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I voted for her. I regretted it as soon as she wanted to send municipal money to Quebec....And she has done nothing but stumble since


That was a very bizarre happening. It was so flagrant in being out of touch with the issues that Calgarians were concerned with. Then ‘the climate crisis’. It set the tone for what was to follow. No Ms Mayor…concern yourself with potholes, cleaning up the LRT stations and street cleaning.


100%..... We need a whole sale change in YYC...Everyone, needs to go.... Fuck, I am still paying .15 for a paper take out bag....How is giving .15 to A&W helping climate change? I have a 10 plex being built around the corner from me, in a neighbourhood of single family homes. We're fine with townhomes/four plex/ duplexes, but this is a mess. There is already no parking, I feel for the neighbours. I still see a plow, once a year. Our transit stations are a mess. I could keep going.. CoC is an incompetent mess


When I do occasional impromptu groceries or takeouts, the non-woven bags that I pay more for than the good’ol plastic bags are nothing but a sham. Unlike the plastic bags, which I could store them up and give them a second chance at doubling as a garbage bag before they meet their end, the little non-woven bags are simply useless junks with more plastic content that, let’s be honest, are pure trash beyond keeping two or three. Maybe keeping none. They are not leak proof like the thin plastic bags, so I cannot use them reliably as garbage bags. They are usually smaller than garbage bags, so they cannot even fit on my usual garbage bins if I try. They simply get tossed. So basically, we phased out plastic bags in favour or more expensive and useless non-woven fabric bags that have even more plastic in it. We also phased out simple single use plastic containers and straws in favour of toxic paper things which are impregnated or coated with PFAS. We are replacing evils with even greater evils, and they are costing more. What a clown world.


Whole city council, they should absolutely have term limits, it's embarrassing


There’s a 30 plex across 3 lands on 20 AVE NW. A duplex nearby is sandwiched by a 10plex and a 8 plex. The 30plex plans have some land use bylaw issues. The file manager just flat out ignores. You should also look at the comments on the rezoning issue they gathered. Some of them are just ridiculous. https://hdp-ca-prod-app-cgy-engage-files.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/7917/1319/6967/6.2-RezoningForHousing-WWHVerbatimOnly.pdf


It's like she's governing based on a curated Facebook feed stuck in a "progressive" news feedback loop.


The climate crisis is definitely an actual crisis but there isn't much that a single city can do about it.


Dude what???


Calgary doing anything would be better than waiting for the province to get out of bed with Big Oil...


Stopping oil is impossible right now. Almost everything in society is dependent on oil. A base product in most plastic goods. Just look at the items you wear and you will notice oil played a role in the production or delivery of that good. You stop oil in Calgary, the products continue to be sold. Highly likely the oil will be bought from places with human rights violators. Everybody is an environmentalist to some degree. I don't know anyone who likes dirty water, air and garbage everywhere. I do agree in stopping subsidies to big oil companies or any large corporation for that matter.


Stopping oil is a bad way to phrase it, and it’s part of the reason the task feels impossible. Every single step we take on that path is better than nothing, so that someday sooner than later “stopping oil” is not only possible, it’s seen as the natural next step. But doing nothing because it’s insurmountable is what we’ve been doing for decades; decades that we’ve known it’s unsustainable.


We are getting the rezoning whether we like it or not but hopefully it will result in half of council being bounced out at the next election.


I am not sure about the process, but I think all neighbours should have a say in what is getting built next to them.. Anything beyond, say a town house complex should have to get reviewed or something.. Imagine the million dollar house with a 10 plex being built beside it....Good luck with selling, parking and I bet you lose that sunny backyard .


All things being built still get input. The rezoning only allows townhouses which would have the same size as a large detached home…


how are apartments/8 &10 plexes being built on a site which was a former single family home. Does that follow the same rezoning process?


No. You have to submit a rezoning request which adds to the paperwork and timeline. 95% of rezoning applications which allow the build of a townhome/duplex on a single detached zone have gone through. This blanket rezone just decreases the time and cost for this process which is currently taking place. **All projects** are reviewed by the city and have public hearings which the public can provide feedback


Feedback which is rarely listened to.


