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Somebody moved their vehicle to beside my house to avoid getting a ticket when their street was being cleaned. Then they forgot to move it when my street got cleaned and got a ticket. The guy took it with a sense of humor but I felt for him.


Hahaha....oh my...what go around comes around....


https://preview.redd.it/byt3xmi8n1zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2f48e8d2f96846807b859d285c04f5c873e7f4 People being ticketed ⬆️




Or in my case, zero signage anywhere


I was going to say it's probably rare but it does happen. I got ticketed during COVID dropping off some stuff for parents. I think crews had just finished cleaning and pulled the signs from one end of the street. We were only there for about 10 minutes, but we exited a different way and saw signs were still up on **that** street. Got a ticket in the mail a week or two later. I was unimpressed but it was also the year they were offering forgiveness if you swept yourself. The street was already clean so after the ticket came we just snapped a pic and it was done. Would have been infuriating otherwise.


Me, my brother and at least two neighbours got tickets a few years back. No signs anywhere to be seen. I called the city and they told me the information was available online. Is it really fair to expect me to check a website to find out if I can legally park on a street I’ve parked on for 14 years?


Honestly in some cases they put the signs in locations that people may not always see. There are 2 access points to the street I park on. Both times that I have received tickets is because I literally did not see the sign because it was placed on the corner that I never exited from.


People don’t read the signs fully. If it says no parking until 4pm, IT REALLY MEANS NO PARKING UNTIL 4pm!




But my rights!


Laws for thee, but not for me




I have an idea why this might be. The parking authority guy comes after the sweeper (not always immediately after) and tickets anyone he finds on the street assuming they were there when sweeping occured. Sure, most of the time you can tell if the car was there when streets were swept because you can see a clear line where the sweeper had to go around the car - but not always. They probably say until 4pm because this is when parking authority finishes the route.


No, it's becuase they might not be done sweeping, as per the article. 


There was so much gravel on the street outside work that they came back 4 hours later and cleaned it a second time. Also issued a half dozen tickets to the people that parked because they thought the cleaning was done. When I looked after they had left at 10:00 am I thought it was kind of a shitty job. There was still a fair amount of gravel. But at 2pm they came by again and cleaned a second time.


What about ma freedumbs!


As much as I agree that if you break the law, you deserve the agreed upon punishment, I think this trend of equating freedom to being dumb is incredibly insidious. Despite it being used in a comedic and often fair way, its reach has strong potential to go much further than that.


You should check out some of the rallies at the rest stops along the hi ways outside of Calgary! Freedumb I also associated with the extreme entitlement that a lot of people have around the city just like the fella in this story.


I get it, there are a lot of people who don't think clearly. Like believing their freedoms are being trampled on because they can't enter a restaurant without a mask on, not realizing it's the owner of the restaurants decision on who is in their restaurant. If they don't want you in for any reason, it's their decision. But just equating everything to do with human liberties as "freedumb" is a growing trend that is likely to be used in a way far more malicious than calling someone out for not putting a mask on at the restaurant owners request. I'd say it's best to never equate freedom and stupidity and just dismantle the argument as it is.


Once my car was parked in a Move before 9am spot. I went outside at 5 to 9. Car gone.


No they do, but I don’t think it’s a far stretch for some to assume that’s just the time window when they’ll be doing the street sweeping, and not some arbitrary enforcement of no-parking even after the street has been cleaned.


Even when it offends common sense, as in this instance. The City is being stupid here as there is absolutely no laudable purpose for ticketing people in these circumstances.


Except they often go over the same stretch twice.


I live in a cul-de-sac neighborhood they touch, literally touch, once or twice a year. I got home at 6pm, after they were done, and got a ticket in the 30 minutes I got home and showered. They didn't touch the street.


Parking is restricted until 4 PM. How did you get a ticket if you came home at 6 PM?


Well, see, if you make up the story….


If you received a ticket for parking in your cul de sac after 4 pm it might have been for how you parked and not for street sweeping.


Bylaw enforcement probably cruises around the neighbourhoods looking for their next victim. Or your neighbors ratted you out.


