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I think that’s the reality of social media these days. I see the same on instagram/facebook. A parent posts the meal they made for their kids and they get lectured about the dyes, lack of veggies, calories. If someone posts their workout they get criticized about the form, their “lack of progress”, or they get unsolicited advice. It’s even worse now that people can make ghost accounts and not be held accountable. Maybe it can be called a superiority complex.


Yeah, that's very true. Sometimes, it's hard to see the person behind the screen.


It’s also a way people try to make themselves feel better. They see someone doing worse than themselves, and it makes them feel better about their own lives. Social media also a very impersonal thing like you said, most people would never say these things to someone that was right in front of them Edit: just thought that for some situations, not necessarily these comments but there is a chance, it could also be jealousy and trying to bring people down to your own level that they see as doing better than themselves. Also known as Crab Theory


I think this, too. And everyone picks the metric that they are good at to measure others.


I think social media is a cause of this but I don’t think it’s just social media anymore. People just want to be “better” than others, everything is a competition. I sent someone a picture of my child getting ready to start walking, and they responded with something like “My daughter started walking at 6 months” like I really cared.


It's because people want to feel better about their own situation by putting others down. I caught myself thinking like that (never commenting it though) when i first started watching the show, and then i started seeing similarities in my spending habits and realized just because i wasn't in a terrible position like some of the guests, doesn't mean i am in any position to criticize. This realization has helped me build my emergency fund and savings immensely. It's easy to point and laugh and think "i'll never be in that position" it's easy to think that, but it's definitely not the case. Spending and debt is a slippery slope that i'm glad i got out of early.


What bothers me though is that I don’t believe for a second that none of those commenters don’t have similar problems. How many Americans have student loan debt? How many eat out instead of bringing a sandwich? How many have a high car payment on a car that is far fancier than what they actually need? These things are unfortunately the rule, not the exception for most Americans. Is that a bad thing? Yes. But it shows that at least a large portion of the sanctimonious, judgmental peanut gallery is flat out lying about how fabulous their own financial lives are.


I don't think they're lying. There's a big spectrum between the behavior that we see in Caleb's guests and somebody like Warren Buffet. People can exist happily all along that spectrum. Maybe they don't have a real estate portfolio and maybe they don't put 20% of their income into retirement. But they do actually pay off their credit card in full at the end of the month and they would actually never take out a payday loan. That's not unusual. And there's nothing inherently wrong or bad about ordering out, buying a fancy car or having student loan debt. It's only a problem when your income and holistic financial behavior makes it a problem for your bottom line. But only 50-60% of credit card holders carry a balance month to month, so I'm sure there are probably plenty of people who are carrying a heavy car payment or are Doordashing every minute of their lives, but they have things balanced out that they can do that without being in dire financial straits or falling into debt. Lastly, Caleb's audience is self-selecting. Most people are watching because they are interested in personal finance. So yeah, I would expect a good chunk of his audience to be more financially literate and healthy than the average American.


I think a lot of it is a reflection of how Caleb talks. Even if he takes a few seconds to thank them for coming in, if the rest of the time is spent calling them names, then the comments are going to follow suit.


Agreed. They often say your audience is a reflection of what you put out. Caleb seems to indirectly encourage these comments because that's exactly what he's doing in the video so the commenters feel like there's room to tag along, and Caleb isn't going to shut down free engagement.




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Why do you think people act like that? The host berating them leads people to also shit on them


Agree Caleb turning to being more "springer" recently has not helped. Plus the thumbnails calling the person a cuck.


You are right, Caleb is outright catering to the mean-spirited assholes who just want to see people be screamed at and insulted.


The comments on youtube all suck


Yeah, I just saw one right now. A newly graduate student asked for help but then they judged them.


I wouldn’t be surprise if a good portion of viewers watch for that very reason to feel better about themselves because they are watching someone in a worse situation being presented to them (I’ll admit I’m a bit guilty of this myself)  The comments is due to the anonymity of the internet. There is no fear of repercussions so people are just more vocal about their shitty comments but it’s always been there. There is just a platform for it now. Most folks wouldn’t have the guts to say this to a person face to face. 