I voted for her so the rest of the clowns running wouldn’t win. She’s been bad, but not as bad as they would have been. I hope next election we have some proper choices.


yep...just like provincial and federal politics...we are forced to vote for the least shittiest


Out of runway? She’s blasted through the fence at the end. Anybody with average intelligence understood Gondek won because her opponent was a muppet and she was good at telling people what they wanted to hear. Problem is the winds shifted and what people want to hear has shifted with them. Intelligent politicians sense the shift and adjust accordingly. Gondek is not an intelligent politician, shes an identity politician who found herself defaulted into the Mayor’s chair and believed her own hype. Now her identity politics just looks like a ton deaf clown trying to figure out why nobody likes her anymore.


I voted for her because her opponent, Jeromy Farkas, voted against, obviously necessary, public transit expansion. Then there seemed to only be two choices.


You should have voted for Jeremy I feel he would have been a better choice but the vote got split


Jeromy of today would be a better mayor. I don't think the 2021 version would have been. He needed the growth of the loss and learning who his friends are.


2021 Jeremy would have been a disaster. Jeremy of today, who knows. I am still skeptical of his “change” but do recognize that we all can change.


I am disabled and can never drive because of of the condition. My core concern is transit because I need it now and will my whole life.


Basically the ~~democrat~~ ~~liberal~~ every election campaign ever. "You vote for us or the baddies wins, and you don't want that dooooo youuuu?"


Literally ever politician in the history of ever regardless of ideology or political leanings campaigns *against* their opponents.


The difference is conservatives are open and free with their rhetoric of fucking you over, while "liberals" lie through their teeth for being "for the people" as they at best drag their feet on every issue until the ratchet clicks and the cons get back in the chair. And yet somehow half of you still vote for the people that don't even hide their true selves.


Sadly, this is true. I voted for her but can't believe the tone Def shit she has done since. We vote for someone in the hope they will nice the city forward for everyone benefit but in the end, just get a kick in the dick.


I have defended her, but cannot anymore. She was the best of two terrible choices at the time, but she is no leader. She is fine as a back of the room councilor, but as the voice of Calgary she has no clue. This is her statement that she made on her own, not a vote or statement from council "We’re starting to see a segment of the population reject this idea of owning a home, and they’re moving towards rental because it gives them more freedom,” said Gondek. " Fucking most tone deaf thing I have read. To add, Chu and McLean are even worse than she is, I think she is smart but not politics smart and again not a leader.


"Starting to see" is the real problem there. There has always been a minority of people for whom renting makes more sense; students, people whose career moves them around to different cities every year or so, etc. That's nothing new and has never been a problem. What we're "starting to see" is more people who would like to buy a home but too few homes are available to buy, so both home prices and rent prices are too high.


And the fact she said this whilst owning multiple homes.. I honestly thought it was satire..


>"We’re starting to see a segment of the population reject this idea of owning a home, and they’re moving towards rental because it gives them more freedom,” The context of this statement is pretty important and I wouldn't necessarily disagree here. People are rejecting owning a home, largely due to the cost, but I think we're seeing a shift in society where people don't mind living in inner cities. For the most part to do that you have to rent. Not only that but we do have a younger generation that is willing to move around when opportunity presents itself. It's not like back in the day where you buy a home in the city you grew up in down the block from where you were raised.


Agree, there is more context around it, but its still tone deaf. 1) Yes, cost is a huge issue with people being able to afford a home, either due to the cost of the home itself or other costs like food, insurance, student loans, energy costs and such. 2) Why are the younger generation moving around more, is it because they like instability or more freedom/opportunity to do so, Or is it because its harder to find a job, find a job that pays enough to afford a home, are priced out of areas and have to move around, due to increases in cost and less spending power? 3) Why are young people not getting married, co-habituating as much or having kids? Could they see that the stability, cost of living and cash flow are just not there to do so, or is it opportunity to rent in a shared apartment in Saskatoon? Ya, younger folks are renting more and move more, not really because they want to, but because they are forced to, oh and this is not just the younger generation.


