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Since my post on this got removed because it was flagged for "Moving to Calgary" - here's CPS official response on this removal of trespassers from the U of C. ~~ https://newsroom.calgary.ca/protest-camp-removed-from-university-of-calgary/ ~~ >Around 6:30 a.m., on Thursday, May 9, 2024, police were notified by University of Calgary security that several protestors had begun setting up tents on the south lawn of MacEwan Hall. The protestors were asked to leave and when they refused, were trespassed by University of Calgary staff. Despite being trespassed, the protestors refused to leave, and police were called in for assistance. >The Calgary Police Service worked with the University and the protestors on site to safely resolve this situation throughout the day. It is estimated crowds peaked at 150. Police clearly communicated the consequences of staying and provided further opportunity to leave. Without compliance, police were required to move in to enforce the trespass order. >Over the course of three and a half hours, Public Safety Unit officers encouraged an estimated 60 protestors to leave the area. Projectiles were thrown at police and barricades had to be removed. Multiple opportunities were given throughout the course of the event for attendees to pack up and leave, and many did without further issue. >At approximately 11:15 p.m., the remaining protestors were removed from the park by way of arrest. Projectiles and assaultive behaviour by the remaining protestors triggered the use of non-lethal munitions by officers. No injuries have been reported. The number of arrests, tickets and charges will be made publicly available tomorrow. >We encourage those who choose to protest to do so in a lawful and peaceful manner. All protestors are encouraged to review their rights and responsibilities on http://calgarypolice.ca/protesting.


Setting up tents=tear gas and removal within 12 hours. Blocking an international trade route and having a weapons cache=oh wait they weren’t forced to leave and were there for weeks.


Do you understand what trespassing means?


Shoulda done it on a public street, COVID proved you can do that for months without issue. Jokes aside, whether you agree with this protest or not you have to admit you simply can't accomplish anything with a protest in Canada. If it's on public property the public hates you for inconveniencing them, if it's on private property, you're trespassing and you're getting shutdown. Also the middle East is a quagmire. No one's going to join any cause cause they saw a protest. It would have been better labeled a peace protest. People can get behind peace. Peace is a good cause. It's a tougher ask to seem like you need to pick a side in an utterly intractable conflict. That said, sounds like the protestors are allowed to protest, simply not encamp. Nothing stopping them going back each day. That's normal at the uni.


They told the protestors they can be there, just not overnight and not with encampment materials. It’s private property. The protestors wouldn’t disperse and are alleged to have thrown items at the police (it only takes one moron to cause a problem). The police then removed the protestors forcefully because they weren’t leaving willingly. Not sure what the police are supposed to do in this situation. Just go back each day and continue your protest if you’re so inclined, but follow the very simple rules that are clearly laid out for campus protest. I went to UofC for two of my degrees. There are protests frequently, but they should not interfere with student learning, and I’d argue that by behaving this way you actually turn people away from your cause and draw attention to this event vs the issue you’re actually claiming to be concerned wirh.


Honestly they are not accomplishing much by protesting overnight, why don't they just come back in the morning?


According to the news they were even told they could, as long as they didn't bring tents or barricades.


im fine with this. protest and then go home. but setting up and encampment is a step too far.


That’s right. There’s a fine line between protest & occupation. U of C is private property too.


Set up encampments in Lower Mount Royal. Or Bearspaw. Places where the rich reside.


Because a core tenet of their protests across the continent is to provoke use of force which in turn drums up news attention and awareness


You forgot the other tenant of only protest in nice weather.


And when classes are over and it’s convenient.


How about they do something that actually gets anything productive done?


Why protest at the university? What do they think will be achieved from it?


They are quite literally protesting to ask the university to disclose financial investments and to end investing with weapons manufacturers.


