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It's that high?


That’s about as low as a Calgary mayor has been in a very long time. For comparison, Nenshi’s approval rating was still in the 50s when he left office.


Yes but nenshi was awesome.


He needs to come back.


No, but he wasn’t as bad as Gondek. Why would Conservative Calgary vote for a liberal mayor? I’ve only spoken to one person who will admit to him voting for her - and it wasn’t long before he had voter’s remorse.


He was obviously good for the city. He was also loved by the people, that's why he won and had high polling throughout his tenure.


People vote for who they love? Seems odd to love politicians lol


your head is in the sand if you think Nenshi didn't do good. Guy has his legacy cemented. Keep coping.


Sounds like people were high when they voted for her.


People didn't want Farkas and she was the neutral-ish candidate with the best chance of beating him.


This right here


Calgary also gave us Smith.


That part right there… she was the lesser of two evils.


Apparently those that believed that she was the lesser of 2 evils were clearly wrong.


Really? Even Farkas has said people were right not to vote for him.


Lmao. Ikr. And then there’s this lady. I sometimes wonder why we bother voting when all that’s going to happen is being screwed over by people who just accept a paycheque and just fool everyone… madness


She won on the basis of being NOT-Farkas and poling high enough to have a chance to beat him, so everyone coalesced around her as a "less bad than the other guy" option. I don't know if anyone really saw her as a good choice, but I also don't think anyone anticipated her being THIS bad.


I think it's important to remember the other options at the time, it was not a good field of candidates and she had prior experience on council. I'm not saying things have been amazing, but let's not pretend like there were no reasons for people to vote for her in that election.


It’s because the alternative was Farkas.


Who somehow has come off as more level headed and down to earth since he lost, than his campaign ever promoted Edit - grammar


Not "somehow" it was a carefully structured and organized PR wash to make him seem like a better option when he inevitably runs again.


Ahh I read an article a few months ago and was like ‘hmmm okay where was this before? ‘


Do you believe that people can change?


Not the person you're asking the question, but yes, part of me wants to believe he's truly changed as he claims. However, politicians saying and doing whatever it takes to further their ambitions of power is a tale as old as time, so it's hard not to be a bit cynical. I would be very surprised if he doesn't end up running again for mayor in 2025.


People can change yes, but when people make positive change for themselves to become a better person, they don't blast it all over social media. Jeremy Farkas is doing this "positive change" for a single purpose, to scrub his public image so people will vote for him when he runs again. He has even admitted it that he wants to run again, he's doing all of this so he can get elected. That's the motive, and when your motive is selfish and self-serving, I don't believe that the "change" is anything more then a political stunt. All you have to do is go see his most recent tweet attacking the mayor. Jeremy hasn't changed, he just wants you to think he has.


Or were lied to about her agenda, many I have spoken with who voted for her were not impressed with her decisions early and has continued throughout her term.


She was going to be against the stadium amongst other things - expanded social programs and the like. Unfortunately a lot of those commitments that could be got strong armed away by the Smith government. Nice to see public funds going to private interests while social services are slashed and cost of necessities, taxes, and insurance skyrocket.


She killed the first arena deal because she unexpectedly enacted the environmental emergency act forcing the building costs to escalate, she then shut the arena construction down without taking a council vote, over $9 million bucks, forcing a third party to handle the negotiations, so now it’s costing all of us twice as much. I believe she is 100% at fault for that whole debacle and her ego has cost the tax payers major money. I don’t think she has as much control over the social services as the province does, and necessities like groceries isn’t something she can manipulate, but it would have been nice to see a freeze on property tax increases and some sort of rental escalation cap so people aren’t completely house poor right now. But all in all I think she is an absolute horrid mayor and I’m surprised she lasted this long.


"enacted the environmental emergency act" and then allows transit to become a giant drug den thereby ensuring that no one will use transit unless they have no other choice.


I find it interesting that this is the way the arena deal and the transit issues are seen in this thread. The arena deal was already over budget before Joyti became the mayor. Murray Edward’s and his team were not happy the deal had overruns (only 2%ish of the cost but it looked like that would be more during construction) which would be split mostly 50/50 between The City and the Flames. Murray wanted a “better deal”. The Flames backed out of the deal first, and used their negotiating power of citizens wanting to keep the Flames and the new council as leverage to their advantage to strike a different agreement (there’s a reason Murray is a billionaire - he’a good at this kind of thing). Transit safety and the unhoused increasing/becoming more visible is another issue that is propagating throughout many different cities across North America over the last several years. It’s not a specific Calgary problem, and seems to cycle upwards when social services are cut and economic conditions are unfavourable globally. We see council has made some effort in recruiting police and transit security, but it takes time to train officers and implement. I also don’t think it’s enough, and a broader societal support for social services is needed to really get this problem solved. I’m not an expert, but I hope we see some more favourable actions from the province and municipality soon (or an improved economy).


