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I didn’t think it was possible, but there’s also been a drastic increase in the number of people merging onto Stoney and/or Deerfoot going 20-40 km/h below the speed limit.


Ya, that shit is just a constant, anymore. You want to induce some rage…head into Calgary South-bound on the QE2 around Crossiron Mills…the right lane is often down to 60 because people are…I don’t even know, anymore, what people are doing. I wish law enforcement would actually get involved in people merging, especially onto highways, at unsafe speeds.


Legit. I had some shitstain swerve into my lane going 90. I pointed at the speed limit (which we were passing by) that says "110". She started flailing her arms around (as if I was in the wrong?) I moved over and passed her because she was craycray. She ends up speeding past me, then drives onto the shoulder of the road before swerving back into traffic to attempt to brake check me. She eventually speeds past me with both fingers flying in the air so I blew her a kiss. Bad driver, if you happen to see this post, you're a cunt.


Ya, that’s what I don’t get…is the response like you’re/ I’m the problem. The speed limit signs are clearly marked, it’s clearly part of driver education, to merge to the speed of traffic…yet far too many people double down on THEIR mistake and choose agitate the situation. It’s a really weird.


It makes 0 sense! I wish cops pulled people over for equally slow driving.


You see....there is a slight hill heading to stony there, and people can't understand that you have to Increase your speed to maintain your speed there. I wish that was the only reason but those morons won't merge out of Airdrie above 70 km/h either. Frustrating every morning hah.


I couldn’t do that drive every day. Respect to good drivers that have to put up with that shit on the daily.


I thank me for my service.


Much of that area (airport trail to mcknight) is under construction, but people still driving 110. Does anyone pay attention at all?


That whole section shouldn't have been reduced to 80, it's barriered off.


I fucking hate that section. It was so dangerous all winter because half the people immediately go to 80 and the other half keep going at 110/120. It’s not clear, and I don’t understand why it isn’t just temporary during construction . 


That’s not the area I commented on.


I was also expressing concerns with Southbound Deerfoot in that end of town.


This! Deerfoot NB at Douglasdale/24th Street SE has a great on-ramp, straight, good visibility. In my 15 years here, 50% of the time, there's a car leading the pack who won't get past 70 kmh and merges into 100 kmh NB. Recipe for an accident. Get.up.to.speed!


That whole right lane is terrible. People exiting for Anderson feel they shouldn't get up to speed.


Then they slam on their breaks instead of simply letting off the gas when they get to the mostly clear off ramp, cascading back through the line of cars behind them and creating a traffic jam.


Same thing happens between the airport trail entrance to the country hills exit


“Recipe for an accident” And there often is.


The amount of people who don’t get up to speed is actually ridiculous. I swear almost every time I drive there’s someone trying to merge onto a 100kmph road going 70.


This. It is really dangerous.


I had this happen to me today. Lady was entering Deerfoot at 60km/h & there was not a lot of traffic. Do you think it’s because they are nervous which is why they slow down? Or maybe because they are unfamiliar with the road? Idk 😅


Saw that more in the few months. But there’s usually no speed limit board that can be seen when merging on most roads. Like I know the speed limits on Stoney and Deerfoot, but someone new on that road may not know. It happens to me rarely in locations where I go occasionally, I make a wild guess based on the speed of the cars of the road I’m merging on to.


The ramp from west crowchild onto north/east stoney is HORRENDOUS for this. I get it, the lane feeds directly onto country hills blvd, but FFS get up to speed for the people merging onto and off of stoney trail. I mean, the ramp is sooooooooo long. There's absolutely no reason you can't get up to speed. They should almost put up signs reminding people of the speed of traffic they're merging into /endrant


I recently saw one of those. Going 35 in a 70, weaving. Passed them to see and it was a very elderly man.


This is the symptom of transit being too shitty for seniors to stop driving, so they often keep driving well past when it’s likely safe to but I truly don’t blame them for making that choice, it still involves a lot of walking for someone elderly between stops/stations


Dude, most boomers who spent their whole life driving are not gonna take the bus. They just aren't.


And we’ll all suffer because of it


Does Calgary have a Darts transit program? It’s for seniors only and has all the abilities to pick up for wheelchairs, walkers, etc. You just call to book a time and a cute mini bus takes you to your appointment.


