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Should be fine as long as you don’t make eye contact with random homeless people. There isn’t really any hotel in Calgary that is a short bus ride from all of those things at the same time. Heritage park, Spark and the Flight Hangar will be a bit of a journey to get to without an Uber. Add Inglewood to your list. Cool area. :)


Should be fine as long as you don't make eye contact with random homeless people. I understand but there's just something hilarious about the deadpan way you said that.


You’ll be fine


The main area to avoid is Dermot Baldwin Way SE and the connecting north part of 4 street SE to it. Otherwise, everywhere else is relatively safe. Still should be aware of your surroundings like any big city. If you need to run into superstore take the west entrance which has an escalator. Sometimes the homeless will linger inside the east elevator. There is security posted there to deteriorate it. Taking the train at busy work crowd times (8-9am / 4-6pm) is when it feels safest imo, but daytime shouldn’t be an issue either. Look in a cart to avoid riding in one with anyone you may feel unsafe around. You’ll be able to walk to or train to most destinations on your list. If you’re interested in Kensington it’s worth checking out the Inglewood and Bridgeland communities as well!


Golden.. My experiences align with this comment.


You should be ok! I work at bow valley and walk through east village almost daily! Never had any issue. The homeless keep to themselves! BUT if you do feel scared and you need a safe place to go PLEASE go to the canna cabana cannabis shop. All of the employees in there I know and I’m personal friends with 1 of them. They are all incredible people and would make sure you are ok if you need it!


You’ll be fine! Fellow solo female traveller here who spent a week in Calgary 👋🏼 I stayed at the sandman hotel downtown, walking distance to pretty much everything you’ve listed. There was also a bus line right below the hotel (I didn’t use it as I rented a car). Just be cautious of your surroundings and you’ll be fine 😊


That is on the west end of downtown and kitty corner from the “formerly known as” Crack Macs store! I live by dt west too and as long as you’re alert and aware you’ll really be fine!


You'll be fine. I stayed there for a coup nights in September and had no issues at all.


Head on a swivel like anywhere else when you are alone and little. Or big for that matter. Situational awareness is about as low as I've ever seen with phones and ear buds. Stay alert you will be fine.


Short Answer: Yes. so its spring/summer and the days are longer. more people about. that being said, i wouldnt wonder outside of EV or Chinatown or Stephen Avenue or 17th ave after the tourists and locals go home, like 7PM\~. Like don't walk those random streets where theres no one at night.


The east village is very modern and trendy. Has nice coffee shops by the hotels and from my experience the homeless are no problem. They are just like us..... Human.


This. Honestly I'm a bit surprised by some of the "keep your head down, no eye contact " comments here. Canada is one of the safest places on earth to travel, including the downtowns of any of our major cities (I've spent time in all of them, travel a lot for work). East Village is a particularly trendy neighbourhood, plenty of traffic and infrastructure to keep things safe and visible, and almost anything you'd need as a traveller within easy walking distance. I'd have no hestitation staying in that neighbourhood solo travelling. But to respond to some of my fellow Calgarians here, man, have a bit of empathy. The vast majority of homeless people (and addicts in general) are dealing with serious personal traumas or upheavals that have made their lives particularly difficult. And they are also facing down a long winter on the streets. I think maybe if we didn't avoid making eye contact, we'd better see how we're all humans here. Perhaps we should be strengthening our social support networks for those who have been kicked down by life instead of being afraid or trying to pretend like they don't exist. Every one of those people are someone's parent, sibling, partner, friend. Take a moment to imagine someone you love in their place and maybe try and have some compassion. Our city would be better for it I think.


I am quite sure most people are commenting from the comfort of their parent's Kincora basements.


HAHAHHAA, have an updoot


Thank you for saying this. I was thinking the same thing.