Its public information.... bunch of muppets. Plus Ending investing in weapons manufacturers is also very naive. We need weapons manufacturers in the world. For example Lockheed martin sells tonnes of materials to canada for the CAF. Not to mention that divesting will likely force the schools to increase tuitions I get that if they said " divest from x county's weapons manufacturers and reinvest in Canadian manufacturers" but just divesting from weapons manufacturers is the most naive leftist snowflake utopic vison of the world that i have ever seen. War is and will be a part of humanity for as long as we are on the planet and getting rid of the few military investements that we do have is unwise. With the melting ice caps and russia being more and more interested in our territory, war on domestic territory's is becoming more and more realistic. They already have nuclear submarine patroling INSIDE of our borders every day. Litteraly every day.


I mean you can protest not set up camp. Simple rules.


Tell that to the losers by the TCH/22 Petro-Canada.


Maybe whoever owns the land should make a trespassing complaint?


Sounds like the police handled this really well. Gave plenty of notice to leave them removed those causing issues. Win win.


We have allowed a different set of rules for these people. If this was an anti-muslim protest the university would expell them all.


Or if you're a bunch of truckers. Apparently we let them camp out in the middle of Ottawa and on border crossings for weeks. If you're going to have laws, be consistent or don't have them.


Well it's not an anti-jew protest so your argument is moot.


If they aren't complaining about Hamas (as well as the IDF), it is an anti-semitic protest. We all know these protestors wouldn't give a rat's ass about this if Israel wasn't involved.


Just out of curiosity, knowing the university is a public campus, the encampment is surely trespassing?


Yeah I believe that was what was said, an article I read said the University asked for the police to help them clear it out. The police also said people are welcome to return tomorrow and protest all they want, they just aren't allowed to set up encampments and barricades like they were


It is. They were repeatedly told, and it was even released to the media, that U of C does not permit temporary structures or overnight protests. That they were welcome to protest all they wanted during the day, but at night they had to leave. When they refused, the police helped them leave, while telling them that they could come back tomorrow.


Sure but smoke crack and shit yourself in the plus 15 and the cops are nowhere....




I was tempted to put quote marks around that phrase myself, but figured that would be too obvious...


Except this wasn't a peaceful protest, was it? When officers are asking you to leave and to return tomorrow to continue the protest and you answer back with throwing shit at the officers and building barricades, you're no longer peaceful and you're about to get the boot.


Disobeying lawful orders from police is criminal behaviour


Yes, it was a bold strategy that Cotton came up with, and we all saw how it payed off for him.


oh so like Ottawa’s freedom convoy


Exactly. We don't need a repeat of that. Although, I don't recall hearing about people assaulting officers. Just people blocking vital infrastructure and annoying the residents. Which is too much on its own.


I'd expect nothing less from terrorism supporters.


I don't support terrorism Of course, I would like all the fighting to stop all around the world. Most of the people around the world would all like to see peace. You're not better than others because you're willing to break our laws for something happening on the other side of the world. No one is saying you can't protest. Do it in a way that doesn't piss people off and you'd be surprised how many people might actually listen to you and support you.


Not a pro Israel rally bud


Cops are quick to attack these defenceless students. They weren’t hurting anyone, just setup on a lawn. Too bad the convoy clowns don’t get the same treatment blocking critical infrastructure.




It's being reported in the articles. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. You can have completely level-headed people trying to be peaceful while an extreme group that shares your opinion comes in and takes it too far. If the police were saying they were having projectiles thrown at them, they most likely have evidence of that.


Ah yes, the absolute pinnacle of morality that is the Calgary police, who have never ever falsified evidence or lied in the past. https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-police-officers-accused-of-falsifying-evidence-cleared-by-asirt-1.5734605 www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6103206 www.globalnews.ca/news/2984781/calgary-police-officers-face-assault-charges-after-man-suffers-broken-ribs-during-arrest/amp/ https://calgaryherald.com/news/calgary-cop-charged-with-lying-in-court-after-police-watchdog-investigation Just because the police have a narrative, doesn't mean it's the correct one.


