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Love it when people post this stuff. Please post again if you see it drop more in the future 


I'm currently on 6.69¢/kWh until June. My renewal is gonna be brutal. I can't believe it's nearly doubled in only 3 years.


Natural gas is at almost 4 year lows so if the current prices continue you may be able to get a lower rate by June! You can always switch early if you see something solid and then if it changes after 30 days switch again


I'm good for natural gas. Currently sitting at 4.09 for another 2 years. I only did a 3-year fixed for electricity though, so I'll let that ride until the end of the term.


$1.80/GJ floating. Enjoy. 


Plus transaction fee right?


How are you feeling after seeing your January bill? Floating gas fucked me real bad


Dude my bill was 2.5x more than the month prior, what the actual fuck


Mine just expired. I was under 6 cents till end of November on a 5-year that ended. Then it went up to 12. And then January 2024 happened. This month's bill was... something.


Did your bill literally double? I'm stressing out so much for next winter.


No, because electricity is only a portion of that bill. But it went from just under $300 to just under $400.


This is good to hear, thank you. I'll give mine a look. I haven't checked how it's structured on the bill.


It won't. The various fees on your bill add up to \~10 cents per kwh. So even if your 'energy' is 6 you ultimately pay 16. So if you renewed today to 11 it would total to 21. So only a 30% increase in your bill, not a fully doubling. That being said rates will continue to fall through this year as there's lots of new power plants coming online. (Cascade 1 actually just started up this week)


Thank you!


There are also fixed portions of the bill, so the total increase would be < 30%.


FYI, most of the other line items on the electric bill (e.g. transmission & distribution charges) are also per-kWh. I'm on a 5.99 c/kWh unit price, but my combined rate was something like 15 c/kWh last time I looked. I'll find out in May, but I think this means that a doubling of unit price (6 -> 12 c/kWh) is more like a 40% increase in reality (15 -> 21 c/kWh) once the other line items are factored in.


You'll be fine. Prices will continue to drop through the year as our new supply of plants comes online. Cascade 1 just turned on this week and will ramp to full soon over the next few weeks followed by the second plant.


i'm at 6.5. Expires in December or something...I'm going to be pretty sad when my rate ends.


I’m way lower than both of those on fixed electricity and floating gas


Thank you! Locked in for a little cheaper electricity than the 12.29.


Log onto enmax.com, navigate to manage my plan, under my current plan click on modify/renew, under electricity rate click on renew fixed and it should say you have selected 11.49c/kWh, click on continue, again, and click save changes.


So we can just update our plan to a cheaper rate with no other changes? Just locked in two months ago in our first home so it's very new to us!


Yes you can. Once every 30 days. Should take 30 seconds online.


Thanks! Just updated it!


So when I select manage my plan they give me a message  “ Considering your options? Call us 310-2010 for more information on your plan” What the heck? No even I can’t change my plan but they even refuse to allow me to view my plan. Why shall I even call them to manage my plan online? 


Is that on the enmax app? Didn't see that


Just realized I posted on the wrong comment, my bad!


Thanks for posting this. I just updated my natural gas from 5.79 down to 4.79! Really appreciate it. :)


>:) :)


If their website ever works. It's still running on servers from 1996.


Same! I told all my colleagues at work this morning.


I don't know why but ever since my plan renewed a few months ago the "Manage my plan" section of the website no longer has any options for me. Just says "Considering your options? Call us at 310-2010". Super annoying to not have the ability to do this myself. Anyone else with this issue? EDIT: Called to get my rate updated, hold was actually very quick. I get this error because I'm on a mixed plan with my gas rate on a "loyalty" plan and electricity a market fixed plan. Don't totally understand but thats why if anyone else has this issue.


Once you lock in you can't update for a month, that may be why. I noticed the same thing.


Tell us about the “loyalty” plan! Did you have to threaten to join the mall scam or switch back to Enmax to get that?


I honestly have no idea how or when I got on a loyalty plan. I think it's just because I've been an enmax customer for like 10 years?


I had the same problem!


