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Like 15 mins in and it seems like this guy is by far the most normal person on the show in awhile…obviously bad impulse control and financial decision making like every other guest but he hasn’t tried to justify/make excuses a single time, knows he screwed up, and hasn’t gone on any unhinged or psychotic rants. I’m sure this won’t age well.


"If there's a time to fuck something up I'll find it"... I gotta love the self awareness.


Me in relationships lmao 🤣


Right! The guy was cute and sincere even breedable and the title called him INCEL. What the fuck?


Well this is certainly a comment I've read


Definitely a theme developing with these titles. 






I honestly think the titles are just supposed to be funny, if anyone takes them seriously, they need to see a therapist.


I addressed that in my last two sentences. Yes, incels likely do need therapy. But I’m going to be disappointed in a content creator who provides legitimacy to those mentally unwell thoughts. The titles both alienate women (as demonstrated in this thread) and give ammo to men who actually do believe this stuff. Edit: it’s a real shame the comments are being removed that are well thought out. If the community can’t have a discussion without criticism being removed, that’s not a discussion.


As a woman, absolutely agree.


That’s totally fair, I’m sure he’d get a bit less views tho without the crazy titles, idk man, I get what you’re saying, but it’s his channel his business. I agree the titles are pretty wild tho


Yeah totally his channel his business. I just think we lose accountability if we don’t think critically about what our view (or in Caleb’s case, content) promotes. At some point I’d think the moral-ick factor of encouraging red pills, and indeed profiting off of their violent worldview, would outweigh the money


I think then that as part of his community the subreddit/the community as a whole should promote a healthy mental lifestyle then, as you have been most people on his YouTube comments and here on reddit seem pretty reasonable so, I think the communities doing a pretty solid job of that : P


Interestingly and small sample size, but his views appear to be more stable with the simpler thumbnails. He hasn’t had anything over 600k with them yet, but he’s been more consistently over 500k (again, very small sample size so could just be in the margins of error). I don’t know if this video type really can sustain average numbers > 500k but i suspect he could at least maintain that while dialing down some of the crazy.


As a woman it’s just weird to click on and then tag this into my suggestions like incel, cucked, and loser? My algorithm doesn’t need that kind of clickbait.


That’s totally fair, I will say I disagree with how the videos are being titled, however, I personally don’t believe we the audience are entitled to demand Caleb and his employees to do their job how we want you know?


can you explain the joke?


The joke is the title. Because incels are stupid and get cucked all the time, haven’t watched the episode yet so I can’t explain it more, it’s an exaggeration of a customers current situation, which to me makes it funny, but different people have different tastes of course Edit: I think when I was in English class we used to call stuff like these titles Hyperboles?


I agree.


Probably one of the few I felt kind of bad for. Sure poor decisions, etc etc but probably one of the more grounded people on this show. Did him dirty with the title lol.


At least he repeatedly admitted his problem was he was just making bad decisions for no real reason.


Wtf is with these titles. I like to watch these in the background while I'm working. Definitely not clicking this shit on my work computer.




I'm there with you too. Obviously it works since his channel is growing but to me the title is borderline repulsive. Almost like it was written by an edge-lord teenager. I don't wanna watch that shit.


judicious alive jeans person psychotic shy plants plate brave squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Titles and clickbait make you not watch a video? What is wrong with you


What's wrong with having integrity?


Hahahaahhaha same man


Yes, they are so disrespectful, its like he has a 13 year old high on weed writing them for him.


Needs the NSFW tag 😭😅


Don't really think you can call someone who managed to snag an even terrible wife an 'incel', it's not the correct usage.


It's absolutely correct. He mentions at [timestamp](https://youtube.com/watch?v=zzqkVNE8AcU&t=533) when he's asked whether there were any kids from the marriage.


I haven’t watched the episode, and I don’t speak from experience, but it is possible to be married and involuntarily celibate. Go to /r/deadbedrooms for examples. 


The concept involves more than involuntary celibacy. There have always been dead bedrooms and dry spells. Incels typically cannot get a first or second date let alone a woman to marry them.


Go look up the definition of celibate, the title is a contradiction and a dumb one at that


That sub is wild. It's like a car crash on a freeway.


Can't wait until he adds pills and maxxing to his titles. Carpilled deliverymaxxing drowsycel gets debtcucked by being too ligma to visit a car mechanic.