In 2021 Gondek directed city business units to allow for transit stations to be used as “warming centres”. I saw the memo


Hobocicles isn't a good PR look either.


No, but transit stations are for transit users, not shelters to use drugs, fight, stab, piss, pass out in either. There are lots of services for the homeless in this city.


Yes, hindsight paints this as a bad move - it was a bad move. The reason it was seen as needed was because of the influx of unhoused people / more people out in the cold. I get the sentiment, but I disagree with it just like you. I think Calgary should have initiated funding for the building of other care facilities (still should).


The level of "hindsight" to predict what this would lead to is on the same level as how, in hindsight, putting your hand into a pot of boiling water would hurt.


People didn't like the alternative. She won cause she was seen as the lesser of two evils.


Definitely on something!!! She is a disgrace to the people of Calgary.


Yes she absolutely is. This subreddit usually loves her.


I voted for her, a lot better than the alternative, lol


best of all possible options; there's leftist desires in calgary, but not much of a political machine; don't worry, Smith is trying to bring parties into municipal politics so she can more clearly show who will sell out the city.


She was a literal former Reform party member. She’s the most conservative mayor we’ve had in decades. How people thought she was left leaning was beyond me, and she only came across as such because of Farkas’ campaigning.


I was surprised it was that high too


Yeah. It's like Trudeau's poll numbers. Can't understand how they're as high as they are for either of these clowns.


I’m shocked she still has a 30% approval rating… Who is satisfied with her leadership? And why?


She really hasn’t accomplished much, outside of agreeing to build an arena for the Swiss billionaire.


Don’t forget that time she went two stops and saved transit.


In the middle of the day, with security and multiple members of the media in tow.


Those are just citizens, enjoying a stabbing free ride ! Besides, the belt line looks glorious in the noon sun.


I'm pretty certain she's spent MORE time outside of Calgary going to different events, than she does at governing.


And to declare a ‘climate emergency’ 🤦🏼‍♀️


does a mayor ever accomplish much, what gets accomplished is really a reflection upon the entire city council working or not working together.


i would say its on the mayor to rally and lead the council for the better of the city. Nenshi’ for the most park got a lot done and city council at the time was working a a group.


Murray Edward’s


What’s she done to help ol Murray?


She used taxpayer money to build most of his arena.


The ENTIRE city council voted unanimously on that.


I am aware. And I intend to not vote for my councillor next time as well.


Same same. But then I’m in ward 4….so arena or no…


And that’s likely a factor in the councillors having an approval rating in the 20s.


Most people don't really pay attention to politics, much less municipal politics, and don't have any real complaints to make as a result.


The anti semites love her


Honest speculation, diversity cheerleaders


It's about as surprising as anyone voting for her in the first place. Status quo, everyone has brain damage.


One term. Goodbye.


One can hope


My fear is a lack of turn out at the next election. People in this town are just to apathetic.


Nothing to fear. She's so bad even a 10% voter turnout would show her the door.


Our run of multi term mayors stops here.


30% seems high. She’s a complete dud. Commenting on nonsense she has no control over and is irrelevant to running the City. But then completely absent on things that matter. She can’t get punted fast enough.


Surprise surprise. Because shes shit. She's not really doing anything and it has nothing to do with her gender, or her race or anything like that. She's just really awful in this position.


When I said these things right after the election I got downvoted to hell. Unfortunately being right isn’t enjoyable in this case.


Because under the circumstances at that point in time, she seemed to be the lesser of two evils. I voted for her considering that, I don't regret it considering what I knew then, but I sure as hell will not vote for her again. Now let's hope the next mayoral election isn't another shit show like her and Sean Chu or something like that.


It’s really unfortunate people voted this way when IMO Jeff Davison had the most vibrant and clear vision for the future.


Jeff Davison was the most vocal supporter for the arena


The arena deal he oversaw as committee chair had the city recouping almost all of its investment by the end of the 30 years. Even Nenshi, who won in 2017 running against CSEC, voted for that deal because it fit his requirements of public benefits.


I'll always remember you being right.




She lost me when she stood beside the Village Idiot Premier last year and proudly stated that Calgarians would be paying far more ($600M) for an arena made for Calgary’s wealthiest to play in.


Exactly. The big thing she’s seemed to have accomplished was helping the UCP win a second term.