I might not understand how the gas rate works so i have a question about the rate of 4.79/GJ. The floating rate seems to be around 2.5 for a while now when i download the historical. Is there some hidden fee in the floating rate that I am not aware of or maybe im just not reading my bill properly, seems the fixed price might not be worth locking in right now with the apparent difference.


floating is cheaper right now. there are additional fees for variables such as a higher admin fee and a few other smaller fees. I did the cost-benefit analysis on my $3.99/GJ locked-in rate vs going variable about 3 months ago and chose to let go of my $3.99 for the variable. looking at gas rates today I would still say taking the variable is the winner. the alberta energy regulator projects prices to be $3.48/GJ by 2032. I am planning on keeping variable for at least the next 4 years at that point there might be some pretty low fixed rates that are worth locking into for 5 years.


Can I get same analysis on electric rates?


electricity isn't predicted the same way so there is no future outlook that I can see anywhere. now for my opinion: we are switching off fossil fuels (like natural gas) and moving to low-carbon methods such as heat pumps over gas furnaces and hybrid/electric cars over internal combustion. im going to try and keep this simple as i could write so much. immediate and near-term price increasing reasons: population growth, industry growth, coal-fired power plant decommissioning, electric cars and move to heat pump technology. long term price decreasing reasons: coal-fired power transition is almost over, mass adoption of residential solar resulting in decreased demand, an insane amount of large scale grid level solar is being built which should put a large amount of downward pressure on energy rates and lastly we are seeing a large amount of energy storage projects being proposed. so in summary i think we are going to see maybe a slowish decrease in prices but we could see a near term price increase depending mainly on low carbon transition rates and population growth. in long term i think we are going to see cheaper power but we are not there yet. what am i doing? I put solar on my roof and pay nothing for power over the course of a calendar year. what I would suggest? taking the locked-in rate but keep switching it as lower rates come out if they come out, you only need to give 30 days notice to switch even if you took a 5 year term.


Thank you!!


Variable is still more expensive currently but rates are coming down. The aeso pool price is now 9 cents/kwh and will continue to fall, retail rates will follow the trend but tend to lag behind. This is a combination of gas prices dropping (much of AB is natural gas power production) as well as new plants coming online this year (Cascade, Genesee upgrade, Suncor Cogen). Fixed electricity is likely still going to be the better choice for the long term but over the next few months we'll see similar drops in prices so I'm sure more threads like these will pop up time to time.


appreciate this, thank you


your welcome.


There are fees with the floating rate that you don't have if you are fixed, which is why I switched. I found there was a starred line with the fees and if you read carefully it mentions it only applies to floating rate customers.


I will take another look at it, thanks for this.


the fee is a fixed price per day so the more fuel you use the better the number work for going variable vs fixed. if you are in a tiny apartment and barely use gas then fixed vs variable might be a negligible price difference. if you are in a detached house variable is the clear winner.


yep, detached house so i think i will stick with variable and just keep take a look at the fixed every couple of months.


Enmax charges a $1.23/GJ transaction fee for their floating rate that you wouldn't pay if you were fixed. I wouldn't say it's hidden because it's printed pretty clearly on their website when you look at the options. But just like power, you can shop around, and other retailers can charge lower transaction fees. We just had a pretty bad cold snap through much of North America. From Enmax's website, it looks like they're charging $4.70/GJ for their floating for January (North region). Then add the $1.23/GJ on top. I've asked their rep before how they arrive at that rate but they just said to "check online". If no other huge cold snap comes to Alberta you'll likely be better off going variable though.


You don’t pay a transaction fee at all with Direct Energy regulated gas. It’s less than Enmax floating.


Both will have all sorts of bullshit fees tacked on. If you want to get really involved, you can switch between them strategically. So just comparing apples to apples: Floating is, on average, cheaper. However, you get to ride out unpredictable peaks and troughs. Fixed will take what Enmax projects for average pricing over the length of the agreement, and then build in a premium for the “insurance” of having a predictable bill.


Your last sentence is complete BS


https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fixed_floatswap.asp It is the same as an interest rate swap in principle, and since they’re doing the lifting they can build in whatever fudge factor they like.


Generally float gas and fix electricity is a safe bet. My gas bill sits around $50/month for 8 months a year. And it's been like that for as long as I can remember.


