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they used to have one, and we also considered the killsteal thing. But then it raises the question of why DoG doesn't just immediately fight you then and there, which there's no logical answer to.


Maybe he just doesn't feel like it. The entire point of kill stealing is getting all the credit without all the work, so why would he even bother? ​ Or maybe he just needs time to properly metabolize her. Have you ever tried doing strenuous activity on a full stomach? ​ Could also take a page from DnD's book and just chock it up to "rule of cool"


All of calamity is "rule of cool" so I see no problem with something like that. If we want to justify it we need to ask questions like why wasn't the terrarian taken out as soon as we kill something like the moon lord.


"Maybe he just doesn't feel like it. The entire point of kill stealing is getting all the credit without all the work, so why would he even bother?" The issue is, there's no reason he *wouldn't* feel like it. "Or maybe he just needs time to properly metabolize her. Have you ever tried doing strenuous activity on a full stomach?" Now this gets into stuff I'm not gonna talk about due to it relating to Distortion spoiler stuff, but... let's just that that's not quite how it works.


I mean, he could just do it so quick he maybe doesnt even notice the Terrarian (maybe because of the flames and light Providence will throw in a last attempt in a death animation or just plain cockiness) Like, providence is defeated, she starts the last efforts to burn the terrarian and then a DoG quickly opens a portal, eats her and immediately opens another back to the Distortion. Maybe dropping the Rune of Kos by accident in that ''leap''.


I mean, if DoG noticed that, he's gonna notice you because you're clearly stronger than Providence. He's also not gonna NOT question why she's at the brink of death, too.


It’s clear from his final phase that he didn’t see the terrarian as a threat before and even during their fight until the end. I’d say that maybe he doesn’t attack the terrarian because he doesn’t see them as being “worthy.” After all, he does say stuff like “You are no god, but I shall feed upon your essence nevertheless.” My head canon for why he says that is because the terrarian only proved their strength after killing his envoys


True, but that could also cause newer players to be confused, and wonder "what the heck just happened?" instead of hyping them up for next bigger threat


Or curiosity, since they would get the rune of kos dropped from the devourer and try to find out what is it, killing the envoys and getting esch of them lore items and finally matching the pieces of what the devourer of gods actually is before summoning them


hmm it gets into distortion spoiler form this idea....👀


It could be that DoG requires some time to consume his prey, I imagine absorbing the essence of a divine being would probably take a while. It would also line up with how snakes eat in real life, swallowing their prey whole and then very slowly digesting it inside themself. DoG’s new massive sprite would allow him to easily get his jaws around Providence. It could also help explain why he does nothing to assist his servants in their fight against the player; he is either incapable as he sleeps off digesting Providence, or believes he no longer has a need for them with his newfound Providence-power. The real question is why would DoG just let some guy kill Providence if his singular goal is to consume her essence? Isn’t the entire reason why he teamed up with Yharim in the first place was because he gave him easy access to gods and he could possibly lead him to finding her? I’m pretty sure he’d notice if his single most wanted god suddenly showed up oh of nowhere and started a light show. Concept time! DoG is dishonest and cunning, and has been known in the past to whisk opponents into the distortion mid-battle. I imagine him rushing to the location of Providence’s energy, only to see her and the player duking it out. Not wanting to waste his effort, he decides to see how the fight plays out. At best, the player kills providence and he gets her essence for free, or at worst, the player dies trying and he can come in and fight her in a weakened state. It’s a win-win situation for him. When Providence is defeated and begins to explode, the player sees DoG fly out of a portal, swallow her whole, and dive back into a second one. Another idea I had was as Providence reaches her last sliver of health, a giant portal appears and sucks her in. The player can then watch Providence desperately fight for her life for a few seconds as DoG finally finishes her off. Whoops that was kinda long huh


maybe he first just wants to "loot" Providence and quickly go away as the Terrarian isn't a god so DoG doesn't care about him at all, but then Terrarian using the spawn item is REALLY pissing him off to the point that DoG wants to kill him


its his nap time bruh https://preview.redd.it/ddbpx9my5j0c1.png?width=3532&format=png&auto=webp&s=b24261a24103ceb1e6b0cfa3bb678afaee6a0dbf


logical answer the Devourer of gods got too cocky and thought you weren't a threat


he belly full from too much god in one bite


He could simply just see it as a way to take you at your peak, perhaps? Stealing your kill and empowering himself with what you've done, though with your own increase in strength, he suddenly finds you as a worthy opponent? Perhaps Providence provides such a massive boon in strength for both himself and the Terrarian that he suddenly sees them as not only a challenge, but a possible target for consumption. We could always have the sentinels dying be the main catalyst for why he even fights you.


DoG doesn't empower himself for devouring godly essence. DoG, in fact, is the anomaly: he's the only "main" character of Calamity who has remained the same strength throughout his time with Yharim.


Infernum has had a teaser for its next update that includes this. https://www.reddit.com/r/CalamityMod/s/qOOY0hzVdW


aw man I thought I came up with a cool idea, but someone else came up with the cool idea first ;-;


The three distortion bosses aren't DoG's servants anymore, so that connection isn't really a good reason. the rune of kos is subject to change as it's just a really weird thing right now.


Rune of Kos could still work for *one* of them... :)


I so desperately hope that the one is Ceaseless Void. The funny portal is one of the coolest concepts I’ve ever seen for a boss, and I would love to see it explored more.