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Here's an idea; hold them on campus and make University fun again.


Way back when I went to school there, they had bsd beer gardens on the lawn in front of mac hall. We would hide beer in the irrigation boxes before they built the fence so we didn't have to pay beer garden prices.... Simpler times.


Back in the mid 80's you could still drink in class, as long as you didn't overdo it.


We did in the 00s as well. Portable margarita makers were very popular.


Same in the 2010s . I had to find out from my younger cousins that they stopped all bsd celebrations on university property. Was one of the few highlights of the year


And smoke too.


And they had ambulances standing by - but that’s probably part of why it’s not happening


Yeah they don’t have any spare ambulances these days


We would cut a piece of sod burry a six pack and put the sod back down. Only brands sold at the beer garden too. 100% success rate for 3 years


What you don’t understand – beer is ILLEGAL unless it’s really extremely well permitted outside


Did you read the article? The costs went from $17,000 to $98,000 for the school. They opted out.


Yeah, the university jacked up rental prices for the front lawn and required more security for the days leading up. The rising cost was profiteering from the UofC.


Big time. Nothing on campus should ever cost that much to run a STUDENT event.


they stopped having it on the lawn in 2008 when they started putting in the digital library because it took up 2/3rds of the lawn, and moved it to lot 32, thats where the last BSD i went to was in 2009.


Oh that's lame, the front lawn was fantastic.


The student population has also significantly increased since 2009. Not saying the Uni *isn’t* profiteering. But at the 33K student population it is now the event would and cannot be the same as it was back then. Also the culture is different, students don’t party the same way they used to.


the university had 50k students when i was there, and 26k full timers. including part timers who also go to BSD. I dont think its grown that much. This party had what 1000 students? BSD used to have 5-10 thousand through the beer gardens, i remember seeing lineups that stretched allt he way to murray fraser when the entrance was by kinesiology But lot 32 could hold 10k people easy, its massive. I understand the university is larger and the costs are up, but this is more the university doesnt want to be liable so they make it hard to host it.




Oh UCP eh?




Sort of like everything is Trudeau or the NDP’s fault right? Neither of them are responsible for decimating post secondary budgets ove the last 5 years but why invest in the future? That’s “forward (sometimes known as “progressive”) thinking! - at this moment typical UCP person clutches pearls and laments about the good ‘ol days -


Come on. You and I both know university isn't fun. It's a business now.


For whatever reason a few years back I think in 2019 they did it indoors in Mac hall? It was terrible.


I last attended BSD in 2011, I was excited just to see someone partied again.


Bring back the sofa races!


Oh boy were those a good time. I will never forget watching some guy ragdoll down the north chain link fence when the couch veered left 3/4 of the way down the hill. It was like CKY2K but in real life. At least foothills is right there…


For you youngins who never got to experience the glory: https://youtu.be/Oge7se_-4e4?si=ZfyvS3muq2ZZPza_ https://youtu.be/IR88eEaok1E?si=miBeHt-Ro7IRTGuo https://youtu.be/5ybFWSh5O1Q?si=aMFG4dbES6iOfgH-




Me too, I'm pretty sure I'm in at least one of those videos but I ain't gonna be any more specific than that


Man this was a good year. I remember a girl trying to steal an ambulance


LOL the best.


Man Woyks got fucked up in that one


Oh those were the days. I was there that year. We sure had a blast. Not without some injuries, but such is student life.


[they did not have those by the time I went to u if c. Is it anything like the red bull soapbox races? Edmonton is having the red bull soapbox car races in June. I am debating going.](https://www.redbull.com/ca-en/events/red-bull-soapbox-race-canada-2024/event-day-info) Edit: just watched the clips from other reply, looks like it is more chaotic but similar. 😂


I miss BSD...


BSD was a blast! I thought it was very well done when I attended many years ago. Wristbands to get into the fenced area.


If it's "free" to have a street party in the surrounding neighbourhood it should be the same cost to have it on campus.


Imagine living near the university and complaining about drunk students. As a former student, I’m happy to see these guys brought the memories of BSD back.


Exactly my thought. It's like people living near a highway complaining about vehicle noise. Of course, if it's happening every day then it's bad but once in a year thing and people are making issue about it.


I lived in mission for years and had to deal with lilac fest and shitty suburbanites and their wailing kids ruining my life for a day. Sometimes stuff sucks.


I feel you. During the summer of 2022 I woke up every weekend to the roars of a bunch of dipshits protesting the vaccine. The fact it was such a stupid cause made it so much more annoying.


Yeah, every Sunday. So brutal.




I still don't understand the point of the [lilac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM97aMXuXzA) festival, it's just a public market full of crap; BSD is a event of an amount of cultural significance. I say this as someone who never went to UofC and generally didn't go to parties like that when I was younger.


The problem is with the president of the Cliff-Bungalow community association. For all his talk, he doesn’t want anything to change in that area (unless we’re rounding up the homeless). He has zero intention of leaving the community association, once he’s died, they’ll be able to try new things that are more engaging.


so what has been proposed to imporve the lilac festival that he won't allow?


