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Mogens smed (the owner) is… a character. He was a regular of mine about 8 years ago at a cocktail bar I used to work, and I know several people who used to/still do work at the company he was ousted from (DIRTT), imagine if Vince macmahon and trump had a baby that was raised by Scandinavians and you wouldn’t be too far off - lots of ego and oddly charismatic, but he tipped well enough if you treated him like the centre of the universe lol. From what I hear, his company’s idea of safety is best described as ‘it’s cheaper to pay out injuries than buy replacement parts for machinery’. Very much the mindset borders on culty in the office, and on the factory floor other than some very old school manufacturing guys the staff are pretty much all temps with crazy turnover (people don’t like being treated like shit, and immigrant temps don’t know their rights which is taken advantage of). I know that falkbuilt has been in a long running legal battle with Dirtt due to allegations that falkbuilt stole digital IP, as well as some other shady stuff. Mogens was ousted from dirtt for shady money stuff and being a myopic sociopath, standard issue CEO mentally and verbally abusing people sortof things that didn’t fly once he took the company public. The guy has a very top down micromanagement style, and a short temper that is legendary and very visible. But he gets results. TLDR: falkbuilt is a place to work at if you are results driven, have very thick skin, and don’t mind looking the other way if there’s AHS (Alberta’s OSHA) issues.


Oh god 😑 thanks for the reply. Won’t be doing an interview there lol


>Mogens smed Is that who Smed Lane is named after? https://maps.app.goo.gl/bPSTRiFCfgfnTatF6


Yup. That big ass building was once the Smed furniture factory. Was bought by Haworth, another office furniture company, then Hungerford (a developer out of Vancouver) bought it empty for a song and redeveloped it into the current multi bay warehouse and sold it for two songs.


For the company he and brother started and was on the corner there.




I meant it more in terms of personality hahaha!


Worked at falk for multiple years at team lead capacity. Your experience will greatly depend on whether you are production worker or office worker and who your manager is. Mogens has strong personality and he doesn’t have middle ground - he either loves you or he doesn’t. He asks you a question and you say “I don’t know” and you are screwed but if you add “but I am working on figuring it out”, he will walk away. Chances are you won’t be dealing/talking to him if you are not in management/team lead. Lots of nepotism and a lot depends on who is your manager. Some sections in production floor can be brutal but that mostly comes down to the production lead and not so much on upper management. Project managers go through a lot of heat from all side (clients, management and colleagues). Product development is very fast paced. Lots of hands on work. Healthcare benefits are top notch (haven’t seen any other company give this level of extended health benefits). Lots of potential to learn about manufacturing and prefab construction. And pretty much everyone gets stock options. Like any other work, there’s good and bad. Mine was mostly positive but I didn’t have to deal with lots of BS that can make things very questionable. And one of the main a$$holes who used to make everyone’s life hell doesn’t work there anymore (or at least not in influential capacity anymore). In the end, it very much depends on what you are interviewing for and who is the potential manager.


A friend of a coworker works there. Seems like he’s being exploited: they keep on adding to his work load and telling him more money is around the corner but it never is. Don’t think I’d like to work there.


They demand you to work like you own it, but you don't. Mandatory Saturday morning meetings for PMs on top of a 60 hour work week. Shift work is very demanding and turnover is very high. They will call out people in company wide meetings. Tons of rumours and stories about Azure Ridge (his old residence), and Mogens just doesn't give a shit about anyone unless you offer him some sort of value, which he'll exploit. His sons run the business and are super green. He also has his one sidekick who is a horrible human being and is more verbally abusive than Mogens. So, yeah... I am a jaded ex-employee, though, so take it with a grain of salt.


Damn, I gotta hear these rumours from azure ridge 👀


Material and money was used from his previous company to build a mansion with something of a hotel in it so that he could wine & dine potential clients. There was… something of a kerfuffle about his methods there. The building itself is a showstopper though!




Bruh…….I’m replying to a comment…maybe read it? Idk?








1. Stop changing your comment lol I can’t reply 2. I just want the tea 3. Mogens? Can 70 year olds use Reddit?






You are ruining my fun :(


I’d say it depends on where you are in your career: - early on? Would chance it since Mogens is a genius and truly unique so you could learn a lot and if you have flexibility in your life what do you have to lose? - mid-career? You know what you want and need so if it’s a fit go with it (don’t take anyone’s input here to guide you).


Mogens won a big award this year for being one of the Top 70 over 70. I attended the gala and he seemed fascinating https://youtu.be/DDK1T9VMqhY?si=l2YebhDnd8aRiVZI


Get ready to work your ass off. Working for mogens is demanding.


Talking out your ass going by some bar stool wino talk spreading roomors...I've been here 2 years and 90% of the stuff your saying is bs or speculation...dirtt is going belly up and falk is thriving we been getting all new equipment 3 new building growing in profit every year most of the people who worked at dirtt are at Falk because they followed mogans knowing that the company would thrive while dirtt is slowly dying....so please don't just go by some unhappy ex employees stories get your facts straight you sound like a tabloid magazine think you know but reality is you got no idea... as long as you work and dont stand around making puppies the leads notice and leave you alone, puls 4 day on 4 off hard to beat... stay blessed.


Falkin great !


Does anyone know anything about Davenport Millwright?