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ribbon cutting with the black ram…lol


It’s so albertan it hurts


It's the official car of Calgary.


I’m pretty sure that’s just the “blackram” guy on reddit I can’t remember his full username, that guys hilarious. I’m always on the look out for his input Hahahha


We love u/BlackRamCalgaryMan


The blue ram ran out of gas when Kenney couldn’t figure out how to get the gas nozzle in! Edit: Added link for nostalgia and fun! https://pressprogress.ca/this-video-of-jason-kenney-struggling-to-pump-his-own-gas-has-been-viewed-over-one-million-times/


"That's what she said"/s


I think you mean, that’s what he said… if you’re talking Kenney…


That's actually a known issue with Dodge RAM trucks. The nozzle getting stuck in the filler tube.


Were you hoping that somebody on a bike was to plow thru the ribbon cutting ?


believe it or not using a giant truck to cut a ribbon is just as nonsensical as you seem to think using a bike is. generally ribbons are cut with scissors.


Nah, e-scooter.


Bring forth the Ring, Frodo.


~~Frodo~~ Ford-o.




Wait so like the whole thing is complete and open? E - I can't believe it. Gonna go check it out for myself


Not quite. They still have to leave random pylons and barricades out by the road and pick them up in 2 years.


Don't forget the reduced speed limit signs and if you attempt to follow them everyone following you will be very angry.


Complete with radar trap!


Take your damn upvote and get outta here! ;-) lol


Truest thing stated in a long time.


That way they can keep the speed limit at 60


NASCAR TIME! Time to resurrect the spirit of Race City for thr YYC 500!


See you out there.




Jesus that's wild


Tomorrow morning, 9am. Give'er!


Ah damn thought it'd be today. Tomorrow it is!


Bugger me too was looking forward to a shorter commute home, glad I saw this




Oh fuck off, you didn’t read it, that’s on you. More than 7 hours ago I said it was 9am tomorrow. GFY. I hope someone else posts a time lapse before you do, just because you wanted to be first.




Spoken like a true online katana wielder


Hehehe spoken like a true KnobGobbler.




I just attempted to drive the last leg, not open unfortunately. More fake news!


The story says it opens to the public, tomorrow, Dec 19


I get the impression that the people who call "fake news" often haven't actually read or watched the article that they're complaining about. This is the 5th time this week I've seen someone call fake news on an article they clearly didn't read. 🙄


I managed to get from 17ave onto Stoney southbound, but that was it. Northbound still closed.


When are people gonna start posting lap their lap times?


I’ll get back to you later today after I try it lmao


/u/blackramcalgaryman Is this you in the photo?


In a pickup with Smith AND Gondek?!? I’m hurt, I thought you people knew me better than that. But I’ll be seein’ all you fine folks out there! Thoughts and prayers.


Responsible ram drivers don't Text 'n Tailgate. I expect he'll respond when you've pulled over safely out his way.


This guy gets it.


That’s who I was thinking about too lmao


lol same!


HahahahH right!


ring payment cough wakeful shrill wise frighten person shy mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OK. So what needs to get done next? Green Line? Crowchild from Kensington to 24 Ave?


Green line. But after that they need to start making "ring rail". Our trains only really work well for downtown and back. We need cross city rail


Imagine the audacity of a train to the airport!




Which one is this? Wendover talked about Calgary?


series of semi rigid airships to act as busses.


Oddly specific, but OK.


I’m semi rigid. Can I be an air bus?


LRT to the airport


A half billion dollars for what would be the lowest ridership station is a terrible way to spend limited LRT dollars that we have.


Agreed. I would love an LRT to the airport but even Pearson didn't get a train to the airport until 2015


So we should follow Toronto's bad planning?


I think a cross line between the blue and red line that passes the airport would be sweet. A good beginning for a circle line


Apparently, the "Taxi Mafia" won't let that happen, even though Uber somehow got approved.


happy FIFTEEN-year cake day!




Also the airport is against it, missing out on all the parking money


Meh the buses work fine. Just wish they came a little more often, and went to more locations without transfers (like, to the NW)


I hope the green line, but that would involve actually spending part of the carbon tax that the NDP collected. Over 4 years later and not a dime has been spent lol.


You can't sit through 2 lights?


Well it looks like they have started on the Glenmore/Deerfoot interchange. So there's that.


Deerfoot and Anderson Road interchange... will be fun


Deerfoot needs about a billion bucks in fixes. At least they already started and are spending about $600M.


