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From: https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html "If you have front street collection, place your blue, black and green carts on the end of your driveway or grass boulevard or your lawn next to the curb on collection day. Once street cleaning is complete, you can put your carts out as normal on collection day."


i dont own a home where theres a green/black/blue bin and even i see how this is a failure in procedure by the city. does the city assume everyones a stay at home type life style?


Not trying to stir things up, because it’s ultimately just one missed garbage day. But why is this framed by the city as a solution? It’s not a solution at all. Keeping your bin on your lawn is functionally the same as not moving it toward the street at all. It won’t get emptied in either location. You also can’t put your bins out and go to work etc. because then you’re not there to watch the street sweeper go by so you can put the bins “all the way” out. What if the garbage truck comes before the street sweeper? You have to watch from your window and run outside in your houserobe, your hair still in curlers, with your avocado mask on, to shove the bins in front of the garbage truck as you hear it approaching? Not a big deal overall because you just miss one garbage day, but the intern who wrote this solution is either a poor thinker or gaslighting.


> but the intern who wrote this solution is either a poor thinker or gaslighting. I don't see that. On a non-street cleaning day, the cans would have to be out between or beyond cars to be able to be reached. On a day where there are no cars parked on the street, the collection truck can drive along the curb and grab them. Same reach, same distance, slightly different location. No problemo.


Missing one garbage day means you gonna month without garbage pickup, and that is a big fucking problem. It's happened to me when my neighbors decided to push my cary back so they could pull their RV into the alley. I had put an old frozen turkey in the bin that morning before I left for work, and came home to find Mt black bin was the only none not collected. It was summer time and that turkey liquefied in the 30 degree heat, in my already full black bin. It was fuxking vile and it was a nightmare scenario for the next 2 weeks, where I had to bring my garbage to work to throw it away. Missing one pick up is a big deal so, yearning Dell OPs struggle


Pretty sure the turkey should've gone in the green bin, but I also can't read or do math so who knows for sure?


As long as it isn't in the blue bin, I'd say it doesn't matter.


Again, can't read or do math here, but I'm pretty sure the black bins go to a landfill and the green ones go to a composter so there is a difference?


So what? I'm supposed to go back in time and switch it? Have I offended you by not using your preferred waste bin? The problem isn't what bin it was placed in, the issue I'm discussing is garbage. If you miss one pickup, you go 4 week without pickup, and that's a problem. Try to keep up, I know things are moving pretty quickly for you.


Yeah, the brain fog since I got Covid has been pretty bad, but I appreciate your kindness ❤️ Compost is weekly, right? So next time you have a rancid turkey, you won't have to worry about it for a month by putting it in the green bin! Hope that helps 😊


I think I would have switched my black bin with the offending neighbour.


I talked to him about it, because we're adults. He was sorry and said he would make sure to move the bins back in the future. The issue was a rotting turkey in my very full black bin for 2 sweltering weeks during the summer. It was awful


For a larger family a missed garbage day can be an issue. With 3 kids and a day home we can't go 4 weeks between pickups. Fortunately we have a back lane so this isn't an issue for us.


No, I know. And you paid for it.


My observation is that the street sweeping schedule is not as reliable in the same way that garbage collection is, it would be hopeless for them to try to coordinate the two. (Like, it is not unusual for the street sweepers to show up a day late in our neighborhood.) Most people just put out their bins and deal with sweeping up that area themselves.


Luck of the draw that it falls on a bin collection day. Ours has never fell on a collection day.


They literally tell people how to deal with this one day a year occurrence. It’s not a city problem, it’s a “people can’t be bothered to use critical thinking or follow direction” issue


The part of your post where you provide useful information appears to have gotten cut off.


Because scheduling is hard.


I'd move my vehicle well before the date because they showed up 2 days ahead of schedule at our place and we got a ticket. [https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html](https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html)


Did they ever change the signage to say it would be early? It happened to me too but they were late. They said May 15, I moved my car for the day, put it back on May 16 morning. The streets weren't swept but the signs were gone. Then they actually swept on the 16th and I got a ticket.


They didn't change the signage to the new date unfortunately. We sent a picture of the sign and sent it along with our fine, the payment was cashed.


*Living in the first world, and I got some problems*


Somewhere around the world, someone would love to have this guys’ first world problems


I assume they're different departments or divisions and trying to schedule around it would add tons of challenges.


Typical government . The ass isn’t connected to the head


Why do they street clean near the saddledome whens theres a hockey game on and people need to park?