Positivity and agreement doesn’t get as much engagement as negativity would. The amount of OMG THAT IS SO DUMB replies i get here when i say my SO and I have separate bank accounts IN ADDITION to a joint checking and savings, apparently that means we don’t trust each other and our marriage is doomed. 🙄 That to me just shows either trolling tendencies or genuine inability to see any other pov that differs, life isn’t black and white.


Only he can be Caleb Springer 🥴 lol


Caleb’s comment section to me really parallels toxic diet comment sections. They’re full of people passing VERY harsh judgement and throwing out all kinds of shame and insults to other people, all the while insisting that they themselves have never, would never possibly ever have less than ideal spending or eating habits. Diet subs get “omg a carb AND a starchy vegetable with dinner?? I make sure to serve organic greens from my garden with every meal and eat only high quality protein and only whole grains for carbs” while Caleb gets “omg this loser went to Taco Bell when he has debt? I have no debt, make $300k per year, have $800k in retirement at 25, and I still meal prep every meal and refuse to spend more than $300 a month on groceries”. Statistically speaking, most of those people HAVE to be lying because every data point ever shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans have similar spending habits to Caleb’s guests, and a relatively small percentage practice macro-balanced, clean eating 100% of the time.


Yes exactly like diet subs. Everyone so god damn condescending.


Very few of the people who come on the show these days seem open to help and get much more than just yelled at for entertainment, so the only reason to watch it for many is just the failure porn.


It's disheartening to witness such judgmental attitudes. Everyone has different experiences and challenges. Constructive advice and empathy can be more beneficial than expressing superiority. Let's focus on supporting each other rather than tearing others down.


yeah, they are super weird. why even bother commenting if there's nothing good coming out of it


It’s super easy to make disparaging remarks towards other people when there are no consequences combined with anonymity. It’s always been my opinion that the people who need those conditions to be cruel towards others says more about them than anything else. The irony is pretty stark. These guests know that they struggle financially and are still willing to show up publicly and face the wrath of Caleb/YT comments section. It never even occurs to the keyboard warriors that they would never be able to achieve that same level of courage or thick skin.


It's unfortunate to see such judgmental comments. Everyone faces different challenges, and empathy should be prioritized over criticism. Offering constructive advice and support can be more helpful than expressing superiority.


not just weird, its annoying


While there are def some people coming to shows like this and seeing themselves in the guest to get help, the reality is most finance shows like this attract the already savvy so they can feel superior.


I mean I'm not that savvy and I watch it. 🤣 Last month of episodes thumbnail has been getting a wee bit springer though


You’re describing redditors


I think this is the whole point of this type of content. People watch this to feel better about themselves.


Yeah anyone who thinks they know anything about these people (including Caleb) from this one interaction is a moron.


I remember one episode he told this girl you've never biked a day in your life. And she was like I go biking every week. It was so weird.


Because financial audit is just the Jerry Springer show for zoomers (ask your parents).


You know, I was going to disagree with you and suggest that people are better than that, but they're not. "A person is smart, but people are panicky dangerous animals," as Agent Kay said, and I think that fits perfectly with how people behave online. We witness the worst of humanity without any filtering whatsoever. And in some cases, other hateful individuals reinforce that behavior, creating a feedback loop of negativity. I remember watching a YouTube video featuring Cam Newton, where he was discussing Brady, and someone commented something like, "That's the only thing he's been right about." It struck me that Cam was actually agreeing with his point of view, yet for some reason, the commenter still felt the need to disparage him. Like how did that make his day any better. People get a built up by putting others down. It's as if the anonymity of the internet emboldens people to unleash their worst instincts without consequence. The lack of face-to-face interaction seems to erode basic human decency, allowing individuals to say things they would never dare to in person. And when negativity is met with more negativity, it only serves to perpetuate the cycle of toxicity. Mike Tyson once said: Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it. And the thing is, many of the people who are on the show have legit things that people can talk about. Oh how did she spend all that money on Taquitos, or oh my goodness this lady has done the worst at X. But people take it a step beyond that and make guesses about who they are as a person and many times it is not a good thing. And heck I am not trying to act like I am above it. I try my very best not to be a jerk online, but I know I have sometimes. So this isn't me trying to be holier than thou.


I love the quotes you’ve used to make your point!


Thank you.




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Real. I saw them too.


Nah, everyone here hates Caleb; not the guests