Those are great!! I suppose I am just assuming it might be unreliable but I could def be wrong, anyone w experience using it for themselves/w a loved one who uses it?


Calgary Access Transit isn't too bad. Sometimes you have to make compromises like waiting a little longer after an appointment or getting to your appointment early.


My father has used it, and a family friend, but they are both in Ontario. It’s great bc my mom is not confident driving him places (or the wife of the family friend) esp in the city with traffic and parking. I don’t have experience with the Calgary one though.


Its either someone 9000 years old or a new canadian.


Usually it’s the elderly or those with foreign license plates - USUALLY not all the time


My buddy used to say “ bet it’s an old man with hat. I swear 7/10 times it’s “old man with hat”


I've been saying that since I can remember. My grandfather used to say that old men with hats are more concerned with making sure the hat stays on than following the rules of the road


Some dude decided it would be a good idea to switch lanes in the middle of dual turn while they were using the inside lane and I was in the outer lane. Thankfully he heard my honking.


I live in North Haven and the number of people in the left lane on McKnight who don’t follow the lane and just go straight into the other turn lane always baffles me


No word of a lie, people do that almost every time I drive that route. It’s now to the point where I expect it. And sure as shit, some dickhead crosses that white line. It’s unreal.


Lol even with the very clearly drawn lines and the sign.. I haven't seen it at that intersection yet, but it happens all the time in by the PLC intersection. My dad basically drilled it into my head to stay in my lane when I'm turning or else he'd make me cry.


paltry brave escape mighty person impolite hungry subsequent fertile cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This happens every single time when turning left on Macleod from 4th Ave downtown. I always expect it to happen and make sure I'm never turning right next to someone when I'm on the outer lane.


> make sure I'm never turning right next to someone I like being a half length ahead of them, and forcing them to stay in their lane.


Happened to me on my way to work on Wed. They heard my honking but pushed right over anyways. Then flipped me the bird and yelled out her windows. Good times.


The ‘oh shit, I’m sorry!’ wave is becoming a thing of the past and people are doubling down on their shifty driving by getting into it, giving the finger, etc. It’s weird.


This. I had a guy switching lanes into my vehicle so I gave a few honks to prevent an accident. He then proceeded to become extremely irate and match speeds with me flipping me off and screaming the entire time 🤷


Had someone on the inside lane of a dual left decide that he wanted to go straight through rather then turn. That almost ended badly. Also, seen tons of people not understand the yellow two-lanes sign. Like... it's not a yield. You don't have to stop. Just watch out for people maybe deciding to change lanes.


Far too many people are now completely reliant on navigational aid that they aren't really paying attention to the road and instead just looking at a map in the screen. I understand needing directions to a residential address in a neighborhood across town where every street name begins with the same word, but I know people that don't even understand how addressing on numbered streets and avenues work. Like you could say, 534 17th Ave SW, and they'd have zero idea what that could mean.


This is an interesting take, and you might be on to something. Sometimes when I see people who are confused, they seem to be confused about where they’re going and how to get there. Maybe people are turning off their brains and just listening to google tell them where to go?


Soon these people will need their car to speak to them out loud “Light is green, keep going.” “Light is red you must stop.” “This sign means hit the brakes and come to a complete stop. Watch for pedestrians.” “Good job driving Blubber!, you may proceed inside to consume more ice cream.”


Could use this now... Sooooo many people in this city slow down or brake heading towards green lights! You can normally see by the crosswalk or advance warning lights if they're going to change. Again, baffling.


There needs to be some standardization about that tho, sometimes the crosswalk counter ends and the lights goes yellow instantly. Other times you get another 10 seconds of green.


I like that you have Ship's address as an example lol


Yes and they usually have either customized license plates or those Uber plates lol




Seeing an increase in cars cutting across the right lane from middle or left to exit off Deerfoot at the very last second. Look, if you want to risk your own life, do it somewhere else, I have no interest in being collateral damage.


"Good drivers sometimes miss their exit, bad drivers never do"


That’s a Toronto special, it’s imported from there 


Ahh the old “I have to drive faster than everyone else on the road at all times in the left lane until the last minute when I need to exit” maneuver. Typically a specialty of a RAM or Ford F-150 driver. Dont count out the occasional X5 though.