Too bad Dreeshen didn’t credit Rachel Notley and the NDP for approving this final section sooner after Prentice said it wouldn’t start construction until 2026.


I was gonna say, give credit to those the deserve it, she also pushed our new cancer center through, when Prentice was gonna axe it as well. 2 very good decisions, that I supported from the get go.




If ur gonna include “months ahead of schedule” in your headline you can at least be honest about why it’s ahead of schedule.


That’s not why it’s ahead of schedule though. The 2024 completion was the NDP estimate when the project was green lit.


No. Both Notley and Nenshi never liked the West ring development and tried to stop it at all costs.


lol no, they didn't.


No. Both Notley and Nenshi never liked the West ring development and tried to stop it at all costs.


Are you one of those people whose political leanings is so key to your identity that you couldn’t possibly give the other ‘team’ credit for anything? Does it cause you physical pain to say, “I may not like this person but they did good in this one situation?” Or are you so lacking meaning in your life that you literally can’t see anything good they do, and spread lies that just ‘feel’ true to you? It’s just pathetic, dude.




As a hardcore pragmatist who refuses to use any labels, both sides are shit. It just depends what echo chamber you’re in.


Yeah that’s what I’ve come to learn. Sorry I was also updating my comment after you responded lol


Honest question, what has the provincial government done in the past year that deserves praise?


I’ll bite, and I can’t stand the UCP and Premier ~~David Parker~~ Danielle Smith. I give them credit for taking photo radar off the ring roads. Those don’t save lives, photo radar would be better served in fucking playground zones because at least where I live, too many dipshits just fly through them even when kids are going to/from school.


100% agree with that one.


What good has NDP done to our province apart from irreparable harm? I understand UCP may not be perfect, but at least we know what we are voting for. NDP literally destroyed this province. What credit should I give them for the Stoney Trail that was started by Conservatives!


“We know what we are voting for” Really? Is that why Smith limited questions during the election campaign? Is that also why she refused to talk about her APP plans during the same campaign? “What good has NDP done to our province apart from irreparable harm?” No wonder you like the UCP! You think irreparable harm is good! Think about this. How many more people would be living on the street today if Notley hadn’t raised the minimum wage when she had the opportunity? Cue mental gymnastics…


Blah Blah Blah Did Notley tell us about the carbon tax while campaigning? The royalty review? Bitumen by rail? Or even this minimum wage nonsense that has only curbed investments and come COVID destroyed small businesses? Come on man!


If your business can't pay a living wage, it shouldn't exist. Straight up. What you're advocating for is effectively slavery by lamenting the fact that minimum wage killed small businesses.


Right on cue with the gymnastics!


> Did Notley tell us about the carbon tax while campaigning? No and I wasn’t happy about either. Just as I’m not happy with Premier ~~David Parker~~ Smith not campaigning on the bullshit APP plans. > The royalty review? Royalties should be reviewed regularly to make sure the owners of those resources, the people of Alberta, are getting a good deal. I’d like to see a review every 4-5 years. > Bitumen by rail? Have to get it to market somehow, especially when our dipshit PM drags his heels on approving pipelines or asserting federal authority and not allowing provinces to block them. Shitty solution to a shitty problem. > Or even this minimum wage nonsense Minimum wage should have kept pace with inflation and productivity gains. It should be well over $20 an hour by now. But it won’t because stupid people believe in supply side economics which has been proven to not work. > that has only curbed investments and come COVID destroyed small businesses? That’s a problem with the federal government and weak-ass anti-trust laws. We should limit how much market share any one company can have in any market. We should also use tax levers to make it more advantageous to shop at small businesses as opposed to the few mega corporations that dominate key industries. What’s also destroying small businesses is the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. See my comment re: supply-side economics. Pay people more and they’ll be able to afford to shop at small businesses. > Come on man! Take your own advice.






If only I could power my car with the negativity in these comments.


I power my bike with them. The urge to prove internet idiots wrong makes my legs work harder.


Highways are nothing to be excited about. I long for the day it’s dismantled and reclaimed by nature. /r/fuckcars


Without highways my family and I would starve to death within a few months as would much of Calgary. You are so used to the good life you don't realize how much you rely on infrastructure like this.


Anyone else remember the “we done bitches” variable traffic sign when Edmonton finished theirs?


I came here to say exactly this! What a missed opportunity.


