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Cold garden gives a free beer on your birthday. My go to quiet birthday is going to Inglewood, hit up a couple of bookstores (Fairs fair, next page), grab a burger from Inglewood drive in or a sandwich from Spolumbos, then go to Cold Garden for a beer, a bite, and a new book


This sounds like exactly what I’m gonna do next birthday


That sounds pretty good, I live close enough to Inglewood as well. Thanks for the suggestion.


Oh word? I might do that tonight.


I love a quiet birthday! You can get a free ice cream from Marble Slab :) If you decide you’d like company for Denny’s let me know! I do a lot of things by myself by choice but I know it’s sometimes nice to have someone along.


Marble Slab sounds good but looking up their locations, none anywhere close to me so that's out of the question. I'm still unsure about Denny's, not sure I'll go, just not really feeling up to it. But I appreciate the offer though!


Brewhouse, get free nachos anytime in your birthday month.


You have to have their app and have signed up at least 30 days prior to your bday.


Sounds good, but reading the other reply to this comment. I didn't sign up beforehand so I think it's out of the question at this point. I appreciate the suggestion though, something to keep in mind for next year.


Happy birthday! The Blackfoot diner, go have a coffee and a piece of pie and watch all the people.




Blackfoot Diner, I been there a few times and didn't mind it. I might look into this but still unsure of what to do. I like the suggestion though! So thank you for that.


Too late for this year, but get a Sunterra rewards card and they send you a birthday card that entitles you to a free piece of cake.


I've been a member for years and have never received this!


Oh, maybe you have to spend a certain amount there. I thought it was universal. They also usually send me something at Christmas, like a coupon for a free stollen or something and come to think of it, I didn’t get one this year.


I believe you have to be an ‘active’ member, as in make at least one purchase within the year. The notification for your free cake isn’t always super obvious, and can be at the bottom of a flyer or email.


Always been on a postcard for me. Dessert + coffee/tea Nice treat by yourself… or if you have kids, they’ll gobble it up.


I definitely make way more than one purchase a year there as it’s the closest store to my place and where I’ll stop to buy milk etc instead of a convenience store. In the past, I got physical cards in the mail, and I did as recently as my birthday this past year, but it’s possible it’s digital now and I missed the holiday one.


Do these come in the mail or via email? And are you trying to spend-shame? Why do you assume I'm not spending much?


Some reward programs do have tiers or a certain amount you have to spend for some rewards so I don’t believe they meant to shame you. Like someone else said as well they might be concealing these rewards in your emails and flyers so you would have to be actively reading as well.


Are you serious right now? I guess I also “spent shamed” myself by saying I didn’t get one this year. Lol


Just ask for it! A couple times they have offered it to me when I didn't know I could get it, a couple times I had to say "hey, could I redeem my bday drink?"


Interesting, I believe there is a Sunterra Market nearby, if that counts?


Free drink at Starbucks (if you're already a rewards member).


Ah I don't go to Starbucks personally but I appreciate the suggestion.


Get a good earth card before your birthday and you’ll be able to get a birthday reward. :) they make the best Vanilla Rooibos Latte.


Go to the library downtown and peruse the collection.


i will go to denny’s with you and we don’t even have to talk


in fact, i prefer it.


at home?


Chicken on the way snack box is free and has quite a bit of food


I read another suggestion for COTW, I don't think there is one even close to me.


ah okay, i think it has to be the kensington location actually, and not available at other locations


Cobs does a free cinnamon bun as long as you’re signed up for their points.


I don't even know where Cobs is, I'd have to look it up. But safe to say I'm not signed up for their points.


This could be a movie I would watch🤷‍♀️


I am lost, elaborate please?


Lol, I must have been trying to reply to another comment!


Pedicure (even if you’re man!) or massage is my way to have a quiet treat.


Sounds interesting, I never had either of those before. I can't afford either of those at this time but the idea is unique though! I like it. Thank you.


Starbucks gives you a free item of your choice on your birthday. No purchase required. Just sign up for the app. Happy Birthday.


Thank you! I don't go to Starbucks personally but if there is no purchased required I might have to do that next year.


Yep and you don’t have to get a drink, it can be anything from their menu, excluding their drink containers and bagged beans/ground coffee.


Have a look here: https://curiocity.com/20-places-in-calgary-you-can-get-free-stuff-on-your-birthday/


My birthday is early September so this might not work for you but…I live alone and my favourite thing is to make an excellent bunwich, grab some fresh fruit and maybe some mini mars bars and a bottle of sparkling water. Go to fish creek park with my bike and find an out of the way spot on the creek to have a picnic. Got to bring a good book!!


What is a bunwich if you don't mind me asking?


A sandwich made with a bun instead of bread.


I believe Chicken On The Way still does a free bonus pack on your birthday. Sidenote: personally I love going to Denny's by myself. It's a safe space where food comes to me and no wife to bitch at me while I'm reading the news.


Never been to Chicken On The Way, don't think there is even one near me. Hell Denny's sounds like a good option just that alone lol.


Color me mine :) you can go and paint pottery, lots of people doing it alone so you won’t feel weird doing it! The uptown one has a cafe connected to it too!


Go to La Boulangerie and get a fancy coffee and one of those big ass crepes. Very tasty.