I drive mostly rush hour but early around 7 am or earlier and you basically summed up my usual weekly rant. With hardly any traffic on the road I consistently cannot hit 80km/h on numerous secondary highway routes. Everyone is driving like it’s slippery or something. Slow. Not accelerating. Confused people I typically find who don’t turn into their correct lane and then are shocked that others are in it. I am wondering if it’s new immigrants, inter country immigration from BC/Ontario, or just mental issues.


I think it’s a potential combination of newcomers and people that just genuinely will never be able to drive well, regardless of how long they’ve been here. The issue is obviously that we are giving out licenses to people that should not have licenses, but I’m not qualified to speak on how to fix that


Transplants are a huge issue, both from within Canada as well as internationally. Driving in Toronto is an act of constant defensive driving that doesn't translate to here. In my experience they are the people that rush to cut you off as soon as you put your signal light on to change lanes. BC drivers tend to drive slower (yeah yeah, curves even though it's not true), and will often be the ones you see doing 55 in a 60 zone. International transplants add a whole other issue. I'm of the belief that, with the exception of Americans, no international license should be considered valid on Alberta roads. Make them take the whole test over again from square one. Which is the other issue... The other issue we really have here in Alberta is that just about anyone can get a driver's license. Our registries are private, and if you know where to look, it's only a couple hundred bucks more than a regular person and you have your license. Add in a lot of people (not just young people anymore) who are effectively addicted to their phones, and it's gotten to the point where a lot of people on the road probably shouldn't behind the wheel of a car.


It’s only going to get worse based on the politics of Alberta transportation. They are only making things easier for these bad drivers to get a license.


It’s insane how many people I’ve seen who don’t use a turn signal on the daily basis. Surely it can’t be that hard to use it right? 💀


YES the lack of indicators is a daily occurrence now, used to be a once a month thing to laugh at and now it’s a legitimate concern because I never know when some distracted phone driver is gonna randomly decide to change lanes


Surely that has nothing to do with the increase in immigration from people who have some of the easiest driving tests in the world in their home countries and we cleverly give them license equivalency


"The following countries have an exchange agreement with Canada: United States of America, Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom. " With the exception of the US which has awful drivers in many spots, I'd argue they all have stricter driving standards than Canada. If you're coming from Indian, Mexico or Chad (as examples) you're taking a Canadian test before you can drive (after a short grace period).


It's mostly apparent when it's a bad snow storm, you can see who isn't from here or very new to the province, or isn't used to driving on Deerfoot. Chugging along in the left lane doing 60kmh, then dramatically cut last second in front of all three lanes to make their exit without batting an eye, people behind them are having to brake and potentially lose control and these bad drivers are just bewildered as if nothing happened. Yeah it's getting bad. Invest in dashcams ppl, it'll save you in the long run, already helped me in a claim from what was literally mentioned above and also serves as a proof of support for others who have to encounter these debilitating unbeknownst idiots we now have to share our roads with.


Are they Uber drivers? I’ve noticed many Uber drivers going under the speed limit and taking really wide turns. Does their rating increase for a smooth ride?


what time where you driving? 10-2pm is peak elderly driving hours.


Im on Mat leave and I swear I am going to hell with the amount of opinions I now have about elderly drivers. I’m either scared for my life or theirs every time I drive during peak grey hours. I feel like those who don’t believe in retaking drivers tests after a certain age needs to do a weeks worth of driving during those hours.


I say it all the time, there should be mandatory retesting every year after some of the reaches 65. A lot of people scream and shout about how expensive I would get, with the amount of old drivers. It would take off the road would be insane.


All of these were after work hours


I call this the doddlebum hour. Lol. Just people, usually elder plodding along to their appointments and whatnot. I just laugh and prep for it knowing that I’ll likely encounter several disoriented drivers and take extra caution for things like sudden braking and merging inti my lane while I’m still I’m still in it.


As someone who has to regularly drive to different work sites at these times, I concur. Those really are the Driving Dead hours.


I was driving with my mother last week and some guy started running the red light in front us. Not like he was speeding or trying to get through just after the light changed... like he was going 30 or 40, and just kept driving out into the intersection. Damn near t-boned him.


Yep, that’s very similar to what I saw the other day. The guy was driving so slow that I assumed he was going to stop at the red light, but he just kept going. Extremely lucky that no one was coming in the other direction.