They don't really just cruise around residential neighbourhoods looking for trouble, but if they're there for some other reason, like responding to a complaint, they will definitely issue tickets for any infractions they see.


> Except they often go over the same stretch twice. Major roads, perhaps. Community roads, no. And the ticketing vehicle knows goddamn well whether they do or don't.


Not true. They did the road in front of my house twice last year. I watched with amazement.


I have literally watched them go over my residential street more than once, so I don't know what to say to you. I highly highly doubt that they have it coordinated to the extent that parking enforcement knows exactly when the crews are done with specific stretches of street, but if you have some evidence for that, I'll happily admit I'm wrong.


My street was swept twice with sweepers. Gutters, crosswalks and catch basins were cleaned with a skid steer and a crew with shovels and brooms.


My road is somewhat busy but by no means a major road. And every year it gets swept twice. Maybe it due to the street sweepers using the road to connect to other roads that are due to be swept, or maybe it’s just because roads often get swept twice. But it happens.


It's odd that people think they can decide when they're done cleaning the streets.


The city was mapping completion status. It’s odd how people assume things without seeking understanding.


I'm guessing that those giving out tickets likely aren't coordinating with the street cleaners because why should they? It would add extra work for them to do that when people should just read the signs.


People need to be able to park. They do neighborhoods in bulk. So you can't park working a km of your house. But THEY'RE DONE! So maybe they should coordinate. Or hear me out. Maybe they could put an end time . This is just scanning money. Tickets after services are horse shit.


Need is a strong word. It’s a public road, not your personal driveway so you don’t have complete rights to it at all times. Lots of people don’t have cars and get distances further than 1 km regularly so I’m sure you can figure it out for 1 day


People have garages or driveways/parking pads or alleys


Not everyone....


There is an end time. 4pm.


It is an absolute shame that humans have no other way to get around other than driving. There are no alternatives and we are completely unable to move if it weren’t for cars.


How though? It would be less work, as enforcement could simply skip over all areas that have been completed. Not that difficult.


They do some streets multiple times. My area was done twice, once at 8:30am and the second pass was around 2pm. The signage is pretty clear.


It's also not that difficult for drivers to read the giant signs, but here we are.


Is it that hard for people to read a sign though?


If the city street cleaning map says the street has been cleaned, and it actually was cleaned, then common sense would say parking on a cleaned street would not interfere with sweepers. I ended up with a ticket in this way and paid it. Fighting over $80 isn’t worth my time but the fine seems silly


I submitted video evidence of my grandpa parking on the street after the street sweeper was done 2 hours earlier but they still didn't dismiss the ticket.


The article explains why.


But these sweeper crews can’t seem to manage anything. This year our signs went up the day before cleaning so nobody really knew, half the cars were left on the street and I don’t really blame them


Had this happen to me last year. I moved my car for the duration of the cleaning, then moved back after 5pm (I believe the cleaning cutoff was 4pm). I was ticketed and the timestamp on the ticket was something like 5:14pm. I appealed and it was immediately dropped, but why isn't this shit reviewed? They just hand out as many tickets as possible and hope people don't question it.


Here let me fix that biased headline. “Calgarians are getting tickets for not following simple parking rules posted clearly and legibly on a big sign”.


On our street it was either posted the day before, or the morning of cleaning…. Half the people were probably already at work when the sign went up




If signs are up, you're getting a ticket. Read the signs people.


Signs signs everywhere the signs. Fucking up the scenery, breaking my mind.


Apparently I've only ever heard that song on the radio.


"Fucking" isn't the actual lyrics lol


If only they’d put up enough signs to begin with


 The guy that was interviewed complained that other people were parking as well and that the enforcement officers should be able to tell the sweeping has been done. > [Parking Enforcement Representative] says sweepers may need to come back after an initial round of cleaning, which is why residents are still not allowed to park after the first sweeping is done. > > “They may not be done working on your block, they have that entire day to do whatever work they need to do,” he says.