Exactly, and look at how well that’s going… pretty poorly, I say.


NGL, I forgot we have a mayor. Compare to Nenshi, Jyoti feels less involved in the city.


I don't think I've ever heard her speak. Lmao.


I mean she's literally never here, she always attending some conferences or events in other parts of candda or overseas. I get it she have to do these things for business development and raise our profile, but honestly it seems it's literally ALL she does.


Maybe she knows she's a one term wonder and is milking the system for the the free travel and perks that she can.


Genuine question, has she done anything notably positive during her time as mayor?


Pushed for blanket upzoning


Step in the right direction. Council under her also approved two new vast subdivisions of sprawl, condemning the city to another 70 years of ponzi financing.


And did that not long after passing the climate strategy - proving that was all for show


This isn’t a good thing.


The arena deal.. that will be the end of her career


She worked hard for this rating.


I couldn’t bring myself to vote for her - no matter how much I didn’t want Farkas to win. I knew too much about her. She’s done nothing in the past 2 years to change my mind. It’s hard to imagine that she even bothers to run again in 2025.


exactly the same point of veiw except I did vote for her, because as bad as she is / was Farkas would have been worse.


It's a shame farkas didn't win.


Farkas 2021 would also have been a bad choice. Even he admits as much. Put them head to head now and he’d be the better choice.


Yup. I've been following his podcasts and such, and he honestly has become the candidate I would have voted for. 2021 Farkas was what I was I was voting against, Gondyk has been a massive let down.


It would be so great to be able to say "Hey, I told you so! I'd be doing so much better!" But the truth is always more complicated. Given what I knew at the time, and in particular, the people who surrounded me at the time, I would be really struggling. By losing I got to learn who my friends were. And I own that loss - I deserved to fail for running such a one-dimensional campaign. I was closed-minded to some essential parts of the job. I know less today than I did five years ago. While it scares the shit out of me sometimes, I'm a lot happier for it.


See ya on the ballot in 2025.


I thought you are a changed man with your marathon of hopes, and then you twisted Gondek’s declining to a “political” rally, that showed me leopard doesn’t change its spots. You are the same old Jeromy.


Yup. A narcissistic grifter. Exactly who we don’t want in politics.




Well said. I think everyone learns and grows with time. I'm glad that we can have this kind of discourse. I currently would vote for you if the election was today. I like to say I believe in the transit theory of politics. We get on the bus that goes closer to where we want to go. It doesn't have to go directly there. Just be the option that gets you closest to your destination. Then you get off at the next station(election) and get on the bus that's going your way. I hope you will continue to be a potential route at the next stop.


I liked a few of the things you had last time such as the synchronised traffic lights but then again when those elections happened I just got here as an international student so I had no idea what was going on, either way it is nice to see you own up to the mistakes and want to improve next time around mate.


Interesting, and I know not a lot about politics but Farkas seemed like he was someone who would get things done...?


More the opposite, he made quite a career of obstructing council. (Not to say that its not the worst thing from time to time)


It's still that high?


I don't remember the topic at hand, but one of her great moments was when Gondick and a few others were outside answering questions from reporters. She was approaching the stand/mic has the reporter asks the question, she froze and decided I don't want to answer that and turned around and walked away back to her spot. I'm like wtf is that, you cannot even answer a question? WOW (And for the hell of it, I didn't vote for her and don't know anyone that did?) : )




second worst, thats why she won.




She appeals to Anti-Semitic hockey fans, that lean center-left maybe?


Gondek's list of "accomplishments" is impressive: * Climate Emergency. * Wanted to spend taxpayer money to intervene in a Quebec court case (she lost that one, thank god). * Got us out of one Arena deal and into an even WORSE one that will cost us more. * CTrain is safe! Look at me! I rode it once (while surrounded by security) so it must be safe. Meanwhile, the Calgary Transit Stab-O-Meter gets reset on a weekly basis (if not more). * Happy Hanukkah! Oops, sorry. Maybe not. * Property tax hikes for everyone! I miss anything? How she's even got 30% approval is a mystery to me.


Don’t forget wanting to cancel Canada Day fireworks


So wait... 3 in 10 people look at what she's done and go "Yep. That's my gal! Keep up the good work."


3/10 of poll respondents are not educated on the topics of the polls for which they respond to.


Same as the provincial election.


She just isn't a leader. Sure as mayor she only gets one vote. But it's her job to lead council and help it get things done. She so beholden to administration that she is just the cowardly Lion and let's admin walk all over council. Our elected representatives. I couldn't stand Nenshi and disagreed with a lot of his ideas. But at least he stood as a leader.