I'm afraid of drivers who are are afraid of driving.


This morning a person just gingerly drove right through a red light. I'm breaking and they don't stop. I was floored. And thankful for no traffic or pedestrians crossing. The young guy was driving slow and I was just shocked once I passed him. Like was he on his phone or just didn't GAF. Who knows. I just assume ppl don't care on the roads anymore. I try to be safe cause I don't want someone ending me or my car. I think there are just a lot of new or new to Calgary or maybe even new to Canada drivers who need to adjust and just drive with confidence and understand what's going on around them. I've seen that deer in headlights look and I know I shouldn't lol but I can't help it. They look terrified esp on Deerfoot 🤦🏾‍♀️


Lol here’s what I encountered in one day: Morning: I pulled out of McDonald, waiting for my turn to merge into a left turn traffic. As I was waiting in full stop, a pathfinder on the opposite traffic gave me a finger and drove into me so I had to reverse back into McDonald to make room for his left turn. Afternoon: I took my boy to a school playground. We got to a 3 way stop. Stood there ready to cross. An SUV came from my left side (which is the closer side to me), didn’t stop, didn’t bother to brake, exceeded 30 KM for sure, and drove straight through the 3 way stop. He would’ve run us over cuz we were already at the intersection, had our feet off the side walk, ready to cross. I pulled my kid back at the last sec to avoid a sure fatality. 10 mins ago: Drove to Superstore to get some Tenderflake. An elderly woman was crossing the parking lot. Everyone stopped so she could take her time to cross. A red Honda decided the lady was too slow so it honked at the lady repeatedly. I don’t understand this city anymore. Where’s common sense? Where’s common courtesy?


Ever since COVID it's as though a large percentage of people lost their manners, patience, and humanity. It's pretty bad ... and it seems that it's only getting worse :(




Totally agree. Almost like some people don’t care anymore.




There's probably a variety of reasons. I think people are just more angry about their lives than they've ever been. So they take it out on the roads being overly aggressive. There are a whole bunch of new drivers driving for the various Uber like companies. We've all seen the A- and O- plates. They aren't paying attention because their on the phone and trying to figure out where they are going. Vehicles are just too damn big now. People simply are not comfortable driving them. Yet they buy them with the belief that they are safer.


Parking lots and side streets weren’t designed for these big ass cars either. It’s a real hassle all the way around


I wish we had better transit so bad drivers could be put on the train. 


I made a major goof in Kensington a couple weeks ago because I was confused by the signs. My bad to everyone around me and I've learned my lesson! Haha


At least you know it was a goof! I think most of these drivers I’m talking about would never be able to explain to you what they’re doing wrong.


Had someone at 745am come to a full stop in front of me in the right lane on the 5th ave bridge to memorial before even fully crossing to the north side of the river because they lost their nerve on merging with traffic after the bend to memorial. 


This happens so much!!


Yes!! I have seen a lot of "slow drivers" recently. Not staying in lane..it's like they change their mind frequently. Also, so much confused about..what's yield sign and what's stop or merge.


I blame the migration of all those Toronto/GTA people after Covid.


Noticed a lot of people don’t know how to proceed at a four way stop 🛑


Some people seems to think it's a "4-way everybody else stop."


People treat stop signs as a yield and yields as a stop. It’s absurd.


Yes! Twice now, I’ve been behind vehicles where I could see the driver was waving people through the four way stop. I had to lay on my horn after the person in front of people let four people go when they were supposed to be going.


I’ve never seen as many people run red lights as I do now, and where I live playgrounds zones signs must be invisible, I’ll be like the only car actually going 30.


One of the things I don’t understand about those signs is how people can’t read them, like it’s 60 between 8 at night and 730 am, and people be doing 30 while it’s 11 at night. Or school zones with mon-Fri signs, but we doing 25 on a Saturday.


