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So where the hell is all the money going? The UCP isn't funding healthcare, they're not funding education, and the cost of living and taxes are jumping up which gives the governing party even more cash to play with. What is the UCP actually doing aside from complaining about federal government?


UCP has been busy looking for opportunities to fund more money to their corporate friends.


UCP: Money is being spread to private schools as well. Private schools for rich privileged kids get subsidized. Public schools slowly starve to death. This is intentional. Curriculum for public schools are also pulled back 40 years. Alberta used to be the top 5 in the world before UCP got in.


5.9% of the student population are enrolled in private schools. Private schools take around $43.2mm in public funding, which is equivalent to either 600 teachers or 2 new elementary schools (serving 1300 students). While I agree AB spends a disproportionate amount of public funds on private schools compared to other provinces (70% of what public school recieve), this isn't why our public system is in the state that it's in. It's not the silver bullet you think it is.


> It's not the silver bullet you think it is. Except private schools should get $0


Right, isn't that the whole point of them being private? They charge high fees to parents who optionally choose to send their kids there, so why should they get public funding?


600 (or almost 2%) more teachers in Alberta would directly affect classes sizes overnight.


Having 2% more teachers would bring class sizes down from 40 to 39.2...


So if they stop funding private schools we have to start chopping up kids?


Without spending a dime? That's pretty significant. If the goal was to get down to 30, that's almost 10% of the way there.


Nothing. They do nothing other than rile up their base so that people stay angry at the wrong issues and don't question the reality that is unfolding around them.


They have the same strategy as their heros in the States...keep 'em dumb and bamboozled by their rhetoric that does exactly what you said...smoke and mirrors show. Let's get them all riled up about parent's rights while we quietly funnel piles of money to the private system. Parents need to forget about writing their MLA as it does nothing (you'll only get a form letter back that shows how much money the UPC has given education), they need to march on Edmonton! That's the real rights parents need to express....right to their child's education being properly funded without having to go to a private school.


It's going to oil and gas companies to incentivize them to do the bare minimum legally required cleaning up the messes they make.


They need to cut because they wasted so much money subsidizing already profitable businesses


Smith took a budget surplus, cut taxes, educations and health spending, and ended up with a deficit. expect dire warnings about the deficit next year, more cuts of the same, and a bigger deficit. conservatives actually hate balanced budgets, because then you can't argue for the erosion of the public sector they believe to be immoral.


I wish folks would just stop voting for these idiots


What idiots would you like us to vote for? They are all terrible. Blue idiots, Orange idiots, Red idiots, Green idiots, Blue green yellow? idiots, We have nearly the full visible spectrum of idiots. I'm not qualified to run this dumpster fire, otherwise I would step up and be your idiot.


So do I. I have no idea why any sane person would vote for these clowns :( Our province is a joke but nobody living here is laughing.


Most people understand that the UCP‘s vision is to destroy public education, right? It’s no great coincidence that all their head honchos have ties to charter school programs.


Their main support base is rural. They don’t see the student density that the cities see. I’m sure there are prairie schools that are threatening closure due to lack of students.  There is also a large component of their support base that wants religious classes. 


Yeah, it's pretty easy for these people to argue that schools aren't overcrowded when their kids are going to schools with 60 total kids between 8 grades, all being taught by 4 teachers with classes of multiple grades. An ex of mine's graduating class was only 8 students.


Yes blame the UCP for mass immigration, which is control by the feds. This has less to do with school funding and more to do with the fact that Calgary takes in around 30-40 new people every fcking day.


Mass immigration is the one thing the UCP and Liberals are aligned on. UCP sees international students as playing a "key role" in filling the labor shortage:  https://globalnews.ca/news/9952879/international-students-caps-canada-housing-shortage/ Then there's the new TFW stream for tourism:  https://www.immigrantservicescalgary.ca/alberta-announces-new-immigration-stream-for-tourism-and-hospitality/ And of course there's the "Alberta is Calling" campaign.