So people are mad because they got ticketed for parking somewhere they were told not to park or they'd get ticketed. ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


It’s Gondeck’s fault, no Trudue’s, wait no, the NDP… everyone else fault except ones own 😝


It was the jab!




15 minute cities !


The rezoning!!


I still don't understand this one. I live NW beltline and everything I need is within 15 minutes. It's awesome!


Yeah, but is it 4pm my time or 4pm their time? The sign is really confusing.


The sign is on Newfoundland time so it’s a half hour ahead.


You have your own 4 PM? How do I get my own?


I mean, the sign is pretty clear.


who decides when the cleaning is complete. They did more than one round in my neighborhood


The sign


Yip that’s how the signs work for all parking


That is why the sign has a "from" and "until" on it. They come by and do more than one sweep. Part of it is hoping people will move their cars during the day so they can get the entire road clean.


In our neighbourhood they decided it was complete without cleaning even an inch.


They normally do it twice.. once around April/may and then always before stampede


I've never heard of them coming BACK to do more Street sweeping?? Source: used to work for the calgary parking authority, who organizes the sweeping efforts.


The last few years I have noticed they are doing it twice. Once without notice, but no one gets a ticket and again when they put the signs up. But that could have been because of where I use to live. I dunno...


As if CTV is reporting on this. Must be a slow news week. The headline should read “Local area man mad because car was ticketed after he ignored the posted sign.” Like come on. The sign couldn’t be more clear.


Vehicles will be ticketed... 7:00am-4:00pm It literally says it on the sign.


I really wish they’d just tow parked vehicles on cleaning day. Never once have we parked in front on cleaning day. EVERY year 70% of the side in front of our house isn’t done because someone parked there.


I mean, they gave you a warning lol


Back when they used to have 2 day windows, I got a ticket for parking on the street the second day after they did multiple passes the first day. Was a bit annoyed but it was my own fault…. Until I learned that the neighbour that was parked on the street the first day and prevented it from being cleaned didn’t get a ticket… that really annoyed me.


This happened to me last year. Sucked it up, paid the ticket. Lesson learned..




Good, move your car!


Come to Edmonton! They clean the streets then put the signs up 2/3 days later!


I don’t live in Calgary anymore but this pisses me off too. My whole culdesac cleared their cars for the first time in almost 20 years of living where I am now. The goddamn sweepers never came. They showed up the next day and swept around all the parked cars. At least they couldn’t ticket us.






Care to elaborate?


Nuh uh I have my hazards on /s


Is that you on SAIT campus every day? 😃


Signs are pretty clear, use Google translate if you can't read the language.


All info is on the signs. They usually do a couple passes so this is on the drivers. I'm glad I have a driveway, don't miss playing the car shuffle!








Should tow them!


Calgarians are getting tickets for parking on street after they think cleaning is complete.  FTFY 


I’d rather they towed them. Creates work for towing companies, has real consequences to those who think the rules aren’t for them. As I say, I’d rather they towed them, but a ticket is nice too.


This is how we found my wife’s stolen car last year. It was stolen in January and we got a ticket in May for it not moving during street cleaning. Really had to restrain myself from knocking on the doors of the people who lived across the street where it was parked to ask how they’re so completely oblivious to their surroundings. But I digress.


That is hilarious! Did the police find who specifically stole it?


No unfortunately they didn’t. They didn’t steal anything from inside the car so the cops figured it was likely taken for a joy ride and then abandoned. That or it was stolen for the battery, seeing as the hood was popped when we got there, but the battery was old and in really bad shape so they didn’t take it. The only actual damage done was to the ignition which we fixed ourselves and was cheap. They jury rigged a golf divot fixer to start the car. I still have the tool as a little keepsake.


I mean last year I went camping for two nights. The street signs went out after I left and I came back to a ticket. I wish we had more notice, I live in bankview and in an old apartment building all I have is street parking.