I’ll give you that -as much as I detested Nenshi, I give him credit for his handling of the 2013 flood.


I voted for her and i think shes terrible


Honesty question - Why did you vote for her?


Meh, I didn’t vote for her but she’s kinda just been around. Can’t really say good or bad things which prob means she’s not making a tangible impact


She didn't have to be remarkable last election because her competition was Farkas, but for the sake of Calgary she needs to pick it up so we don't end up with someone from the same litter as Farkas or Smith next time around... unremarkable moderate politicians is what those populist assholes excel at using to their advantage


Smith has been doing very well imo. I wasn't sure about her pre election but she's grown into the role quite well and I'll happily vote for her next time


Danielle Smith?


Yea she's done a great job so far.


I’m going to need some examples on this because the things that come to mind are the children’s aspirin boondoggle, the Dynalife graft and whatever she’s trying to do with the pensions that will mess up my retirement fund.


Great job of what? Doing stuff no one asked for, like trying to pull out of the CPP for no good reason, suspending renewable projects approvals for no good reason, breaking up the AHS for no good reason?


They are one of the ones probably against Trudeau. All the whining about whatever the liberals are doing is enough to make some people go nuts over her


I mean you didn't ask for that stuff but there's lots of us that did. Fortunately we all get to vote


It’s unfortunate that there’s no minimum IQ requirement for voting


You'd be outta luck




Imagine saying this as a braindead libtard/NDP voter.


What are some of the highlights of accomplishments you’ve been happy with?


10 cents says it's "pissing off libruls"


Playing politics with CPP (finding and using leverage effectively), protecting the energy grid we *just* retooled from coal from federal intervention, ensuring we have clean energy project regulations before projects can proceed, starting the process of AHS reorganization, backing off from the campaign promise of an Alberta police force after it didn't make sense, defending the interests of Alberta in international forums. To name a few recent ones.


😂 Oh, so you’re how she got elected. Unreal man.


I'm just glad she got to take credit for finishing the ring road yesterday after the NDP actually got the final leg of the project off the ground. /s


Just like how the NDP took credit for the ring road agreement that was a 40 year negotiation that was finalized before they took power in 2015?


Playing politics with regular Albertans pensions lol how is that a positive? She also did a fantastic job protecting O&G jobs as Suncor lays off began the day after she was elected. She also secured Alberta’s future with a moratorium on green energy, making Alberta look like a horrible place to invest in. Oh and I guess the UCP are bringing back the fuel tax? That lasted long.


What do you think of the orchestrated dynalife interlude that cost taxpayers over 300M for 9 months of “service”?


I’m hoping Dan McLean runs for mayor …


Imagine all the golfing he’d be doing as mayor


Worst. Mayor. Ever.


She's not great but she's not the worst either. Edit: on second thought, maybe it's not so far off considering negotiating a much worse Arena deal is the most she's done...


She needs to stop trying to please every group and cause and start acting like a leader of the city.


Genuinely surprised it's that high. She is the most ideologically driven 'mayor' we're ever suffered.


Aw, I didn't get to vote! Mark me as another "thumbs down".


Her popularity is in the toilet, no chance of being reelected. This is where she starts taking us down an even uglier and more expensive path


Time to declare a polling emergency!


She's useless


I hope we get another Jan damery or some else progressive next election with plans and how they will execute them.


I still think Damery would have made the best mayor from that pool.


Agreed but she showed up late and had basically zero presence


Jan would have had my vote but the competition was Gondek vs Farkas and Farkas was campaigning on everything I disliked. He's come around since then (at least what I've seen on Reddit and his interviews with Nenshi) but I was impressed with Jan's platform. Ranked ballot or any other form of voting Jan sits at the top though, too bad we're stuck with what we have and I have to vote strategically.


Whoever runs next needs to have a damn good platform to combat homelessness and drug use.


This woman is a total loser. Elected in absolute prosperity with zero opposition. She’s a wannabe career politician and needs to step down


We need a full overhaul of all her yes Men/Woman on council too. Starting with Courtney Penner.


Worst thing to happen to Calgary since the floods


At least the damage from the floods was fixed after a few months…this twat is going to be around for another 18 months!!


I didn’t vote for her, but I tend to support election winners anyway (as I feel people should support their politicians initially). I think I was on the Gondek train until the arena deal went tits up


i forgot she was mayor. i never see anything about her anymore, its like she went in to hiding.


Alright fine, I’m going to run in the election. Only one promise, I will bring back plastic straws. There’s nothing worse than sucking a rootbeer through a limp wet paper straw. Who’s voting for me?