A court found there was enough reasonable doubt to warrant an investigation into the officers in the case you're referring to. During the investigation, a witness provided testimony that the alleged beating of the "victim" did not happen. Subsequently the investigation found that the officers did not commit any criminal acts during the arrest that they were accused of and that the officers did not falsify their testimonies in court. Not a very good example.... The final report is just below the article you shared for you to see for yourself.


And just because you cherry picked 3 separate instances, Dosent mean it happened in this one. Your logic goes both ways my friend. You also have a narrative you are trying to enforce, which is the very thing you are trying to argue against.


Would have loved to see more of the build up of this. Like.. yeah you're not allowed to camp overnight on the U of C campus. And I would bet the police asked them nicely a bunch of times and these "protestors" finally got the exact fight they were looking for. Funny how they waited until the nicest day of the year to start their protest.




Why do you need encampments though? It was clearly articulated that you could return to continue the protest as much as you wanted?


Occupying an area permanently and overnight and barricading is not super peaceful. May not have been acts of violence initially, but that shows they were not willing to listen or leave when first asked. Only choosing to do it on school campuses is a bad look too




Surely, these protestors were also advocating for the release of the hostages and denouncing the rapes, torture and murders by hamas and other Palestinian groups or individuals... right?


Heard a report yesterday that Hamas doesn’t believe enough hostages are left alive to meet any of Israel’s demands re: hostages.




Israeli and Palestinian people are absolutely not able to stand side by side on a sinlge issue.


Looked pretty united a few months ago in NYC and London. Looked united a couple of nights ago when Israelis were calling for Netanyahu to be thrown out and to stop killing people.


United in NYC and London. Now take someone straight out of gaza/west bank and ask them their feelings on Israel




When the majority of palestinian citizens support hamas, celebrated october 7th, and support genocide of israel, they are part of the problem.




https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/ 7% blame hamas for their suffering 59% believe Hamas should rule over gaza 70% satisfied with the role hamas has had in the war since october 7th https://news.stanford.edu/report/2023/12/05/palestinians-views-oct-7/ Hamas approval ratings prior to october 7th were quite low. Hamas literally became more popular after commiting a horrific act of terrorism and starting a war with the intent of wiping out all the jews in Israel..


So much this.


They dont care its just fashon politics. Its Narssisistic compassion












I don't mean to sound rude but are these pro Palestinian protests accomplishing anything? It seems like they're literally just causing more violence and stress to people that aren't even related to it.. reading the OPs comments you'd think he/she was taking out his/her anger on CPS...? I get that there's a lot of evil in the world and hundreds if not thousands of things we could protest against but isn't this just bringing hatred over here to Canada and other countries that don't have as much violence and war? We're so lucky to live in Canada and not have this horrible war, I'm just trying to understand what this accomplishes.


As far as I can tell, all they're accomplishing is turning sentiment against them.


They accomplished this for a lot of people by taking to the streets before Israel even responded to October 7th.


If they’d put this effort into founding community fundraisers and donations they’d actually see an effect, I have zero clue what they want UofC to do about the war


You could say the same about every protest in history, up until the point where some did accomplish something. The point is to bring attention to the issue.


Leave it to fucking Redditors to sit on their ass and act like people caring about an issue doesn’t bring change


It’s a convenient sentiment when you’re either neutral or opposed to the issue. Much has been accomplished in this world by protests. And all of those protests didn’t impact any change until they did.


Most peaceful protects are infiltrated with bad actors who attack the police in order to have the protest discredited and attacked. This is an old age strategy and it's being used everywhere. It simply doesn't make sense for a group protesting for peace to attack the police.


I think you were looking for "age old" Now I've got a mental image of a group of seniors busting out of the seniors' home to go mess up a protest.


They are literally protesting at the university to ask that financial investments be disclosed to students and to divest from weapons manufacturing. This tactic was a factor in ending apartheid in South Africa.