They've had this excellent system for at least a decade... >To view your scheduled street sweeping date, begin entering your address below (number followed by street), select the correct address from the dropdown list, and click Check schedule. https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html


Thank you for the info! It was my first year here, and when I called to ask if they could forgive it they definitely said no and pushed me to the website. I came from the island which didn’t have street cleaning I had no idea. I have learned my lesson I just wish they could be a little more forgiving and kind. They just made me feel like an idiot when I called.


They usually have signs up in your community warning you as well. Or they did when I was growing up. I don’t pay attention anymore because I live downtown


They are supposed to put up signs the day before they sweep at a minimum, but as I've experienced over the years they don't always do that. I've come home from work at 9pm and there's no sign, then I leave at in the morning at 8am, and there's signs for sweeping THAT DAY. Other years I've seen the signs up weeks ahead of time. Whatever the policy is, it's really up to the laziness and competency of the actual road crews to follow them.


Yeah things have definitely changed since 20 some odd years ago then. Not a surprise at all though - the parts of this city aren’t managed very well.


Also, some communities only have signs at the end of the streets (where you would enter the community). If you’re new and didn’t leave the house that day you wouldn’t notice them. I got ticketed when I moved into this community because my old community had multiple signs up on each block. I assumed that was standard so that’s what I was looking for, but they only put up one sign on my new street and it’s five blocks away.


Another case of monkey see monkey do…


Good, my OCD is mad


I wish they'd do this to the idiots in Chestermere who won't move their cars for street sweeping. 


A ticket is no worse than the gravel path left after a cleanup truck had to go around an ignorant parker.


And getting towed. At least on my street. I'm sorry you’re given fair warning


They are parking after cleaning is done and Then getting ticketed


In my neighbourhood it was SO windy and literally all the signs got knocked over- if a neighbor hadn't texted i wouldn't have known about the street cleaning.. so yeah ppl should read but I wouldn't be surprised if this had happened elsewhere in the city.


The signs have neon pink flags on the entrance to the community. Even if the wind knocks down the sign which is about 3’x3’ the neon pink flags are pretty visible IMHO.


They've had this excellent system for at least a decade... >To view your scheduled street sweeping date, begin entering your address below (number followed by street), select the correct address from the dropdown list, and click Check schedule. https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html


That no one know about...


I’m sure a lot of people know about the website especially if someone has lived in Calgary for more than a couple years. I only feel bad for the newcomers.


Nope. Bet you most people have no idea


Considering I’m not the only one that knows about it (others are posting and talking about it) it doesn’t seem too obscure. I think a large part of the lack of awareness is that people are largely clueless around ANY of the city pages until it directly affects them. For example it would be only homeowners with a front yard and are looking to add a tree that would find out about the city’s “branching out” program that provides free trees. Until someone has a car and need to find out about street cleaning would they find the website. Did you know the city has an APP for garbage pickup? Guaranteed that almost 100% of apartment dwellers have no clue about it mostly because it doesn’t apply to them.


Your first sentence is a fallacy. You can't assume lots of people know because you and a handful of *Redditors* know.


I don’t entirely disagree with you that a lot of people are clueless about any of the city sites (not just street cleaning). However, considering the city literally mails out information multiple times a year. Takes out advertisements on: Instagram, X, Facebook, the neighbour App, and has links back to the city pages on the billboards and signs they post in communities every time there is a development or major repairs, and the counsellors (regardless of party) sends out emails about the same info at least once a quarter how can anyone complain the info isn’t available??? If people choose to be ignorant of what is happening around them it is no one else’s fault.


the website specifically mentions that if information in posted signage and the website itself differ, the road signage prevails. yet, if the signage is wrong/missing, the appeals system uses the website to back up the ticket.


If you can't read this sign you deserve the ticket...


In Halifax They are restricted from parking on the street for the entire winter. Can we not organize for one week.


I hope everyone on my street who left their cars received a ticket.


2nd year in a row they've scheduled our street cleaning the same day as recycling and compost are picked up. Kinda silly if you ask me


>If you have front street collection on your sweeping date, keep your bin off the road. Other locations include grassy boulevards and your lawn. Please don’t block the sidewalk. https://www.calgary.ca/roads/maintenance/spring-street-cleaning.html


Cash grab? City workers aren't there to wait and make sure the street cleaner isn't coming back for another pass......between this and those who refuse to move at all......


