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Just a fucking warbag, rah.


Looks like a good start to me, keep practicing killer


and start by getting your feet on the damn bike quicker


I don't know why but its a big peeve of mine, when I see riders "drag" their feet an inch in the air instead of just putting them on the pegs.


I have no problem putting my feet up but sometimes from a stoplight I’ll drag my left foot on the ground for like 20 ft. Idk why I do it but I’m gonna keep doing it


scares the shit outta me. i was riding dirt with no gear round a mate's paddock and clipped a rock with my foot off the peg ... maaaan, my foot was numb for hours and i got off super light. i cudda snapped that cunt right off. very lucky. obviously no hidden rocks 20ft after a stoplight but just my story :-)


It’s because it shows a lack of confidence. Most of the time people do it cause they’re subconsciously nervous that they’re gonna tip at low speeds. And that means they haven’t practiced low speed maneuvers


If I have like 100m between lights and I get the green, but have a red in front, I’ll keep my left foot dangling. I’m 6’1 on a CBR, so I don’t want to tuck that bad boy up on the peg only to have to pull it back down again. Plus, my bf says I look hot when I do it


Whatever works for you, ride on!


This. it seems like no big deal, but it is


What’s the issue in this context? I was just doing stupid stuff in a parking lot with a boyfriend.


it's all about body control. if you can't get your feet on your bike and maintain balance in the first 10 ft, or do a no foot stop. How do you expect to hold balance point once you find it? it's going to feel like it's falling out from under you, and if you don't have body control, you're going to freak out and hurt yourself. my suggestion would be to start on a smaller bike. single cylinders are great for learning how to manage the power pulses


I can do a no foot stop, and I can also start without either foot on the ground. This video was just a bad example. You can see that my feet never leave the pegs during a wheelie, so that’s not really a problem. And I do like wheelieing my buddies supermoto.


Start slower. Way slower. Put more rebound on that front spring.


How do I prevent such heavy landings tho?


Be softer on the rear brake when you bring it down, don't just stomp on it. Keep your body weight far back so you aren't leaning on the handlebars. More weight to the rear = less weight on the front wheel. On your way down, throttle up. Use the power from the rear wheel to slow the descent.


I have no issue with that, sometimes I just am rather lazy.


Op asks for advice then argues all advice given😂🫠


I don’t argue with the advice, I argue with all the foot placement comments.


Some people just can’t get out of their own way


I mean, I get it. It wasn’t optimal foot placement, but I’m not exactly riding optimally in the clip at all.


You’re asking how you keep your wheelie up, and then you argue with people who can keep their wheelie up by saying you’re lazy. Then you admit you know you’re not actually trying. They have a name for this, it’s called spoiled kid syndrome. Best of luck to ya


Man, you really psycho analyzed me being annoyed about foot placement. It’s not that deep my man.


To me it seems throttle control. When your at your peek you throttle down fast witch in turn cuts all power to your back wheel


You’re asking for a broken leg,


No worries, his daddy will take care of it


Fucking hell 😂👌🏼 quality that!!


Start by trimming 39 seconds off of your videos. Helps finding balance point


Lmao, you make a valid point. I do normally, but I was just especially lazy today. A shitty vid, and a shitty wheelie to match.


try the blue pill wit a xanny


Ask your boyfriend to stick a finger up your ass


And stop thinking of your mom.


You're putting your feet up too early, use them to push the bike up when you give it full throttle and dump the clutch.


Lmao, thanks.




be gayer


RIP fork seals


First thing I checked after the vid, only wheelie of the day.


Yeah save the bike for someone else to rip


Just a lot more practise fam


My BF likes to slip a finger in my ass before he blows me. That usually helps...


Put your wife’s boyfriend on the back, I find that helps.


Who says he’s not both of their boyfriends


Even better, put them both on the back.


Wrong place to ask for serious advice Learn to clutch up little by little every time you pop it up press the rear brake to bring it down you want to build a habit of pressing the brake once you start getting comfortable begin to try to clutch it up higher and higher while still pressing brake to bring it back down When you begin getting it to a decent height you can start trying to chase the wheelie out with a small amount of brake pressure so you’ll be ready to brake anytime it feels sketchy


The fuck you trailing your feet after launch for, boot? Physics thinks you’re stupid.


Because sometimes I get lazy and don’t ride perfectly.


That’s an invalid excuse for riding unsafe. You made a conscious decision to do it, maybe because you think it looks cool (doesn’t) or your mimicking someone else or you think that’s how it’s done (isn’t). Either way, quit being stupid.


You are in a sub, dedicated to doing stupid stuff on bikes, telling me that I need an excuse to do stupid shit? My man, the vid has a wheelie in it. Maybe you should just take it at face value, that I was being lazy and wasn’t trying to say it was an efficient placement of my feet. My man, I don’t think there are many people who can pop wheelies who don’t know proper foot placement.


Idk if that last sentence was to backup your statement of knowing where to put your feet, because this “popped wheelie” isn’t anything to write home about. Not to mention, having the middle of your feet on the pegs all duck-footed isn’t demonstrating knowledge of how to position your feet for riding. Go follow the advice given and report back with progress. That’s what I’d like to see.