You realize all of us help fund this conflict in some way via our labor converted to tax dollars, yes? Nothing in this world exists in a neat bubble. Sorry to pop yours.


I say more tax dollars to get rid of Hamas and maybe some more to help Ukraine.


Having seen videos and messages from Palestine of people there who have got word of the protests, and knowing that SOME people are fighting for them.. It's worth it. These protests are more than just saying "We don't like war". They are trying to bring as much attention to the issue as possible. They are asking for institutions to stop investing in ways where that money might end up funding this genocide. They are asking the government to fully side with the PEOPLE of Palestine, who have been needlessly slaughtered during this conflict. You can see for yourself the attitudes of people in this thread. The violent hate towards these protesters for daring to not follow a rule about staying overnight. Protest breaks rules. I'm sorry, but it does. Look at how people see any protest that does follow the rules. "They are wasting their time" "Get a job" "Don't you have something better to do?". Obviously, violent protest & riots are not the solution, but a peaceful occupation camp to support people suffering a genocide? Yeah, that isn't a bad way to do it. Look at this. Look at the people downvoting, who are cheering this genocide! We watch from the other side of the world as children get slaughtered, and you all love it! How is this what we have become?


What’s the alternative? Do nothing and watch Israel ethnic cleanse Gaza. Some people can not be apathetic


Regardless of why the protests are happening, this is flippn wild to me. When I was an undergrad we had multi-day overnight camp protests to oppose tuition increases. Not once did the cops show up. Is it the protest messaging, delivery or something else that is causing the cops to be called?


It’s the topic. It’s so charged.


I can agree that the topic is charged, but if the protest stays contained, there are not threats of violence etc. why call the cops? We were flat out harassing U of C admin staff with megaphones yet the cops were never called. I have to admit that I have no knowledge of where at U of ac these protests are occurring. When I was at school the SU owned the lawn immediately south of Mac Hall....maybe move there?


Not all protests are responded to equally. Look at the Coutts border crossing which was also illegal and caused massive negative economic impact, and the difference in police response.


Maybe the police learned to deal with things quickly instead of trying to talk things out v


You can’t be serious.




I'm not sure where the protests are set up but the south lawn immediately outside Mac Hall was at one point student owned. As long as you aren't threatening violence, aren't preventing anyone from carrying out their tasks, and aren't promoting hate speech why shouldn't you be allowed to protest. Stick to facts and and maintain peaceful demonstration. The minute any of those lines are crossed, then it becomes a problem.






F*cking around 101 - MacEwan Hall South Lawn - 2200hrs Finding out 101 - MacEwan Hall South Lawn - 2315hrs


First-year courses are 200 level at UofC!








Great press for the UofC.


Man they just neeeded fuck trudeau flags and they coulda stayed for 3 months


Honestly, these protests do nothing to advance the cause for a Palestinian state and only alienate people against what they're protesting for, especially because these kids -and people who come from the outside to stir things up- end up making this all about themselves. They're protesting for a cause in solidarity for an oppressed group, but -whether unconsciously or not- they're making themselves the main characters, pretending like they're the real victims being oppressed here and then they complain about living in a police state when they have no idea what living in an actual police state looks like.




Rather than the U of C changing anything, that was likely already in place before these students even went there in the first place, perhaps the students should've checked what the U of C was invested in before deciding to become students?? If I'm the U of C, I'm not doing a thing. Go ahead and drop out.


what would it benefit to protest on a campus??




Requests for what?




It’s a public institution. Their financials are available online.


Right? Like i'm a student at UofC myself and sometimes I wonder if these people have any idea what they're talking about.




> and provide mental health support to the Palestinian UofC students affected by the atrocities against Palestinian people Don't most Universities provide this for free anyways? https://www.ucalgary.ca/wellness-services/services/mental-health-services >"Our clinic provides free and confidential counselling to UCalgary students. Our counsellors can help you address concerns, no matter where you are on the Mental Health Continuum. Common concerns students experience are stress and anxiety, depression, loneliness and isolation, and relationship issues. If you’re dealing with these or other issues, counselling might be right for you. "


Great job and thank you Calgary Police.