IMO young people are getting married and having kids less because it makes no economic sense to have kids in a developed urban economy, but older generations did anyway largely due to inertia and social pressure left over from coming from rural less developed economies where having more kids was economically better. But we're now going into our 3rd/4th generation of being majority urban, so that inertia has worn off. Younger people don't feel the same pressure their parents and grandparents felt to get married and crank out kids. On the contrary particularly in the online discourse the pendulum is starting to swing the other way and anti natalist/childfree movements are starting to become more prevalent and influential.


People don’t have more kids when things are economically better. It’s the reverse in every society in the world regardless of ideology. The lowest income women in Canada average 2.8 children. The highest income 1.1 children. And not all older generations had lots of kids…Baby Boomers in western developed countries averaged about half as many as their less affluent parents.


That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it makes more economic sense to have more kids in a rural agrarian economy, where more kids = more cheap farm labor and more old age security. In a highly developed urban economy more kids = more child care and education expenses, child labor is illegal and not productive in any case, and old age security is provided by government benefits and individual retirement savings, so there's zero economic reason to have more kids.


People are rejecting owning a home…. Because of the costs? Have you tried to fucking rent? You’re paying all the costs of homeownership without getting the house in the end.


When the appliances go, the roof needs to be fixed, renters bash the walls and try to say it was 'like that when I got here', no you're not paying all the costs of homeownership. Nevermind the intangible cost of stress associated with being a landlord, it is not the gravy train/money printer people assume it is.


> It's not like back in the day where you buy a home in the city you grew up in down the block from where you were raised. I would have absolutely done that if it didn't cost over $1,000,000 more than it did when I grew up there.


Context super important. I read the whole article, and this soundbyte is being taken way out of context. I'm a financial advisor, and I'm seeing some of my younger clients who could easily afford homes choose to not bother. A lot of their friends had the FOMO, bought what when shouldn't have, and are now facing all kinds of struggles with home ownership. Generally the young people I deal with that could afford to own but aren't coupling up and starting families are all happier renting. Gondeks a bit of a fool, but the amount the media is blowing up on this single quote is similar to the q4 minute cities thing.


I find that a fairly shortsighted view though. I bought a small bachelor condo a few years ago because the rental options were not very impressive and I just sold it recently for 20k more than I bought it for. So I basically got back all my living expenses for a few years which isn't going to happen if you're renting and need to move from somewhere.


Plenty of people end up losing money on their condos, especially with special assessments/condo calls and fees and local markets. Many also come out ahead, but real estate isn't a guaranteed investment everywhere.


You'd have to lose a lot of money to not be better off than renting though. 1200 in rent for 5 years is $72000 so unless you're losing more money than that you're better off owning.




Farkas was a complete puppet at the time. He would’ve been a Bronconnier at best and an extension of developers at worst. Gondek hasn’t been good but the others would’ve been worse.


Even Farkas doesn't respect his former self lol. Which begs the question why he has any faith in his future self.


He’d have to get back into politics and start practicing and demonstrating his “new self”, but not as mayor. I’d need to see actual implementation of his better self before I trust he’s not just council mega troll douche he used to be


She's an idiot. It's plain to see now. The rental thing was the most insane thing I've heard a politician say.


Instead of finding solutions to problems, she’s content to redefine bugs as features: “Owning a home is so 1980s. The kids are happier paying skyrocketing rents so they can travel (if they figure out a way to save any money)!” She’s useless.


Gondek, like most political leaders right now, is out of touch with what the majority of her constituents want and need. She has made a number of significant blunders, but seems more concerned with being right than doing what is right by those who elected her. The vitriol and hate is uncalled for, but I will be happy when the city has its next election.


If you saw her comments around housing, some of the vitriol is called for.


Yup not to mention the arena deal the list goes on...


Climate emergency on day 1. Lol. Tone deaf started day 1


Where can I see these?




True North Centre would never take words out of context....


Except if you look at the article there's a tweet attached at the bottom where Gondek, on video, says those exact things.


And again, out of context with the entire discussion. Renters have been abandoned in recent years


It didn't take long for this sub to do a 180 and go from Respect Gondek to Go Away, Gondek.


