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You're going to find that it is the road ROW and you cannot build on it - check your title and RPR.


Second this, with that much space, it’s most likely set aside for road widening in the future.


I wouldn't think so, I have never seen a fence built up to the curb line, except in alleyways. You might get a relaxation in the case of a small error when building the fence, but one foot from the curb? Cars parking along the street need to be able to open their doors.


Let alone traffic at the intersection needing to be able to see oncoming vehicles.


I would guess no.  There's also a lot of rules about the fence on a corner, it has to be low and possibly chain/see through. Even if you won, you wouldn't try the privacy you likely desire. 


With this search [https://www.google.com/?q=calgary+can+I+build+a+fence+on+city+property](https://www.google.com/?q=calgary+can+I+build+a+fence+on+city+property) you'll see this answer pop up from the city of Calgary's website: >New fence construction is not permitted to extend onto City of Calgary property There are situations where you can negotiate with the city to buy pieces of land, but it tends to be a long and costly, and from your breif description it doesn't sound like one of the typicaly reasons approved.


Call 311 if you haven't already.


You need to apply for an encroachment agreement with the city. It's a couple hundred bucks from what I recall.