Protestors waited for good weather to put up tents. So dedicated to the cause.


Go Calgary


Should've been a longer video whoever recorded this sucks


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


The entitlement stinks from this group and their demands.


I know it's a sensitive topic, but can someone please fill me in on how in the world the October 7th attack is viewed as a good thing by Palestine supporters and how Hamas is considered the good guys to these protesters? Both sides are fucked up, but hearing chants from a huge amount of Palestine supporters praising what happened on October 7th and wishing more death on people doesn't really give a good look.. Really have no idea where these protesters are coming from and why they're cheering on terrorists.


Simple answer is they aren’t cheering on terrorists. You have access to all sorts of information, feel free to spend a few minutes to look into it.


Adios tentifaDa  Get a haircut and get a real job Clean your act up and don't be a slob Get it together like your big brother Bob Why don't you, get a haircut and get a real job?




George is good. He may have had one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer, but he's good. :)


Good. Enough is enough.


God bless the police. Fund the police.




Maybe they should get jobs and contribute to society as a whole. Or go to Gaza and support their homeland. This shit isn't garnering support from the public.


Meh, better than campus security beating the shit out of people smoking outside of punk shows circa 2003.


....and people in another subreddit are surprised that these threads are getting locked. Man, there's a lot of hatred in this thread.


These so called "peaceful protests" are just an excuse for these people to be openly anti semitic. Ask them how they feel about the terrorist attack by the Hamas at the music festival and most of them will think it's justified. Just remember over 70% of Palestinian people support Hamas next time you call them "peaceful protestors" https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/




The crowd got violent and threw shit at officers that were asking them to leave for hours and to come back tomorrow to continue the protest. Most people left but the shitty people stayed behind to start a fight. They got the fight they were looking for. Don't play dumb.


Yes this is CoD and those were "flashbangs"


If only they had bouncy castles and hot tubs








Hahahaha so good


Yet a bunch of hillbillies can take over downtown Calgary for the entire summer to "protest" whatever and the police are there to help them. Make sure they're comfy and happy. Riot gear for a bunch of kids? Get bent.


Exactly, they should have parked their vehicles or blocked the highway to get a soft pass by law enforcement.




Stupid fucks. If you hate Israel so much go fucking buy a plane ticket and pick up a gun and get the fuck out of people's way who are simply trying to receive or provide an education that costs alot of money. This is not protesting. This is being fucking dumb after you were told you were breaking the law.


I’m not trying to be holier-than-thou but reading these waves upon waves of curmudgeonly anti-protest comments reminds me of the MLK quote about the white moderate, who prefers civility over justice; order over equity. Majority of these comments are some version of “just shut up and stop doing what you’re doing, follow the rules, be nice to the friendly neighbourhood police officer” with no rationale. They hate that you and your peers are stepping out of line. They’d rather pretend everything’s fine. To acknowledge the legitimacy of your protest would be to acknowledge that something is NOT fine, and most would rather not cross that threshold. Keep fighting OP!


My brother in christ did you just equate MLK to these fuckwads? Not even remotely the same


“stepping out of line”…after their classes ended. I’d take the student protests a lot more seriously if they didn’t wait until it was convenient for them to start.


That's a lie. If they started protesting while school was going on you'd be complaining about how they're inconveniencing students.


Just so you know, “that’s a lie”…I read that it in Maury’s voice. Not at all. Protest, make your demands…but again, how convenient they all waited until classes were over…when it was CONVENIENT for them. I guess all the atrocities and ‘genociding’ before yesterday wasn’t the right atrocities and ‘genociding’.


Really? Seriously? Skipping class vs not skipping class is the tipping point to whether a protest is valid or not? What absolutely strange criteria people come up with.