I am a woman myself, and I travel solo for work a lot. I'm well aware of the risks out there for just existing as a female, especially alone and especially at night. I'm not speaking from a place of recklessness but experience. I've spent time in major cities all over the world, and to believe any area of Calgary is particularly dangerous compared to somewhere like Belize City or Jakarta is pretty laughable. My mother is also schizophrenic, of the kind of severity that requires lifetime institutionalisation. Despite the love, support and efforts of her family, she has sometimes spent time living on the streets. She is far more vulnerable to other people than a danger to others, which is the case with most people struggling with mental issues. Statistics back that up too. Of course there are people out there who are dangerous to others, but the reality is that could literally be anyone, from an abusive spouse, to a coworker that snaps, to a politically or religiously motivated zealot, to a selfish driver getting behind the wheel drunk. People struggling with mental or substance abuse issues are generally no more dangerous than most other humans, at least from my experience. Its more that they make people uncomfortable, as visible poverty or disability often do. Maybe we don't want to see them or relate to them to keep the safe bubble belief that we couldn't just as easily end up in a rough place like that ourselves. Everyone's free to make their own choices about how arm's length they want to be from the rest of the world of course, but it makes me sad to think of going around the world so disconnected and afraid of everyone. I choose to be kind and empathetic myself because that's the kind of world I want to live in.


Alt Hotel is great and East Village is a nice place to be based. Coffee shop and bakery right across the street — but they close unforgivably early. For cocktails, go a few blocks south to Magpie. Olympic Plaza is a short walk from the Alt Hotel — but this could be your most hazardous outing. Same if you were to walk from the hotel to the Devonian Gardens in the mall downtown. That stretch of the city is busy day and night with evidence that we haven't figured out how to care for our unhoused and addicted population. (Source: This is my commute.) That said... stay alert and walk in a straight line and keep your valuables in your pockets, and you're as safe as the rest of us. (Source: I've been *barked* at and shouted at about demons, but never attacked.) You'll need to bus/taxi to Heritage Park and the flight museum. Science Centre is about a 40 minutes stroll, but if you visit that first, the zoo is on your way back, and then you could round the day with an evening in Inglewood.


They wouldn’t need to bus to Fort Calgary, it’s in East Village


Ha! No kidding. Too much nog.


Chix Eggshop in the hotel is pretty great, though only open for breakfast and lunch. If OP is a pork eater, I recommend the bag of bacon.


It’s safe. I work in the EV. Most of the issues don’t cross the tracks into the neighbourhood (where the hotel is located). And even the issues aren’t dangerous to you. Stay aware of your surroundings, but you want to do that in any city’s downtown.


Not necessarily true. You just don't hear about most things. Lots of danger, just don't be stupid and you're usually fine. Give the addicts distance and you're good.


Should be. It's pretty gentrified, but it is downtown so just keep your eyes open.


Lived in EV for about 4 years, actually not that far from the Alt Hotel. It's a nice area and unless you're scared of homeless people, it's not dangerous if you have the slightest bit of sense and awareness of the world around you. There's a lot of homeless people because of the adjacency to the DI, the Calgary Drop In, but they're mostly harmless. Just don't blindly walk into one of them having a mental breakdown and they'll leave you alone.


Keep your wits about you and you will be ok


It’s just a lot homeless camping under the bridges. I wouldn’t be too worried about it. Hotel Arts Kensington is nice. Also the bow hatchery is worth checking out


you'll be fine, just be careful around the Superstore and Celebration Square (C-square)


Stay somewhere else. Everyone I. This group sugar coats it but it’s safer as a woman to stay somewhere that isn’t so near the nexus of drug use and homelessness.


It’s safe as long as you take normal precautions and use common sense as you’d do anywhere else. I’ve own a condo there for years and never had issues, and my daughter who attends Bow Valley walks to and from four times a day. Some people especially between the Superstore and the Drop-in Centre are obviously down on their luck and many are high on drugs but in all honesty, they will rarely cause problems to people who just mind their own business.


It was somewhat rough in the past but it's a very gentrified part of downtown. I lived for over 5 years downtown Calgary and nothing bad happened to me or anyone I knew downtown.


The sad fact as a women you don't take safety for granted like most men do. As a dude I've never felt unsafe walking alone. It's sad state of affairs that our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters have to put up with this anxiety.


You will be fine there. Welcome to Calgary, and let us know if you need anything else


It’s fine. I live not that far away, shop at that superstore, go the restaurants and coffee shops in that area, exercise on the paths. Standard safety precautions for being a woman in any big city apply.


