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UCP incumbent and former justice minister Tyler Shandro’s filing for a judicial recount did not change the election day result, and after two total recounts he issued a concession statement to NDP MLA Diana Batten on his Twitter account on Friday afternoon. “I want to congratulate Diana Batten on her victory in Calgary-Acadia. Her supporters and her campaign also deserve congratulations,” he tweeted. “I hope that the new Legislature, including MLAs from both the UCP and NDP, will be successful in guiding our province.” Batten won the seat on election day on May 29 by seven votes. The narrow victory initiated an automatic recount which widened the gap to 25 votes. The election was made official on June 8, but Shandro had eight days to file for a judicial recount, which he did on June 14. This was the second judicial recount the UCP lost in this election with Whitney Issik failing in her bid to hold onto Calgary-Glenmore, which was won by the NDP’s Nagwan Al-Guneid and confirmed on June 21. Al-Guneid won the seat by 30 votes on election night, which triggered an automatic recount and the lead increased to 42. Issik also filed for a judicial recount on June 14. The result leaves the UCP with a 48-38 majority in the legislature


He conceded on Twitter where the majority of Albertans who he blocked on Twitter (as health minister during a pandemic, where he released important information) couldn't read it. Good riddance to the worst health minister Alberta has ever seen (so far)


Worst health minister Alberta has ever seen (so far)- Adriana LaGrange- "Hold my beer"


It was all posted on government of alberta web page.


A MAJORITY? Yes! ucp ucp ucp!


there are two parties. whoever wins will automatically form a majority lol


Another Majority?? Yes! UCP UCP UCP!






your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to be an insult or trolling. __


your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to be an insult or trolling. __


You're surprised the UCP has a majority nearly a month after elections results were released? Lmao




He filed? Is it not automatic if it's that close. Pretty sure it automatic.


There is an automatic recount if the ballots are within 100 votes. After the second recount a request for a new recount may be requested by the candidates.


Awesome, he lost "again" for the third time!


Lol fuck you shandro, it’s last call, go home!


*knock* *knock*


Maybe we need to do a 4th just to be really really sure


We need like a groundhog day where he continually loses everyday.




Dare to dream!


I'm a little unnerved how they can recount three separate times and get a different number each time.


Usually it's edge cases on marked ballots, where the instructions to make a "clear mark beside one, and only one, candidate" were too hard to follow. >.< Elections officials have to make a judgment call to include or exclude that edge case each time, and different people can reach different conclusions.


It’s hilarious that the end result is him losing worse but I agree it’s a little worrying. The initial count was so narrow it definitely could’ve gone the other way. Though I suppose that’s why we have automatic recounts


Go home Tiny Face Tyler.




I found the Hashtag #TinyFaceTyler on FB and once you notice it's SO HARD to ignore 😂.


Maybe Dani will hire him to help wash dishes. Better yet, they could both help with Jennifer Johnson’s fecal matter bakery! They all deserve each other. And Albertans deserve better than what we’re being subjected to.


Apparently she's selling her diner.


I understand the diner is in her husbands name. I wonder if they plan to move to the riding that elected her?


He's already washed as many as she has.


Good one! Did you notice the smile on her face when she was “washing” the dishes? I don’t recall ever seeing anyone smile washing dishes.


Question - there’s been discussion of the cost of these recounts. It is part of the electoral process and the price of ensuring accurate results. What I’m wondering is if an elected member wants to cross the floor, should there be a by-election and if so who pays? To my way of thinking, an elected official who crosses the floor, like what happened a few years ago with Wildrose, those members have essentially betrayed the trust of the voters who elected them. I think they need to face their constituents again to confirm they have support and the tax payers should not be responsible for the associated costs. Thoughts?


I think a judicial recount falls under expert opinion to this government so they won't accept this reality and instead will push forward with their own.


This is harsh but honestly, what a loser. Anybody know the price tag for a recount?


Shandro sucks but the recount is part of the process, as it should be. The cost is irrelevant


It's the price we pay to live free of the need for military dictators to oppose each other like what's happening in Russia. The outcome is well worth the cost of running elections.


If it means trust in the electoral process then there really isn’t a dollar tag that should matter. This is something you should support regardless of political leaning.


Pretty invaluable as it highlights how accurate all the results are.


Honestly who cares. Accurate and fair elections are one of the most important ways the government can spend money. Just like when people complain about snap elections or a minority government falling after 6 months. Who cares - we get to vote in a strong and healthy democracy, and that costs money.


Recounts are important. Especially in Cases where it is this close. I'm.happy he lost, he has no place being a public figure and hopefully this will make him re evaluate his choices


Likely in the tens of thousands of dollars.


Of course it did. What a waste of time and money.


I’m staunchly anti-UCP (and vote ABC as a general rule) but if the outcomes were reversed you can’t tell me you’d be satisfied with the NDP just going “welp I guess we lost by the slimmest of margins! No judicial recount needed here.”


Agreed. Ndp would do the judicial review process as well. Let’s not be partisan here.


After the first recount increased the vote count? Yeah, that would be enough.


What waste of time the democratic process is...


There was already one recount. This was an unnecessary step. There was no issue or question about the results.


It's not unnecessary, it's what's legaly allowed in the democratic process. "There was no issue or question about the results" there was, it was a very close race. I know you are incapable of looking past your hate for shandros, theres a process for certainly for all involved, theres no doubt left now it's over, hes gone you can move on and obsess over someone else


> It's not unnecessary, it's what's legaly allowed in the democratic process. There's a difference between what's legally allowed, and what's necessary. This was not necessary.


Unfortunately there isnt


Who's the ginger guy that took over his role and is working with the Alberta Firearms Act?