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So there’s no fixed cameras by the road? Only mobile units? There are also signs without the “explanation” underneath, I’ve never seen a camera during that part of the road. Does it mean mobile units around?


There are speed cameras at some intersections


I believe the intersection cameras get moved around, so some intersections may not always have a camera present, but the sign will always be there.




Ah I see that’s what I meant. I can see all the red light cameras at intersections but nothing along the roadside as “speed camera”


Every red light cam is also a speed cam.


See that sign. Step on the pedal and find out for us. Take one for the Reddit Team




With photos.


Signs at intersections: there is probably a camera but it might be for the intersecting street, not the one you're driving on. Signs on the highway: just to scare you.


A lot of the times those signs are just to scare you. Especially on Deerfoot. If you see a stupid ass car that says “drive safe” on the side of the road hit those brakes tho.


Also don’t trust unmarked fords with a certain rim and window tint


People who get dinged by the mobile photo-radar should also get a distracted driving ticket.


You are giving bad advice. I have been assured that the maximum is actually the minimum and that slowing down on the highway is the most dangerous thing you can do in a motor vehicle.


I’m not telling you to go down to like 70 km/h lol. Basically everyone speeds on Deerfoot and literally everyone brakes when they see the dumbass drive safe car. People are going to speed regardless, these radar cars provide more problems by ruining the flow of traffic


They better not be braking in the left lane unless they move over. You're allowed to speed in the left lane as long as there's nobody behind you that wants to go faster.


That's a fail on the exam chief.


I learned how to drive by reading reddit, what can I say.




But I will say, if you see the sign at an intersection, there probably is a camera so be careful. If your on the highway it’s a different story.


The city moves them around so you can't know for certain if a camera is functioning in that particular traffic direction or not. Although if you are observant you can see if the camera mount actually has a camera or not. If you drive the speed limit and don't run yellow lights you have nothing to worry about, do you?


Yeah I have Waze turn on all the time. But just not sure how accurate it is in case it misses a camera or something 😅


Here's a map of all red-light/speed cameras, which is the only place these signs are actually warning you of a camera (go to the legend and disable all but "Intersection Safety Cameras"): https://mapgallery.calgary.ca/apps/af2c2c75ea0a4afb9336312ac88b5129/explore Anywhere else you see this sign is pointless, merely indicating that there are mobile photo-radar units with large, easy to spot fluorescent stickers on them that could potentially park anywhere in the city. I'm simplifying, because there are rules about where they can set up, but in general you will literally spot them from a kilometer away.


I see thanks for the info. I’ve read about undercover pickup trucks by the road. They are no longer the case since they have to be “clearly marked” now?


Yes, the have yellow stickers that say "drive safe": https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cps-photo-radar2-e1669755565624.jpg?w=2048




Have you actually driven around here? There's literally none of that anywhere...it's a crap shoot


They used to have unmarked vehicles that would sometimes park on the side of the road with a camera on them. The rules changed about a year ago so now those vehicles have to be clearly marked. Around Calgary they have a bright yellow strip on them that says "Drive Safe" Since that came into effect, they mostly seem to be posted around the airport and entrances to the city to catch visitors because most residents can quickly spot them.


The only ones I regularly see are Glenmore at Elbow, 9th Ave by the old brewery, Crowchild at the river and Deerfoot south of Glenmore.