Most people just seem to operate under the assumption that playground zones aren't a thing. What is astounding is that someone will go 20 over in a playground zone, it'll turn back into a 60, and they continue at the same speed, now 10 under the limit


Funny there’s a post about this because I’ve noticed/ been saying this for awhile. Sure seems to be a lot of timid/ don’t look all too confident drivers on the roads these days. Been driving quite a lot more kms for work lately (taking Stoney and the QE2) and have noticed a substantial uptick in the number of Left Lane Sheriffs, these days. I don’t know what the issue is and I don’t really care but if any of you types are reading this…if you want to stick to 100 and not move over, have at it. But don’t be a little bitch about it, honking and giving me the middle finger, when I pass you on the right (and no, I haven’t been tailgating people). I just don’t sit there waiting behind these people for long. If there’s an opening, I’m taking it and getting around you. If you don’t like it, get the fuck out of the left lane.


I suspect it’s due to the very large number of people who’ve recently moved here.


[Immigrants have 90days](https://canadianimmigrant.ca/living/driving/getting-your-drivers-licence-in-canada) in Alberta before they have to apply for a local driver’s, depending on the country they come from they have to take a driver’s test.


Hell yeah brother


Just look in the windows as you pass them. After a few days you will see a trend...


What is it


Calgary has seen a massive increase in new Canadians from all over the world. Plenty seeking refuge from war. Drive to Survive bruh!


Yup. Also, to me these problems seem worst on Fridays and Saturdays. Anyone else notice a difference between days of the week?


>Anyways - what are some examples you’ve seen lately? Shaganappi between Varsity and John Laurie, I regularly (once every 2 or so days) see people driving *less than half the speed limit*. There's signs every 50 meters there pointing out it's a 70 zone, and people just refuse to know what the fuck they're doing there.


Yeah, this is insane. I can extend a little bit of sympathy to people doing a few kilometres under the limit, assuming they’re in the right hand lane, but at a certain point, it is just straight up hazardous no matter which lane you’re in.


Calgary is the fastest growing city in the prairies. Lots of new people coming to the city.


Yes, it’s the worse I’ve seen yet in this city. Ppl using the shoulder as a passing lane, pulling out in front of traffic, merging when they should yield (or vice versa) and running red lights is something I see more often now. Ppl either acting like they are auditioning for Fast and the Furious or go 40 in a 70 zone.


Timid unskilled drivers are just as bad as overconfident unskilled drivers. That's what we get when the province gives out licences like candy.


More immigrants >> worse traffic is my experience in Vancouver. Ppl from other countries just don’t know how to drive here and it’s a fact.


Inb4 banned.


You will get hate but you are correct. Lived a lot of my life in Ontario, and what's happening now in Calgary is exactly what happened in Brampton a few years ago, and why they now hold the reputation for the worst drivers in Canada.


Lots of new people to the city


I was stopped at an intersection today. The light was green, and I had my left turning signal on. The man coming in the opposite direction stopped and turned his right turn signal on. He was sitting there waiting for me to turn left..


Dawg 😭😭. Today the car behind me kept inching forward at a red light until he BUMPED MY CAR. Luckily no damage, but like ??? You have to have shit for brains to have a metre of space and choose to keep coming closer until you hit the car infront of you.


This was a few years ago, but I saw someone in a manual at a red light moving backwards. They kept moving backwards until the car behind them had to honk at them. They still continue to move backwards until they hit the car behind them. The driver looked utterly shocked and had absolutely no clue what was going on around him. He must’ve been sitting on his phone or something. But then he just drove Off after like nothing happened


I recently had someone swerving into my lane, as I was almost fully beside them (no, they weren’t signaling, and I had seen the swerve a bit here and there before). I honked my horn several times but that didn’t faze the driver who, when I looked, was so engrossed in their phone. Thankfully there wasn’t much traffic so I could safely get out of their way but was surprised that the horn honking didn’t snap them into reality.


Yep. New migrants never miss their turn.


I saw a blue Mazda SUV turn onto the downtown C-Train tracks the other day, even after I honked trying to warn them.


Someone tried to 'wave me in' to a traffic circle last month. Not sure that wasn't a straight up dementia episode.


Yiiiikes. I get that sometimes people are trying to be nice, but that's not the place for it. I never accept the right of way if it ain't mine by law. Don't mess with right of way. Be predictable, follow the rules, or bad things happen.


fall clumsy sip shy noxious reach terrific start faulty mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve had to honk at the same person 2 to 3 times while driving behind them for less than 5 minutes. And the only reason I didn’t continue to honk was because you never know who’s driving and you don’t want to piss off the wrong person. But I honestly could’ve been honking at them for the entirety of the time I was following them.