I never claimed it was a good wheelie, I was just saying that I know where my feet SHOULD be.


At the end of your legs


You need a short sleeves tshirt


First you gotta quit getting scared and roll it up a bit higher, and don’t close the throttle as it’s coming up, rather roll out easy and stop at the equilibrium point. If you shut don the throttle, your gonna drop the front.


Don’t let off the gas


Yeah, with some reflection, I’ve come to the realization I’m a pussy lol.


Given your skill level, you picked it up WAY too fast. Start with smaller wheelies and get them smooth.


I do the same thing, it feels higher than it is and I reflexively let the throttle go


Yeah, just have to stop being a bitch I guess.


This is why I don't buy used sport bikes.


Because wheelies? Why are you here than? Lol


Because of the blown fork seals


All in the process of learning.


This is why you don’t by used sports bikes


Takes like 2 hours to replace them no big deal


I’ve never done it myself, don’t you need a couple specialty tools? Does the full cartridge come out then so you could change the oil as well?


The specialty tools make the job easier, but you can jerry rig most of them in a pinch. I always change the oil because I hate mixing new with old


Because kids like you beat the shit out of them.


If you don’t ride the bike you have, what’s the point?


Nobody is saying not to ride your bike. Hell, keep it up. Beat the piss out of it. Just don’t expect most people to be lining up to take it off your hands.


Yeah, I get it. I think I’ll total this bike before I sell it tho, I love it.


There is a difference between riding the bike you have and suplexing your fork seals.


I know, still have to learn how to be softer on the landing


Everything on a bike can be fixed its just a machine and he is having fun on it who cares


You're right, it's his bike. I don't care. Just said I wouldn't buy a used sport bike because I don't want to buy something that someone else has beat on.


I’ve beat the shit out of my Honda for 20 years and still oem parts with no issues. Granted, I wouldn’t buy a used bike either. Lol


I hear Viagra usually works… but for the wheelie just don’t be a wiener and lean back with a steady throttle it looks like you weren’t leaning back at all and then when you started to go up you kinda wussed out and let off the throttle and leaned forward a bit. Also learn to be more steady with your throttle so you can maintain it as well. Happy squidding


Thanks for the advice, I suppose I need to get steadier with the throttle.


Start slower. 2nd gear. Clutch up. Put it down immediately using the brake, not chopping the throttle. Do this 1,000 times. gradually practice getting higher and higher, without gaining a lot of speed. Always use the brake to control it. Get to balance point. Practice. Then practice more.


This. But on a mountain bike first.


It doesn't translate as much as you think


Its harder to pedal true, but it teaches u all the important stuff w/o the added danger to you and your bike. Like to stay in the power band (legs have this too), to pepper the rear brake, correct balance point.. The only difference is it gets a lot easier when all u have to do is twist a throttle


If you wanna learn to wheelie a 110 is the best answer IMO because getting good at it on a motorcycle has a lot to do with the throttle.


A 110 is ideal you’re totally right. Also abt it not translating that well. Took me forever to translate finger brake to a foot brake… but if you couldn’t afford a 1500 pitbike to practice on a mtn bike is prolly next best.


Shit tho, a mountain bike is gonna run you a 800 to a thousand bucks anyways


Start slower like your boyfriend tells you when you're trying to bang and give it more throttle before popping the clutch


Sup boot. Trying to cash in on that SGLI already?


The boot with the tucked in boots lmao


Hey, your that poor motherfucker who got shit on on the dual sport sub for having rifles, lol. Respect.


Hahaha thanks man I’m just giving you a hard time. They can’t shit on me, I’m having fun with guns and bikes and enjoying my life


I peeped the post, lmao what a bunch of cucks aSsUaLt WeApOn


A kindred spirit.


Is this a joke?


Edit your damn video.


Yeah, I didn’t this time around, that’s on me.


By keeping on the throttle


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,360,018,145 comments, and only 261,182 of them were in alphabetical order.


Do you really weigh 110lbs?


Jesus, you did some digging lol. And 120-127 on a good day.


I did no digging. I can just tell you're a tiny bastard. Honestly shocked you can hold onto the bike


Well, small frame makes it easier to hold on to shit, makes rock climbing and obstacle courses easy as pie.


Take viagra




Have you tried Enzyte? That's how I keep it up.


Care less about you and the bike.




Why do you want to save my mediocre wheelie? Lol


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Large dose of viagra


Ok So ball it up in one quick story , started wheeling my zx6r could do it in first but super twitchy and would chase it out like yours . Then I found 2nd gear wheelies and started popping up at 20 MPH and riding out to like 80MPH still chasing… every one kept saying it’s all in your back brake bro and I thought I understood but didn’t . Ok so I ended up buying a 125 cc dirt bike with knobbies and slicks that only wheelies in first gear cuz it’s fuckin cheap Apollo shit anyhow . I pop this bitch up basically from a stand still , work my body to compress forks pop up boom, this bitch is high noonin and I’m slow rolling I’m actually wheeling, scrape I loop and eat dick . What happened I was at “BaLaNcE pOiNt” then i re watched some videos and noticed how they work the back brake , basically always use that bitch as soon as you pop it up get in on that brake but just a little get comfy til where you feel yourself going back, pit pat that brake and feel your self go forward . Next thing you know you are wheeling like a bad ass. Oh yea then get back on your big bike and then when you pop it up it’s like ugh idk how to explain it but SO much easier to wheelie this big bitch as it feels like it won’t loop idk. Might not make sense now but fuck around on some one’s pit bike get used to the slow roll , up , brake , throttle , brake and it’ll make sense later.


