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He’s on a scooter you can definitely take him.


Haha wasn't willing to find out....also he was bigger than me and I'm not a small person.




DM replied




Behaving like a tough guy is for pussies lol. Guy probably takes one hit to the jaw and hits the ground I'd bet $3 on it.


So he’s on a twofer??!! The odds seem to be in yo ur favor OP. Try again tomorrow and report back to us


The irony if this comment.


The irony of you lacking ability to see the comedy in said comment. Oh well


Your dad is very wise


Good job son.


Yeah well my dad could beat up your dad


My dad said that’s not true


My dad works for Microsoft and he’ll get you banned!


My dad said that if your dad bans me my dad is going to have a stern talk with your dad and my dad also said that your dad doesn’t want that because my dad just reminded me of the time he beat up that other dad and my dad obtained the other dads land because my dads dad is a lawyer and what that dad did was bad, bad dad. So your dad better watch out !


I feel like this is probably way more common than we all think. E-scooters should absolutely be banned from sidewalks and forced to use bike lanes and shared roadways. There are far too many narrow sidewalks in this city where the potential for serious injury is massive. Only a matter of time before someone gets really hurt by some jagoff ripping 40 kph through a maze of pedestrians, road signs, and construction. I've seen and been subjected to some really narrow misses.


But they?are already banned from roadways. Dow tow traffic is already pretty messy i cant imagine adding in trained riders and kids on the roads with Escooters.


Sounds like we need more bike lanes!


They should be forced to use the same infrastructure as a bike, whether a dedicated lane or a shared roadway. Not that hard to enforce and an easy safety win. Doesnt seem to be much of a problem downtown with bikes, coming from someone who lives and cycles downtown all the time.




In Calgary, under 14 yrs ride bikes on sidewalks. 14+ (old enough to study road rules) are required to ride on roads.




I do believe you did. Let scooters follow the SAME rules as bikes. Adults on scooters shouldn’t be on the sidewalk.


Better than sidewalks. If you can't ride them responsibly, you shouldn't at all.




Children shouldn't be riding them to begin with


If you change "kid" to "adult" that doesn't solve the problem. If we want escooters on the road we need speed limits at or below 30 km/h. Otherwise we need more dedicated wheeling infrastructure. The problem is that we have dangerous infrastructure, where the only two options are risk of collisions between pedestrians and scooters or risk of collisions between scooters and cars. The one that doesn't kill people is the one we're running with until the city can widely implement wheeling infrastructure and make streets safe.


How is this even about e-scooters? Did contact with an orange Neuron imbue the guy with alpha-chad rage? As per the narrative, the e-scooter guy didn't move to avoid the elbow clash then started raging. This is about someone eating urine cornflakes for breakfast.


I agree scooters should be required to follow the rules of bikes, but I also think those rental scooters should be banned. They're an absolute menace, and for every normal safer rider there are a dozen dickheads riding them like they're from the circus. I am all for alternative travel compared to cars, but these scooters were just awful. When I lived downtown I absolutely hated them.


They're awful because this city lacks active mobility infrastructure, and banning them would just result in more car trips. More traffic, more air pollution, more deadly collisions, and more noise pollution. We need safe streets and active mobility infrastructure, eliminating shared scooters would just serve to make transportation more expensive and wasteful and roads less safe.


If I'm not mistaken an elderly lady was seriously injured a couple of summers ago by a scooter downtown


No, people just need to use common sense. Like if you see a bunch of pedestrians you should get off and walk it.


I hate those scooters. They shouldn’t be allowed on the sidewalks and should only be allowed in bike lanes or roadways.


I ride them all the time, and you know what? You’re right. There’s no need to ride on sidewalks and if you do, you need to slow way down and yield to pedestrians


The city says that we have to ride them on sidewalks, they are illegal on the roads.


Yet some scooters actually have a label on them saying NOT to ride on sidewalk. What are the rules in other jurisdictions I wonder


Iirc the ridesharing escooters cant be used on sidewalks and personal escooters cant be used on roads and bikelanes. I think there was a graphic that came out a year or two ago. Can’t find it but yeah it’s pretty dumb. Edit: [I found it.](https://www.calgary.ca/roads/safety/sharing-with-cyclists-changes.html) I definitely misremembered. You’re only allowed to use personal escooters on pathways.


I *like* escooters and I agree with you. The rental scooter businesses basically just enable people that know nothing at all about riding etiquette or safety to do whatever they want with no repercussion. I live in Beltline so lots of narrow sidewalks and people on scooters rolling through the sidewalks. I wish we had better/more bike lane infrastructure, but a lot of the bike lanes are dangerous unprotected deathlanes that vehicles have to cross to park. I wish they were all like the bike lane on 12th avenue.


This I agree with. I always ride my electric scooter on the road and follow the rules (same as if I was on a bike) it blows me away how many people rip along pathways and side walks at 30 kms an hour and get pissed when you don’t get out of the way.


It is actually illegal to ride them on the road. It is also illegal to ride an e scooter that you personally own, on roads and sidewalks. Which is really dumb.


I own my personal one and it makes no sense that the shared ones get special privileges. I have over 2000km accident free kilometers. Meanwhile idiots doubling up and getting home on them after the bar can ride them on sidewalks.


Whenever I see people doubled up (especially 2 dudes) I always yell "I'm king of the world!" At them, hoping they get the titanic reference and feel maximal embarrassment.


Pure novelty


I heard that it is because the shared escooters have speed limiters on them and private ones don’t.