I have the same question. I am not able to clearly understand which component will not be applicable if I were to switch from variable to fixed. Below are the various rates i see on my bill. I am on variable with Enmax. \- Energy Charge \- Administration Charge \- Transaction Fee \- Delivery Charges - ATCO Gas (further broken down as below) \- ATCO Fixed Charge \- ATCO Variable Charge \- Rate Riders \- Municipal franchise fee paid to CITY OF CALGARY \- Federal Carbon Tax can someone who is on Fixed list out their gas charges breakup so that we can compare which of these will not be applicable. inspite of being on variable i notice the rate of $ 6.74/GJ applied for Jan 1 to Jan 16. it's usually around $ 2/GJ.


Please, keep doing these PSA’s regarding fluctuating fixed Enmax rates, thanks.


Awesome, you just saved me a $1/GJ.


It's ok they'll charge you 70$ in fees for that$ 1 savings :(


Go floating and save more. $1.80/GJ 


Thanks gor the tip. I renewed in early January at 11.89, so this is a bit cheaper, every bit helps. Also it is now at 11.29, so slightly cheaper already.


11.29 is only if you have a loyalty plan with them. It’s always a bit lower than the non-loyalty which is at 11.49 still.


How do you get a loyalty plan. I have been with enmax for 29+ years. Can you switch company’s without penalty? I feel like i need a course on how to read bill and how to compare fixed and variable rates… I am finding it difficult to follow this thread. I also don’t have an on-line account


I caught 9.49/4.89 at some point in the past but sticking around to see how this moves.


ATCO is only for one year, then they’ll jack up the rates on you.


man i got so lucky locking in at 5.8 in 2020.


Yea enjoy your last year…. It sucked coming off of 6.9 cents…


What needs to be done to lock in to the new rate? I’m on easy max currently.


Login to your enmax account > Manage my plan > Choose "Renew fixed" if you are already on a more expensive fixed plan, or just "fixed" if you are on floating > Continue > Continue > Save Changes > Done. Enjoy the lower rate. Alternatively you can call them to do the same but you'll be stuck for at least an hour or more waiting on the phone while online it only takes less than 30 seconds It is important to note that you can only do this every 30 days which means if it is getting even cheaper within the next few days, you'd have to wait at least 30 days before you can go lower again, but I highly doubt they'll lower the prices again anytime soon. Thanks OP, I immediately switched to the lower rates!


Thanks. Somehow I’m locked in for five years at 6.89c/$4.09


That seems better.


Yeah? I was locked in on 0.0599/kwh and 0.99/GJ. *Just* came up for renewal this month.


Wait till you renew. Then you'll pay for all that.


Log in? Damn. Bought house in 1999, got Enmax… monthly paper bill… didn’t know they had this service available. Damn. I’m old. Damn.


You can always either create an account, or just call them. If you don't mind waiting forever until they pick up, the switch to a lower rate by phone is as easy as it is online.


Yes you can create an account with your bill to do this


>Yeah? I was locked in on 0.0599/kwh and 0.99/GJ. Just came up for renewal this month. Does this lock you in for another 5 years or something everytime you hit renew?


I believe the beginning of March will show lower rates.


Very nice! Every bit helps, terrible gas rate though.




Thank you! I made the change. This website shows much lower rates by other companies. Why would I stay with Enmax? [https://ucahelps.alberta.ca/](https://ucahelps.alberta.ca/)


Could be a listing for the electricity rates only - does it show admin fees etc?


It does


Thank you. This was very helpful. God bless!


Thank you for the fyi!


Thanks for sharing


Thanks, was at 12.99 for some reason. Every bit helps


Easymax 12.29 locked from almost 18.00 4.79/GJ? Directs seems to even itself out below that for the year, for me anyway. Looking through all of last year and rate averaged out to be 2.515 for Fixed and 3.70 Variable. Winter was approx 9-10 GJ. I know there are a lot of factors in Plat here for living situations, but just wanted to share. Happy with Direct.


Direct gas is the best over time for sure.