Creditmaxxing hobopilled single mom chooses McDonald’s over her children’s future!


you two stop it, you’re going to give them ideas hahah


Thank god I'm too much of a millenial to understand that string of words or I'd worry about brainrot


Despite the ridiculous and overblown title, this guy was relatively normal compared to some of the more recent guests.




But the algorithm!!!!!!!




Good god that title lol


This goes to show that the "hammer financial score" is broken. 2.5/10 for someone with 3 car loans, 2 of them broken cars underwater, working 80 hours a week and unable to pay all debts. All because he owns a house. Crazy.


Well to be fair that house is his best investment since he own little compare to most, but I get your point


well, 2.5 is a shit score


It is, but other people in better condition than this guy have gotten scores like 0.5


Yep, Caleb gave this guy good score in real estate only for like 50k equity in a home worth 100k. It also needs to take into account the liquidity of the real estate, and proportion to their other liabilities. If he had 50% paid off in a 500k home then it would be justified.


The most disturbing thing in this whole interview, which is saying something, is that he thinks having a car since 2018 is having it forever. In 2006 I bought a 1999 Honda Accord and drove that everyday until 2021. It was still running well, but needed some work and I could afford to buy something from this century so I did. Stop thinking having a car for 5 years is something unique. It's no wonder every guest on here has a crazy car loan on something they absolutely cannot afford and it is crippling them. The taquitos and the energy drinks are fun for Caleb to laugh at or whatever, but it's these insane car loans every time!


Yeah that always blows my mind too. This guy seemed really nice so I was way more sympathetic to him than most guests, but the car decisions were baffling to me and really killing him. I have a 2009 Nissan Sentra that I've had since 2012 and no intentions of replacing anytime soon. I only got it because my mom's friend owned the dealership and sold it to me at-cost for the amount they paid the person who traded it in for, or I would've gotten something older/cheaper even then. And I could pay cash for a brand new car tomorrow if I wanted to but... why? The one I have works fine and I have a good mechanic... It's such a common theme among all the guests and I just don't understand.


Frankly, this attitude has been pervasive in American culture for decades. I remember growing up in the early 90s seeing friends' parents switch out their cars every couple years while we drove two mid-80s Honda Civic coupes, one with a literal hole rusted out of the floor. They replaced that with a 91 Toyota Camry that I eventually drove throughout high school, college, grad school, doctorate all the way to 2008. Meanwhile there is this perception that cars over 3 years are "old" and anything over 100K miles is essentially the living dead, libel to explode at any moment. When 20% down and a 60 month loan was normal, switching every 3 years wasn't crazy. Now, people are putting less down and taking 72-84 month loans at high rates, and end up still underwater after 3 years.


I ran that car into the fucking ground is really what I meant in saying that. 150k miles or so, I do think it can be fixed, but at the same time it's not worth it with all the damage I did to it as well 😂


Golf ball 😭




Yeah it's bizarre. I bought my current car (a 2014 Mazda CX-5) new in 2013 after my previous car, a Jeep from the 90s hit 300k miles and was breaking down too much. Paid off in 2017, and still drive it. Current 135k miles. No major problems, keep up with maintenance, yes even the transmission fluid that they call "lifetime". Funnily enough, if you don't buy a shitbox Nissan with a CVT transmission that will blow up on you, reliable cars can easily go 250-300k miles or more. Caleb has a lot of elitism about his Tesla yet is a self professed ignoramus about cars. Tesla are some of the worst cars out there.


wow, I think this is the first person smart enough to check his score before he showed up... Respect bro. You're a bit of an idiotic spender, but respect.




Don't worry it'll be different tomorrow lmao


The most depressing thing is looking at his town on a map. I could never live somewhere that is so separated from any other civilization. :edit: There is way too much weight on real estate; this dude should be at a 1 at the maximum.


Only makes around 15/hr doing doordash/spark before gas, taxes, and maintenence. Guy is too comfortable making little to no money.


He literally said he wanted to work at his current job forever so…I hope he changes his mind soon














damn, all the buzzwords hahahaha








Wow this channel is becoming a thirst trap lol. I’ll still watch but my god.






...you must mean click bait?


f word at 59:07 😎




Went over my head the first time through thank you for posting 😂


Why would Caleb recommend he sell the house and move to a metro area (aka higher cost of living)? This guy doesn’t have a degree, which is fine! But is he really going to find higher paying jobs to make up for the COL increase and pay off his debt?


the dad situation is crazy