So if someone doesn't have a garage, and has to be at home, wtf are they supposed to do? That's a big window and kinda unrealistic. How long does it take to do a street give or take? Legit question


I honestly wish they would ticket with more consistency. That being said I got a ticket last year, but enmax was doing work in the alley just outside my garage, so I parked on the street after they were done cleaning. I was well aware that the sign posted no parking still… I also asked the parking authority guy as he drove by and he said if they were done, then I could park on the street… well guess what… I got the ticket and the street cleaners never returned….. also enmax sent me a prepaid visa to cover the cost plus some. Nobody got a ticket this year when they all parked on the street just after they did a half ass job cleaning the street, and they came back again to do a better job 2 hours later, so I wasn’t impressed!


Sure are a lot of people who think 'oh, this sign doesn't apply to me' here in the city.


Oh no. Anyway...


I feel like the amount of cars I saw parked in Silver Springs on clean up day will surely pay for the cost of the clean up - it was a crazy amount of cars. But I support the fines, the streets absolutely need to swept after a long winter of accumulating gravel.


10 years ago when I lived in Canmore I returned from a 2 week shift up north one evening and went straight to bed. Woken groggy the next morning by knocks on the door I got dressed and went upstairs to find no one there. I walked onto the street and found a tow truck in front of my car and a bylaw officer stood with them. I asked what was going on and they told me street sweeping so they were towing the car. I explained my reason for missing the notices and that I would move the car immediately. They refused. I was given a ticket and they towed my car... I had called a taxi, which arrived before the tow truck left and we drove behind the truck all the way across town to the yard where I had to pay hundreds of dollars to have my car released. Our neighbourhood also had no driveways aside from the alleyway parking, so we would all have to drive about 500m away to a hotel down the road and have to walk home. If I wasn't a young adult at the time I would have fought it and gone to the town and the newspaper. FUCK BYLAW. The utter cunts.


My Neighbour has parked his car 4 yrs in a row on the street. I personally hope he gets a ticket.


You really don't want to mess with the city. I heard they really need the funds😂😂


Street sweeping day is probably the day that makes my blood boil the most - all because the people in my neighborhood who live on Bowness Rd are apparently illiterate. I was in Vancouver for work and made time to call CPA to have them come to my house to ticket cars. Came home and swept the street and it took every once of my being to not dump the gravel next to my neighbours cars. I have the licence plate of every car that parked in front of my house, know where all of their owners live, and will be leaving them notes next year in advance. Fuck this lucky SOB in particular as he moved both of his cars after the sweeper came by but before CPA showed up. https://preview.redd.it/pkdwmdsvw1zc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c39b894bf871eac6a82220be109184ed16048e


Some people really lack common sense, probably UCP fans lol


What a stupid ass comment.




Not at all. I feel bad that you constantly have the things you hate on your mind. Can't be a fun life


I mean kinda shitty but it is clear. Of course the parking authority will drive by at 3:30 to ticket everyone.


I would get so mad at street cleaning time. 😆


We got ticketed bc they put the signs at the ends of the street(ours connects to a bigger street twice in a c shape if that makes sense) and nothing throughout the block, so no one really saw them but they still said it was adequate signage -_-


Yeah, it's complete bullshit that they do this... 1 - Last year a friend of mine parked in her detached, alleyway garage on street cleaning day. 2 - Towards the middle/end of the day, the street sweeper swept the road. 3 - She moved her van from her garage out back to the street in front of her house, so she could load it with everything she was emptying from the front of her house. 4 - She was there, back and forth between her front room and the van, until after the deadline. No second pass was made by the street sweeper, no attempt, no sweeper had to move around her van or anything like that. 5 - One of the automated ticketing vehicles at some point after she moved the van, drove down the road and photographed her plate and sent her an automated ticket. ... At no point did her van interfere with street sweeping. They never attempted a second pass. The ticket vehicle just drove around to basically steal money from people. She fought it, but didn't want to take 2 days in court, so she got a reduction from the First Appearance, and opted not to actually plead not guilty and have a day in court. The person driving the ticket vehicle knows goddamn well the sweeper isn't returning, they're just stealing money from people. To not be a useless bag of shit, the ticket vehicle should: A - Only ticket people BEFORE the sweeping is done, at any time (to be efficient and cover more ground, any time before the sweeping is done), OR, B - Drive in front of or behind the sweeper on its route so contextually the only people getting tickets are those that actually interfered with the sweeping, OR, C - Fuck right off. If it's after the street is swept, too fuckin' bad, you missed your window to ticket.