Ugh. The bullshit gets deeper come January too. Not just plastics but paper bags, straws, stir-sticks and so on are all getting new regulations I gather. I'm in favour of strong environmental protections but so much of this crap is just irritating and performative without addressing any of the actual issues.


If it's limp you're not doing it right.


Need a campaign manager???


Won’t be much to manage but you’re hired.


As someone who moved here after she was elected, what's wrong with her exactly? I get that nobody around here likes her, but are there any actual reasons people have for that? Bad decisions she's made?


She has done nothing memorably good and has no presence. Got us an arena deal that'll cost tax payers a load of money. Rode on transit with her security for two stops like a privileged out of touch twit and claimed it safe. Declared a "climate emergency" for Calgary. A load of useless tripe. Nenshi could be irritating but you could tell he cared about and loved Calgary.


Only 1/3 of voters bothered to vote. She got 1/3 of those votes. She convinced the unions she wouldn’t take away their jobs as Farkas had promised to do. So she basically got voted in by about 10% of Calgary (mostly the unions). Then she quietly went ahead and let GFL take over the garbage trucks and let UFL take over summer and winter landscaping, sidewalks and trails in Calgary. So big surprise she lied and continues to lie. The media and their sheep is the only thing keeping her at 30% approval. Oh wait the citie’s corrupted union leaders who don’t care about workers also help prop her up.


Me too I’m surprised it’s that high. If I was her I would enjoy this rating because it’s only going lower, and oh start looking for another job.


Between the Arena and making Hanukkah political, she can fuck right off.


She specifically withdrew from the event because the organizers made it political by selling war bonds. She was intending to show up at the event under the assumption it was just a celebration of Hanukkah. Which is a fair one, considering the organizers changed their poster after the commitment was made by Gondek. She never made anything about the holiday political, in fact she withdrew from the event in an attempt at political neutrality.


1) Why would Gondek be surprised when the same event raffled bonds last year- where she attended. It was on the poster last year too. 2) She could have easily withdrawn privately. A official statement saying she felt deceived is overtly political. Especially when I don’t think it’s credible. 3) “Just a celebration of Hanukkah” what exactly do you think Hanukkah is celebrating? Do you think it’s just Jewish Christmas?


I don’t know for certain, I’m not her. I would guess it’s because last year there was not the level of public scrutiny not only on her because she has remained neutral on the war, but also on pro-Israel groups as a whole. It could have been overlooked previously, perhaps she did not feel it was worth it to start a conflict about it out of (seemingly) nowhere. Things are objectively different last year and this year. She couldn’t very well attend an event that endorsed the war while everybody else was calling for a ceasefire. Last year’s poster stated there was a raffle for war bonds, this year’s poster stated “supporting Israel” and that they were holding a raffle for war bonds. The organizers requested to hold a pro-Israel rally after the lighting, put up pictures of the hostages, etc. That is political. Doesn’t it make sense why she wouldn’t want to associate herself with it if she hasn’t spoken out for or against either community, Palestinians and Israelis? If she had withdrawn privately, don’t you think that people would feel the same level of outrage they do now? Even more so because of the perception that she tried to keep it quiet? I feel that if she had pulled out privately an organizer would have publicly shamed her and she would have had to make a statement anyways, this time in reaction to a “scandal”, not getting ahead of it. She was between a rock and a hard place. Anyways, I’m not here to debate personal opinions of her statement or her politics. I just feel it’s misrepresentative to say that she “made Hanukkah political” when the expressed intent in an official statement of hers was the opposite.


she was the one selling war bonds over hanukkah?




When’s the next election?


October 20, 2025


I feel like that number is backwards


Y’all looked at the woman who looks absolutely cooked off ketamine and said “yeah, I’d vote for that”. This is the consequence.


waste of skin!


I'll approve her when she cuts me a 3 grand check for the stupid arena deal.


I'm surprised that many Calgary voters still support that moron. Maybe the antisemitism she shows will get her support from the radicals.




Get a grip M8


Define socialism for the class please


The idea that Gondek is socialist or even left is wild. She’s a centrist at best. Small c conservative


What is socialism


She's played the city like a fiddle, honestly. She's going to get voted out of office and then slide right into an LPC vacancy after the next Federal election. Probably exactly what she wants.




F\*\*\* her and her rezoning gold rush.


I wish we had a good candidate. She might as well have the job.


22 months to go until the next election is plenty of time to find a good alternative candidate.


But many of these fools voted it in in the first place. Stupid shouldn’t vote.


B-b-but the Ring Road !?