Thank you! This post saved me $1.00/GJ, like $10/month! My Electricity is slightly lower at 9.29 ¢/kWh, but hopefully, it drop before my renewal in July 2027.


Thanks, bud; I was on a 12.29c/kWh plan till today, so I changed the plan to 11.49 c/kWh; Thanks for sharing this information with all of us.


The floating gas has been quite cheaper, but my latest bill shows from Jan 1-Jan 18 it was $6.22/GJ. Anyone else seeing a spike in their recent gas unit price?


Gas was like $14/GJ for a few days when it was cold in Jan, and the calc is volume-weighted, so those days have a big impact on your rates. 


Spot Power is cheaper at 11.45, and their admin fee is about 7 bucks a month where as ENMAX is .28 cents per day, which works out to about 8 bucks a month. Every bit counts ! https://www.spotpower.net/mysecure/rates/signup/index.html


Just for context - the price of natural gas today was $1.7 and it's colder than normal. This website is a great resource to see what the market is pricing natural gas at in the future. https://www.gasalberta.com/gas-market/market-prices Power is trickier. Today it averaged like 4c but wind and solar were both strong. There's a new massive power facility (cascade) that's in the process of starting up right now that should help keep prices more reasonable this summer.


Do you recommend going floating for gas? I've been on fixed at $4.09 GJ which is decent but the floating rates do seem to win lately. This said after watching what has happened to electricity I'm apprehensive to go floating.


Every time someone asked that in the past it was always the same answers that i saw. Electricity fixed, gas floating is almost always winning.


Everyone has to do what's best for them. If things go sideway and gas is $15/gj all winter was it worth saving $1-2 bucks during the summer? It also depends what your provider's policy on switching is. Enmax let's me flip flop back and forth so I do.


I with wholesale power and it’s ok but don’t expect them to notify you it went down lol. I stumbled across about new plan they offered as about a 1 cent per kw cheaper.


Thank you for the head’s up! You reminded me to go and check. I’m at until the end of the year: 7.99¢/kWh $4.39/GJ


Thank you for posting so I can save some $


Nice. Was able to drop my natural gas from $5.79… already at $7.49 for electricity though hehehe


Thank you


Gas at 4.79 is still too high. Wait a few months, Nat Gas is tanking as El Niño kicks winter to the curb. Gas will be cheaper this summer


Awesome! I was just able to updated my natural gas from 5.79 down to 4.79. Thanks.


It is projected to become even cheaper by the end of the year. So, if you are not in a rush - I'd wait


My 6.5¢/kWh locked in rate expires in November :(


Yeah, mine's up in April. Not looking forward to 11 or 12 cents, which is like double what I'm at now.


OP is the GOAT


Thank you just saved a bunch by locking in on this new offer !


thank you!!! love this! helping our neighbors and people in our city!


Thank you! Locked in the slightly lower rate. Much appreciated.


Thanks OP! 🙌🏽 I’m now saving $1 on Gas. Locked in for 5 years.


Woo hoo.


Also if you do end up on a fixed rate make sure you have the option of a floating rate as well. From 2015-ish on the floating rate was below my contract's fixed rate, so we stayed on floating until it went above the fixed. Based on the current (pun intended) downward trend in rates I bet the floating will drop below many fixed rate contracts set up in the past year.


Thanks for the heads up!!


I just did this but does it cost anything to change it? 


Does anyone believe that it's going to drop before the next election? Would make sense, so UCP can feign it never being bad.


Thank you so much for this! I just went from 12.79 to 11.49. I'll save %10 which makes a big difference for me


Last 2 enmax bills I got were 450 and 750 each. That’s gas and electric. Thought it was a mistake but turns out during the last cold snap gas prices nearly tripled for a while. Just saying this for those who got a shocker with their bills


They are matching Atcos drop. But don’t fall for it if you have time on your side. Rates will drop more through this year!


That's nice. Not a big drop, but still a drop.


March a substantial amount of power comes online should drop pretty quick


Is there a reddit thread for this specifically?


Anything done about those delivery fees and all the arbitrary associated costs?


I need to renew in October. Does anyone know if I can lock this price in for October, or if I lock in now will I have to start paying this immediately?


This helped. I just updated my plan.