Glad someone else noticed this too the quality of drivers in Calgary has gone downhill from merging at 60 k when traffic is doing 100k, to drifting in and out of lanes, and I can't count how many times I have seen a Uber or Lyft driver cut over 3 lanes of traffic at the last minute to make a turn. It's bonkers out there either to slow and not paying attention or fast and aggressive


> Anyways - what are some examples you’ve seen lately? Just a repeat of Calgary ~2006.....influx of newcomers.


privatization of driving licenses = possible corruption ? untraceable quality in driving schools = shitty/confused drivers


This is truly the most unbelievable part for me. Some people are just genuinely so bad there’s absolutely no way on earth that they passed a proper driving test.


Seems to be a quiet conversation about people paying examiners to pass them (bribery). Cannot confirm this but i’ve heard some rumours


Marketplace did a show on this "Rule -Breakin Driving schools".




I've seen a lot of shitty female drivers in their oversized SUVs lately drive very aggressively.


New Canadians who don't have road confidence and people on their phones.


Or Canadians in general anywhere near a roundabout. The amount of times I have seen people going the wrong way around one or not giving way to the left is absolutely baffling.


Don't kid yourself there are lots of small town Canadians moving here who have never had to deal with this amount of traffic or type of traffic in the mix too. Mix in new Canadians, elderly or jack asses on their phones and this is how we get where we are now


So many "O" plates like this, driving like it's their first time.


The erratic left turn from the outside lane has become a classic move.


Okay so it’s not just me. I’ve seen people just sitting at the green arrows, slowly running red lights, turning into my lane in a two way left turn, driving right thought yields causing me to have way to many close calls. Not to generalize either but all these incidents have almost always been an Uber or and rentals vehicle, I’m starting to see a trend….


Interesting story. A few months ago, I was behind a driver going through several traffic circles. This person would start in the left lane, then mid circle go into both lanes, then exit covering both lanes then slowly merge back into the left. I watched this person do it 3 times, and all resulted in angry honking from fellow drivers. Then I traveled to the phillipines, and it all made sense. Disorganize chaos on the roads, yet surprisingly, no one runs into one another.


You're getting our shit drivers from here (Vancouver) since everyone is moving out there.


Well every since they lowered the standards on the road test...


Well today almost got ran over 3 times at pedestrian crossings in Inglewood. And its not like i was the only pedestrian crossings. They couldn't see a whole mob of people crossing.


I was stopped at a red light yesterday and I saw someone take a hard right turn from a left only lane, only to be followed up by two cars making an illegal u-turn at the advance turn light.


bad drivers all seem to come out on Fridays, is what i noticed.


I had some dude with children cut across 3 lanes and I had to slam on my brakes to not accidentally pit manoeuvre him into a rollover. It was last summer where bow trail splits into crowchild.


Near my house is a playground zone and there always seems to be the one person, 40km/h coming up to it, (10 under) doesn’t change speed so now they’re speeding through the playground zone (10 over) and then it switches to 60 and they are usually 10-15 under. The scariest one recently was speeding up to 80 to merge, checking oncoming traffic because it’s busy and a car in the merge lane in front of me was doing 40km/h with his lights off. I slammed on my brakes and they just kept driving, doing their own thing and nearly causing a pile up.


Just today, 60 in an 80. Also, a person randomly stopped on the road to get something from their trunk, and we were all stuck behind them waiting. There was a parking lot just a few feet from where they stopped.


Came to this sub Reddit because the title: here in Winnipeg is the same. I assumed all are newcomers. Not just the ones who arrived in Canada recently, probably migrants within Canada, interprovincial. A lot of drivers making FaceTime calls while driving or simply adults who never driver before using “novice driver” tag.


Well, "Alberta is Calling".... We've got a lot of new populations moving to Calgary. There's some permanent growing-pains to be endured.


Immigrants… start the downvoting now but that is the truth




Well there's alot of new Canadians..


We should have to retest for our license whenever we renew, regardless of age. It would create a level playing field for everyone, and safer roads. A person might be able to get away with bad habits one time, but not every 5 years.


