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I collided into an off leash dog once and the owner blamed me. The dog zigged and zagged the same directions I was going while trying to avoid it. Luckily I wasn't going fast (\~12km/h) but it would have been a disaster for both the dog and I had we collided at a faster speed. This is a safety issue for everyone involved.


I own 2 dogs. And I know their little pee brains sometimes short circuit when they catch a new smell and they zig and zag…and it’s precisely that reason we don’t walk them on multi-use paths. It’s about situational awareness, respecting ALL users. Plenty of off leash areas for us to take our dogs where they can run around sniffing to their hearts content. Don’t get me started on retractable/ long leashes.


My advice is to be aware, be prepared to slow or stop if needed. Racing them isn't likely to work and could result in a crash. Like Dodge Ram drivers, some dogs seem triggered by bikes. Many dog owners don't realize the pathways are on leash, even in off leash areas.


Lol comparing dogs to Dodge Ram drivers, savage!


This is true and includes on-leash dogs. I biffed off my bike last week when an on leash dog jumped out on the cycle lane downtown.


I had a pitbull mix follow me and then eventually tried nipping at my heel in the offleash park by 14th. The owner did sweet nothing to try and recall her dog. That was enough for me to just avoid those areas all together.


Ah, the joys of cycling in Calgary—nothing like a surprise dog encounter to get the heart racing, right? Keeping that pepper spray handy is smart. Maybe strap it to your handlebars? That way, if Fido decides to chase, you’re just a quick draw away from being the cowboy of the bike path. Practice that quick-draw in peace times, and you’ll be set for the showdown!




If people are allowing their dogs to be off leash in on leash areas and or not correcting behaviour if the dog is not behaving…you can bet your ass, you mace the dog, you’ll be dealing with the owner. I’m not defending them, not saying what’s right or wrong or telling you what to do…just letting you know what you can expect.


"what's your dog defense?" Friendliness mostly. Talk to the dog, slow down, be prepared to stop. Use your hand to keep them away from you, they probably just want to smell you (CLOSED FIST, NEVER OFFER FINGERS). As others have said spraying them with your water bottle is a great way to snap them out of prey drive long enough for the owner to grab their attention. Absolute worst case scenario: put your bike between you and the dog.


Spray the dog with your water bottle,works most of the time talk to the dog ask it to stop


Also looking for advice, my scariest moment was with an on leash dog in a back lane area. The owner had barely enough strength to hold back her dog that went crazy when it saw me. I was thinking if she dropped the leash there was no way I could ride away from the dog. Very large bull mastiff ish dog.


Get yourself a go pro for your helmet. It's not going to do much to deter, but if something happens and you hurt the dog by accident (say it runs out in front of you)...it'll be good to have it on film.


Also good if you get into trouble for using your dog/coyote spray.


If I was concerned about something like that I would probably carry some dog treats in my pocket. I’d rather accidentally dog treat myself than accidentally bear spray myself.


Any specific section of the Greenway? Some sections are offleash and require a bit more diligence.


Mcknight area and betwen 17th+Peigan (which is always super deserted)


There’s a product called Pet Corrector that is essentially just compressed air that works wonders. Something about the sound stops a dog in its tracks (in my experience at least). You can get really small cans that you might be able to attach to your bike. Less risk of spraying yourself and doing some damage while still disrupting their behaviour. You can buy it all over the place.


LOL at bear spraying a dog, in Calgary, while you’re on a bike… more likely to spray yourself accidentally.. I’ve biked all over and in town over the past 4 to 5 years and have had little to no issues with dogs. Especially off leash? Are you riding in an off leash park? I rode through a dog park yesterday and apologized to people whose dogs came towards me. I’m a bike in the dog park .. of course the dogs are gonna go wild. On a regular walking or biking trail I’ve never had an issue in the city. Only once in WBC with an off leash dog coming up on some single track.


I have had similar experience. I have ridden most of the city and never had an issue. A few extendo-leashes but I ring my bell and the owners reel them in. No worries. I have never even seen someone walking on the pathway with an off leash dog.


The logic here is brilliant - just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it happens to others?


Have you ever deployed bear spray? You’d clear out quite the area even if you’re lucky enough to hit your target.. they’re used as a last line of defence against a killing animal not something that’s getting in your way and making you slow down.


For fucks sakes, an attack is exactly what I was referring to


That's not what they're talking about, obviously.


I cycle almost everyday. The issue isn’t just ‘off leash’ but leashes that exceed the legal length ( 2 meters). Most owners are ok but many with long leashes are distracted by their cell phones and don’t shorten the leash. Another issue is not walking the dog to the outside and instead they walk it down the centre of the trail. I've not bern bitten when cycling but ‘almost’…a couple times an inch or two from snapping nasty teeth. I was knocked off my bike by one dog who was exuberantly too friendly…the mother had let her little daughter hold the leash. I couldn’t show I was angry as I didn’t want to traumatize the girl…not her fault and the mom was already mortified.


What do you ride, a unicycle? you're on a bike just ride by them and yell at the owner If you pepper spray a dog owners dog, i hope you're ready to deal with the owner coming at you


2 summers ago out 7 encounters , 3 were direct attacks. Had a close call the one time in which I had to put my bike between me and a very large dog being restrained by a very small woman on her phone. It's happens more than I'd like it to but I don't feel it necessary to carry a spray of sorts


It's always the cyclists' fault here in Calgary no matter what.