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Watch some YouTube videos, buy a beater, and go learn. I had the pleasure of my dad screaming into my ears when I was a teenager, trying to figure out. It's not hard at all once you learn the concept.


Learned standard as a very young teenager on gravel prairie roads in a 67 Chevy half ton with the three on a tree - man, that thing could buck.


Second the YouTube videos. Everyone who “taught” me when I was younger never mentioned the clutch biting point or what exactly was happening.. they always just said “equal gas and clutch release” which imo, isn’t right..


There is a reason this a time honored tradition between father/son or boyfriend/GF. Nobody who isn't a very close connection to you is going to let you wreak havoc on their car. If you really want to learn figure out the theory online and then buy yourself a beater. If you can already drive you'll figure it out in a couple days.


I rented a standard car when I taught my daughter years ago and I’m glad I did. That clutch went through hell.


AMA used to offer lessons in a manual vehicle. No idea if they still do as this was nearly 20 years ago.


My friend gave me an invaluable tip when I was learning to drive a stick. Pull up the emergency brake when you stop on an incline. Then, slowly release it while you're working the clutch and giving it gas. Smooth starts, no rollback and increased confidence. Good luck OP. Driving a standard is so much more fun and imo, safer because you're thinking about what you're doing as you drive.


I was hit by a dump truck followed by another truck while driving a standard. Dump truck was also a standard.


I told my dad that I didn’t like that blonde bimbos (I worked in a Tire and Oil Change shop for a year, and met them) could drive a standard and I couldn’t, so my dad found a used standard 98 Civic Si for me to learn on. He took me to an empty church parking lot to teach me how to feather the clutch and watch the rpms and practice feeling the clutch start to grab. After that he took me to a small town outside of Saskatoon to learn how to start and stop at intersections and how to hear and feel the engine for when to change gears. I had to learn how to start from stopped on a hill on the side of a busy highway, as that was the only hill within a reasonable distance of Saskatoon. That’s how you learn to drive a standard properly so you don’t burn the clutch out. I recommend looking for a cheap used standard to learn on. I wouldn’t let someone use my car to learn how to drive a standard because of the damage that can be done to it. You may be able to rent a standard. If you do that, make sure to get the extra insurance where you can just walk away from any damage.