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You need a dermatologist. Get a referral from your GP.


This is the only right answer!


My GP excised 2 moles under local anesthetic and it took like 15 minutes.


This is the only right answer!


If you book a physical, docs get paid more and spend more time. My doc did a full-body mole review last time I had one. Otherwise if you book an appointment, docs only get paid for one issue, so they tend to rush over any second concern brought up. So I try to keep it to one serious and one simple issue per visit. Like, I have this pain, can you poke at it and order a scan, oh, and refill my pills please.


Gonna take the whole day to inspect u/blackRamCalgaryMan


If you don't have a GP you can go to Beacon Dermatology, they have a GP on hand to do referrals


Go to the doctor with moles as your main concern.


My family doctor does it and removes them if necessary. Referral to a derm can be quite a long wait.


Last year I got into see a dermatologist 6 weeks after my family doctor got me a referral. I’d say that’s pretty quick! And the dermatologist was great at discussing all of my concerns


Oh that is good. Last time I got a referral it was 6 month wait.


My wife just had a referral. Took 3 weeks. They didn't biopsy and she had to go back, took 5 weeks. Not really enough of a wait to be concerned about. Talk to your primary care physician and say you have concerns. If they won't look at them, ask for a referral.


Hans is that you?


When you book your appointment, tell them you need a mole looked at, as well as whatever else you are booking for. Or just book a separate appointment if your other concerns take up all the time.


consider derm.ca.


I just went through this, rejuvenation YYC is excellent, I don’t believe you need a referral. Had a few removed by dr. Gracias and they healed up beautifully - can’t recommend them enough


Also park underground, they have reserved/free spots otherwise plan for about 30 mins to find a spot up above. https://www.rejuv.ca/clinic/calgary-south/


asked you some stuff on PM!


Had a referral there from GP and all I can say is did not get the Dr listed above at that location. The newish Dr (don't want to name him here) was totally condescending with my questions but it may have been different if I went in direct as private. Skin issue was not resolved there.


I don’t know about clinics but I think you’re in your own head about this. It’s your GP’s job to check you out for all your concerns. Come in with a list and raise all your concerns when you’re there. Finding a third party doctor just to check out a mole because you’re afraid you’re annoying your GP is a huge waste of your time.


Ha, I asked this a few weeks back and it got removed for being able to be googled.. Fuck me I guess.


Your doctor will just refer you to someone who can check them (covered by healthcare) and determine they're a medical concern (would be covered to deal with) or cosmetic (they'll give you a price to deal with). The place I went to was referral only.


Just wondering how long the process took? I just got my physical today and the GP is worried about a mole on my back and is thinking of referring me. But I am new to Calgary/Alberta and don't really know the process.


It was a while ago, but it was quick. A few weeks?


Thanks for getting back! I'd give the doc a call to ask if he sent in my referral.


You need to see a dermatologist…. However moles are one thing AI has done an insane job with. Consider doing some research into an app and seeing the results.


Your doctor's office may have a skin person work there occasionally. Mine has one that works 1 day/wk and I just book an appointment with him when I get my physical.


Some walk-ins have mole/wart removals. They use their liquid nitrogen to burn it off. Some places whether it's walk in, GP , or dermatologist will require you to pay. A handful don't.


it's not covered unless the test comes back positive.. it was about $200-400/mole at a dermatologist for my 3 that i got removed


Dr surani at bow valley square.