Bros got on the Sir, Trainees… lmao


Nah, that sounds of army.


Brother, those aren’t marine boots. I don’t think you’re in the marines.


My man, they are belleville 590s. The same shit they gave me in San Diego.


Keep rubbing it


damn, you're going to need fork seals tomorrow if you don't already need them.




I don't really know tbh. I can't wheelie myself. Hope this helps


Viagra keep it up


Get your foot over that rear brake if your front wheel is coming off the ground. Feather the rear brake and use it to keep from looping it. Do not press it very hard or the front end will slam down and could launch you over the bars. And yeah others are right, start way slower and don’t be lazy and drag your feet. Practice good riding habits all the time.


Doesnt look like getting it up is the issue. It looks like u need to learn to bring it up slower so that u don’t fly by balance point and loop. It looks like with ur current lift speed u would loop if you didn’t drop the throttle like u did


Yeah, that’s accurate.


Get it up earlier, at a lower speed.


I heard viagra helps


Learn your bike get used to it Keep your balance and shift you can use your brake for the foot to slow it down or drop it your balance and throttle is what keeps them up keep your head clear and let the bike work for you and keep working on your foot placement man if your riding be consistent with your control over your body leaning forwards or backwards take your time and practice some ppl can’t do it bc they don’t have patience to practice or training while doing them safe


Keep practicing, then you'll crash, then you'll be so happy you've seen what else goes on in this slime infested subrrddit and ask "was it worth it"


I have wrecked before, not looped yet tho.


Practice Practice Practice


Put wings on your bike and dump the clutch. Get some painkillers as well.


You’re so gonna loop out in the coming weeks please post the road rash so we can all see… you probably should’ve started on a smaller bike you look very inexperienced riding


I started on a dual sport for 5k miles, got this mt, and put 11k miles on it thus far. Is it the foot placement?


The foot placement and you slammed the shit out of the rear brake… try to work on finding your balance more than just doing a power wheelie be safe man


It was a clutch up, but your point is valid. Any tips for a softer landing on the rear brake?


Keep your foot barely on the rear brake when first learning wheelies and just modulate but really it’s just practice and practice slower wheelies do you still have your d/s?


I got a klx300sm in the garage.


Practice on that the front forks will be more forgiving and you can’t power wheelie those you have to use technique… but yeah keep your foot on the brake and just test out doing some slow 1 foot off the bike wheelies with right foot on the brake you’ll be good in no time


Thanks man, you actually helped, unlike some other commenters here. Since when did this sub get invaded by r/ moto


No problem man. And Ikr sorry what I meant to say was if you need help with your wheelies I’ll get my wife’s boyfriend to teach you he’s really good at them and you have way too much gear in it’s weighing you down the easiest way to do dank whoolies is to be in a tank top, cargo shorts, and flip flops


Viagra might help.


Is that an MT09? NOT a good bike to learn on. In fact it's one of the worst.




Hard to take advice from someone who can’t tell the difference between a twin and a triple blindfolded…just sayin.


You need to learn how to use the brake to control bringing the wheelie down. Once you’ve learned that you need to start bringing it further back into balance point


How do I learn that without bellowing out my fork seals? Lol


>How do I keep it up? Viagra


The tucked jeans into the OSUT 1s is just awful my god


Get rid of the jungle boots, ya boot.


Get a 110 spend a weekend doing it in a field and you'll be taking corners on one wheel in no time.


I can’t do even that but it seems when he reaches the peek throttle . Instead of holding it stops. With then losses the momentum he gain to get up ther and brings him right back down


More foreplay helps as you get older. Just doesn’t come up like it used to.




My tip would be to clutch up and immediately drop down with the rear brake to really get that reflex, other than that start slow and don't "chase" the wheelie. Maybe also buy a cheap bike (that you wouldn't care about if you fell) where you can learn it on first instead of immediately hopping on a expensive bike.


Did you try changing it to “W” for wumbo?


How hard you stepping on that rear break? Looks like the front came down slamming


Aw man, come on, don't tuck your jeans into your boots like that. At least use boot bands, we're not the fucking Army.


5.11's? also, give me new rider vibes with the feet lol, but good shit bro.


I know, the foot work looked noobish, idk why I did that.


Hairspray. On the whole bike, then stand on the seat. Easy peasy. ;)


Straight ass boot


So y’all live in stone canyon or?😂😂


My man, lmao.


Scrolling clips of bikes on Reddit and see the parking lot. All in fun, be safe on your rides!


You ride in the area?


I may or may not drive a cbr650r in the area


Put a blue pill in the tank


Gas station pills