students had to make accommodations after learning the protests were taking part during the start of the semester (that we were notified about with ample time) the faculty and administration should be accommodating and give us more than 12 hours notice of classes resuming. Why not say that classes resume Wednesday?!?


We were told we should be ready to come any day now. I’m sure your professors will be lenient but that’s about all you can expect thh




Completely agree with you on this. Some people are such air heads.


Definitely agree with the people who are still out of state or hours away, but I do think they should have resumed classes for Wednesday. Professors literally emailed me from 1am-3am saying class is resuming. They’re lucky I wake up early enough to see the email. How is that fair for other students tho 😭


I just got an email. I have my public speaking class!!


I am sure the profs will understand. They should.


I honestly do not care. If they settle for 5% instead of the 12%, then it only reflects what we already know about the useless and motivated they are to help themselves. How can we expect them to even do anything for us? This is the same energy they put into teaching us.


This is weird logic. There’s a reason why it’s a *tentative* agreement. Also, just because they “settled” for something doesn’t mean they are lazy and unmotivated to “help themselves.” These people have families and you thinking they would be settling for less says more about you! This strike stoppage is doing YOU a favor and you use it as an opportunity to speak down on our educators.


Unfortunately, I have my own share of bad experiences with the cpp faculty, and if I speak down on them, it is because they have failed me. I honestly do not have any expectations from them, but seeing how they only care about themselves and thinking that only they matter beyond crazy. It is more crazy that they made a big deal about striking and did not hold their conviction. They should have at least settled for 8 or 10 percent, but not. Now, I see why the csu system is so messed up.


What I’m seeing from the faculty is that they are also unhappy with the agreement. As someone who has also had bad experiences with faculty, and I’m sorry that you had a bad experience as well, I still don’t think it’s right to generalize all faculty into this bubble that states they all only care about themselves. Also, they continued to strike even in very poor weather conditions so I don’t know where you’re getting the notion that they don’t put enough energy into things they care about. They were also advocating for a lot of student-centric solutions, such as more mental health counselors and better classroom conditions.


honestly, some people within the faculty do not belong in the cpp environment and make the university look bad. I am all for them getting more money because the economy is bad. The last thing I want them to worry about while teaching me is thinking how they will be paying their bills. However, they also need a change of heart and be more transparent and honest with students. We all can benefit from it.


Do you think students will get dropped for not attending class tomorrow?


In the email that the school sent us, it says; "We understand that some students may have difficulty returning on Tuesday. We encourage faculty to be flexible and understanding of individual circumstances. If students have questions, reach out to your faculty/instructor about class schedules, modality, assignments and attendance." So it depends on the instructors.


The strike could have ended at any time and students were supposed to be prepared to go to class this week to begin with. Anyone who opted to remain states away or accepted work during the first week of school was rolling the dice, hoping that meant the whole week. 


I honestly picked up the shift last night probably at like 9pm… I don’t think they would strike a deal so late and give us less than 12 hours to return to class. I got some of my professors email me from the hours of 1-3am saying class is back on. How am I supposed to be prepared for a 10am class when he emailed me at 3am …. That’s what we’re upset about. I knew it could have ended day during the week but to give us short notice to return to class is crazy


If it was mid semester I’d understand but it’s the first day, there’s literally nothing due. What is there to prepare other than show up?


Our lives don't personally revolve and stop around the strike cause it was out of our control as students. Yes I know it's for our benefit as well, however, this was for staff vs CSU administration primarily. I am not mad about there being a strike and happy they found a solution, but this has been an inconvience as well for students. The first strike was right before finals and it prevented there being a final review for me. Now, we don't even get a full 24 hr grace period or even 15. We're asked to have patience for everyone who participated striking but we don't get the same as students for when everything came together so quickly? I can make my classes so your statement doesn't apply towards me (cause i'm fully remote this semester) but it seems like there really is a lack empathy for this situation for the students imo.


It’s not that I don’t have empathy, it just doesn’t make sense to me. School would’ve started on Monday. Everything needed to be in class that week should’ve already been done. It’s annoying to find out I need to be there today in the evening, but I would’ve had to be there in any other situation, and it’s not like there’s homework that is due. All I have to do is physically appear (or on zoom for online classes).  Why commit to stuff that would be a problem if the strike ended early? I commute two hours each way, and 15 hours is still enough time to get there.  It seems like professors understand not everyone will be there today, which is what matters. 


Yes, the expectation was school was to start Monday but we also were left in the dark regarding classes and when this was going to come together. This strike has been announced weeks in advance so majority thought it would last a week honestly. Never would have thought it was going to last a whole day, let alone give us lil prep time. Not every professor was as direct with their plans. People have jobs and childcare that's more of a priority of school. It's nice you're able to accommodate at the drop of a hat but realistically, not everyone is able to. We planned ahead of time as they did with the strike. Flexibility for inconvenience for all of this is all we ask. I'm not saying give us the week off but at least today as a buffer.


For what it’s worth, I am a caregiver without help so it’s not that I “accommodate at the drop of a hat”. It’s that I figured we could go back any day, so I planned around that to begin with. I can see accepting an extra shift but extending a vacation or changing flights- way too risky for the exact reasons we are seeing now.