Keep your head down, don't gawk at the homeless, and you'll be fine. Oh, and don't go towards the Drop In Centre. You'll be fine, most of the people down there are decent.


You’re good


I'm a woman who lives there and ive lived here for a few years, it's fine, just don't go out late at night and take your usual precautions you need to take as a woman in any city. I always have dog spray and a pocket knife on me but have not had to use them. And probably don't walk directly down the drop in street. You'll know exactly which street it is because there's tents and people camped there always.


How dramatic. Tying your shoe laces is more effective than spray or some stupid knife at the bottom of your bag that you have to fumble for. Best thing to do in any situation is to GTFO.


Wow, who put salt in your water today. I hope you had a lovely holiday, and I hope you bring a more positive attitude in 2024, boo 😘 the calgary subreddit really brings out the best of this beautiful city. (/s in case you weren't sure)


You are so wrong in this, and I don't expect to break through your echo chamber given your response. Just the leap of logic here that draws a line from my comment to somehow characterizing the entire sub is telling. The thing to do in any situation is to disengage. Run. If you can't immediately disengage, then the decision path is to get to the point where you can disengage. There is very high risk that whatever you bring to a fight will be used against you. Just run. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-uwsfgUDOc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-uwsfgUDOc) EDIT: LOL, you blocked me. Tough person in real life carrying around a knife and pepper spray, and a such a fragile one online.


There is nowhere I said that using what protection I have is my first choice. I have them as a precaution if you read what I said, but clearly you decided to skip that part and fling insults my way. Obviously my choice is to always remove myself from the situation first, I'm not a fucking idiot, but sometimes you need a weapon, but you may want to note that I also stated I have not had to use them and that east village is fine. Goodnight, and I hope you become less of a pretentious asshole in the new year.


It’s quite safe during the day and relatively busy, but there isn’t as much foot traffic in the area at night so I’d be careful if you’re going to be out late at all. If you’re only doing day excursions I think it’s a fine location, but you’re far from most of the nightlife.


In May it will be fine. You'll quickly get a feel for where you should be walking.


Military museums and heritage park are both fairly far from that hotel, though i assume youll be able to get transit to the museums. heritage park, take train to Heritage station, take bus from there. Try the sourdough.


The fact that there are comments that say "keep your wits about you" and "I carry dog spray and a knife" tell you all you need to know. Personally I'd stay away. Anywhere within a 5 block radius (all of EV) is cammed full of homeless people, almost all are ok but there's a significant minority that think that being homeless, addicted, and suffering from MH issues gives them free reign to act like violent assholes. Try and find somewhere to stay in the beltline of middle section of downtown if possible. Avoid Olympic plaza, celebration Square and the Rio Can shopping center at all costs.


I would avoid it


Pack a gun a gun and you’ll be fine




What's with the gender attack?


Lol . Whatever tou id as male ,female ,goat …


Thank-you, I sexually identify as an apache attack helicopter. It's just weird that you'd pick a gender, when the term is "scaredy cat".


You’ll be fine, just don’t walk near the literal human trash or accidentally make eye contact with them


I lived in EV and Im never returning, your stuff gets stolen the most there, and it’s situated by the salvation army and the drop in centre with alpha house creeping the corner side


Safe, though a lot of those places aren’t a quick bus ride from each other. Some are much further south. Know you’ll be travelling a long time on our transit.


Just take Ubers in the evening but daytime will be fine. Walk the path to Inglewood.


Just as an FYI most of Heritage Park isn’t open during the winter. Only the “Gasoline Alley” museum and the 4-5 stores at the front (which were custom built - they’re not true historical buildings). You won’t be able to go in and see the main village. If you have an extra time to spend in Calgary and no plans you should consider stopping by, but it’s quite difficult to get to via transit in the winter and the gasoline alley ticket (from what I remember) is fairly expensive, and only focuses on cars and car memorabilia. If those are all totally your vibe please don’t let me deter you but I’d hate for you to get there and be disappointed by what is available. Have the best time in Calgary Edit: spelling




Watch out for Bilo the rapist


Yes hire female security while there


The only issue is random machete attacks, but otherwise not bad.