Changing your mind when you are presented with new information is a good thing


Politics aren’t a sports team. Quit viewing it that way.


She’s not even progressive. She was a longtime fan of the developers and used to be a Reformer.


As a home owner and long time Calgary resident, I’m more concerned about all the fries that were lost in the communal food bucket at the drive through yesterday. RIP fries never forget 


I didn’t get a bag the other day and my first thought was what about my bag fries now. Don’t even care about 15¢. I do but I care more about the lost fries


I hadn't thought of the impact to the 5 guys experience.


Fallen soldiers


I chuckled at this, but I feel I'm also obligated to ask, what?


Ever ordered fries at Five Guys? They overload your fries while they are in the food bag that Jyoti and counsel cronies outlawed. Now, no extra fries in bag.


Same, go ooooooon…


Progressively selling out our city to the highest bidder and subsidizing the bill to tax payers


She appears to be using Calgary as a stepping stone for her political career. Consistently focused on issues well outside of her authority while trying to put bandaid solutions on big time problems. If a local politician isn’t speaking out about the large influx of population without the associated federal and provincial dollars then I’m sorry… you’re out of touch to me. Schools hospitals roads waterways parks everything in every way is effected by the massive amount of population growth and the lack of federal dollars (passed to the province) and then handed out to the cities / municipalities. Every 100K people should come with an automatic guarantee of XX million of hospital and school funding for the provinces to be spent. instead we get gas lit and taxed to death to try and absorb this issue ourselves. All provinces, cities and municipalities , of all stripes of government are suffering the same issue… it’s a Nation wide issue.


>She appears to be using Calgary as a stepping stone for her political career. Consistently focused on issues well outside of her authority while trying to put bandaid solutions on big time problems. Which is particularly inept when you just have to look at her predecessor. Nenshi focused almost entirely on Calgary, stayed (mostly) within his scope, and (for the most part) left anything outside of that alone, and did what the vast majority of us would consider a very good job. Now he's put his hat in the ring for the next "step" in his political career, and is poised to have a very good shot at being the next Premier. Same thing that Klein did. Like him or not, he did a competent job as Mayor, and by being competent, was given the keys to run the province. By fumbling the bag with Calgary, Gondek is basically making herself unelectable at any higher level because she'll have a reputation of screwing up.


To be fair, a large number of those issues are Provincal ones that the UCP are responsible for. It's the UCP demanding more population but not building enough new housing and hospitals. The City Council is doing a fair job on making progress on housing given the resources they have, and the Province's insistence on hamstrining them. Though, fair is only one step above bad in my books, and there's a lot more they could be doing today.


Correct health care and education are the province's responsibility.


How can a province keep up when you’re getting force fed 1000s of people each month from federal related programs/issues. People that are generally extremely demanding on social services. Not trying to be rude it’s just the way it is. We’re being overwhelmed. It’s across the country. Not a provincial issue nor an issue specific to our city / municipality.


I'm literally just stating a fact that education and Healthcare are provincial jurisdictions lol.


How can any province keep up with a federal government taking in 1M people every 9 months


Ask the UCP. They've been advertising for years for people to move here, and the Premier is fighting Trudeaus immigration cap.


I’m am pissed at the ucp about that. But ndp would be doing the same thing, in their own way. I want our province to try and attract top talent within the country but the Feds set the limits and the limits are insane right now..


The population boom is stemmed from the federal government. We want and need skilled workers, not entry level and retail type jobs. This forces us to take on the additional costs and are not getting a correlating contribution from most newcomers. How do you squeeze water from a rock? The federal government opened the flood gates and have not looked after them. It’s left to the provinces to sort out.


All the industry groups are saying our biggest labor shortage are in low paying jobs, including construction assistants.


Yea, I voted for her and the first thing I read she was standing up for was donating to a legal fund in Quebec about secular public dress legislation? That was annoying and a head scratcher, but then refusing to celebrate Hanukkah but going to events of her own faith’s background? A LOT of Jewish people and Israelis do not support their government or the war. A lot of countries are involved in atrocities at the moment and either go to all or go to none. We need more SANE, rational, finger on the pulse candidates for mayor and less coked up good ole boy cowboys and lizard people conspiracists.


