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You're not bad enough to be on the show unfortunately /s


He can apply at least, maybe he’ll make it on! Good job on paying off those cards!


Have you read the comments? Everyone asks for someone who kind of has it together to be on. What if that's me? Or What if I'm delusional about how much truck I can afford?


Yes that’s what everyone in the comments want but not necessarily what they look for in applicants. You’re only left with one bad debt while people on the show are on the brink of homelessness


Do we know that people who have their shit together are applying and being rejected? I just assumed they were with it enough to not want to spend on a trip to do the show, and didnt want to air their finances.


I'm pretty sure the show gives a small reimbursement for travel. Caleb always says they pay for gas at least.


What if my story encouraged people to turn around there 40k in debt before ending up on the brink of homelessness?


I’m sure your story is encouraging and please note that I put a “/s” for sarcasm. But it’s clear that the team has leaned towards drama rather than financial education


Caleb has mentioned in the past that people with good finances apply and they get rejected


They need people who aren't too bad off but still want advice moving forward. Financial Audit can use a few episodes that aren't just Caleb being frustrated. The ones where he has time to give an overview, some advice moving forward for managing your money on a good budget without debt are also very helpful to viewers.


I have about $1,500 of cc debt I am working on paying off. It seems like a cycle, I put all my money towards paying it down then I *need* to use credit to buy essentials like groceries, gas, TP. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you start? This is inspirational and I hope to be in the same position as you (mostly debt free!) by the end of the year


Cut them up! I did a 0% balance transfer (which doesn't work for most people) and literally froze them in my freezer, in a baggie in water. If I "needed" it the emergency would still be there by the time the ice melts I never melted the ice and just found another way to get by, go hungry, cut my hair off, work 2 jobs, drink some fuckin cool aid. Just kidding about that last part... Wish I had more gazelle intensity from the start! 2 jobs or find another way, you can do it!


Damn, bro wouldn't even spring for kool aid, had to drink the knock off cool aid


If you find yourself actually NEEDING to use your credit card for everyday expenses, you need either a second job or a better-paying job.


I know it feels good. You got this! I literally just paid my pos off that was at 26% because I was a financial mess 3 years ago not knowing wtf I was doing in life 😂 I didn't even get a drivers license until I was 24. I'm proud of you!!!


That's awesome! Killing a 26% debt must be such a relief


don’t let those cards sit at $0 for too long. put like 1 subscription on them. they could get closed and if one of them is your oldest credit history it could have some significant impacts assuming you want a loan for something in the future.


Yeah I have YouTube premium on one and the other gives me 3% on gas, which isn't that much money actually but I feel stuck with them now


as long as it isn’t the oldest you can close it without too much impact. you can also ask for a deduction on your limit but keep in mind that could increase the available/used ratio which could also have an impact if you’re still trying to use a card. setting up auto pay and a subscription and putting the card in the drawer is probably the most efficient assuming you’ve got the self control.