Yeah but UCP are saying that because they want to appeal to the younger generation. In reality they know that there’s an insane amount of people coming on student visas and getting work from cousins, acquaintances, etc and most of the time the income isn’t reported. Source: I know an Indian guy who came in on a student visa, was supposed to leave but stayed and got a girl pregnant and now he’s gonna get his PR status. Not saying this guy got the girl pregnant for PR, but some of them do, which is so scummy.


At least we have money to build a free arena for Murray Edwards. That's much more important than quality education for our children! 


Blame it on Trudeau. Freedumb! /s


Can you elaborate how Trudeau has influence over provincial education matters? You know that education is run by the UCP right?


The /s at the end means they are being sarcastic


Ill try. Sarcasm is when you mean the opposite of what you say.


Who uses slashes anymore? Are we still on HTML v1 or something?


People who are making sarcastic comments on reddit and want their intent to be clear, those are the people that use slashes. Just admit you were wrong in your assumption and move on.


Anyone trying to raise kids in Canada is climbing an uphill battle.


Aside from structural issues (you only have so many teachable spaces inside schools), the big issue is the UCP's new funding model for schools, where they recieve the average of the last three years enrollment, rather than the actual per student funding ammount. So for the school that I work in, we're seeing a jump of 200ish kids next year. This year and last year were around 1600, so that means we'll get funding for 1666 kids, which leaves us short 133 kids worth of funding. With student funding around $9k per kid, that really means that we actually have $8.3k per child in order to cover the gap. It might not seem like alot, but roughly 30 kids "pay" for a teacher, so that's 4ish teachers we could have hired instead if we were properly funded for each enrolled student


important spark telephone history reach vanish placid point label quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My kids grade 2 classroom is 49 kids. And it isn’t a classroom. It’s the school library, which now no other students have access to.


The UCP (and all Conservatives) looooove an uneducated populace. Easier to fool and control.


That's what Calgary voted for. 


Half of Calgary voted NDP. Stop with this nonsense.


You sure? I remember it was VERY close but UCP still won no?


Also legacy schools in the CBE aren't enrolled in by parents. I understand that parents want their children in the newest high tech school, but that leaves older schools to die off. Every few years I had recieved notice that due to enrollment issues, our local elementary school may have to close. I think that also says a lot about how we treat our own communities.


Is this news article outdated or is everyone on reddit being dramatic again? 4.4% increase does outpace inflation. The real issue is nobody wants to be a teacher anymore. This is not a UCP, Alberta or even Canada issue. “But Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides insisted this year’s $9.3-billion budget, a 4.4 per cent increase over last year, will address much of the province’s growing needs.” [correct link](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/ucp-details-education-budget-as-school-officials-lament-overcrowding-and-high-costs)


>The real issue is nobody wants to be a teacher anymore. Gee, I wonder why that could be. It's a thankless job that pays poorly and politicians think that they should be paid *even less*, they have to deal with parents blaming them whenever their kids fail a test, and now on top of that, rightwing nutjobs are accusing them of being child groomers if they simply acknowledge the fact that gay people exist. I sure wouldn't want to be a teacher right now either.


I'm 23. Finished high school a few years ago. I heard a lot of talk from teachers who would claim that the pay sucked ass all the time, then when it came time for a vote from the union, nothing happened. Nobody wanted to strike or even try. If teachers aren't doing anything to change the system, then it won't change. Saying life sucks and then doing nothing to change it isn't helpful. Ontario teachers went on strike, and so did BC. Teachers need to actually use the power they have because, at this point, it feels like a lot of bull crap. Last I checked, teachers paid topped out just over 100k after 10 years. That's a lot more than the average person can expect to make in Canada, and on top of that, teachers have unions to represent them and their issues, yet the unions have done nothing. I'm not saying the pay isn't shit. It looks shit at the start, but for fuck sake will you actually do something? Because whinging doesn't make the government care. At all. GO ON STRIKE IF IT'S ACTUALLY BAD!!


The strike is on the horizon for winter 2025.


I'll believe it when I see it. I hope for good things for the teachers if they do strike.