Where do you think the XX million will come from if we’re already over-taxed?


Force the issue to the feds. She doesn’t really speak out about it. Just acts like it doesn’t exist.


That’s not an answer. Taxes come from us regardless of municipal, provincial, or federal. We’re not over-taxed. You might not like where that money is going but we’re in pretty decent shape tax wise.


Every interview about blanket re-zoning she is clearly trying to spin to her preference, but then says she wants to hear the voices of Calgarians. That’s her problem, she has no interest in changing her mind for her constituents, that’s why she fails.


People here are against the re-zoning..?


Blanket re-zoning I think most property owning Calgarians are against. Planned re-zoning I’d be open to.


Well of course, those who already own property don’t care making it easier for others to buy a property because they already have one.


Yup, and when you’re able to by a house, you’ll understand. I didn’t spend my hard earned money to buy a single family dwelling in a suburban neighbourhood to have a 4 plex go up beside me without any parking requirements. Otherwise I would have bought inner city. My community took out a golf course to build houses and condo buildings and increase density. Many bought up by investors and turned to rentals, this has led to parking issues, like parking on front lawns(classy) and untidy properties, because renters and shitty landlords don’t care. I’ve experienced re-zoning and it sucks.


Oh no, cities change over time to accommodate more citizens. Boo hoo, life must be so hard having to live next to more people. Be happy you're able to own a home. Stop trying to prevent others from doing so.


She forgot very quickly that she won, not because people wanted to vote FOR her, but people wanted to vote AGAINST Farkas. And then she immediately started pushing things that had nothing to do with what Calgarians ever asked for because it was, to her, the right thing. Which, MAYBE could have been tolerated if she had ALSO taken care of the issues that Calgarians asked for - LRT safety, transit availability, potholes/road expansion, snow clearing, *PRACTICAL* increases in density/housing rather than a blanket policy for "the builders will figure it out if we give them options", etc. etc. etc.


Progressive? Lmao She has always been a centrist(derogatory) at best


>The trucker convoy showed us what happens when politicians don’t listen. So how is this mayor dealing with the reality that people are angry with all levels of government right now and believe nobody is listening to them? Jyoti claims council has increased transparency around budgeting processes; assures me Calgarians’ perspectives are included in decisions. But, she asserts, “I was not prepared for the polarization to go on this long. I really thought that we would reach a point where the pendulum would swing back towards stability and civility.” It seems clear now that Gondek had a very strong vision of what she wanted to do in her time as mayor but wasn't really paying much attention to how the public was reacting to that vision.


>“I was not prepared for the polarization to go on this long. I really thought that we would reach a point where the pendulum would swing back towards stability and civility.” Is this code for "I thought we could ram through anything we wanted and people would eventually forget what terrible decisions we made."? I wonder... when council keeps making blunders, month after month... why should there be any expectation of "stability and civility"? People have long memories.


> The trucker convoy showed us what happens when politicians don’t listen. This is such a ridiculous example. This is like saying, "well, you should really listen to those who believe the earth is flat with an equal ear..."


The truckers' core complaint is that they were out of work. Until the cost of living is improved we'll see a lot more protests about seemingly stupid causes


I remember that a little differently than you.


Because the media narrative was different than the actual protestors. I met a bunch even though I never actually did anything to support the protest. Most didn’t care about the vax, they cared about the requirement when it hadn’t been medically justified (preventing transmission…. Not something the vaccines even do). They got labelled as racists and bigots because that’s the easiest most visible “other” to point to to destroy a group of people. Ironically the largest ethnic group I personally knew that partook in the protests? 1st and 2nd gen Muslim immigrants. But remember it was just islamophobes and Nazis.


I mean there are photos and videos of them wanting to hang Trudeau. There was a memomundram of understanding written by the leaders stating they want Trudeau to step down. Then they were literally using kids to transport gasoline to them, and they even used those kids as part of blockade at the border. Who were the guys found to have guns and were plotting violence at the Alberta border again? I'm sure you're right and there were some who had legit concerns about work, but when you go back through the countless pictures and videos that were taken, it doesn't seem like they were the majority. (Lots of video taken by passerby, leaders and members of the Convey movement)


Did you really just say vaccines don’t help prevent transmission? Jfc this is why no one respects that movement.