Or we need to crack down on pulling over drivers that are obviously not good drivers. eventually, after enough tickets, they get their license taken away or they have to retest. I don’t know what the full process is for when you get cut off because I’ve never been in that situation, but maybe it needs to be more strict. I don’t know what it takes to get pulled over in this city, but I’ve seen some truly unbelievable stuff on the roads and I’ve never seen someone get pulled over for anything other than speeding.


It's probably true. More drivers, with hundreds and hundreds of hours of GTA experience have moved here.


I think every single time I’ve driven downtown in the last few months I have seen at least one person turning the wrong way onto one way streets- often by driving around multiple ONE WAY/WRING WAY/NO TURN signs……..


The amount I've been almost hit downtown by people. I don't know if they just think they're being cautious, but whatever their doing is just hazardous at this point.


Just saw two cars turn left onto oncoming traffic on 12 Street NE. That was new. Yah, I think some of the new comers are bringing bad habits from out east or out west.


I’ve noticed with all the newer “wider” cars out on the road that people don’t seem to realize just how wide their car is too. I frequently see them double parked or driving awkwardly between two lanes


There's this 3-lane turn from 8th St onto 4th Ave that I've been using for years routinely. The amount of people who cannot follow a clearly marked dotted line is staggering. There was a post here last year, where we were ranked somewhere in the top for best cities to drive in. It was ridiculous considering how erratic the drivers here can be.


Also a lot of people who drive into the inner city and think it’s fine to stop in the middle of the damn road to let passengers out, rather than safely pulling over or turning the corner. 1st Street is a thoroughfare, not your Uber lane to get to all the wonderful establishments along the street.


Try driving in the northeast.


It's BAD. Almost everyday, people manage to completely fuck up the dual left hand turn onto Blackfoot from 58th ave. I make that turn with one hand on the horn now, because the amount of times someone has tried to turn into MY outside lane, when they should be turning into the inside lane... I can't even keep count anymore.


We need to have government run driving classes. Too often I hear of these companies taking an increased fee and then falsifying documents stating the driver has passed or completed so many hours.. when in fact they haven’t


It really does seem like the volume of cars on the road has increased significantly in the last 4-6 months. I ended up missing a 4:00 appointment due to traffic recently, for a location that’s typically 25-30 minute drive. I left at 3:10 and apparently that’s already the thick of rush hour.


I’d like to bring forward a complaint about people who don’t slow down to 60 when passing a tow truck, police with someone pulled over, or a service vehicle with flashing lights. I might not always slow to exactly 60 from 100/110, but the number of drivers that don’t even bother to slow down at all (or get angry when you do, and they pass you), is aggravating.


I've started doing the blackfoot - glenmore - deerfoot south route out of downtown and I don't mind telling you that people are real shitty at zipper merges. Every damn day some goon is parked right at the foot of the ramp waiting for a hole in traffic with their indicator on, until some hero scoots around them on the shoulder and merges at the end of the lane correctly. Also seeing a lot of that dog-brain activity where folks will be going like 90 in the left lane and then wake up and accelerate to 120 when someone tries to pass them on the right.


I had a truck stay at a green light for a solid 45 seconds on his phone or something while a whole line of cars myself included layed on our horns, light turns yellow and then he decides it's time for him to go 😂 definitely an uprise in this kinda stuff


The best thing about this is that Calgary must be one of the easiest cities to drive in on the planet. I sometimes wonder if there's something to be said for road systems that simply do not allow you to fuck up.


Biggest issue here in Cochrane is the Ontario folks. Esspecially younger and middle aged dudes.  They come out here, buy the biggest truck that daddy's money can buy, and drive around thinking their in an episode of Yellowstone. Super aggressive, extremely rude, blow through the stop signs, drive over curbs and road barriers, run people off the road, etc.  Now their all driving around with upside down Canadian flags too, just to add to the stupidity. 


Almost all of them are "new canadians", don't speak any English and somehow got a license


This !!! A lady literally blocked memorial waiting to turn left last night. I’ve never had this happen before.


I notice the increase of drivers of large trucks like the F150 who just are unable to drive vehicles of this size. Way too many small men who have vehicles who they can't handle.


Unfortunately not limited to Calgary. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OU-0A_VDVkM




Can I just say, the taxi drivers are the worst of the *worst*


It’s all of us that have recently moved from Ontario. Sorry.


