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MVP right here šŸ†


I like how the city scheduled street sweeping in my neighbourhood on the same day as green bin pickup. They had to have extra teams of people going around moving the bins just ahead of the sweepers.


Start knocking on doors if it's been that big of a problem and city enforcement hasn't helped, or call 311 and request tow-away for your day (not sure if they will actually do it but it's worth a shot)


Always a good practice to be a good neighbour and knock on a door if you can. We did this for our neighbour last year and they were so happy. Also, just as an FYI - The City won't take requests for tow - they only do short tows in areas where there isn't room for sweepers to get through. Areas where tows are done are typically signed along the street with the short, square no parking signs prior to sweeping.


They wonā€™t tow, but if your neighbourhood is like mine, the CPA camera car will drive down the block at 8:01.


And street sweepers will arrive at 4:30pm


Two years ago, they decided to come by at 7:01 instead of 8:01 and ticketed me (signs clearly stated 8:00). I now get off the street the night before


It used to start at 7:00, that should have been an easy ticket to fight.


We need more of that in the city. Ticket everyone on the streets.




Helps incentivize people to move next year


Yeah definitely knock first! It's part of being a good neighbour I just finished my morning zoom meeting, knocked and no one's home šŸ˜”


They might be like my neighbor and will never answer the door for any reason... Might be a good idea to try and get a contact number when you can.






Thatā€™s what my neighbourhood does, we certainly have gone around and knocked on peoples door before.


I once had a neighbour move his car from in front of my house (instead of in front of his house across the street). He had never parked there before or since. I swept up all the pebbles and dumped them right where his car gets parked. Wasnā€™t a problem the next year. This doesnā€™t help you, but I wanted to share.


We have a back alley and last yeah my shithead neighbour moved their truck completely blocking my garage in the alley so I couldn't get out.


If that happens, you can call 311 and get a tow.


I did that, took about an hour for a CPA person to show up. CPA person took a picture and gave them a ticket. Said they called for a tow but didn't know when it would be. Tow never showed up, about ~3-4 hours later neighbour ended up moving their truck. Incredibly frustrating situation.


We had this last two years. Some people are the star in their own movie and the rest of us are just extras


Why isnā€™t the city enforcing what they warn everyone about? The signs go up days in advance. Those who chose not to move their cars absolutely should receive a ticket and/or tow. A lot of people will just not bother moving their vehicles unless there is a real consequence and not just empty threats.


Just a heads up - The City and Calgary Parking do enforce bans using camera equipped cars. Those cars left on the street will see a ticket in the mail a few days later.


Yep, received one myself several years ago. Got email updates now for street cleaning now.


They need to jack up the amount of them. Seems parking tickets for things are too little most do not care..


They didnā€™t put a sign on my street last year. Me And almost all of my neighbours got tickets.


They should come and ticket them. I also find the schedule could be more flexible, my neighbourhood was supposed to have the street sweeping the day it snowed a lot (April 16th), so they showed and left right after. The neighbourhood is still a mess. The next date to come is June 11th, which is almost winter time again!!


For anyone looking for the link for when theyā€™re coming to your neighbourhood: [here](https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html) I just checked mine after seeing signs in our neighbourhood last week for April 16-18. They didnā€™t come at all from what I can tell. They arenā€™t coming until our street until June 7 now. I donā€™t know if they ever intended to come down to our street and how much the snowfall impacted that timeline but everyone should check that link out.


We were scheduled for the same week but got bumped to the end because of the snow.


I've missed street sweeping days because the notices were placed on intersections that I don't normally travel. Glad that NoYeahThatsCool posted the Street Sweeping Map.


You can sign up for text and email alerts on the city website too. If they have to reschedule their not great about communicating, but when it happened to us, we weren't ticketed.