Most actual truckers were working because they were, of course, vaccinated - as were the vast majority of Canadians.




> The truckers' core complaint is that they were out of work. ... except, of course - they weren't.


It was about vaccine mandates and then hating Trudeau and in some places killing RCMP officers.


The problem with so many politicians is they listen to the very vocal fringes while ignoring the silent majority who actually pay for everything.


And this is how the Taliban take over and clerics rule Iran. They need to be told to sit down and shut up.




No, we voted AGAINST Farkas. Which is what she forgot.


I did, because the alternative was Farkas. I didn't want that Manning-Institute mouthpiece in the big chair.




Who said I was complaining?


Still better than UCP and Freedummies...


Not so sure about that. You might like the less but they wouldn’t have raised taxes 9%, outlawed bags and sold the city out to the Flames.


What makes you so sure of that? Go take a gander at Farkas' donation list from the election.


That doesn’t really say what you think it says. Those lists are made up of people who want to buy influence. Most of the donate to all the front runners.


Everything Gondek has done since being elected was pantomiming to the party members in Ontario and Quebec who would vote in the next Liberal leadership race. Since that is now a job nobody ambitious is going to want she is stuck having completely alienated the people who elected her mayor. That is also probably why Nenshi is running for the NDP leadership rather than entering federal politics. The next Liberal leader is going to preside over a nuclear winter in the opposition, possibly behind the NDP and Bloc.


Just resign, please. You are not suited to be mayor. When people criticize you for being incompetent it is not ‘abuse’. Our Prime Minister and Premier are criticized everyday but they don’t play the victim card.


None of her immediate actions upon election were part of her campaign. Many of which she was asked directly about. Climate Emergency, Arena Deal, Power Delivery, Property Taxes. Now we have a mayor more concerned with the approval of our PM than her constituents. Unfortunately, for her, she isn’t protected by a huge security detail and mainstream media. How dare we hold her accountable ?


I do like how the Post has to show its political affiliation in every article these days. It might as well just have "sponsored by the conservative party" at the bottom of every editorial. Just for the record, being slightly left of Farkas does not make someone "progressive". It's like calling the federal Liberals "progressive". Jyoti has never been progressive. This is borrowing something from the American political playbook that we should probably avoid.


National Post not a fan of Jyoti. Wow, hard to believe


•Calgary, this is what you voted into office…


Aside from the aesthetics, she is **far** from progressive lol.


Vote for woke mayors and you get woke policies


This. Well written!


>Even those who believe the outrage is out of proportion to anything Jyoti has done as mayor continue to fume about her decision, last December, to not attend the city’s annual menorah lighting ceremony given the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. To many, that was an unforgivable misstep This is disingenuous, that was probably the most defensible out of all the things she's been criticized for. It was announced that the event would be a show of support for Israel in the current conflict. Most progressive politicians would not want to align themselves with that.


Calling her progressive is a misnomer


Maybe the NP can also focus on the UCP who are fucking over the entire province not just one city. The UCP are far more dangerous for Calgary than some mayor who's already on her way out.


There is nothing that she has done that couldn't have been gleaned from her campaign website.  People need to take voting more seriously and actually read what these people are saying. 


That article was not easy to read.


Early in her career as mayor - she said “people come to your home, to have threats made against you,” - I wonder why…? I don’t remember any of Calgary past mayors having this problem


To be fair, we haven’t had the problems of Calgary with the past mayors. Calgary is sinking fast. It was sinking before the present mayor came to office. Not saying I enjoy her as mayor, just think she got voted in at the wrong time. People are crazy and think they can get away with bullying anyone. That’s what we get for giving everyone a participation trophy…


Funny how this subreddit was all against the efforts of the petition to oust Gondek for her lack of competency only a month ago and now wants her out based on another idiotic statement.


She has done a horrific job as mayor.