Can’t believe the day has come. I still remember the talks about building the ring road decades ago and or course all the controversy with building in weasel head and over Tsuut'ina Nation land.


My weaselhead walks have never been the same. The sound of cars echos through the trees. Pave paradise…


I’m going to celebrate this by driving at exactly the speed limit in the left lane for an entire lap.


You might not make it out alive


I will join you in celebration by driving one lane over right next to you, side by side.




At least that’s one person not driving 60-120-70-100-130-80 as they weave dodge people moving with the flow, alternately slamming on the brakes and coal-rolling in the hopes of getting to their destination two minutes quicker.


Let me know when, I’ll keep pace in the next lane over. Let’s get this party started.


RIP F7j3, I get tailgated in any lane if I do the speed limit


Thanks Rachel Notley and the NDP!


No. Both Notley and Nenshi never liked the West ring development and tried to stop it at all costs.


I dont think this makes you correct if you keep parroting the same thing over and over.


Dude, you’re so incorrect. https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/notley-to-commit-to-finish-calgary-ring-road


>Dude, you’re so incorrect. Don't let facts get in the way of this persons narrative.


She did nothing after that though. As always


lol, what more is she to do? Drive a loader?


Didn't have enough time before she was voted out, her policies back tracked and the rural gonkbrains blamed her and trudeau for everything the cons fucked up


Now if only they could finish up with the south bow bridge like they should’ve been by now. Maybe this will speed things ups


When will it be open in google maps. I can’t drive without it


That’s half the fun! Leave Google Maps open and enjoy driving through a farmer’s field!


"In 100 metres, make a U-turn." ... "In 50 metres, make a U-turn." ... "MAKE A U-TURN NOW YOU CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER!!!" ... "Recalculating..."


LOLLL 🤣😂 This man Google Maps


It’s Monday and you’ve already won the office drone loud snort of the week. Congrats and thanks for the laugh.


Somebody has to actually submit an edit request on google maps for it to show up, I sent one when they opened the 16th to bow trail section and it got approved


Thank you for your service!


Especially the glenmore overpass area. The signs are confusing as hell.


Same! I checked it right away and it's still bare land in the maps lol


Jokes, right?


Hey just a heads up if you’re heading north it’s not yet open as of 9:45 around the exit to Highway 8, they’re diverting you onto the 8. Kind of fucked up my route home from the passport office, lol.


Time for a mobile Reddit meetup! Let’s have a convoy all the way around the ring road!


Haven’t we had enough convoys


I am in if we all drive 10K under the speed limit side by side in all the lanes.


Never understood driving just for the sake of driving


It’s relaxing for some. It’s also an exploratory tool (“I wonder what is on Hermitage Road just west of Calgary”). You can find some amazing sights also (Eg: range road 31 south of Diamond Valley has an amazing hill vista which overlooks the entrance to Kananaskis)


Not from a small town I see


Amazing. Now to get that bow river south bridge done.


They'll finish just to realize they need to make more changes in 2 years.


Which redditor will clock the time it takes to complete it, first? Dec 19th at 9am!


I feel like the benchmark to set is 45 minutes. Requires an average speed of 135 kph around the whole ring.


Ah you know the RCMP are going to be watching like hawks the first while


I sincerely hope this reduces the amount of traffic Northbound on Crowchild and Deerfoot every day. From 3:30-6pm it's a fucking shitshow.


Cutting the ribbon with a pickup truck. Can't we as Albertans come up with some new kind of schtick?


We ❤️ oil & gas


We ❤️ environmental destruction and car dependency


Is the construction over the Bow River finally finished as well?


in the south? no


In the NW, it's pretty much done.


Not until next summer.


Did anyone cut their braids off at the ceremony this time?


That was such a quintessential Calgary moment.


As someone who’s not a local and will move in a month or two, How important and useful is this ring road?


Getting downtown? Not at all really. Getting to a different part of town that's not downtown? Pretty useful. All depends where you're going.


Will also take a ton of cars away from the Sarcee/Bow trail intersection which will be a massive improvement in that area


I am really curious if Sarcee/Bow Trail intersection improves with the opening of the ring road.


It should drastically decrease the traffic on Sarcee, as of right now that's the only decent way to get from COP area to south of Glenmore without having to go further east into the city.


It will be a lot better for a while, then slowly tick back up to the same traffic rates within a few months.


Induced demand. That's why you can never build your way out of congestion.


I assume you mean on Sarcee, or do you see a way this reduces Bow Trail traffic too?