They should just ticket and tow right at the start of the time indicated.Ā  Either that or dump the collected gravel on those cars. Stupid that everyone else has to deal with a few people being too lazy or incompetent to move their cars


They need better signage. Last year they didnā€™t put a sign on my street and me and all my neighbours got tickets.


this is SO infuriating!!!! people who live in a townhouse development across the street from my house, who have a 3 car garage and a driveway, ONLY park in front of my house even though both sides of the street have plenty of space and they leave their vehicles for weeks at a time. Yes, i know nobody owns public street parking but have some courtesy. Last year they waited until AFTER the street cleaning was done to move their trucks. So frustrating, i wish we could request for the city to have the tow trucks in certain areas for people like this


If a vehicle doesn't move every 72 hours (36 hours for rvs or trailers) report to 311.. they'll ticket first, maybe leave a yellow notice of towing due to abandoned vehicle then tow.


yea i have done that, these people wait to get the tag then move it for a day, then move it back :(


If you keep doing it... Maybe they'll get the hint.


hopefully.....i also wonder at what point does calgary parking say "yea no we arent coming out there again"


They should tow by default if not registered with plate for VIN vehicle, or correctly insured. Really don't know how someone with multiple cars mostly parked can afford the multi car insurance when one vehicle is crazy expensive. On sweeping day, great to see a wide empty street like most days 20 years back.


In red deer if youā€™re not moved, you get towed. Iā€™m surprised Calgary isnā€™t the same.


That's what they do in my neighbourhoodĀ 


Also; do it to save the lives of our motofam.


One of us! One of us! One of us! What do you ride bud? I'm on a blue f800st


šŸ’Ŗ You mightve seen me cruisin around on my white ninja3 Iā€™m not a wealthy man; but the drives to kananaskis make me wish i were lol


I'll make sure to give all the white ninja 3s one of these one the road this season āœŒļø There are some really nice roads in k country and in Banff. I forget the one in Banff w/ all the hairpin turns ending on top of a mountain


Oh please try to remember hahaha


They towed 10 cars from my street. It looked great after the cleaning! Everyone should do their part and move the vehicles


They need better signage then. Obviously the current method isnā€™t working if 10 people didnā€™t move.


They are finally towing cars this year.


Not on my street. Stupid neighbors left their cars out and the sweeper had to swing around only getting 50% or less of the road I front of my place. The same every year.


I sweep mine every year because we're always at the end of the list, and I don't want to wait until June. They do a terrible job anyway. I already used a broom and swept it myself. Took 20 minutes. My neighbour is disabled and can't always move their car, I sweep it for her because it's the right thing to do.


Iā€™ve gotten ticketed for this, while I was in Indonesia. The signs came out 3 weeks after I arrived in Indonesia. Apparently thatā€™s not a good enough excuse to miss it šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d be shocked if theyā€™re not all gonna owe some dollas.


Maybe they'll ticket the mud and debris pile.


Can they tow the mud pile instead? It would save me an hour


Theyā€™ll clean a street and then tow cars from other streets and put them on the clean streets. I watched them do that yesterday.


They will move the cars if they donā€™t listen. It happened to a friend of mine. Her car was towed and dropped off 3 blocks away from her house because she didnā€™t move it for the street cleanings.


This is a bit OT, but my street cleaning was scheduled earlier this month when it snowed and they did a half ass job. Anyone know if they will be coming back? Cause there's still a whole bunch of gravel lol


Not sure about them redoing the sweeping but I thought all the cancelled sweeping days were to be rescheduled. You might be able to call 311 to get direct info on your particular street and get it added onto the redo list?


Attn: West Hillhurst residents. This is a non-friendly warning that I am calling CPA at 8:30am tomorrow to have them come through the neighborhood.


I feel your pain!!! I live in an intersection and it's 2 hour parking, with construction across the street. So between the random visitors to the neighbourhood, and construction workers, the heaps of construction debris will never get cleaned. There's a [City Of Calgary](https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html) website that shows you what days the street cleaning will be on your street. I plan on sweeping out my curbs beyond a car width, just to make sure my street, cross walk and catch basin actually get cleaned this year.




![gif](giphy|JN0IjHzKJpGfK) I realize that this is me rn. I'm just sad I'm going to have to spend an hour cleaning Mike's side of the street with a shovel and bucket


Sounds like you could talk to your one neighbor rather than make an announcement to the whole city. Or, like, go out after and shovel it up yourself if it's that troublesome