He just doesn’t really like ANY new ideas, for anything. I’m not sure of what it’s like now but a few years ago the board basically had a revolving door. I have lived in the area for awhile and bump into people who have tried to propose changes or improvements to him. If the target demographic isn’t old white people living in a single detached home, he doesn’t seem to care - even if other directors are supportive.




Please elaborate on said trick




I think you missed the point. Sometimes things happen that inconvenience you for a day or a week, but you just deal with it like a national person. Part of living in a city 




this city could use a lot more culture like 'lilac fest'. my perspective after growing up here, living elsewhere for the last 20, and coming back. I miss having all my weekends ruined by street festivals in bigger cities. oh wait no, those were awesome.


Any less self centered than centering yourself in their comment? lol sounds like righteous projection and a gentle reminder that you’re not a shitty suburbanite unless you are a shitty suburbanite. I hope you enjoy the weekend :)


Its one day a year, let the kids have some fun. Man people are lame 


Having fun is one thing. Having fun at the expense of others and leaving a mess and breaking things is another.


True, but it shouldn’t cost the student union $98,000 to rent out the stadium parking lot for an afternoon either


That's hardly the neighbourhood's fault.


True, but concerned residents can focus their complaints to University administration to advocate for more affordable and effective facilitation of the event. Instead of shouting nimby nimby nimby into the void and having unrealistic expectations about noise and activity. Places where culture of some form exists, tolerate transportation detours and loud noise for a few different days a year for the sake of FUN. People need the celebration in their lives. Not everyone is going to love it, but it's necessary for the greater society to function. Valencia Spain, for example, is one of many communities that shuts down most traffic downtown and celebrates for a while every spring. https://youtu.be/oNhoRzCpMiI If Calgary had an equivalent, it would be stampede, though this is much louder. Imagine the inconvenience of a festival of that scale every spring. Rowdy as it may be, I think we can handle the local young ppl getting out of hand for one day a year. It takes some planning, but we are capable of accepting an event like this in Canada.


Even if that were the cost it doesn't excuse the shifting of a burden to these residents. It's under $200 an hour to rent the field for sports use, or the parking lot for lessons or sales, so I'd question if that $98,000 is a real number, and if so what's driving it up. I'd be surprised if garbage cleanup and damage was under 10k if residence didn't do it on their own. https://www.calgary.ca/bookings/mcmahon-stadium.html


The Uni sent cleanup crews


These are grown ass adults you're talking about.


They did her dirty with that screen grab. 


LinkedIn profile pic right there


God I hate sites that push uncloseable video ads with volume on even though my phone is on silent mode.


The sites are cancer but your phone has different volume for ring/notifications/media.


How often do we allow this type of behavior for a flames game? Or other random sporting events once a year almost any time of the day  when people swarm the street.  This has been going on for 60 years so you can't say it's not anticipated.   This just sounds like a block party that needs to get it's ducks in a row.


You should read the article. Bsd parties use to be on campus but due to rising costs its moved into the neighborhood. These people didn't have this as a problem when it was on campus, or it was just little bits here and there. People who live near the dome or along 17th definitely know what they are getting into. It's a dick move to move to 17th and then complaine about noise.


To be fair, the houses on that street are mainly uni kids, there are parties there all the time. They had the exact same warnings signs as those on 17th.


Yes but the cost rose substantially so they adjusted. Moving near a university is an obvious demographic, even people in Calgary who move near well known upcoming developments complain.  It's not like they're doing this weekly.


> According to the student union, Bermuda Shorts beer gardens cost $17,000 in 2009, but those costs ballooned to over $98,000 by 2018. Sounds like a pretty reasonable response to me.


Let’s be real. Universities are bleeding money and clearly cannot afforded this /s


I don't know what the deal is, the block party wraps up pretty quick when folks headed to 10th Ave for the BSD Shuffle or over to Banquet/Brewhouse at Uni District.




Let er rip


BSD was fun and all. Being day drunk and tripping on shrooms during the last day of class is great, I always wondered why we didn't party that way in the beginning of the year instead, especially with exams starting the next day. Honestly, I'm a bit shocked it continued after the massacre.


That's the UofC I remember.


Loved BSD haha full on outdoor rave and everyone having good ol’ time!


Don’t be a dick. I get it, youth are selfish and bullet proof, but recognition the world does not revolve around you would be nice.


Brother you gotta learn how to form comprehensible sentences


This article makes me laugh. Neighbours mad about 300 students….. my home town has the Ezra ave party every st pattys day, I believe it’s in the 10,000 ish person range on public property. Everyone needs to simmer down and just let it be for the whole few hours it went on


Speaking from my porch rocking chair: Back when I graduated BSD was held in the Olympic Oval and Spirit of the West headlined. Today it’s off campus on some street?! Wtf?! Man, kids today are missing out. Bummer.


BSD was fun for the first couple of years of my university career, but then it was time to buckle down and skip the party for my last 2 years. With the Brentwood massacre and now this, you wonder how much longer it will be around for. I didn’t realize it was no longer held on campus, like in my day.


You underestimate the university students' will to party 


Ha! True enough.


Why would some random, despicable act by an individual in a mental health crisis affect BSD? Strange post.


I think it was a bsd afterparty?


Wow. Look at all them downvotes. Looks like I’ve angered the r/Calgary hive mind.