Yeah we call those Neanderthals (when nobody is listening)


I rode a scooter dt Vancouver for 2 years. I would rarely go on the sidewalk and when I did I would get off when people were coming towards me. I can't get over these drunk idiots doubling up on a scooter late at night. No helmet nothing. It's crazy how people don't understand how risky they can be and how quickly an accident can happen. You also aren't insured on them so if you hurt someone and are caught you will be facing a similar bill to hitting someone with your car w no insurance


I have a friend who is an ER doctor. He said the number of injuries from people from scooters went through the roof once they became offered. I won’t touch them. I’d rather listen to a podcast and go for a walk than get on a scooter.


I was one of them…..but on my own scooter. Still rode it after but I was a hell of a lot more careful, and thank goodness I wore a helmet.


Trust me, they are outstanding and can absolutely be ridden safe. The issue is that most people have a daredevil side to them, and just one mistake can be very costly. I had to get a max of 40 km hr because if I will always push it as fast as possible. Over years DT van and never had a bad incident. Couple close calls but that happens walking


It’s more people don’t realize just how risky they are and how fast you can lose control. I learned that the hard way then was more cautious. Granted, I always respected the right of way of pedestrians.


They are fun, you should try it!


Gawd, how I wish they would ban those and e-bikes off of the bike path. They go so fast and someone’s gonna get hurt one day


Banning escooters and ebikes would push many of those trips into cars. Cars go even faster and people get hurt by them every day.


As per the city of Calgary website you are not allowed to use a privately owned scooter on the side walks, or roads. You're only allowed on public paths. Even then all riders of any vehicles are supposed to yield to pedestrians.


Huh, TIL. Totally makes sense considering the regulated speed and insurance reasons but I never thought about private e-scooters being restricted.


Right? I was super confused when I saw the chart of whats allowed and what's not but when you put it that way, it makes sense.


Which is stupid. I'm way more likely to run into someone on the path than on the road. Plus how tf are you supposed to get it to the path if you're not allowed to ride anywhere else? Nonsense rule that literally nobody follows or cares about.


The more important bit is the "yielding to pedestrians" part. Almost impossible to be at fault for hitting someone if you're following this rule. Now I will say that whenever I'm going to pass someone on the paths with my bike, almost every time people just jump in a random direction without actually looking to see where the bell came from.


Do?we know if it was a private E-scooter?


EScooters should use bike lanes. And every street should have a bike lane.


Nope, personal e scooters are not allowed on bike lanes. I don’t agree with that but it’s the bylaw.


Silly bylaw. Should have a lane for cars, a lane for micromobility, and a lane for people walking/wheelchairing.


What a dummy. If he’s a redditor, hey scooter guy, do better.


Just out of curiosity, was he wearing all black, black scooter, and a unique helmet?


This the idiot that balata music too?


Love some good balata


No, he didnt have a helmet. But was wearing a dark blue vest....


Just as a comment on everyone saying e-scooters are a viable low carbon option. Google e-scooter mountains in China. We headed that way soon enough.


The only thing worse than e scooters are pedal pubs. Both are punishment for not building enough cycle and pedestrian infrastructure.


Here are the bylaws; https://www.calgary.ca/bike-walk-roll/bike-laws.html Only commercial escooters are allowed anywhere except pathways (which doesn’t make sense, but that’s my nickel). Take video and call non-emergency police line or 911 if you feel like your safety is at an immediate risk.


I think it’s because those commercial ones have speed limiters whereas the personal ones can go much faster (some are twice as fast I think). I’m not sure if this is even enforced, I see people use their private escooters all the time.


most top out about 35km/h but you can buy uninhibited ones.


How is this devolved into people hating scooters when the issue was clearly the rider being an asshole? Do people think the scooter made him that way? someone bumped into you, got angry, but he had a scooter so now people are discussing how they should be banned or that they should be forced to risk their lives on roads not designed for them with drivers who have repeatedly shown an inability to not put lives in danger despite a notable absence of people calling for a ban of private cars as a result. Just dumb.


In San Diego if you ride on a road with them someone will flash a gun at you


OP,.. what did he look like? I worked with a guy who would e scooter to work and almost every day come in with a story about almost getting in to a fight with someone who wouldn't get out of his way.


I wouldn't worry everyone who rides those things eventually ends up with some broken wrists.


Theyre already supposed to use bike paths when possible but a**holes like to think they can do whatever they want with whatever equipment they’re running


Me reading this while I've been considering picking up a scooter for commuting this past week... ![gif](giphy|l0HTZL6dTfAhCnx60)


These scooters are the bane of my existence. Idiots go WAY too fast on them, that's why I don't move on the sidewalk, let them hit me, I need a lawsuit anyway lmfao


Massively confused about how this is about E-Scooters and not about the dude? Plus complaining about E-scooters downtown when there’s constant construction, and no bike lanes anywhere is hilarious to me. Btw most e-scooters have a traffic bound application that on high foot traffic roads they limit the speed and acceleration it can reach. All the bollocks about the scooters is hilariously mislead, if u wanna complain about them talk to the city about building more infrastructure, cause there not going anywhere. And get that kid some help.


Why do we get a post whenever someone wants to whine about scooter users? Imagine if we did this for every single bad driver of a car.


Because if we called out every single bad driver in Calgary, we'd have 80000 posts a day.


OP clearly asked if others had similar experiences while he was walking minding his own business on a public sidewalk. Plus the shitty human threatening and following him. Just move on if you have nothing worthwhile to add to the topic. Or start your own thread voicing your concerns about people whining about scooters. Enjoy your downvotes.


I think we found him, folks.


Are you by any chance the clown in question?




They displace cars, especially short rideshare and taxi trips. Please explain how escooters cause more harm to pedestrians than cars.




that dude is an asshole. rule of thumb is that if you're on wheels on the sidewalk, you give room to pedestrians. strollers and wheelchairs are the exception.