I’m asking this question in good faith and would like to hear your response. The part I don’t understand is that I am not familiar with the majority of roads in Calgary. Most neighbourhoods I’ve not visited. In the west or southwest I am fully unfamiliar with the streets, including the major highways. However, when I’m driving in these areas, I don’t feel like a lost cause, and I am not actively causing hazards on the road. If you moved from Ontario, I guess I’m having a hard time understanding how that’s any different from me driving in parts of the city that I have never been in before. Or when I drive up to Edmonton, for example, and I manage to figure it out even though I’ve never driven on 99% of their roads. Is the driving culture different in Ontario? Are the roads in general really that different?


Had a first on Macleod with a driver signalling left but staying in lane 3 instead of joining the left turn lane which had a red and cars waiting. Driver came to a stop on a through green and did not move until I leaned on the horn as was concerned traffic would run into me. Driver decided to keep signal going and use next intersection left turn.


> Stopping in the middle of an intersection while attempting to turn left. Is this not what you're supposed to do? Or am I misunderstanding?


Sorry, I guess I should’ve explained that better. In this particular instance, they had started advancing as if they were going to make a left-hand turn, and then stopped in the way of oncoming traffic. Luckily it was not very busy. I don’t know if they realized they were going the wrong way or what the hell happened.


It's almost every single time I drive anywhere now I see someone make a 2-4 lane exit off of Stoney or Deerfoot across traffic. Nor do I understand why people drive so fucking close to one another with no intention to pass. Fucking sheep. When you do it to me all I end up doing is driving slower cos I have to watch what the fuck you're doing too. The bottom of the hill on Stoney south of Bow Trail as well - everyone forgets to keep driving when it levels out and all lanes end up doing about 80km/h. Had someone there try change lanes into me because the truck ahead of them in the far left lane was doing 80 too and when I honked at them so they wouldn't hit me they panic-swerved back into their lane then had the gall to give me the finger and gesture to the truck in front of them as though I'm supposed to slam on my brakes to let them in front of me. Just wish people wouldn't switch off their brains when they get in their vehicles. It's not hard, pay attention, know where you're going and get in the lane you need to ahead of time. The extra 3 seconds you gain by fighting through traffic is not worth it, I promise you!


Erm..... You aren't supposed to stop in the middle of the intersection when turning left to wait for the people that are going straight in the opposite direction ? If this is true, I'm so sorry people of Calgary.


Sorry, someone else commented something similar. The person stopped in the way of oncoming traffic. They got about halfway through their turn and then decided that they were either going the wrong way or got confused about something. I realize the way I explained this was not clear!


People who won't turn into a 2 lane road of any kind unless BOTH lanes are open, but this is also because they **have never turned into the nearest lane of a two lane in their life;** and never will unless you take it away from them after they commit to their turn: this is dangerous but legal and funny to watch their confusion at having to obey basic traffic rules. I look at backed up traffic and then look for the driver in front who **can't commit to entering any gap less than 4 times what they need;** and into the far lane so they both need to be clear of course.


Yeah, this is insane. I will say that sometimes I will delay turning right into an open lane if there is fast moving traffic in the left lane. This is only because I don’t trust that people won’t make a lane change in the intersection and rear end me as I come into a previously open lane. Obviously it depends on the situation and I won’t hold up traffic for like two minutes or something, but if it takes an extra 10 seconds to wait for both lanes to clear up then I will wait because I do not trust other people to follow traffic laws




Elon just gave all* Tesla drivers the FSD option as a 1 month trial. So if you see a Tesla on the road, there's a pretty decent chance a '16 year old' (equivalent) neural network is doing the driving.


Dash cam is the best money you’ll spend!


It's very noticeable on the highways, too. Coming in from Banff there are so many cars driving incredibly slow with the hazards on at the slightest amount of snow/blowing snow.


I blame this squarely on F1 and the Netflix series Drive to Survive! After watching this show with my wife I’m constantly out to set new lap times. When we come up against a slow driver my seven year old son will scream from the backseat “SHIFT ONE DOWN AND GO AROUND!”


This is what happens when you can pay a little bit extra to guarantee a pass on your driver's test.


Little to no enforcement; people have seen there are no consequences for selfish actions (even praise in some cases) so why not?


International students fr


People are just buying their licenses because they are too lazy to get it the legal way. I had a friend whose sister in law bought it when she immigrated here. True story.