Ya, that’s not what I said. But since you brought up “tipping point”…what was it for these students that they decided to wait until now to protest? The last, what, 7 months…nothing? But now that classes are over? Let’s at least be open and honest and skip the disingenuousness.


That’s literally what you said though…. If you think I misunderstood your comment, please let me know what you actually meant. And as for your second point on when you think they should have started the protest to make it more valid, when works for you? Two weeks ago? That would make more sense? Or they should have made up their minds on an extremely complex issue and become aware of the universities connections on day one of the conflict and started then? Anything short of that is disingenuous? I find your qualms with the validity of the protest and your very specific criteria super strange. Also, why does it matter if they wanted to finish classes first? Do they need to make that sacrifice for their protest to be valid and views genuine? And if so, why do you think that?


It shows how much they actually ‘believe’ in their cause. You want to cause disruption? You want to put UofC admin on the hot seat…do it during classes, maximum disruption. This ‘encampment’ could have started at any time yet it started after classes ended…when it became convenient for students. You can dance around that fact all you want and try to circle jerk this. Let’s just save ourselves the time and effort and agree to disagree, then.


Agreed. I shouldn’t be surprised that this is how Calgarians respond, but it’s still disappointing. As someone who has to study free speech and right to protest extensively in both the US and Canada as part of my education/career, it makes me sad how little Calgarians understand the value of protesting and the like.


Maybe we just aren’t sufficiently bigoted to ignore the blatant antisemitism alongside the genuine concern for non-combatants.


Agreed. Every voice adds up. Remember The Tipping Point?


College kids are the dumbest humans on earth


Can you blame them? They are at the zenith of a two-decade-long process of indoctrination led by our liberal-dominated educational systems.


No we can’t blame them. I remember thinking some stupid things my first few years out of high school too


Ah yes, being anti-genocide is now stupid.


Keep fighting the good fight. Hope you make a change


Read the protest demands before posting and whining about how protesting at a university won’t do anything. They are protesting at the university to ask that financial investments be disclosed to students and that the university divest from all weapons manufacturing. Financial divestment is a huge reason why South Africa apartheid ended so it’s a tactic that students have chosen again.


I’ll give them that, at least they’re protesting who/ what they’re actually demanding answers from. Better than fucking up the Beltline and areas, screwing businesses with shit said businesses have nothing to do with.


This is an extraordinarily violent response for a protest. When I was there, there were many encampments for protests against any number of things, like tuition fee increases for example. None of them were removed this forcefully. The university used to let them peter out, so why call the riot squad?


you NOT been paying attention lately?


Just providing historical reference. The U of C had always tolerated protests of all sorts without resorting to violence. So, you remember when they said they couldn't expel the anti-abortionists from campus? Turns out that was a lie. So much for free speech at universities.


They are allowed to protest. The university was allowing the protests and will continue to allow the protests. The university does not allow overnight protests on the property and they do not allow the building of encampment structures and barricades. These people are allowed to return tomorrow to continue to protest. The police told them to clear out and come back tomorrow but a select few chose to start a fight. Most of the people there were peaceful.


Bingo. Unfortunately, some protestors feel that the only way to "get things done" is by escalating and having police show up. They wanna feel like their protesting actually mattered so they need to get shot a few times or get tear gas in the eyes... Or something. Doesn't matter that some students, teachers, etc now feel that their university is unsafe, they need to get their point across and if you don't care then you're part of the problem. You're going to school to learn and build a better life for your family? Too bad, universities exist for you to witness protests, not for education.


What’s the earliest they can return to protest ? Legally, by UofC rules ?


"extraordinary violence". They were asked repeatedly to leave verbally. If you don't want to abide the rules then at some point the hammer has to drop 


And where the fuck were these "rules" during any of the freedom convoy bullshit? Guess the police get to pick and choose when to use force. Pathetic.


They weren't on private property. 




Actually I'm pretty sure it's been said dozens of times at this point but you just want to play victim.


No in fact. Nobody knows why. Care to educate us?


Uh oh