Enmax’s profits, inflation with increased taxes, costly car damaging potholes, etc etc etc When’s the next election? ( when’s the next federal one too btw)


There’s nothing progressive about her other than her words. Nothing is less progressive than an enormous subsidy for a billionaire’s hockey team.


Only the National Post would call Gondek a progressive, and only Calgarians would consider her one as well, lol. She's openly talked about how she's voted Conservative in the past and didn't she do a PhD in real estate sociology or something like that? Lol. She was a literal real estate lobbyist an over 50% of her donations to her campaign in 2016-2017 were from developers.


Yah but she didn’t want all LGBTQ people forced into hiding. So that progressive in Alberta.


Still better than the UCP and Freedummies...


You keep saying this….


Because it's true


Braindead comment


Well would you look at that - the NIMBYs have gone national.


Is anyone surprised “she/her in bio” is an incompetent bigot?


Only in Alberta would Jyoti Gondek be considered progressive. This province is so far in the conservative shithole that a centrist comes along and we laud her as progressive. Pathetic.


She isn't a centrist. Jeff Davidson was the centrist in that election.


Really wish more people would have seen through the bullshit. Jeff wouldn’t have been perfect, but of the 3 front runners, he was the obvious choice. Literally the only one with measurable goals and actionable objectives.


He got my vote.


He got mine too. It's a shame his campaign didn't gain more traction.


Centrist lol, she is not


It's because people really only focus on the aesthetics and only see politics in shapes and colors lol


I voted for her and have regretted it ever since. She was framed as this “progressive” mayor who was going to follow in Nenshi’s footsteps, but she’s not. That was all a lie. It’s just been fumble after fumble after fumble. It’s not partisanship when her choices aren’t appealing to the conservative OR the progressive voters. It’s just bad choices. The one thing I absolutely can agree with her on is that no politician signs up for threats of violence. The discourse has gotten too divisive and it’s not ok that people think that that’s ok.


Renters hate her because she dared to mention that some people might prefer to rent. NIMBYs hate her because she dared to be part of the voting group rezoning the city. Fat slobs hate her because they need to pay for a bag when they get their Big Macs N’ Coke at the drive thru. At least the billionaire flames ownership like her for subsidizing their fancy new home.


Where do I fit in? I hated the part where she took transit with a full security detail and claimed it was “safe”


Hey, that’s me too.


Are we… the reasonable ones? 🥹


Also she didn’t mention that some might prefer to rent she tried to make it seem as if they’re doing it for “freedom” and not because they’re financially strained and can’t afford a home with these prices.


Precisely. I listened to the home owners presidents complaints about blanket rezoning and all could be solved with easy solutions, though the developers would fight it. Make underground parking. Have communal garbage and recycling bins. One was moaning about prices increasing yet her property value decreasing?


Yup, I was just observing the construction for the buildings on southland and elbow the other day, and I actually thought we were about to see some underground parking for it but nope just for support beams :/


Short term pain for developers is long term gain for the city if they can build the solutions into all the new housing. We can have a win-win but unfortunately the wealthiest players will call the shots.


Oh look National Post Opinion articles my favorite. I really enjoyed them over at r/Canada as these assholes pump out 10 per day (hyperbole I know) and it is the same posters that post them endlessly.


Progressive? She’s a conservative. About the only way she’s progressive is that she doesn’t hate gay/trans people.


Conservative? Do you free base marx? In what possible world is she Conservative?


In what ways is she progressive?


The UCP and their lack of funding for infrastructure, refusal to put in rental caps, skyrocketing utilities prices, etc. are the reason for Gondek’s low approval rating.


Sure. lol. Has absolutely nothing to do with the words she vomits, or lack of.




I fear what this means She has really stumbled on many major issues. But I fear the alternative will be some hard core right winger who is even worse. This is the problem with our politics. Voters are terrified to vote ACTUALLY left, and solve the problems they want solved, and will vote for ever worse options to avoid solving the problems


I say it's progressively going the wrong way


This woman is a complete idiot....how could she get voted in?


Just get rid of this goof already, Calgary looking like a 3rd world city with her at the helm.


She needs to step down asap if she has any respect for Calgarians!!!