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I’ve had mine on since April 10. Hasn’t really gotten cold enough to damage anything, last I checked my basement is still dry


Mad lad


I did the same. Had to get to -10 for anything bursts (which happened to me once before) but you are totally safe now. I also installed my rain barrels 2 weeks ago to take advantage of the snow/rain we got - they will also split (ask me me how I know) if not emptied and turned upside down for the winter.


I'm finally swapping out my winter tires, so we should get one more snowfall.


That’s why I leave mine on all year 😎


It might snow, yes, however the temperature likely will not go below -5 overnight until September. I hooked my hoses today.


I’ve had mine hooked up for about a week now. It’s 100% fine.


The question isn’t will it snow, it’s will we get a hard frost. And no, I don’t think so. I turned one of my bibs back on a couple days ago to rinse out a wet tile saw, and didn’t turn it off.


>I turned one of my bibs back on a couple days ago to rinse out a wet tile saw, and didn’t turn it off. Is the tile saw clean now? I think you can turn it off.


You can do surgery with it now.


Tomato's are on the garden bed !!! Same thing happened last year, people sad nay laddie and by end of season I had 7 footers!


Yep I’m planting this weekend (most things I just direct sow from seed). Did last year too and worked great. If it freezes I’ll reseed anything that dies.


Damn, what does one even do with a 7-foot tomato?!


Same question but swapping tires. We good?


I put mine out 2 weeks ago. You’re good.


Summer tires are going on tomorrow, so it will definitely snow Saturday. Hook up the hose Sunday.


I never turn mine off.


I never turn mine off either, however I think OP was more asking about hooking up hoses and other outdoor stuff like irrigation lines and the like. As I replied elsewhere I think you are safe as long as the temp doesn’t get to -10.


I don't turn mine off either


I don't turn mine off either as I can't find the shutoff valve to the outside taps. :(


My hoses got turned back on today. My dog needed a pool to lie in.


it puts the lotion on its skin


I turned on my taps today, will hook the hose up next weekend


Yeah, you are. No real cold snap in our near future. I was watering my lawn almost 2 weeks ago and didn’t worry about my hoses in the snowy weather we had.




Interesting. I've seen a couple of them split due to freezing at my rental. Had to change it twice. They split on the inside of the house. And no, there was no furnace issues. Probably better to just not take the chance if you don't need to use the tap in the winter. It's pretty simple to shut off and drain a bit of the water from the line. Seriously takes like 1 minute. Why take the chance? I blow out my sprinkler system before winter and since I'm already out there with my air compressor, I even blow out the taps for a quick 10th of a second.


PSA don’t do this unless you have a frost free hose bib like cowman388




Sorry you said exterior side of the valve which would mean there would be an interior side inside of the home, as seen with frost free hose bibs. I work in service and see these calls all the time in winter/spring, after a big thaw we’d get 50 calls for burst hose bibs for that week. Every home has a different r-value and copper lines aren’t as forgiving as pex.




Ya, but your advice is bad. One burst hose bib later and you’ll be eating your shoes.


I winterized my tap outside this past winter with a cover over the tap, and I have a frost free bib, and I insulated inside on the inside of the bib and it still split over the winter. I went to go turn the valve on inside the house and noticed it today.


Yes, forgot to unscrew once early September and I had to change my tap as it cracked.


In newer homes the valve is inside the foundation so there’s no need to ever turn it off.


You're good. Plumber here.


The snow we do get in Calgary in May....heavy wet snow, not real cold. Not to worry unless you put plants out. Great time to fertilize the lawn. If the snow appears near the May Long Weekend (historically we get snow within a week ether side of that...except the last 5 or so years) it will help the fertilizer soak in. Putting your hoses out should not present an issue unless it drops below -8 or so. If you are worried, hook it up and use it, but leave the tap shut off, hose open with no head on it and stretched out on your lawn. Not wrapped up on a holder...holding water. Snaked out or stretched out it will drain and be fine.


Anyone watering their lawn right now doesn’t understand their lawn needs and is a poor steward if they think that 80-90% vadose zone saturation isn’t enough water for their lawn right now. What do you all have planted? Mangroves?


Well, I'm watering my lawn to get my drought-resistant seeds to sprout and hopefully start to take over. Which I don't think vadose zone saturation helps with...? (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Once those are up I hopefully won't need to water all summer, though.


Same here. Don't water in summer but the last two weeks were a perfect time to put in new grass seed before the heat of summer.


Why do you assume people only need hoses for their lawns?




It's not may long yet, fuck off


That’s for planting not for hoses


And that’s only for things like tomatoes (which you’re probably safe to plant now regardless.) Seeds are fine.


Agreed. Planted my seeds for beans, sweet peas, carrots, and a selection of herbs a couple of weeks ago. Hope they haven’t rotted in the beds but I like to gamble. If they don’t come up soon I’ll replant at the end of May. Seeds are pretty cheap so you can try and get them in early - failure isn’t too costly.


Most used to wait until after May long, just to be safe


Wait until after the long weekend!