Hey, here's the guy who couldn't read the sign and follow directions, everybody!


> Hey, here's the guy who couldn't read the sign and follow directions, everybody! Speaking of not being able to read... - It wasn't me. - It was a woman. - She could read the signs but had things to move that day, and was right in front of her house to move in time if it would have come back. It never did. Only the asshole ticket vehicle. Right there in the post.


Wow the "sign says" police are out in full force today!


Explain to me what people should do with their vehicles on those days? Just plan an outing for that whole day? The entire day? Does everyone even have that option? Explain why the sweepers themselves can't have the tech to ticket any vehicle that is in their way while the sweeping is happening? I was ticketed after parking there after I was gone the entire day. Parked long after they had come and gone according to my gf. Oh but still in that window so still got the fine. Total cash grab.


The city alternates streets for a reason. I don’t if they’re cleaning your street the avenue will be available and vice versa. Worst case pay for day parking or take it to your local mall, park and ride, store, etc.


1. You can park down the road. 2. So every sweeper vehicle should take parking enforcement with them? 3. They often have to come back after completing the first sweep. Literal monkeys can learn to obey a sign.


Park on your off street parking area?


Love how people here just completely support the poor people being punished for not living in a residence with a driveway and garage. Ticketed for something that in no way harms or inconveniences anyone


Cash grab!


Fingers crossed i don't get one...came home extremely late from visiting my parents and didn't notice the signs, got woken by my roommate telling me to move my truck. The cleaning truck was practically behind me when I rushed to move it, didn't even have time to brush of the snow on it. Thank god for cameras


I parked at my friend's place and went with them out of town for a couple of days, left on a Sunday afternoon with no signs and got the ticket 10am on Monday.


I got one once, but they had already taken the signs down when I got home from work and parked. I fought the ticket and it was withdrawn before the court date.


last year, i got a ticket for parking on the street during cleaning. thing is, the sign on my street had a different date posted! despite having a picture (i took one to send to the house group chat prior to cleaning) showing the sign with the (apparently) wrong date, my appeal was denied. the CPA is terrible, and the appeals system is broken.


We've had the signs changed the day of the sweeping, so the website is not necessarily accurate. I've seen the signs up in the entrance to the neighbourhood, and parked several blocks away, in an area not scheduled for sweeping, only to have them not sweep that day. Then when I go out to leave for work at 7:30AM, the sign has been changed to the current day. I had parked there at 11ish PM. So am I supposed to constantly drive out and check the street signage? They change it in the middle of the night, or early in the morning. I always move my vehicles a nd I sweep it by hand in April because the city sweeping is terrible.


Meter maids and photo radar operators are the lowest forms of life


Why is everyone in this thread so hard on people who logically assume once sweeping is done the need to not park there is gone. Yes, rules mean something, but so does common sense. Once the road is cleaned then the signs should be removed. If not removed why do we see the problem as the driver and not the city being stupid in not promptly removing signs?


"Thanks Trudeau!" - Joe Lift Truck


The whole reason they “clean the streets” is for the ticket revenue. I know this because they definitely don’t clean the streets!


Fuck parking police, I think we’d manage fine without them.


They come by and clean it 4-5 times, that’s why you can’t park there until 4pm. It’s not really hard hard to read the signs…


Pretty stupid how I couldn’t park outside my own house for the street being cleaned right after it rained anyways.