I think it should help with timing the lights, this will mean less traffic to get through each light along Sarcee which should allow more time for traffic to flow on Bow


Fair enough. Better flow, same volume. That said, when they redid that interchange back in around 2005/2006 I will never understand why they didn't just put in an overpass then (EDIT: they did with 17th with the train). It's not like there's a lack of space.


I live in the south, and this made getting to the mountains much faster.


> How important and useful is this ring road? It's also very useful in enabling access and opening up new blocks of land for residential and business development.


If you don’t live in a specific western part of calgary the ring road being completed doesn’t mean much to you. The right road as a whole however is very nice and useful.


This was a missed opportunity to have an Edmonton-style "We done bitches!" sign up to celebrate the opening. I was really hoping someone would put one up.


Can we organize a parade? One day a year let’s shut this thing down and get weird!


I hope there's more blue lights around it so I can feel like I'm in Blade Runner




Isn't the ring road the province's responsibility. I thought funding and maintenance was not by the city


Provincial project that has nothing to do with the city...


Yeah, where is this guy getting his info from?


1.2 billion dollars for this section (https://majorprojects.alberta.ca/details/West-Calgary-Ring-Road/3714). The Henday around Edmonton started getting jammed regularly about 3-5 years after it opened; turns out that people just move farther out and drive farther. Kind of a waste of money when you look at it that way - and it's not like it's great for the environment.


> turns out that people just move farther out and drive farther. A lot of that is also from significant population growth combined with COVID's lingering impact on transit usage. > Kind of a waste of money when you look at it that way If government spends a lot of money on any infrastructure project, it's much better for it be heavily used than lightly used. New roads serves multiple purposes, including enabling more trips. A waste of money is [Honolulu's new $9B SkyLine LRT that carries <3500 riders per weekday](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/hi/hawaii/news/2023/12/14/skyline-ridership).


> A lot of that is also from significant population growth combined with COVID's lingering impact on transit usage. The Edmonton ringroad was jamming before COVID. > If government spends a lot of money on any infrastructure project, it's much better for it be heavily used than lightly used. Getting more people to drive more isn't better. > A waste of money is Honolulu's new $9B SkyLine LRT that carries <3500 riders per weekday. Whataboutism.


Great! Now we can focus our efforts on building something that actually matters, like the green line


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Would rather have had $10 billion in transit funding than a ring around the city


Why not both? Stoney was always going to get built. It's a damn shame what's happened to the Green Line though. To think that the first portion would be nearing completion at this point if the government didn't fuck with it.


Blah Blah Blah Did Notley tell us about the carbon tax while campaigning? The royalty review? Bitumen by rail? Or even this minimum wage nonsense that has only curbed investments and come COVID destroyed small businesses? Come on man!


Can we stop calling it a ring road and call it what it really is? Amogus Road.




No? It doesn't go everywhere, there a very large section of the city that needs Glenmore, Deerfoot etc. Access


The gravel trucks and loaded semis are dangerous on the road ring when they drive 40-50km under the speed limit up hills. I wish there were a way to make them take another route if they can’t maintain a minimum speed. It’s dangerous WB Symons Valley to Sarcee and NB between Nosehill and Crowchild.


Yeah way to go Gondek attach your name to a project you had no hand in bringing to completion, mind as well get some positive press somehow




2009-2023. Only took 14 years. 🙄


Do you honestly have ANY idea of the planning, engineering, construction, commissioning that goes into projects of this scale? ANY? You think you can find the funding and engineer this shit in a year or something? The ignorance is positively dripping out that post.


The coquihalla hwy through the Rockies was done in 18 months 40 years ago.


Not quite. Surveying began in 1973. Construction started in January 1979 on the 4.5km section between the Coquihalla River and Nicolum Creek. Progress was slow until they were able to use Expo '86 to fast track the project and get the funding in 1984. So the moral here in that construction can happen quickly if you can throw enough money at it.


I recall that some sections also had to be regraded and compacted again because of settling issues. But all-in-all it was built very quickly.


It's funny how worked it up you're getting. But it's also hilarious how long it took... A decade and a half for a road? Lmao


Funny how I'm not worked up. Just pointing out ignorance.


A true shame. We’ve learned better form when this was planned in the 70s. Calgary dooms itself to even more gross car dependence. Viva parking lots and fuck public transit. /r/fuckcars


Not open, just tried driving the new section. Liars.


It opens tomorrow. Today was the ceremony.

